Showing posts with label Pearls Of Truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pearls Of Truth. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

You Must Focus On What Is Important...

What Are Your Treasures, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

You must focus...

If you spend all your time and energy on things and people;
That will never bring true longevity!

When you our kinder to strangers or people you have just met;
then your own family or spouse!

When you give your best to those that truly do not give a hoot about you!

Some days you may have a ton of energy, others days not so much!
Why we must focus on what is eternal, and within your own household!

Where you lay up your treasures is very important!

Blogging is important to me;
But making sure my hubby has a good meal and a clean home,
Is way above on the priority list!

When we are challenged in any realm; we must focus on the
portion that is from Gods way of perception.

If you run all over town to even get the best deal on an item'
You just may be wasting valuable time.

Everything has a action and will cause a reaction!
I get it, it's not real profound, but we all need reminders.

If you find  yourself just running in circles in any given day;
Stop, and refocus and do the next thing with intent.

Can you just feel time slipping away?
Well. stop and smell the roses, because they even have a small
window to grow and bloom and to fill the air with their fragrance.

When I started this Blog it was never my goal to be famous;
Or to be on my computer all day long!
But to have a place to encourage those that want
"what is best for their marriages and home life"
If I use my gift to encourage others,
But not my own family, that is a problem.

What I am doing on the home front!
I have found that I love to paint with watercolor!

My Painting Of Watercolor Painting, Living From Glory to Glory Blog

Wildflower watercolor, Living From Glory To glory Blog...

I love to read on a hot afternoon!
Or Paint...

I find it much wiser to grow my tomatoes in a pot!

Well as usual, I am finding the higher ground!
Livng from Glory to Glory...

Hope you are having and making a good life!

Hugs, Roxy

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Do You Allow Your Struggles To Define You...

Living Life, Living from glory To Glory Blog...

~What Defines You~

I have seen so many people who have gone through a struggle;
And they are having such a hard time with it,
And they have become the struggle...

What happens is everything is on the timeline of the struggle.
Trust me, I know this to be true in my own life;
And I have seen it consume the life of many.

Look the struggle does not ever go away;
Even if you get through this struggle, another one is on its way!
I have always loved the scripture that Joy comes in the morning!

Because if you will take each day in the struggle and purpose,
In your heart to live life even if you're dying or very sick.

Look mortality rate in at about 100%

But, I figure if I am going to live my days out;
I have purposed in my heart to pray to not allow anything
That is bad to define me.

I have learned the hard way to not burden everyone else with my woes!
I share with only a few people that we have the love and privilege
To help one another, but even then after a while it will become a weariness!

Each day is a new day with the chance to have a new beginning!
As humans we get a picture of what we hear and read in our heads.
I do not want to be known for my woes and sickness or troubles!

So even in my stage of life I want to be a joy to be around;
Not my woes and pain or struggles!

We all have them and as a Christian it has seemed to be a battle going on!
But if there was no battle we would not have any victories!!

Please pray about this word of wisdom;
I wrote it to encourage you!!

Do Not Allow The Battle To Define YOU...
Do Not Allow Fear To Define YOU


As Always...
Hugs and a Blessing to each of you that may read this letter!

Living From Glory To Glory

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Pearls Of Truth...

Pearls Of Truth, Wisdom Of Truth, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

~ Wisdom ~

Truth can be elusive in the life of most of us if we are not diligent.
It is not about just having facts or the right figures;

Many things that some might deem important,
 May one day be considered wood, hay and stubble.
What is of value, is something that endures through all the trials
and afflictions and those petty things that chap your hide.

Why should we worry about being led astray?

I find this very thought, upsetting because I believe;
So many are being led to the slaughter,
Like sheep with no shepherd.

Wisdom comes from the book of hard knocks for some;
Wisdom comes from being humble and is willing to learn;
Wisdom can be something that is handed down;
Wisdom is knowing when to say enough and walking away from evil or sin;
Wisdom is using words that give life and encouragement;
Wisdom is when you don't believe everything you read or hear!
Wisdom comes from precepts that hold life;
Wisdom comes in small nuggets;

I love this photo on this blog post. I took this many years ago!
I love the plate that is covered in sprigs of rose flowers and buds,
And a pretty gold edging that brings the class of richness!
Green leaves that speak of being alive;

But the pearls make me so very happy!
They work together and align in harmony!
The color and shine and endurance are superb!

Little by little...
Makes beauty and unforgetable string of pearls that will last!

Wisdom is a gift that is given from above!

When wisdom calls, will you answer?

Living From Glory To Glory

Life can be hard, but it will produce pearls of truth if you will;
Humble your heart...

Friday, December 29, 2017

Why Is Everything So Hard...

Why Is Everything So Hard, Morning Sunrise, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
Early Morning Sunrise was breathtaking...

Why is everything so hard?

Why Is Everything So Hard, Endurance, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The reason everything is so hard is so we might learn patience!
And so we will build spiritual endurance and strength...

After a long period of trials you acquire inner stability!
Every step forward requires an ice pick to grab and pull yourself up!
But notice it is being plunged into the ROCK...

When things are tough and do not go smoothly, we must stay steady!
This world is filled with many slippery slopes.

We are all walking and moving in different directions,
Yet, we are all doing the same thing;

In my own small way I try to encourage those I have
contact with daily.

Don't get me wrong, there are days I want to lay down on the
Floor and kick and scream!

But mostly, I may shed a tear and I get myself going with
Prayer, and I quick shower and a lot of lipstick (smiles)

I can still hear the geese honking over the house this morning!

Look your world is not coming to an end!
But rather your striving and clinging to the only thing that matters!

I am just so thankful for the moments or seasons where things
are going smooth or are a bit peaceful;
I have learned to treasure these times of (calm) before the (storms)

If life was easy and always bright you would be weak in your faith!

Easy Peasy is just a word
But there is HOPE in the very air we breath...

Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, November 20, 2017

Sunny Disposition...

Sunny Disposition, Living From Glory To Glory Blog


~Hello Sunshine~

I have noticed that many people really respond to a sunny disposition!

When you feed the sweet spot of being a happy person,
Being happy is not always a natural disposition.

I try daily to make a choice to have a good disposition;

I wanted to share a thought I had today about just putting on a fake smile
Or an attitude that is just plain put on.

Are you just pretending to be happy or loving?

May, I suggest that you might review your words and heart attitude;
Because I think we need to know we are being true to real gratitude!

I remember the movie called Angry Birds
Not really sure what it was all about;
But I know that I am seeking to overcome the doom and gloom
That prevails our culture

Where is your sweet spot?

Being present in each season or day and make the decision to
choose a sunny disposition.

I do not want to be in a position that I have many regrets;
Of missing all that truly matters.

I send out this letter to all that desire to be filled with hope and grace!

Everything does not have to be perfect!
But your heart and disposition must put off the fragrance of love!

Being challenged in times of business or stress or sickness;
Does not need to rule the resolve to be Sunny in all situations!

Not by power, or might, but by my Spirit
Thus sayeth the scripture...

~Christ being formed in me~

Humbly, growing in grace and endurance and love...

Living From Glory To Glory


Monday, October 30, 2017

A Pathway Of Right Or Wrong...

Right Or Wrong, Living from glory to glory blog...

The Path Way Of Bliss...

Walking the path less traveled can be a bit freeing yet intimidating.

It's obvious that I do not fit in...
Well, just maybe I am not supposed to!

Just because everyone else is doing it;
Does not make it right...

Discernment is considered old fashion!
Women are being led astray
Men are being led astray

Where are those that are willing to speak truth!
Why are we following the others to the ways of the world?

We have way too many influences that will lead you astray!

Many will do something wrong and then they will do it again!
Why, Because they got away with it!
Why, Because we do not want anyone to tell us what to do!

Well. you should be glad and count your blessings if
Someone in your life or your family sees a character flaw;
Or they see you going down a slippery slope.

We no longer want to be corrected!

Maybe it does feel really bad to be corrected;
But, I would rather be corrected than to be considered a fool!

Look, I no longer want to fit in with the in crowd or the higher echelon!

The great thing is that I can sleep at night knowing I did the right thing;
Or that I spoke the truth in love;
And I let the truth lead me in the right path!

It is not my job to convert anyone or to change their hearts!

I get to mind my own business and lead a quiet life;
Until the lie or the deception creeps up on my front porch.

If you ask for wisdom and the Lord gives it!
Do not try to reason it away with what the whole world is doing!

There are only two ways;
Right or Wrong

Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

How To Be Polite In Your Home And Society...

Emily Post and Etiquette, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


The code of polite behavior...

Polite Behavior
Attitudes that reside in your heart

These are really all character traits!
The Good and The Bad and The Ugly

There are books written on this subject!
But I tend to think they are not on the Best Sellers List

There was a time when children that had parents and grandparents
That took the time, to not only use good polite behavior;
But taught it to their children and grandchildren.

This does not mean we teach our children to do whatever
 An adult might tell them.
But to choose wisely, between using appropriate words and actions!

There was a time that when using good manner,. Was considered
A sign of good standing in a culture of worth.

It seems that because the focus on self worth and how special
We all are to perceive ourselves;
We would be the most kind and polite society in the world!
Self- centered and Selfish come to mind.

Children's first words tend to be such as

But we all know that the magic words are truly;

We should all be using these;
And also the words

Even our tone of voice, has become a bit of a snarky comeback!

Many have become impatient with others!
Many will not even take the time to RSVP to an invitation sent!
Many will not even take the time to return a phone call!

In a world that has technology at ones finger tips;
We can send Emails, Ecards, Photos, RSVP's
A quick Text...

Look, it's not all about you!

It is never too late to educate ones self on good manners!
Being Polite will never go out of style...

Lets help each other!!
Help your children (Old or Young)
Help Your Grandchildren

~Use Your Very Best Manners For Your Family And Home~

When you walk away from someone you have just spoken with,
Try to only say things that are kind and to speak of all the faults!
We all have them!

~If you have nothing nice to say, please say nothing at all~

Being polite is a heart issue!

What might be a good manner that you are working on?

Truly Thankful For Each And Everyone One Of You...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Friday, September 22, 2017

Anxiety Verses Faith...

Run For The Gusto, Anxiety verses faith, Living from glory to glory blog...

Run for the gusto...

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses;
But we will remember the name of the Lord our God
~Psalms 20:7~

Anxiety verses Faith

Seems like a no brainer;
But as you are all well aware of the days we live in;
I think they are what the Bible calls perilous days...

But, we still must take control over what we see and hear;
Over exposure will cause harm to a person's soul
(Mind, will and emotions)

Are you working each day to keep your heart and home in
Complete trust in the Fathers provisions?
We must do the work and not become lazy!

I am learning to live in an hourly dependence on God!

He will give us strength!
He will give us wisdom and our resources!

~What is truly needed~

Do you want to be reminded of the murders and the wars?
Do you want to hear and talk of all the suffering and pain?
Innocence is lost through worldly thinking in its ways!

You want to run with the big guys?
Stay in a place where you are able to pray and to make
A real safe haven in a world that has gone evil!

Look, if you want what the world wants;
You can go work for it...
Take all your precious hours and days and get it all!
After all, whoever dies with the most toys wins; "right?"

So we have a choice here
We can live in anxiety and suffer the ills of your health and miss
The sweet opportunities God gives you,
 Because you have
 Chosen the hustle and bustle of the chariots on the highways and byways.

But Faith, if you will but trust in this perfect design
Of the harmony of body and soul as you allow the Holy Spirit,
To lead and guide you hour by hour!

You will find rest and will be able to run with gusto for what really matters!

Always, I share my heart and my desire is to encourage you in
Your journey and walk with Christ!
Yet, to be able to have the strength to run with gusto!


~Gather all the lovely and sweet things thy Lord has provided for you~

Sending you all a Happy Blessed Day
 Living From Glory To Glory

Thursday, July 13, 2017

How A Spritual Pearl Is Made...

Spiritual Pearls, Living from glory to glory blog...

~ How A Pearl Is Made ~

A little grain of sand or a parasite gets into an oyster, mussel or clam shell.
As a defense, a fluid is used to coat the irritant.
Layer upon layer is deposited until a lovely lustrous pearl is formed.

Do you want a string of pearls of your very own?

Well, Dear Ones you surely can have a collection of single pearls.
"You can attain a pearl as often as you get victory over an irritation"

A true pearl is made out of a little thing that was not welcomed.
But as we all know life will send little irritations into your lives.

When these irritations come into our hearts or thoughts or home,
We must be quick about them and cover them with prayer!
This will be the layering of God's word and His love and grace...

When we look at a pearl we think, how lovely and light and
 Yet how strong and durable, these pearls are.

I believe they are so strong because it was formed out of a
Unwanted particles that the clam just refused to be injured by it.
So it just kept covering it with the substance that would heal it!

A pearl is simply made by getting a victory over those irritations!

So every irritation that comes into our lives is
An opportunity for becoming a pearl.

The more irritations the devil flings at us,
the more chances we have to get another pearl.

Learning to cope and to overcome is so important!
That quote "don't sweat the small stuff"

You can do it the worlds way or you can do what truly
Brings victory...
Pray and walk away from what is pointless.
Some people just look for chances to rob us of our peace and joy
And our PEARLS...

Thursday, June 29, 2017




We are all a work in progress!

Just going to share some one liners here in this post!
I have always loved words and their meanings!

I think I could write a book of just one liners...

I do enjoy journaling and I always use the last few pages of each 
Journal for one liners that jump out at me from a book or devotional!
Even movies and songs!
Maybe even something I read from a blog!
Many our from a message I heard in the past.

God's timing is always right-
So wait patiently for Him

Beware- the more you look at temptation the better it looks.

The storms of your life will reveal the strength and
source of your faith!

God gives to you so that you may give to others!

In life and in death, My only hope is in
"Jesus Christ"

Repentance means hating sin enough to turn from it.

The soul would have no rainbows-
If the eyes had no tears.

The best reason for Hope is God's faithfulness!

No tragedy is outside of God's sovereignty...

Only the one who has learned to serve is qualified to lead!

A spark of encouragement can rekindle warmth in the heart.

If you shirk today's tasks,
You will increase tomorrow's burdens.

You can gain knowledge on your own.
But wisdom comes from God!

We can accomplish more together than we can alone.

Marriages may be made in heaven;
But they have to be worked out on earth.

The cost of obedience is nothing;
Compared with the cost of disobedience!

A big part of loving is listening!

The world rewards success
God rewards faithfulness!

There are no obstacles, only challenges

It's risky to go out on a limb-
But that's where the fruit is.

Brooding over the past paralyzes the present,
And bankrupts the future.

My dear friend Kelly passed away!
She is now healed!
I miss her already...

Thank you for your prayers for her and her family!

I appreciate each and everyone of you that stop in and read my humble writings!

Living From Glory To Glory
~Love Roxy~

Monday, May 22, 2017

How To Test Yourself To See If Your Addicted To Social Media...

Social Media Addiction... Living From Glory To glory Blog

Hello My Name is---------

Look, we got ourselves a BIG problem here!

Put down your stupid smart phone!!!

Get a life

Oh, wait God has given you one...

 Face book and Instagram and Pinterst;
Truly does not care whether you're dead or alive!

If we are not diligent in asking yourself if you may be addicted??
You may not ever really, truly live in the real world!

"Test yourself"

Do not get on any social media today!

Do you feel discontented?
Do you feel like you have not been validated?
Do You want to check your comments every few hours?
Do You want to post everything you do?
(What you eat, Where you are, Who you're with??)

You may be treating your social media addictions as you would
A secret lover...

Are you starting to feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit?
A bit of Conviction!

Are you on your phone and you can see your real life people
Out of the corner of your eye??
No time for real eye contact?

Sorry, but if the shoe fits YOU have a problem!

Being addicted to anything can bring harm to you!
We are suppose to guard ourselves and our
Hearts and Mind and to our Relationships.

Social Media can become your idol!

Remember to use these medias with wisdom!

No Wonder nothing is getting done anymore...

Living The Good Life while It Is Yet Day!
Get SMART, get off all the drama and live and make your
OWN Biography...

Always, Living From Glory To glory

Friday, March 17, 2017

Blessings And God's Goodness...

Blessings, living from glory to glory blog...

I am Hungry For The Good Things In Life

How many days have we just let go right on by without counting
Our blessings, or seeing God's favor!

There is no luck in this life!

We walk in either our own flesh and wants and desires;
In His favor and kindness!

And that does not mean something bad will never happen to you
or to those we love it just means we do not have to fear!

I think that when we train ourselves to live in a way that pleases the Lord
And to be humble and to realize God is in control.

We can all learn and to grow in the things that please the Lord...

Sometimes it will be the simple things that we learn to get right first!
And there will be harder things that will take our whole lives to learn to do well.

What are the things that you strive to do well?

Being A Godly wife and a mother and grandmother is what
I desire to be in my life. But it takes a heart to pursue such a thing!
We never fully arrive...

But don't look for luck!

Be diligent and strive to have better things!
Peace in your heart
No fear of the tomorrow's
Trusting that if you wait, He will lead you in all your ways!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

I Never Promised You A Rose Garden, How To Disagree And NOT Fight...

How To Disagree And Not Fight, Living from glory to glory blog...

I Never Promised You A Rose Garden

Marriage and a bed of Roses...

A Good marriage takes work!

Anything worthwhile takes work!
If you want a bed of roses to lie down in, then you must start
with some very strong manure!
Be careful of how fresh it is because it will burn your seedlings or
kill a new plant!

I realize it is not really time to plant roses, but it is time to
think about what state your marriage soil is in!

I sometimes get irritated when we think love is something that just happens.
It may just be infatuation or just plain lust of the flesh.

Real love and marriage has many trials and errors.
Do you know why God tells us to have an older woman
in our lives that has the experience of being a Godly wife?

BECAUSE we have to LEARN how to Love our husbands!

We are all going to have fights once in awhile,
And when you first get married it is a bit rough for many couples.

Fighting Fair

Conflicts will happen in every marriage----

Women are notorious for wanting to have the last word.

[Love] is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered,
it keeps no records of wrongs.
1 Corinthians 13:5

How To Disagree and NOT Fight

Answer this Question...
Can you get angry without getting destructive?
(Your words, your attitude, your actions)?

Stick to the problem or point
Don't drag the past records of wrongs into your disagreement.

Allow your spouse to respond and make your statement
then they can respond back.
(No hands on your hips)

Don't allow your feelings to rule,
But state the facts!
(Men need facts)

Take the first move to ask for forgiveness and make an apology!

Love is not rude...

Lord, give me wisdom to be a Godly wife; and to do the hard work;
So one day we will have the soil prepared for a bed of Roses.

Remember making up is so much better!

Do You have some of your own words of wisdom for dealing
with conflict in your marriage, please share!!

Even in our marriages, we must be;
Living From Glory To Glory

Thursday, January 26, 2017

See No Evil...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

See No Evil...

Everything you see with your eyes make an impression upon your heart and mind!

All of it, whether it is good and pleasant;
Suggestive and immoral
Evil and scary

The world screams look at me!
Women taunt; look at me!
Fear draws; Watch me!

Our eyes have a pull that is like a magnet;
You can be drawn into the lust of the flesh through your eyes!
Have you heard the saying?
Eye Candy

Just because it looks lovely or pretty or delicious;
People, Stuff or Food...
We are not to be led or controlled by what we see!

We are called to have a covenant with our eyes...

We have way too much access to things very unwholesome,
Our Men ate tempted everywhere...
Women are tempted by magazines and Soap Operas!

Your life will turn into just fluff and stuff if you can not discern
Between good and evil!

Once a door is opened to something, it can be very hard to close it!
Internet access
Cable Television
Beware of what is coming over these airwaves...

I want to make a suggestion;

Stop playing with fire...
When you see evil, turn away;
Run from evil.
Stay away from the appearance of evil...

Many forms of news and newspapers now thrive on scary or evil.
Even if this stuff is real, it still will cause you to respond and react.

A steady diet of it will cause upset to our emotions and well being!

But I would also like to suggest good books and magazines;
Keep these around your coffee table or your magazine holder!
Reading something that uplifts your heart is a good thing!

Have a nice collection of good and wholesome movies!

How can I keep myself from all these things?
Be a watch women for yourself, your husband and family!

X Rated And R Rated is now the norm for many;
I remember as a child we saw nothing immoral!

But today we must take extra precautions...

Remember Job made a covenant with his eyes!
We also can do the same...

Remember, we are all called to live;
From Glory To Glory

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Her Choice Of Words Offended Me...

Bad Language, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Her mouth and her words offend me!

I so wanted to be this gal's friend if only on Instagram :o)

But her choice of words offended me...
Look, I am not as pure as the driven snow,
But I do have scruples and this gal crossed the line for me.

There is just something about seeing a photo of something beautiful
and having a cuss word in the one line.

You can have all the beauty in the world and still look like a pig
With a gold ring in one's nose.
You can look classy yet sound like a fool.

I do not say this to make you think I have never said a bad word;
But rather to say that when we write something that the whole world
can see, it now becomes the point of showing no discretion.

When I was a child if we said a bad word we got our mouth washed out with soap!

Now days they might consider that child abuse!

Well, I think adults need to wash their own mouths out with soap first!

We have two ears and two eyes and one mouth;
And some of the things that come out of a ladies mouth
Is nothing but disgraceful!!

She said _____  _____ _____!

So, now you can understand why I do not want to read about her amazing
Vacation or her view about anything.

Yes, I live in the real world, but I have chosen to not subject myself to pollute 
myself with foul language, no matter the lovely photos.

She may get her hair colored and cut
She may get her nails manicured
She may wear the newest fashions
But she truly needs her mouth washed out with soap!

She can use a lovely french milled soap
or she could use just the plain old

Ivory Bar Of Soap

Please realize that cuss words should not come out of a
Lady's mouth, even in writing or talking!

And that's all I have to say about this for today...

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Ways To Help You Be Content...


I have seen so many things that rile my emotions;
In this world we have three things that will lay- way you.
Lust of your eyes
Lust of of your flesh
And the pride of yourself

We have an insatiable hunger for things and stuff...

I am always leaning towards a simpler way of life;
When we can just enjoy a moment with a good book or a craft!

Just staying home more often and not running to and fro.
Many things we put upon our own plate and it is not beneficial to us!

We are now living in an information age...
So now you really can see daily just exactly what you're missing!

I must say that I now think every woman alive has her own blog;
You now have your own personal spot on the world wide web (W.W.W.)

We can record and download and ebook everything
So what is it that you desire?
As the genie in the bottle said
"Your wish is my command"

Well lets stop and really think...
Not feel your way through this precious life;

If you gained the whole world and lost your soul!
People are selling their minds and hearts and bodies for lies!

I guess you do not need me to tell you how easy it is to get off
the narrow path!
This world and with a touch of a click, your able to view and buy and sell!

What are you craving for?
Goods, more stuff, and bigger and better things!

As soon as you get the next thing you start the whole process over!
Never enough...

But if we keep close to the truth of what is going to last.
We can stop the running and seeking and rest in the very fact.
He will never leave you or forsake you!
He will add all that is needed by you!

Here is a great post written by Lydia from Home Living;

Home Living, The Christian Lady And Contentment

Ask the Lord to help you be content!
Learn to say NO to all the running around town!
Ask yourself if this is a need or a want?
Keep your hands busy doing things that are wholesome (knitting, crafting, cleaning, reading)
Do not compare yourself to others...
Take care of what God has given you!

~Contentment with Godliness is great gain~

What are some of the things you have learned to be content?

Living From Glory To Glory

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

God Speaks Through His Word Only...


Ordinary Days

Some days just seem ordinary...

But I can assure you every day is far from ordinary!

I have been hearing so many people speak this phrase;
I am waiting to hear God speak!
I am listening to, hear God's voice!

Be very careful in this matter of communing with God!

He has spoken through HIS Word...

There are a lot of voices out there and many of these voices are not God!
The self is always talking and having a dialog in one's head.
Many false prophets are speaking heresies!
They say they are the voice of God!

I know the Holy Spirit can prompt us and lead us in our lives!
But waiting to hear God's voice can and will lead you away!
The Word says;
The Lord orders the steps of a good man!
He directs us,

But the WORD is the way God communicates with us!

Even when there was only the Old testament God did not speak in an audible
voice  to His hand picked prophets often!
Abraham went between 12 to 14 years between hearing from God!

Why are we always looking to hear a new word or message?

This is where you can really get off from the truth!

And another thing when God did speak it was always about,
Correction and Warnings!

If you would read the Word and then examine your own heart
You will see how God speaks...
The Holy Spirit will illuminate the truths of His Word!

Please do a study and be watchful of this abuse of expecting God
To speak in ways He has stopped doing!

We all hear about others hearing God and then we begin to think
why are we not hearing God speak? 

Then we start to look at these others thinking they are more spiritual than me!

We are diverting from the very source that was given us to know
what God wants us to know about every matter!

Believe me anyone can hear voices;
But there is a great danger there!

It is the Holy Spirit that will guide and comfort and correct us!
But even the Holy Spirit is here to convict us of our sin!
There is even another disturbing thing going on saying that,
We no longer have to repent of our sin!
Because Jesus died for all our sins.
But if we do not repent, we lose fellowship.
(See what I mean)

Too many are reading way too many bad books on,
what God has said, or is doing!
What has happened to expository preaching?
These people are going around telling us about what they think or hear!
And these guys make a ton of money and it is for their own profit!

The Word Is Perfect...
The Word is Complete...

Why do so many want more and are willing to believe all these crazy
stories and to think they want the same experiences.

Friday, April 22, 2016

The Jesus Calling Book Is A Very Scary Devotional...

If this blog post will open even one ladies' eyes it is all worth it for me!
We do not like to rock the boat or step on toes, but a false teaching is like
Drinking a bit of poison each day;
Eventually you will believe a lie and die...

Sarah Young writes, 
This is what is written in the first few pages of this book!

I knew God spoke to me in the Bible;
But I was hungry and I wanted more...

She waited with a pencil in hand!!

Firstly, I want to say that I bought this book for a devotional for myself,
I thought it was so good and I bought a few copies for my dear friends.
I now feel very bad that I did this;
Because after a time I realized that this book had some real issues!

After I read it, I saw some things that were very unsettling for me.
It reads like it was to be on the same level as scripture for one.
I also saw that it really hit the emotional button for women!
(Almost a romance novel written to each lady)

We now have a church that expects and believes in
"Divine Revelation Knowledge"

A devotional book that is written from the divine leading;
Is what my dear ones is what scripture is for!!
Written by
"The Holy Spirit"

Mostly Ladies are so drawn to this type of material!
I feel like I was deceived and that really bothered me...
So for that very reason I now write this post!
So maybe you will see the error of this false doctrine!
This devotional now sells to not only the women, but men and children!

If you are of the Apostolic movement you believe in divine revelation daily.
But I believe after the New Testament was written
"The Cannon Was Closed"

We are told NOT to add to God's Word

The battle is raging over the sufficiency of God's word!

Remember, Sarah Young said herself, she wanted something MORE...
Sounds a bit like Eve in the garden, she had everything!

We are told to contend for the faith!!
But now days the faith is now put in YOUR Faith,
See the danger?
God is not your lover or husband!
"Yes, He loves your soul and He cares about you in every detail!
But this practicing His Presence and waiting to hear Him speak is,
(Very NEW AGE)

This book is written in the first person FOR Jesus to each lady reading it...
(I Jesus will do these things)
Because that is only done in the Bible!
Is she writing "Scripture"
This is where you must look at this and decide for yourself Dear Ones!

Once again we ladies are being fed a warm and fuzzy Jesus, with a very emotional side!

Ladies eat this up!

I can write this blog post because I was not discerning enough at first to see the errors!
But I no longer feel that this book is sound in any way!

You can open a few links on the top of this post to do 
(Your Own Research)

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