Showing posts with label A Word for the day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Word for the day. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Donkey Analogy...


Hurry Up...

Why's everybody always picking on me?

Moving at ones own pace is very comforting, as none of us enjoy being
Told to hurry up!
Now, that is usually when I really forget my head!
The hurrier I go, the be- hinder I get...

When my Grandmother would be out doing her shopping, and she
Was apparently driving too slow, I could hear them yelling;
Come on Grandma, move it!
She would tell me this
Why those young whipper snappers will one day be moving much slower when they get older!
My Grandma would call those wild ones;
"Those Hooligans"

I still laugh over that when I remember riding around with her
in that big old Chrysler mobile...
It was white and I believe it had wings and could fly.
It felt like an ocean liner ship that cruised down those roads.

Why is it when you are younger you think everyone is moving too slow?
And when you get a bit older, it seems like everyone is so impatient?

I am learning to savor my days...

When was the last time you laughed till you cried?
When was the last time you just took a joy ride to get an ice cream?

Why does the last day of June make us feel like mourning?
As a child the summer lasted what seemed like a year.
But alas July is here fresh and free!
We can count on this happening year after year, this alone
should comfort our hearts!

None of us want to be like a donkey that will not do what
is being asked of it.
To be set in your ways without being led by the spirit will
make you a bit stubborn. So it is better to not just follow others.
But rather follow what the Word is saying...
If everyone is doing it, I bet it is the broad road that leads
"To Destruction"

Donkey's are hard working in a way, yet they will do nothing but graze
unless they are harnessed!
We cannot spend our time just always working,
But beware of not getting our work done!

We are better to move a bit slower, yet sure of our direction;
Be too quick, you just might miss your turn off!

We are warned that the road we are to be on is narrow!
Do not be swayed
Do not look to the right or the left
Do not stop...
Just keep moving towards the better country
Our Homeland

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A Lovely Parosole...


Summer Sunshine

How the days just seem to fly by ever so quickly, I find that I must purpose in my heart;
To take pleasure even when the days are so hot and muggy.

I see so many that dress with very little clothing on;
But I have also seen those that work in the fields, that are covered from
Head to Toe with clothing!
I asked a woman once last year if she was super hot?
She told me that with having her arms and legs covered it allowed her to
Stay much cooler than having the sun beat down upon her bare arms and legs.

I found this photo of such lovely and pretty parosoles!
(A Parosole is just a pretty name for an umbrella)
I do not even think you could find these anymore.

Years ago all ladies carried these when going out and about!
Or you might even remember ladies that carried those little hand fans!

Also now days we all have A/C and Fans we plug into the wall.
I am so thankful for modern conveniences!!

I also still enjoy seeing a lovely straw hat on someone at the beach!
But also there is nothing more soothing or wonderful than a portion of the shade!
Having a shade tree is so pleasant to have in one's backyard.
Also, many years ago we sat on our front porches and we just enjoyed the breeze!

I find myself doing most household chores early, so in the very hottest part of
the day, I can rest and just be still and read for a bit!

I hope you are enjoying this very hot weather and learning to make the best of it!
As so many of us feel like we could even melt.

If you have ever hat heat stroke, I have heard you will always feel a greater
Sensitivity to the heat!

Do you feel a bit dried out?
Remember this heat can make you feel dehydrated quickly!

Remember to wear some sunscreen as a bad sunburn can ruin a whole vacation
So try to keep some handy!

Have you found yourself really busy this summer?
Or are you spending more time at home?

I will be reminding myself to plan a bit more carefully for upcoming dinners;
As with this hot weather we need some foods that are light a cool!

We always try to sit outside in the evenings if there is a breeze as then the
bugs that bite are not so bad! I always worry about all the sprays that have
the Deet in them, especially for children.

I hope you are all doing well and taking joy in these days of summer!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Why We Must Take Care Of Our Teeth...


Having a Sweet Mouth...

Is your mouth filled with bad breath?

Seriously, I never thought I would have to write a post on brushing one's teeth!

But I really have had a burden to remind others of this very important
Hygiene habit.

Our mouths are to be a source of love and grace!
But when you neglect to take care of these amazing teeth,
You may suffer from many things!

You might have stinky breath,
If your loved one shy away from your kissing them...
I find it rather odd that we live in a tell it all society
And yet we will not bother to tell someone that their breath stinks!

For Pete's sake, you can get a new toothbrush from the Dollar Store.
Toothpaste and floss and mouthwash...

Come on Dear Ones, there is no excuse for bad breath;
And decay of one's teeth!
It is just pure and simple laziness once again.

I remember being at a Brownies meeting as a child and we had a
Person come in and tell us all how important it was to take care
Of our teeth...
Also in school, we had a dentist come in and show us how to properly brush them!
It does not require Rocket Science to do this!

Even if you have no dental insurance you can still have good oral hygiene.
Poverty is no excuse for allowing your teeth to fall out!
I think a person who has bad teeth can start even now to take care of them!
Please teach your children and grandchildren to brush their teeth!

Why are so many people letting their teeth just become rotten?
Is it just another sign of neglecting what is important?

If you want romance and some good kisses for goodness sakes
Brush your teeth...

Brush and Floss twice a day
To keep your mouth and teeth clean and healthy!

Please go to the store and buy all your loved ones a kit;
It should contain these items:
A Toothbrush
Dental Floss
Mouth Rinse

So You Will Have These;
Fresh Breath
Pretty Mouth
Healthy Teeth

So there you have it...
Who wants to be around someone with stinky breath?

Good healthy teeth brings good dividends to one's relationships.
A healthy heart starts with healthy gums in your mouth.
Sweet Kisses

Take Care of Your Teeth!!


Thursday, June 11, 2015

How To Tell What Kind Of Man He Is...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I want to share with you a word of wisdom that was spoken to me;
Many years back, I had a wonderful Godly woman tell me this statement!

She told me this;
" There are only two kinds of men"

I asked her, what are they?

She told me this;

  Those that WORK
 Those that DON'T

So there you have it...

Some men will not provide for their families or homes!
Some will work and work and work to provide for them!

I am talking about being the one "MAN" to make and supply provisions for there

We have to help the younger ladies to know that some men will never
want to provide for them!
They are selfish and lazy and they want to stay home.
They may even require the women to go work outside the home;
Just so they can still eat and have a roof over their heads.

Always Sleeping and are Just Lazy

I understand that some men may not work because of a handicap or a real illness.
I am rather referring to a un-biblical demand that is being refused to take responsibility.

There is a scripture that says;
"If a man shall not work so he shall not eat"

Now this work is a work that looks different in so many ways;
Manuel Labor
Owning Their Own Business
Hitting the pavement actively looking for work...

We all have seen a family whose breadwinner lost his job through
Downsizing or a business closure.
I am not talking about that situation;

I am referring to a man who just always chooses to be lazy and not provide!
The word says he his worst then an infidel...

So my other point in this is that we as women have to be careful too
Not to complain when your husband has to work long hours!
We can find ourselves whining about the very thing
God commanded them to do...

As a matter of fact that is what they were created to do!

Work is what gives them self worth and strength!
It is what gives them grit and wisdom!

To provide for their families
A Roof over Their heads
Physical Safety 

"Beware Of the Men who have a love affair with the bottle"
Or with drugs of any kind.
The pull of strong drink has brought much pain and suffering to families!

Why do we think we can change a person,
Most women enable men to not provide by working themselves;
When both work it is a different situation.
Sometimes we enable by trying to help with the very thing that
They need to do to become healthy inside and out!

I believe it was a hard word to hear, but it may allow someone to see
A "Red Flag" before they marry...

If you have been blessed with a Man who does work hard for his family,
Tell him how much you appreciate all his hard work...

Monday, June 1, 2015

Why We Must Guide Our Homes And Being Mothers Who Fight The Good Fight...


Why My Mother's Love Inspired Me...

A force so strong, yet the world tells us it's just a glob;
Abort this ball and chain you will never be free to do as you please.

I can't afford this now...
Pain and sorry surrounds so many pregnancies.

My Mother was placed in an orphanage as a young child,
She was adopted and I am sure it was not easy for her!

But one thing I can be assured of she was going to keep
Every baby that she had...

When we lay down our lives and work and stay strong to keep
our children close and safe it what real love looks like!

Don't be fooled by the words of someone that might tell you
~ I Love You~

Love is a verb and requires action...
Staying the course when all run away or strays from the narrow path.

Being a protective shelter from the elements of this world is so needed!

Laying down your life for your marriage
Laying down your life for children
Laying down your life for truth

Don't lay down like a doormat and allow others to walk all over you;
Rather, take up your mat and walk through the door of your home;
And begin to put things that may be out of order in its rightful place.

We are building a kingdom that will resemble a holy city
~A Holy City Set On A Hill~

Those women that have it really tough;
No husbands, no working skills,
Only a deep down abiding faith that she is worth something
~Not believing the lie that she would never amount to a hill of beans~

Do we as parents do everything right?
(Well, you know the answer to that--- NO)
But if you are doing the best you can do, God will honor that...

Dear Ones, if you are working and struggling to just get by too,
Take care of your children, I applaud you!
From the bottom of my heart...

Don't ever give up...
All the work and sacrifice is worth it!
I know this to be true---

I am here because she kept me and all my siblings
She even mourned those who were never allowed to come to full term.

Here is for June Brides
June Birthdays
June Love
June Flowers
And lastly June Bugs...

We are all just trying to work out all the Bugs in this journey called life.

Thanks For being a good Mother!

~Your Inheritance~

Where we give praise, others are honored!
Mothers And Fathers and Sisters and Brothers...

Are you willing to lay down your life and agenda for those given to you?

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Can A Womens Dress Rob God Of His Glory? And Dressing in a Feminine Way...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog, Dressing Like A Lady

The dressing down in America is so upsetting in our world today!
So many women look like frumps;
Or we have the other extreme of women who looks so provocative;
You may find yourself wondering is this a brothel
And this is in the church today...
The church has become a place for the world to come in to see if the shoe fits;
Or how far do I have to go to look like a God fearing woman??

Does all this really matter?

As I walked through a very large airport this last year I was shocked at what I saw!
But I felt more shocked at what I see in our churches today.

I am not a prude and I do like looking fashionable
Both seductive and alluring is not acceptable...
I did a post on why we should not show cleavage awhile back
You can view it here
Cover Your Cleavage

But now I must do another post for the derriere (bottom half)
Tight pants and skirts and dresses that accentuate your plump bottom
Excites men of all ages...
You my dear become a distraction and a source of allowing yourself
~To rob God of HIS Glory~

As a woman we are to give a visual of hiding what is beneath.
This is really what makes you alluring;
We can also look like a Nun in a full habit and still be provocative;
So we have here ourselves a real problem
Can we just cover all the female parts and be void of this problem?

We seem to have too many women not doing their job;
 of speaking to ladies and girls on how to dress!
  And being an example!
And we have so many who feel they have the right to dress any way they choose.

Okay, maybe we can not stop this trend of dressing like harlots;
But we can still teach and preach and at times confront in love.
But I will warn even if it is done in love they will be mad and offended!

It is like we have lost all sense of womanly features of the term ladylike!
And believe me, those who are lovely and ladylike in their style,
They are like a picture of loveliness... 

We may need help in what is appropriate;
(Don't get all frustrated over this statement)
Ask God, if what you're wearing is okay!

And, I love this one;
I asked my Husband and he said he doesn't care what I wear...
So if he wants you to wear a revealing top in public is this okay?
Or Daise Duke shorts...

Sometimes ladies you could ask your husband if what you're wearing is okay,
But if he has not made a covenant with his eyes and watches P_ R_
He would not be a good choice to use...

To dress more femininely, you should wear flattering clothes that aren't revealing.
 Wear more ladylike clothes such as skirts, dresses, pointed shoes, a cute pair of boots,and scarves,
Wear slacks or jeans that are not too tight!
 A lovely blouse or anything that distinguishes you as a woman and a lady.
 You don't have to look buttoned up, but you can should avoid looking too provocative.
 Wear anything that has feminine features. 

 You can find the look that's best for you. If you really don't look good in skirts, go for something else like a loose flowing slacks with a long tunic type.

If you do wear jeans...
Do not wear the skinny jeans!

 Just avoid the "just rolled out of bed" look. Don't wear baggy sweatshirts,
 Baggy pants, long T-shirts, or anything that completely hides your shape. 
The over large bag look!
Unless you're going to Walmart you would just blend in!

 Whatever you wear, you should look like you've put in an effort
 Anyone should be able to see that you've put some time and effort into putting your look together.

I just love that word!!

 In addition to your clothes and makeup,
 you should spend some time finding the perfect accessories to go with your wardrobe.
 You don't need to get a box full of accessories -- just a few key items
 can help tie your look together and can make you look more feminine.
 Here are some items to consider as you work on your more feminine look:

A Great purse
A pretty silk scarf
A cute hat (straw for summer)
 Pearl earrings or other gold hoops
A pearl bracelet or Some thin silver bracelets
I love a necklace myself...
 A cute headband or clip works well for some.
 A signature Scent is so very feminine!

If you want to look like a lady, then you have to smell like a lady.
 Consider putting a dab of perfume on your neck
 or rubbing some scented lotion on your hands or arms.
 Remember to only use a light touch you don't want to overwhelm anyone with too-strong perfume.

~Be Graceful~

Being graceful as you walk, and sit!
 Cross your legs at least at the ankle. 
All this is important for where you are and what you're doing. 
When I am on the shooting range, you must move and act appropriately.
 Being graceful is the way you carry yourself in all situations.

~Acting Like a Lady~

Being kind and being confident in who you are in Christ! Looking calm and not anxious.
I remember always being in a hurry, and it showed in my mood and my mannerism.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

How To Impact And Improve Your Marriage And The Lily Of The Valley Flowers...

Living from Glory To Glory Blog, Lily Of The Valley Flowers


How can such a tiny flower give off such a heady and powerful scent?

They have a lovely tiny bell shaped flowers, it is usually only white in color.
But it can actually be found as a pale pink in color.
 I have never seen the pale pink.

These little tiny bell flowers will fill an entire area and atmosphere
Of a heavenly perfume
And I might add, it is distinctive scent!

These little flowers can make a huge impact;
Just their presence can release a strong and sweet perfume!

How can we as women make a strong and sweet impact,
In our marriages and relationships with others?

By being distinct in our way with our words and our intent of our actions...

We get this silly notion like we have to be perfect and big important in
how we live and our realm of influence has to be large...
That is a big fat lie

Let me tell you this, it is the smallest things that have happened
in my life that have made a huge impact...

When you will take the time to tell your Hubby I love you and smile,
And do a small gesture of showing that he matters; it will make an impact!
Small things done daily or even just once can prepare a fertile ground
 A place that love and humility can increase.

How to improve;
In our hearts and the intent and the real motive should and,
Can be done in small increments, little by little
Can produce a strong sweet perfume...

We have all heard or maybe have said this phrase;
"Well that just plain stinks"

When I leave a room or a place, I dearly hope they are not saying
that about me, even if I might speak a hard word to someone,
If it is done in love,
 I must trust it will still leave a sweet smelling fragrance.

Just because something that might look delicate does not mean it
Cannot make a huge difference.
A truly biblical lady must be a bit like a lily of the valley flower

The Lily flower is a picture of sweetness, purity and humility,
And fruitfulness...

Just remember we can really fool no one;
Husbands and children and even animals can sense if you have a true intent;
To bring safety and kindness to a person
"That is why if your instincts tell you to beware of someone, trust it!!
Even children can sense an evil motive, don't tell your child go give
So and so a hug, when they clearly are not comfortable!
And this is my warning;
This flower might be sweetly scented
But it is highly poisonous...

Some impacts can be dangerous to ourselves and our loved ones.
Sometimes situations can seem that they are about to implode.
God wants us to be gentle as doves but wise as serpents!

We are all called to bloom where we are planted;
The the Lily of the valley blooms supposes to mean;
"Happiness is said to return"

~The symbolism's for this dainty tiny flowers are these~

Marys tears she shed when Jesus was on the cross.
Ladder to heaven.
Jacobs tears.
Also, it is considered a sign of Christ's second coming!

May your days be filled with a sweet smelling aroma;
Small and dainty but powerful...
Love others and look  all around you for those sweet spots,
That are filled with His presence...

Thursday, May 7, 2015

How Not To Be Anxious In Unsettling Days...


I have a quote that I have been practicing and thinking about lately;
It goes like this;
"No matter what your circumstances are, don't get your feathers ruffled"

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

The skies are very ominous this evening;
This time of the year the spring storms can leave you feeling unsettled.

Do you ever think about what is happening in the natural world
Is as an indication as to what is happening in the spiritual realm?

I have heard of so many women feeling anxious lately;
I have been thinking that even for myself, I have felt a bit unsettled.
When you find yourself in a season or a moment of trials or fear;
We must learn to not let a vain imagination take hold!

I am very grateful for the fact that I have been practicing this, 
To not allow this vain imagination to take hold for years!

~The word tells us to look up
For your redemption draws nigh~

~Look to the hills for this is where your help comes from~

Where I look affects the way I feel and respond...

When I allow the enemy to get my eyes on my circumstances;
I immediately feel anxious;
So, here is what I do, I look UP...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I sometimes think people may think that I have no reaction at times;
But it is really that I am choosing to not allow myself to respond!

Being trained or exercising with the right response in a crisis or trouble,
Is not what the word is teaching us!
I think they want us to fear and feel like things are out of control!

When Jesus was told of a trouble or sickness, did it ever tell us
He was worried and that he ran to get there faster!
He was calm, and He had a peace that prevailed.
This very peace is what we have been given to guard our hearts and minds!

I have been thinking about that verse that tells us to be anxious for nothing.
I do not want to live in unrest or fear;
And I am sure you do not want to either, so we can determine in our hearts;
To not allow worry or fear to take hold...

I am not suggesting that we are not to be unconcerned about issues or life;
But rather to do all things in a peaceable way and attitude.

There are just some people who just panic over everything;

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Who you looking at?

Keep in peace, trust and obey for there is no other way...

~Love and take your time to smell the Roses~

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Writing For His Glory...

How Does Your Blog Grow?
What is it that we as women can do to be connected?

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I asked a very busy Mom, what is it that women want from a blogger's post?
She said it needs to be short and to the point...
That is why Facebook is so popular;
Just Tweet it
Instagram is the new family photo album.

So I will write for His Glory
My desire is not to bore you with long posts;
But speak what He gives me...

Spring is here with the quick and strange weather patterns!
We need to be quick to respond to what comes at us.

But I will tarry and continue to practice His presence..
Maybe I will just type slower so you can read it all!
Remember Mavis Beacon typing lessons?
Also, did you ever try to speed read?

Well, my dear friends may we all just learn once again
to take pleasure in the simple things!

I hope you enjoy your visits here and to know that I appreciate you!

I guess there are some new gimmicks that we can do to grow our blogs;
But, I hope you find wisdom and comfort from your time here

My heart's desire is to write for His glory;
But if my blog grows, it is because this promotion comes from Him!

To answer my second question at the beginning of this post;
We feel connections as we share our hearts!
(What is on your heart)

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

How Words Can Be More Important Than Just Being Busy...

"She is all talk, but doesn't do anything"

I want to share with you how talking can change a situation!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

God has chosen words to create and bring life;
When we sing, we glorify our God...

Sounds can change an atmosphere;
Have you ever heard a shofar being blown?
When you hear a rooster crow, you know daybreak is almost here!
The strong gale of wind that blows tells me bad weather may be approaching.

The word tells us there is one calling in the wilderness

A timely word can change history;
~We are told to speak life~

I once heard a man speaking that told us
 When words are spoken or written they put off  a vibration!
He told us this was a scientific fact...

That thought kind of stuck with me!
 After learning that I then wanted to say things that brought a good vibration...
Sounds a bit corny
 But we have all been the recipient of some words spoken (good and bad)

I see a world running around always busy and having meetings;
But sometimes a word spoken in season can do more than all the meetings,
And notes taken and church functions till the cows come home.
Sometimes doing is just standing
And not falling for all that the wind blows in!

We all have different gifts and callings;
So when the world or church want you to just be busy
with no leading from the Lord;
We must use discernment!

We can all do something, and at times it may be for just a short season;
I have found that the church wants women to leave their ministry
of being a homemaker and a helpmate to their own husbands,
To run and manage the church...
That ought not to be...

So if you ladies are doing what God has created you to do;
Loving your husbands and training your children
And keeping your home;
Watching and enjoying your grandchildren
And you, dear ones do not have the time or gifting to work in the church
Do not receive condemnation that may be spoken or felt from the leadership!

We have but one head in the church
(Jesus Christ)
God has set in Elders and Deacons in the local body.

We as women can do many things in the church;
Whatever you are called to do in the local church;
God will give you the strength and there will be a grace to do it!
But we must have our priorities in place...

If the church does not grow or nothing you try can succeed
Then maybe you aren't doing what the church is suppose to be doing
Making disciples of all men...

My point is this;
Calling women away from their God ordained place is not the answer;
For growing our churches...
God has ordained women to mentor the younger women
Not to run the church...
But to be keepers of loving our husbands and our children;
Home Keepers

I would rather have someone who operates in the gifting of encouragement
to speak life to me then ask me to sit in on yet another planning scheme!

I love when I can see the gift of administration working;
They may plan, but never get their hands dirty.
Does that make their job less important?

~If you are trained in the scriptures and can teach than teach~
If you do only one thing and you do it with God's blessing...
Better to do one thing well and not be scattering of thoughts and energy
And prayers and giftings...

We need to encourage one another...
Remember what is spoken in the bedroom my be heard!
Your words spoken in private and in the marketplace will bring a harvest!

Remember to show honor to the weaker vessel!
Uplift and not tear down the body
What you sow, you will reap

Speak only good things about your husband!
Speak only words of correction in love!
Speak what the word says about a situation!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How The Power Of The Color Blue Inspires Us...

Robin Blue Eggs, Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Robin Eggs

There is just something about the color of Robins eggs that are so precious.
Why are they so blue and remind us of an ocean crystal clear?
A deep blue that is beholding of a depth that is hard to capture.

Artist for years have tried to replicate its unique color.
The color blue brings peace and calming, to me;
I think that is why we enjoy gazing up into a clear blue sky
Or standing at the seashore of a tropical setting,
Sometimes it is even portrayed even in a picture that beckons us!

We can feel the depth of stability, as the sky and the ocean have always been since creation!
I looked up the meanings of the color blue and it was very interesting,
Some of the effects that have been recorded as being calming!
To make you feel uplifted and happy

Blue symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, faith and truth and of Heaven!

The color blue says open spaces;
And it opens up my imagination to the vastness of ideas

The color blue in the Bible represents the Word and the power of God
Numbers 15:38-41
The Law, or Commandments

~I imagine that the river of life must be blue and crystal clear~

The wall and the foundations were furnished with so many precious stones of different colors, 
Notice the second one was Sapphire
Revelation 21:19
(The tribe of Dan)

When we begin to feel like winter will never end;
Or a relationship that feels dead
God opens our eyes to newness of life and an open sky to possibilities
I believe in resurrection power...
There is a force that beats our hearts and is attached to a golden cord called life!

I am speaking to dead marriages
Prodigal children
deathbed conversions
broken hearts
Lies spoken by the enemy of our souls

Look up

Seek His face while it might be found, He has the answers
Do not give up!
Be not discouraged

The battle belongs to the Lord
~But we must stand on His truth and not lay down our shield of faith~

There is always a promise that God is in the process of fulfilling!

When you see the Robin, you know a new season and life is here

Do you find yourself drawn to spring colors!
Can you sense the uplifting of your spirits through color?

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

There Are Real People Behind Blogging...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

There are real people behind blogging...

I just wanted to share with you ladies my visit with a dear blogging friend!
Her name is Stephanie from Enchanting Rose!

I just feel sometimes we do not see the hand extended to each other through blogging.
We are real people with families and homes that we are called to tend and water!

We are all sowing seeds of either weeds or flowers with our words;
All words produce something;

So may this post about blogging encourage you to try to see the person,
behind the post that are written on our blogs.

This was a powerful lesson that helps us to see that we are really
impacting another person!

My visit with this lovely lady was so precious!
~She has a very cozy and lovely home~
She gives the gift of hospitality and her crafts have inspired so many from her Blog!

We had a delicious dinner and some good laughs!
We connected and found comfort in the memories we were making.
We were able to take a few pictures to share with our other blogging friends!

So what I wanted to say to you about blogging today is this!
You can make life long friendships with some wonderful people out there!
We must remind ourselves that they have feelings and long to be recognized and
Appreciated and to comment on their hard work of writing a post!

The connection is something that we all long for!
And when you find like minded ladies that love the same things you do!
Wow, what a blessing Blogging can become...
Through Blogging you can make friends all over the world!

I appreciate it when we can see the hearts behind the purpose of why we
Write and Blog and Comment!
May your Blog be a source of inspiration to others and to know
That a real connection is in the making!

I realize we cannot spend too much time on the computer as it is not healthy!
We need to learn to do it in moderation...
Keep an eye on the amount of time you spend sitting in front of your computer.
Find a few ladies that you have the same heart and interest and invest in them!
You can be kind to all!

Make a Blogging friend today...

Saturday, March 28, 2015

To Many Boys Looking Pretty...

Artist Henry Raeburn

Boys, looking like boys...

But we hear so often the phrase "Pretty Boy"

We are living in a culture where so many boys dress in skinny jeans,
And fashionable clothing!
I think it is rather odd how boys are made to look pretty!
And there is a fashion trend geared toward looking good!

I still prefer a boy to look like a boy;
Seeing Earrings on boys still does not look appropriate  
As I have seen very young boys with them...

Snails and puppy dog tails
That is what a boy should be allowed to do;
We have confusion going on in even little boys' wardrobes.
Nothing wrong for them to look neat and tough and rough;
Little boys need to have the freedom to play ball,
Find roly-polies, and collect rocks!
Play war and ride their bikes like the wind!
Have a good tumble every so often;
Even a good punch in the arm can help them roll with the punches!

Keeping the little boy in a place where they can be in training,
To discover the great outdoors...

Too many of our little boys live in sterile environments,
And sit in front of a video screen!

Be careful to not expect them to be pretty and clean all the time...

Little Boys are not supposed to be dainty and re-fined!

Boys need forts and sand boxes and dogs to play with!
We need to allow them to build things out of scrap wood and fly kites.
They need to have trucks and play guns and books just for boys.

Do not dress your boys like girls
Do not let them have long hair
Do not expect them to act soft and dainty!
Boys will be boys

Unless of course you want a pretty boy'
Most of the ones who have been told so many times how good looking
They were, it has gone to their head!
Some have even grown up to be playboys.
And have made a game out of winning young ladies hearts!

Grow boys and train them to be loyal and strong!
May they grow up learning to honor and to practice diligence in their tasks!
May they be hard-working and able to fix things!

Teach them well as one day they will need to support a family!
Help them to have Godly character...

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Amazing Strength And Know How Comes From Teaching And Learning...

Teaching one another, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Why we need each other...

Some of you are great cooks and amazing bakers
Some of you are so funny and have the greatest sense of humor.
Some of you are so beautiful in your physical appearance.
Some of you are very strong with physical strength.
Some of you are so crafty.
Some of you can sing like a bird.

~No one is good at everything~
That is why we are in need of each other;
I may admire your special strong points, but they are not mine!

I have heard that we can develop gifts and traits at any age.
We must never stop experimenting at learning new things...

We are all called to teach and train one another in many arenas;
Older women teach the younger woman!
It does tell us that it encompasses how to love ones husband and children.
But God has also many things that develop a warm and loving home.
Like being a better cook, or baker of special treats.
(A Hubby Loves Good Food)

I was talking to a friend about reading a pattern instruction that teaches
You how to sew something or crochet an item.
I told her it required me to pray and ask God for help as I did not understand the How To!

We need help from Him!!
But we need each others expertise in so many other areas!

My friend told me well at lease think of all the new brain cells I was growing!
(I loved hearing that line in our conversation)

Now, this is a powerful truth dear ones;
We will only stop growing if we stop...

Growing each and every new season is real living!

Strength comes from Him
When we are weak, He is strong
When we do not know how to do something we ask a friend or find a class,
That teaches what we need to learn! God wants us to learn and grow!

And my challenge here for you is this!
What do you know that you can teach another?
What do you need to learn, that another could teach you or help you with it?

Lack of know how is no excuse...
Ignorance is not a disease!
It is what comes about when we as women are not teaching the next generation!

What is it that you have a good knowledge of that you could share with others?
This is what helping and teaching others really is about!
We must never stop learning and growing...
You are never too old or too young to learn something new!

Grow in spirit and truth and learn how to be the best
Homemaker you can be...

Maybe you could plan a class and invite some people over,
To share something that is a real blessing!
In these settings you grow in relationships and love
And we fulfill our biblical calling;

What skill do you know that you could teach another?

Saturday, March 21, 2015

What Is A Watchwoman...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

A Watchwoman And Roses...

One of my favorite scriptures or word picture that I just find
Fascinating for me comes from Proverbs 31:27

~She "watches" over the ways of her household~

As wives and mothers and homemakers, we are the "Watchwoman"
That is referred to in this scripture!

Glory to Glory Blog

There is a wall that surrounds your home and land and sphere of influence;

As we walk upon the tops of this wall that surrounds are loved ones,
We look out into the far distance, watching for prey that means to harm.

We keep our eyes close to the bottom of the wall for any danger trying
to scale the walls that surround our homes!

We need discernment to know what is trying to get close to our homes;
And even try to weasel its way into our sanctuaries.

I have had to keep watch for the things that bring harm!
We can so easily just allow so many things into our lives and relationships
that can destroy a foundation built on truth!
We can not become careless in this calling.

I hope you ladies lovingly keep watch daily for whatever might bring harm!

I feel that we need to keep very alert and appreciate this position;
This is where you can practice wisdom from above,
A woman can just have that special knowing when something or someone
Is just not right, it can be a feeling or a prompting.
God has given this to us ladies to keep guard and go with that intuition that
helps us to know when something is just off!

The word tells us to not lean unto our own understanding;
But there is a gifting given to us to know and sense danger!

I have read and heard so many stories over the years that only
Another woman or mother would understand;
{It goes like this, I just had this feeling}

We can be very special force ops in this activity
Yet, not look one bit militant
But rather lovely and modest and smell like a rose!

May the Lord revive and refresh us in this line of duty...
Never give the enemy of our homes and loved ones one bit of territory!

Stand your ground and keep watch;
For you, dear ones are a

Can you recall a time that you said;
{I just had this feeling}

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