Showing posts with label Parable of the Ten Virgins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parable of the Ten Virgins. Show all posts

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Friends Forever

Times Of Refreshment
A woman must have friends,
good friends.
Those chosen by God, just for her!
Those friends my dear ones; are a precious gifts!
We must treasure those who have come alongside of us,
in this journey called life.
Never take those little chats, or long conversations for granted.
For these are His little treats just for you.
Be thankful for those dear sisters that encourage you when,
your heart is heavy and your feet feel like lead.
When their words were aptly spoken,
in His love and Wisdom.
A friend who stood by your side as the river roared,
or when it was so hot and dry 
 that only a wee trickle flowed.
A fair weather friend who can find?
Alas my dear ones they can't be found they must be given
from the only true giver of life.
(May we invest in those God has given us.)
Invite a dear one to tea,
 for we have much work to do, before the night has come.
Encourage our dear friends in the Lord,
to love their husbands,
and to love their children.
Come, my friend and join me for a cup of tea.
Blessings, Roxy

Friday, January 11, 2013

House Keeper Or Homemaker

Home Maker


House Keeper

We have come a long way!

But we still have the beginning call upon our lives!

Times have changed, but the design and purpose has not.

We as women have the ability to make the
choice to be:


They seem to be doing the same things as job descriptions.
But with a much different heart and approach.

A housekeeper may do all the home duties;
but it is done with a different motive.
A house keeper is working for a monetary wage.
But a homemaker is doing hers with a different heart,
and motive.

I believe I have been in a house that I could tell
that it was running via a housekeeper.
And yet ,most homes I have been to are being managed
by a homemaker.

The difference:

Housekeepers: Very clean and smells like polish and wax.
Very few people in the rooms.
Very quiet.

Homemakers: Very comfy and cozy
Very busy with people coming and going.
Very much filled with talking and laughter.

Both are receiving their wages!
One monetary,
the other eternal and more profitable.

Blessings, Roxy

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Bible Reading Plan

Bible Reading
We are on the thresh hold of another new year.
It is a new beginning of so many things.
It is a great time to re-examine  your daily Bible reading
Schedule. Or maybe to use a new Bible all together.
I have just started a new Bible study myself, it will help me
to get focused. I need to get back on track, after the busy
holidays. My morning time with the Lord needs to be
Refreshed and organized,
Here is a list of a few ideas:
  1. Clean off the area you will be using (desk, table etc.)
  2. Get a new journal for notes and prayer request.
  3. Have your concordance and a dictionary handy.
  4. Have a good pen and a highlighter.
  5. Choose a couple of good devotionals to read.
  6. Get yourself a copy of a Bible reading chart.
  7.  Use a Bible you can write and highlight in.
Make a place ready to meet with Him.
May you cherish your quiet time,
and it becomes a treasure to you.
Be a wise woman and seek Him daily!

Here is a web site to print out a Bible reading plan
For this New Year 
Bible Reading Plans

Go to Discipleship Journal
There are 4 different plans to choose from.
Print and enjoy!

Blessings, Roxy

Monday, October 1, 2012

Unique Days

Live this Day Abundantly
All of our days kinda line up just like this row,
of pumpkins.
They all look alike, but they are all very different.
Look more closely!
May you see all there is to see.
From the rising of the sun, to it's setting in the west.
May the light of Gods word, be illuminated
for you.
Make sure you have enough oil in your lamps,
for today's journey.
May you go about doing,all there is to do.
And in this doing may it all be for
God's glory.
So as the sun sets in the west you will hear,
Well done good and faithful servant.
The wise virgin took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
Matthew 25:4
Blessings, Roxy

Friday, July 29, 2011

Filled and Over Flowing And Being Prepared...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Storms In The Heavens

We must work and prepare while it is yet day.
The Lord has been prompting me to do some things, to prepare for troubling times.
It seems like a wise woman would see that the days ahead could be difficult ones.
It is a season to prepare and put-up and put back!

Be smart and savvy and look for bargain's.
Stock up on the things that will go a long way!
Beans and rice...
Flour and sugar...
Oil and salt and baking powder and baking soda
Noodles and baking mix for pancakes

~All in large quantities~
Tuna and canned foods with long shelf life.

Date all foods and rotate them as needed, but replace promptly.
Fear not, but let us not be caught without.

A cold drink of water given in Jesus name, or a meal served to someone who may be found hungry
 It is our responsibility to take care of the orphans and the widows.
More to come on this subject as the Lord leads me!


Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blurred Vision...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Artist Chase, William Merritt

Seeing Clearly...

Are you taking your cue from the status of worldly thinking?
We need a higher perspective; It is all not as it appears to be!
We can stretch a little further and seek the truth about any given
situation that we see going on in our world.
Let's face it;
This World Is a needy Place

Do not go there for sustenance.
Everything in this world is going faster and faster,
Some days it feels like it could spin out of control.
People walk around looking for the meaning of life.
Days are passing in a blur for most.
And we as children of God, do not have to see things as blurred.
God sheds His light on all things, so we can see the truth clearly!

Stop in the name of love!
His Love
If you could just really stop and take a moment to speak words of love and encouragement.
 Enjoy the little things in life!
Now is the time...

Live every day on purpose!

Yours, Roxy

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Secret Place...

I find myself looking out on the horizon and wondering what will this new season bring?
Like a boy who climbs a tree, I look up to ask the Lord what do you have for me?
I love and long for His sweet presence, taking the time to just watch as the world hurries by.
Wait, I say wait, for I am not in a hurry. I want the tithe of your day. Come and sit with Me for awhile.
Will you respond with yes Lord, I want to be with you and stay in this secret place with just
It is a funny mixed feeling as the days are shorter and the nights turn cool. A time to make a cozy yummy dinner and read and just relax. I trust many of you are making the Fall adjustments also. Let me just encourage you to press into His Love and His Word.

He hides us in the cleft of the rock...
Keep looking upon the horizon...
Keep asking the Lord, What do you have for me...
Wait in His Presence...

Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, July 5, 2010

Roses and Faith...

                                                           The sweetness of the Lord

                           A rose is a rose, but yet they have many names and colors and sizes.
               I always love the name The Rose Of Sharon which is not even really a rose at all.

The steps of a good man or a woman are ordered of the Lord!

 Every step we take is really a step of faith. How can anyone walk in faith?
 Because our God is a good God!! He is always going before us.
 We are not blazing the trail of our own lives,
 But rather walking in faith as our steps are ordered by Him.
 I love how the Word cries out, Deep calls to Deep.
 Now don't get me wrong any body can walk off  a cliff, and it would be a long way down.
 But, rather take a sure step on solid ground, even if it's covered by water (FAITH).

"To you it has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God"
 Mark 4:11

Blessings, Roxy

Monday, May 10, 2010

His Love Is Calling Us

I want to share with you a very sweet word and sound I have heard in my prayer time.

Remember the portion of scripture where it happened as Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary,
 that the baby leaped in her womb? 
And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
 There is a calling taking place the turtledove echoing, cooing and wooing to us
 It is the Bridegroom calling His Bride. It is the call of love!

Those that truly love Him will hear! So do not fear you will not miss it...
For your heart shall hear like Elizabeth when she was greeted by Mary and her spirit leaped for joy.

I tell you My nearness is being given in a greater revelation before My second coming.

Those that have ears will respond quickly to My turtle dove cooing. Stop and listen.
I believe this is a word to help us out, as to learn to hear Him even in the midst of the clamor of the world's noise and commotion we live in. 

Can you hear the cooing?

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Friday, April 23, 2010

Dine With Me...

I will come into him and dine with him, and he with Me.
Revelation 3:20

I have heard the voice of the Lord. And Yes, I did open the door. 
  He came into my heart. !
I am so full of joy to be able to sit with Him and eat of His banquet table and eat of His goodness.
  I find myself on some days overflowing with His word and feeling full of satisfaction. 
Then very soon once again, I realize I need to sit with Him and dine with Him once again. 
This word dine is referring to fellowship, taking your time sitting in rest and leisure.
  Not a drive through meal deal.
Dear Saints, let us not hurry in our time of fellowship with Him.
  Take time to really taste and see that the Lord is good.

Blessings, Roxy

Monday, October 12, 2009

Kingdom Keys, Using His Authority...

Feeling Like Someone Is Up To No Good!
It  does not matter what our size is big or small, 
we have been given a position and authority
to not feel like we are bait for the enemy.

We have been given keys to help in times of being in danger or over powered. 
There are times I ask myself what is the key to unlock this door of problems.
 He is willing to help us!
We just forget to ask Him.
Yet, here is what we will do when we lose something;

 How many times have you lost your keys, and then asked the Lord,
 please show me where I left my keys? 
And then you look in the same place that you looked before and there they are!

The Lord wants us to ask Him about even the little things!

Instead of always thinking the enemy is harassing me:
I now say, Lord help me!
 and look at these little trials as building endurance and patience.

A key is something that allows us entrance into somewhere;
So use the truths in God's word to help you get through those
little annoyance that makes us so frustrated.

Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hearing God's Voice...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Hello Lovelies,

I want to start with the fact God is not finished with me yet! It has been a month of getting things in order and WORK. Painting our home outside, it looks so nice.
We chose Pony Tail as the color and a real nice hunter green for the trim. With all our red accent pieces of furniture it looks real country and has a sense of coziness. The guys have made one trip down to the river bottom to cut firewood. I started teaching a women's Bible study on Tuesday. We have a women's conference this week-end.

I have spent much time just praying and asking of the Lord and waiting on Him. Here are some special words, words that I thought of, but I would love to share them with my sisters in Christ. I am yours, you are mine
My beautiful bride of Christ
Flow as you wear my robe of righteousness
Laughter makes you lovely
Let My gems adorn you, His Word
I asked the Lord the other day, Lord what time is it? I continued my reading and just being in His presence, I asked again Lord what time is it? Pray and rest in the quiet.
Once again, I ask the Lord what time is it? He said (Be Ready)

Dress yourself with what He provides, His Glory looks rather lovely upon His Bride. My life is not just what I see and do, but rather what I hear my Father speaking in His Word. It is not just where I go, but rather where the Holy Spirit leads me. I have sensed a flow and its becoming easier to just step into it. But also the battle has intensified!
Gird up girls and prepare yourselves, for He has trained us for such a time as this. We will be overcomers, but we must be steadfast and resist the enemy!

I believe it is now time to learn to hear God's voice as we read the Word Obey His Words. He has said my sheep hear My voice!

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Battle Cry, What Does It Sound Like...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

We must redeem the time for the days are evil. Oh Lord, hear our battle cry, for you have won the battle for us. But we must maintain our land, the borders He has placed us in. A sweet and pleasant place (OUR HOMES). Scripture tells us how to redeem the time. Be careful then how you live- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity!! Ephesians5:15-16

What does the battle cry sound like? It is the sound of your own voice saying what God's word says about you and who you are in the battle. A royal daughter of the most high King.

Time, it can slip away and at the day's end you may ask where did it go?
  I say no more, for my days are numbered and in His hand. I have made a decision to take back what the enemy has stolen. 
"My time" First of all give the Lord the tithe of your day and He will expand the rest of it.
  Be wise in what choices you make on how to spend your hours, and the moments even the seconds.

The Lord has shown me to live in the moment at the time I am in the "NOW."
  Don't stress over tomorrow or what I want to do next. Rather, take pleasure in each moment take captive of your senses see what the Lord has given you. 
We miss so much by not seeing with our spiritual eyes, there is also so much beauty that our natural eyes can even behold, if we will only take the moments we are given.
  Tell the little ones around you how much you love them and then really watch in awesome wonder what the Lord has done. Then take stock of all the gifts of people God has placed in your lives.

Your TIME will multiply when YOU become content!! 
With Godly contentment is great gain!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Keep Watch For He Is Coming Quickly...

Coming In The Clouds. Living From glory To Glory Blog...

"Some things cannot be done in a day"
"Some glorious morn-but when? Ah, who shall say?
The steep mountain shall become a plain,
And the parched land be satisfied with rain.
The gate of brass all broken; iron bars,
Transfigured, form a ladder to the stars.
Rough places plain, and crooked ways all straight,
For he who with a patient heart can wait.
These things shall be on God's appointed day:
It may be tomorrow-yet it may."
I can see with my natural eyes, but my spiritual eyes see the way more clearly
. The days and months don't stop.
 His time is not ours, but he told us we would be able to recognize the times.
 He told us to occupy till he comes
 Keep watch, for we are seeing the greatest and glorious days yet to come.
 I cry out Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

And, behold, I am coming Quickly
Revelation 22:12


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Angels Are Listening...

The Winds Are beginning to Blow Living From Glory To Glory Blog
The winds are beginning to blow all across this land.
 Are you a people who hunger for the hand of God, to show Himself strong?
 He is just about to pour onto this dry and thirsty land. Hold out your hand and be ready to be filled. Be a person of expectancy!!
 He looks for those who will say here Lord use me.

Now keeping your eyes on the Lord, being faithful is great attributes, and He longs to find a woman after His own heart.
 The old saying " aim at nothing and you'll hit it every time"
So take aim what is a goal that you can reach for, that will have eternal benefits?

Learning to watch your words is possibly the biggest and most powerful weapon and tool that a woman can use.
 Ask yourself after you get off the phone or speaking to your husband, or your child, did I just bless that person with my words or did I curse them?
The word of God says we are either blessed with our words or we curse others. I made a decision a long time ago to use my words wisely. Also, I read the Word aloud for scripture says faith comes by hearing the word. I realize that even the angels listen to hear what we say and they only respond to what we say concerning the word.
 Read Psalms 103:20

You want your words to line up with scripture.
Your words Must Please The Lord

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