Showing posts with label Making Memories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Making Memories. Show all posts

Saturday, December 19, 2015

A Cookie Formula...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

 Sugar and Butter And A Few Cups Of Flour + Love = Cookies

Just A thought from my heart to yours today!

Cookies and gifts galore, or very simple and quaint...
I think many of us have looked at the simple and sweet things
 That makes Christmas special!

Spend time in the kitchen baking and decorating is so very therapeutic;
We need the warmth and the feel of dough in our hands...
Stirring and cracking and measuring and rolling out the dough
Then bring out the cherished cookie cutters. So many shapes 
Stars and Bells And Angels, And Christmas Tree's
 Can bring comfort and a sense of HOME...

This world was created accurately and with form. No element missing.
We have a recipe for cookies that bring a few simple elements together.
That creates a very sweet and simple enjoyment that gives joy.

We can lose sight of what is really important!

Give, and it will be given back;
In smiles and awe, saying this is so good...
Thank you so much for thinking of me!

It is in what we had to everything we do that makes it special!

So many of us together really do change the world;
Maybe for me it is one cookie at a time...

I am what I am by the grace of God!

One cookie One step in His direction daily
Makes a woman very wise!

Okay, it is time to share the name of your favorite cookie that you 
"Bake This Time Of Year"

Thank You ALL for coming to my Home
Living From Glory To Glory...

Friday, December 4, 2015

Christmas Spirit Of A Child...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Christmas Spirit Of A Child...

The wonder and excitement and glee!

Simple is always the better choice!

We do not have to spend a ton of money!

We do not need a ton of Christmas decorations!

Just watching Christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate,
Can bring comfort and warmth...

Exchanging Christmas ornaments is easy and affordable!

You can always give gift cards!
(coffee or burgers)

I am looking for fa la la la la...

I want to awake to the joy and excitement of what
Christmas is really about.

I heard that Christmas is about kindness;
And I thought, wait a minute, I think something has gone astray!
Christmas is about the birth of Jesus our Lord and Saviour...

So my JOY comes from this;
I will still hang a red bulb on the tree
I will still bake cookies for those I love
I will sing
JOY to the world the Lord has come...

Merry Christmas

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Winter Woe's...

After Winter truly sets in we all need to pull out our thermal underwear
Warm socks 
Lined gloves
Boots with warmth, and not just cute!

So you get the picture;
During this last week I thought I might just fill you in on a few 
Happening's around here...

Well, it snowed and has been freezing
I completely lost my voice for three days
I watched every Hallmark movie in a movie marathon.
My brain completely seized up...
As a girl has to use her words, or it is very possible that
She just may explode, I tell you!

Well, after 2 days of that I was determined to get moving and do something!
So, I cut out two Christmas aprons and as a no surprise; I was short on the fabric.
So, one of the aprons would fit an elf!
So if you know any elves that need a new apron, let me know!

Then after a very long day...
My Hubby comes in and tells me last evening
Honey, I need to move the dryer out as it is spewing lint and moisture 
all in the back mud room.
(Living out here you need a mud room)

I tell him I will help, so he gets the dryer pulled out and of course
the dirt under those appliances are always so dirty,
We get it all fixed and we used the all purpose homeowners
Duct tape to complete the job....

So as we are putting the duct tape away...
I watched as a can of PVC glue purple gunk falls off the shelf and splits open.
Now it is all over my hubby's arm and now on my white floor.

Not one of us knew what to do!
We tried bleach, we tried WD 40
We used a paint scraper.
I screamed (whispered) call our son!!
(I had no voice)

He is one of those guys that can make or fix anything;
He said use some GOOF OFF...
Hubby says do have any Goof Off?

Don't ask me, how would I know!

Well any hoot he came over and he had some of that stuff and it did take
most of that bright purple color off my floor.

Okay, if this was all  a test I am pretty sure I did not get such a good grade!

Oh, and did I mention I ordered for the first time an organic
Turkey for our Thanksgiving meal?

Well, it was the most bland and tough turkey I have ever served!
I kid you not I spit it out in my napkin,
Just like when I was a kid and my Mother served us liver!
I really did miss my hormone ladened turkey...

I hope I did not leave out any important facts...
Oh wait, one more I turned another year older!

I do feel this is another holiday to remember!
Laughter is good medicine...

Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, November 2, 2015

Sharing A Memory That Was Just Good Old Fashion Fun...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog


Okay, I realize that we are now in November...

But I just had to share with you a wonderful experience I had this past summer!

I would not say that I have the need or desire to live on the edge.
I am more of the slow and lazy moving kind of gal.

But I guess I do have what I would call a very small list of things,
I have always wanted to do!
(I don't really care for the term called a Bucket List)

But this was something I really wanted to do!

So, My wonderful grown children made it happen;

We took a trip down a river on only inner tubes;
We did not use the canoe approach as this picture shows!
The water was very shallow as long as you stayed in the middle of the river.
And you moved at a steady clip as long as you stayed in the flow.
The water was super warm.

The name of the river had the name that just seemed a bit
The Black River

Wait, this is in the middle of a state known for its alligators...

What was I thinking?

This trip only takes 5 hours!


I did pray that I would not hear any commotion along the river banks;
Such as a very hungry creature looking for a quick snack.

I did happen upon two old boys in a small boat;
And I asked them...
Hey, have you guys seen any alligators??
They merely shook their heads,
And one of them spoke up and said not a one today!
Pray harder

We had a ball and not even one little gator crashed our party!

I have always had this idea that;
I would like to try something new every year!

And this was something I will always remember!

We were a group of nine of us,
And I kid you not I was wearing a sun visor that said

So every time our daughter and her sweet little one got stuck in
The Bayou, I had to swim in way over my head and pull her out and
Back into the middle of the flow,
 But she just would not stay with the pack!

I had to rescue her too many times to count...

I only capsized twice and I laughed till I cried!

I will not be wearing the LIFEGUARD visor again if you know what I mean!

What have you done that will be a wonderful memory to last your lifetime?

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

How I Make My Fall Treat Mix...

My Fall Treat Mix

When fall comes around, I always like to make a special mix of sweet and salty treats.
I enjoy adding a cereal that has a maple flavor to it!

I know this may be not on your food list of things to eat, but it is only once a year!

I have always thought the memories that it comes with it is so worth it!
~I am sure you foodies out there will make a healthier version~

But, it makes me happy and brings a smile to my face...

You can really add anything you want into your own batch;
But sweet and salty is what I aim for in mine.

It really is convenient to make up a batch and store in a pretty glass jar!
I always make up a little bag of it and put it in my car for a snack.
You can add fruit or nuts, really whatever your heart desires.

Why are making memories so powerful to one's heart and sense's?
I have come to a stage in my life where I believe I can answer that very question.

Everything holds a memory;
That is why we must always take heed to make some good ones.
I am thankful that the good ones over power the ones that hinder or harm.

Do you know that even the sound of your voice portrays an emotion?
That is why our tone is so important!
Keep the bitterness out of our words;
As we may just have to eat them...

May our words be salty or sweet!

My Recipe For My Fall Mix

1 bag of pretzels
1 bag of goldfish crackers
1 box of Chocolate Grahams
1 small bag of chocolate M&M's
3 cups of Maple flavor cereal

Please share with me what you like to put into your Fall Mix!
Also see two other ideas for Fall mixes below!

Here Is A Photo Of What I Used...

Here are two other Blog sites showing their versions of a Fall Mix

Please check out these other sites for inspiration;

Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Gift Of A Good Memory...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Why memories are so powerful

We have one of the greatest gifts!
Our memories are a portion of us that has been tucked away into
In the recesses of our minds.

Firstly, I want to address so many of you out there that have had to 
live with a terrible memory, my heart cries out for you.
I do know the sorrow of those memories also.

But, What I want to share is the real love and the power in a good memory!

I was a little girl sitting on my mother's lap while she is visiting with her
Girlfriend and neighbor. Even as a child, I know this was a special time.

I remember the smell of the coffee aroma and the sound of it as it percolates in the kitchen;
Momma pours two cups of coffee into two of these lovely
Rose coffee cups, they are placed upon the little saucer that match.

Each cup is doused with cream and sugar...

~I can still hear the tinkling of the spoon as it mixes the cream and sugar~

My mother is so busy chatting away that she only has one sip of her coffee;
She kisses the top of my head and tells me this
Sweetie, why don't you drink the rest of mommy's coffee...

I do this very thing that she has spoken to me;
And I remember that moment and memory forever!

It was tender and sweet as the sugar made my little mouth happy.
I am sure I was not even five!

What's love got to do with it?

I do hope when I have finished my days here on earth,
That my dear ones will hold a memory of love, that I showed to them!

God gives us strength and grace to create sweet memories.
May we learn to ask for more of them in our prayers.
Being a mother of influence does not have to consist of huge or big things!

This one gesture has been tucked in my heart for years...

God Bless each of you amazing women of God,
Stand your post, guard your loved ones.
Never turn back...
Run to win the prize.
Be sure to leave a memory to someone that will always bring a smile to their face and
Warm their hearts and keep them tender for what really matters in this life!

Find as many little opportunities to create a good memory...
Trust me it has a huge impact for little or big people;

When we see in this world that so many have lost their memories;
So much is truly lost for all of us!

I have heard that when the elderly have shown signs of dementia,
Many can not remember  many things. But can recall facts and memories
from their childhood. I think this is so amazing,
Many can remember scripture and songs.

Think of a memory that brings a gentle tug of happiness to your hearts today

Monday, June 15, 2015

My Sister And Dear Friend...


Do you ever just want to go back to just being a kid again...

I thought I hated it when my sister would tell me what to do,
But after many years of having to do everything myself,
I kind of miss having someone telling how to do something,
And when to do it   LOL

Are you the big sister or the little sister?
Or in my case I am the middle sister...

I have this sister that is the most positive person I know;
She is also very funny and always makes me laugh...

She also can be a bit bossy in the best way;
But deep down inside I always love her ideas and perceptions,
About life and family and matters of the heart...

I have enjoyed reading so many blogs that are about;
Finding joy
Baking lemon cakes and cookies
Being Content in your life
Organizing our Homes
Enjoying Summer
Even Book Reviews

Once again, I can see we all are wanting to find JOY
In the days we are living in...
They are all treasures!

Please take the time to tell those you love;
How much you appreciate them!!

My son has a little saying when things get tough;
"Can't we all just get along"

~Well, now that depends on do you want to be right or keep the peace~

I am laughing at the fact, after years of blogging, I still have not
Reached 200 followers...
Maybe that gadget just might need to disappear LOL
I really do not care about the number that are following;
It is just a sign of how we just feel stuck at times.

But we are learning to endure when even simple things seem tough!
I think I will sit and read this afternoon...
Read and maybe crochet a granny square.

The Word tells us not to be conformed to this world;
But rather to be transformed by the renewing of our minds!

Enjoy and take pleasure!
Everyday is a gift!
Dwell in the Possibilities!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Is The Dandelion An Obnoxious Weed Or A flower...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Is the Dandelion an obnoxious weed?
Is it a flower preferred by Mothers everywhere!

 Mothers all over this country have likely experienced, the joy
Of a bouquet of yellow button dandelions.

These flowers are usually delivered in a the clutches of a little hand!
Those little hands are a bit sticky and covered in dirt.
The aroma of these little yellow buttons smells a bit pungent.
But the smile that spreads across these little faces, as they deliver them!

~I have always chosen to think of these little flowers as a ray of sunshine~

To see a lawn that carries no dandelions, may be a big achievement
For a master gardener in his profession!
No obnoxious weeds growing in their lush grass!

But as we all know beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

I have loved every dandelion that has ever been presented to me;
And all the memories and love that were presented in the gift and the giver!

Mary Mary how does your garden grow?

What are you cultivating, what seeds are you tenderly planting?
I will tell you this;
Whatever you plant this season, you will harvest!

Now is the time to break up the fallow ground;

I have heard so many statements from people that have said things like;
I wish I had raised my children differently
I wish I had never gotten divorced
I wish I had more children
I wish I had been kinder to my family
I wish I had loved them more deeply
I wish I had more faith...

Accept the love offerings and the olive leaf;

One day I believe the Lord will ask us this
"How well did you love one another"

I choose to think of dandelions as a lovely flower;
Not an obnoxious weed...

Tell me how much these yellow buttons have meant to you!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Why A Vintage Camera And Old Photos Help Our Memories...

Memories From Photos, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Why Taking Photos Can Help Your Memory!
A Photo can tell a story...

I had one of these cameras with a strap, she was a Brownie Junior

It is a very special treat to take out an old shoe box filled with photos and
Have your mind just overflowing with memories!
~This is a real good idea to do as a family or with your grandchildren~

We have all heard the saying every picture tells a story...

Our minds can be stimulated by just reminiscing of the past.
We can use old photos to help our memories...
There is real life and a legacy in those photos.

We have such a drawing to old photos;
The black and white ones just speak of times that said look at me!
 Without all the bells and whistles to cause a distraction of what we were really seeing.
The black and white photos just show us of an era long gone.

We can see our lives take shape from seeing our baby pictures;
How we have grown and who we were with;
Our parents and grandparents and our siblings!
Even seeing our family pets and furniture brings back a flood of memories!

Birthdays and Holidays
Events that were part of our timeline of days and years...

When we can see photos of our childhood or vacations;
Can stimulate our minds to think and process;
There may be even memories we need to overcome any pain or sorrow attached to it.
 We can take these to the Lord and ask for forgiveness for ourselves or
To forgive someone else...
Sometimes we can have some bad memories and that is all we might have;
But when we see old photos of those times that might give a glimpse that all was well,
I have looked at the faces and have said they were so young and they look so happy!

We now live in such a digital world;
We take a lot of pictures,
 But we fail to actually have them printed out anymore.

(But of course, if you are a scrapper)
You have books filled with photos from every event;
Past, present and future.

What are some of the feelings you have when looking at the old photos of yesteryear?
Are you getting those photos you're taking printed out?
Well, I encourage you to do that...

Smile your on Candid Camera!

Monday, March 16, 2015

How Much Does A Vacation Really Cost...

Glenwood Springs, Co  Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Medicinal Waters

I was told something many years ago from a lady that really stuck with me!

She said that you needed to take a vacation every year
And I responded with we can't afford that!
She looks me in the eye, and she said this;
"I can promise you this even after taking a vacation you will still have
the same amount of money at the end of the year"

It made no sense to me then...

Well, after many years of trying to heed her advice;
It has proven true and powerful.

Life has a way of becoming mechanical and routine;
Not always a bad thing;
But I think we are created in such a way we need to be inspired.

Finding ways to vacation close to home is great,
But planning a trip away from home and your familiar sights,
Can refresh and stimulate our hearts and our thinking.

Always keep in mind ways to keep your vacations, cost effective
We always pack snacks and take our own bottled waters,
(When we travel by car)
 We have also found that when we travel we look for
Very nice grocery stores that carry salads and soups, as they make nice choices for lunch
And Fresh fruit and drinks without
The restaurant cost and tip required.
And if you travel with a camper or 5th wheel, you can save a lot in food cost and sleeping!

My Hubby just had the privilege to go hear a Mountain Man speak;
One of the topics was spending time in God's amazing creation!

I believe it is God's idea for us to explore and enjoy
"His creations"

Need A Vacation, Living from Glory to Glory Blog

We need things that will jump start our wonder and love
Of others and a heart of thankfulness...

A walk in a park to a camping trip, to a wild adventure;
It is not how far or how much it cost, but rather the investment,
Of time and memories that are made!

So a vacation and planned times away really do not cost you much!
But rather allows you to invest in love, romance, feelings, inspiration
Ideas to create and have a healthy heart...

So enjoy and plan a getaway for yourselves!

Where is it that you like to go?
Or what do you like to do to be refreshed and blessed?

Friday, January 16, 2015

When Is A Living Room Really Living...


Living from Glory to glory Blog

A Living Room

Looks clean and tidy and quiet...

See our Lazy Girl and Boy Chairs?

Nothing to do but rest and read a book at my leisure!
Well, at least most the time...

A Living Room is really only living when people are living in it!!
(Silly Goose)

This Christmas we were blessed to have all our grandchildren with us for the holidays!

And WOW did we have busy...
We had a monopoly game going on at a card table!
See the winner is the one smiling ;o)

We had the re- arranging of the mouse house and all the furniture!

We had Lincoln log cabins being built. And babies in the tub!

We had gun fights!
We had swords wielding...

We had Lego imagination!

They went on sled rides...

Cousins galore...

Connecting hearts...

Cousins to play with!!

Boys just enjoying a good Lego Movie...

My Sweet Treasures...

Relaxing with the new cousin...
She's a newbie to the family get together!
Not sure if she was ever not being held for eight days!

Our Son And Daughter;
God's Greatest Blessings
Our Children arise and call us blessed...
Thank you for our inheritance of our Grandchildren!

The Living Room is clean and tidy...
~But way to quiet and clean~

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Million Dollar Fudge...

Million Dollar Fudge Recipe

My Dear Mother use to make this Fudge Recipe every Christmas!
This recipe has been around for years and so it is tried and true;
Sweet and smooth
 Creamy and tasty

I feel that if you mix the first 4 ingredients in the saucepan and warm it slightly
 Till butter melts, shut off the stove and let it sit for a little while,
Stirring it often it allows the sugar to dissolve a little.
(My little secret so the fudge is creamy and not grainy)!!

 Million Dollar Fudge

Put In Saucepan;

4 1/2 cups sugar

1/4 tsp. of salt

2 tablespoons butter

1- 12 ounce can evaporated milk

Put in a bowl;

1 bag- 12 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chip morsels

2- 7ounce size Hershey Chocolate Bars (Giant Bar)

1 pint marshmallow cream (7oz size)

Add a few Walnuts if you like nuts or any kind is good. 1/2 cup or so..

In the large bowl Put chocolate chips and both chocolate bars broken into chunks
 Add the marshmallow cream and walnuts in a big bowl. (Set Aside)

Boil the sugar, salt, butter, evaporated milk together for six minutes.
Use your timer!

Pour the boiling syrup over the ingredients. Beat until chocolate is all melted, then pour
Into a lightly greased 9x13 pan. Let stand a few hours before cutting.

Remember, it is better the second day. Store in tin box. And use wax paper on top and pop 
into your freezer.
 I leave a small tin in the refrigerator and the other one I freeze for New Years!

So far I have made two Pumpkins pies and one apple pie this morning!
The Pumpkin pies are for my Hubby, the apple is for me ;o)
I Have all the ingredients for my Fudge,
I enjoy making this because of all the sweet memories as a child!
A Million Memories I am sharing today with you all my sweet blogging friends...
This Fudge would just melt in your mouth! m-m-m good!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Remember, you can make all your Christmas cookies and freeze them!
Just use wax paper in between the layers,
 And you should check out the Dollar Tree Store as it has the cutest Christmas Tin cans
 to store your cookies and fudge in!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

What Your Husband Really Wants For Christmas...


Growing in Grace...

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

"What your Husband really wants for Christmas"

For you to stay within your budget $$

Showing him Respect and Responding...

Having an attitude of Joy!

Adorning yourself with kindness = Gentle, quiet spirit

Giving him love and attention ;o)

A Clean and Tidy HOME

Clean Sheets and a Comfy Bedroom

For you to smell sweet!

*For you to look elegant and composed*

~Making meals that keep his tummy full~

Do what you say you are going to do...

Give him some peace and quiet every day when possible!

Tell him something that is lovely to hear...

He wants you to not act like a crazy person running
around trying to have a perfect Christmas!
He just wants peace and comfort and joy;
With his true love...

~Make this a holiday to remember~

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Being Cherished...


Today is the day the Lord has made...
I am honored to have the blessings that come with being
A woman, a wife and a Mother
But being a Mother-in-law has far exceeded my
wildest hopes or dreams for another daughter through;
Marriage commitment and Love.

Here is the post my dear Amy wrote in honor of my Birthday;

I have received honors today from those I love!
Thank You Amy...

This is what receiving your rewards in this life means to me!

I think investing in those God has given us is the best investment
one could ever hope to accomplish in this life.

I am reaping the benefits of staying the course;
My Children have arisen and called me blessed...

We are called to give honor to those God has put into our lives.
Sometimes we have very hard relationships in this world;
But where we can make a difference, then put forth the effort!

Flowers and chocolates are wonderful,
Cards, and words of love and encouragement!

Make the effort to show honor;
God says to us this powerful word;
Those that refresh others will themselves be refreshed!

I laughed this morning because when I turned on my computer
even Google knew it was my Birthday!

Source; From Google (To Me)

I am counting my Blessings!

Have a wonderful Day!

I appreciate each and every one of you ladies who take the time,
To visit me and to encourage me!
May we count our blessings together!

Learning to cherish someone is what God has called each of us to do!
Cherish someone today...

Friday, November 21, 2014

Cooking Up Memories...

Please enjoy this Thanksgiving Season...

It could be the last one that you get to spend with those you love!

It could be the last one to be able to gather to count your blessings!

We are not promised tomorrow dear ones;
But we have this day...
Make it a good one!

Setting the table this year may be one less for some.
We can become sad when we reflect on those who have passed on.

I miss my Mother during the holidays
So what I am saying today is this;
You have been given another day and maybe a season
~To love and to cherish~

Keep telling yourself it is up to me the Lady of this house,
To try to instill the blessings!

What are the blessings?
Honoring someone...
Serving with grace...
Speaking kind words...
Gentle actions...

The whole world feels the weight;
But really nothing is happening new under the sun.

So pull ourselves together and get the turkey and the stuffing!
Let's Roll (get it roll)
Make some tangy and tart (Cranberry Sauce)
Taters mashed and gravy in the gravy bowl...
Sweet Potato's
Jello in all kinds of colors, with hidden objects inside :o)

Oh my, don't forget the pie!

You're not just cooking dinner for family and guest;
You are giving of yourself to impart memories that stay
For all the days of your life!

Who might not be sitting with you at your next meal?
Holidays or every evening meal,
We sometimes need to think of this thought to teach us
"To Count Our Blessings"

My heart goes out to all those who have lost a loved one his past year.

Is there a special memory you have from a Thanksgiving you
remember that makes you smile?

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Loveliness In The Day to Day...

John Waterhouse

The Shrine

Loveliness is only seen by those who will stop to see!

It is all around us...

We are all so busy or tired that life is just passing so many people by.
"They have not learned the fine art of;
Stopping to smell the Roses!"

I do not want to just meander through my days;
As having a purpose and a plan are very important!

When we have those days of waking up with so much to do!
And you always have that mental list of
"Things I want to do"

We must pick and choose the list that has the MUST DO LIST,
But alas to take the time to find pleasure in this day!

We are all about to enter the busy holiday zone!

Can I send out a challenge to you amazing women;
To take pleasure in your decorating;
To take joy in planning some special dinners!
Make a pot of steamy soup on a very cool evening!

Try to take a brisk walk everyday!
Eat your veggies and salads!

Read a classic book before going off to bed!
Start your Christmas cards very early!
Buy a gift for someone each time you run to town:
Make something special for your girlfriends!

Let us not run like the world this coming season!
May we enjoy the early evenings!
Encourage those who struggle in their marriages.
Offer to help someone bake early Christmas cookies and freeze them!

Let's not wait to the last minute!

The true spirit is the Holy Spirit...
Let us stop to hear His direction for how we can be a blessing to others!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Love Letters...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Seasons will come and go as we are all very aware of this!
But sometimes we just need to hang on to those words or memories.

Can you just close your eyes and see those sweet faces or places;
Of the past of days or years.

People and places and even a song;
can trigger a memory that can still captivate your heart!

We need new eyes each day to explore the gifts just waiting for us!
Yet having a treasure kept in the back of a drawer;
Or a pressed leaf or flower in the pages of your Bible!

May we not become blind and deaf in those sights and sounds,
Of our children giggling and playing.
Or your Husband sitting in his chair saying the evening grace.
These are powerful gifts God has given us!

These glimpses of the days that have come and gone;
They are treasures for us to pull out and to ponder.
As Mary did with Jesus.

But, I feel an excitement to hear and see with a new enthusiasm!
Do not become bored with your life and those in your family!
Live like today is the most precious day of them all!

Wake up!
Can you just hear with ears attuned to the song that God is
Singing over you...
Why does God say so many times a warning of these words?
"Those that have ears to hear"

I will not be one of those who will not hear the whole council,
Of God's Word of truth!

Stop cheating yourself and see that we are all being lulled to sleep!

Stop taking scripture out of context!
 Yes, God can give you a special promise for a crisis!
(Believe me He is God)
But let's not make a new doctrine from one scripture...

God is a God of providence;
Not chance...

When I look back and see the hand of God in my life;
And how He is orchestrating things!

This is why God always reminded us on how He did what he did for Israel!
Our Hope is in His return.
Find the promises that are for the believers today!
He gave us such an amazing truth!
They are His love letters to us!
Stop reading between the lines;

(That is where the church gets itself in trouble)

Love Letters
Read His today...

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