Showing posts with label A Word for the day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Word for the day. Show all posts

Friday, March 10, 2017

Learning To Take Responsibility No Matter How Beautiful Or Pretty...

Learn to take responsibility, Living from glory to glory blog...

Learning to take Responsibility!

We all need to be doing this!
We need to be teaching ourselves this very thing!
Our children and grandchildren must have this character trait!
Sometimes just because someone is cute or pretty;
We do them a harm when we do not hold them responsible!

If we do not have this character trait we will be in trouble!

~Well, it's not my fault~

Look BEAUTY is a wonderful thing...
But it STINKS when it's the focus of a issue and not the heart of the matter.

Look, if you were there, you play a part!
It takes two!

Well, in our society we have many that can start a fight with themselves!
Many will not even take responsibility for themselves!
We still want to blame someone else rather than to take responsibility.

It all started in a garden---
Then the man said,
"The woman whom YOU gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate."
Genesis 3:12

But I think my favorite blame scripture is this one,

"They gave me the gold, and I threw it into the fire, and out came this calf"
Exodus 32:24


Look learn to see when you are wrong and admit to yourself and to others!
Especially those that have been hurt in the crossfire!

Do you really think you're fooling yourself or GOD?

But when we take responsibility for our wrong attitudes or behavior;
We can call it what it is SIN!

We can ask God to forgive us and start over;
Fresh and clean!

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, February 20, 2017

Blogging For A Very Long Time...

What I do like about blogging, Living from glory to glory blog

Growing Our Blogs;

Is it the same as growing our Spirit, Souls and Body?
Well, yes it can be in a way, but spending time with the Lord
Should take first place! And being truly present while homemaking.
We can now all attest to always having a device in our arms reach..

Blogs are BIG business!
There is money to be made;
Believe me, I understand this, when I was a young wife and a homemaker;
We called these avenues Cottage businesses.
Do you make money from your blog?
I have never earned a penny!

What I love about Blogging and What I do NOT like about blogging!

What I like about Blogging

1. Connecting to those like minded.
2. Being inspired and encouraged.
3. Growing in my homemaking skills.
4. Learning ways to be creative.
5. Praying for requests we hear about
 from other blogger's.
6. Being allowed to speak into other women's lives!
7. Reading about  new idea's for decorating my home.
8. Finding all the Yummy recipes to try and inspire my cooking.
9. All the great ideas for natural health and beauty tips.
10. All the amazing photos and art we share with one another.
11. Our love and devotion to Christ!
12. Our devotion to our Husbands, and families.
13. I appreciate those who will leave me a comment (Thank You)
You Know who YOU are :)

What I do Not like about blogging.

1. Word Verification!!
(You can select registered user only, and also use Comment Moderation!)
2. Too many ads; so it takes too long for loading up!
3. Not having your name where we leave comments.
4. Those that never take or make the time to comment on your posts.
5. That is doesn't have just a LIKE button :o)

~I just wanted to mention that I do not mind an Etsy Shop! ~
I have purchased many lovely and sweet items from them!!

Oh, I have been blogging for eight years in August!

Are you ladies enjoying Instagram?
I find it very nice to just get a quick glance at what others are doing with no drama :o)

Monday, February 6, 2017

Violets For Today As Tomorrow Is Always A Day Away...

Violet Teacup, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Tomorrow, Tomorrow is always a day away...

I always have this idea in my head that there is a good ending to every story!

But I have seen some sad endings...

But we all need to all be a little Pollyanna inside.

I am seriously thinking that we are in all overload.
Children and adults...
Some claim to think it is all about learning and obtaining knowledge.
Some think doing and going and being involved is what is needed!

We are in such a diverse society now a days,
But the fact of the matter is we need to take care of what is ours.
Taking on everyone else's problems and struggles can be very taxing.

But we all need hope!!

I have been so blessed to be at home and to choose and pick what I want
to be involved in. And being available to help with family.

But I can see that we need to remind ourselves that we do not have to
be involved in everything!

Today is all that I have;
For we are reminded in the Word not to boast and to say
"We are going to do this or that tomorrow"

May, I remind you that we must focus on God's goodness!

My Mother use to tell me don't bite off more than you can chew.
It sounds funny, but it does hold a lot of wisdom.

I do hope you are all doing well!
Thinking that I may need to re-access my daily list of things of importance.

I think as you get older the days run out as about as fast as my steam does!

I have heard and seen many of you ladies deep cleaning;
And de-junking
Spring cleaning...

I have had no move to do so;
Maybe you could let me know what you're doing!
I could use a bit of encouragement...

Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Modern Challenge...

Living from Glory To Glory Blog...

Keepers of the Springs
By Peter Marshall

Once upon a time, a certain town grew up at the foot of a mountain range. It was sheltered in the lee of the protecting heights, so that the wind that shuddered at the doors and flung handfuls of sleet against the window panes was a wind whose fury was spent. High up in the hills, a strange and quiet forest dweller took it upon himself to be the Keeper of the Springs. He patrolled the hills and wherever he found a spring, he cleaned its brown pool of silt and fallen leaves, of mud and mold and took away from the spring all foreign matter, so that the water which bubbled up through the sand ran down clean and cold and pure. It leaped sparkling over rocks and dropped joyously in crystal cascades until, swollen by other streams, it became a river of life to the busy town. Millwheels were whirled by its rush. Gardens were refreshed by its waters. Fountains threw it like diamonds into the air. Swans sailed on its limpid surface, and children laughed as they played on its banks in the sunshine.

But the City Council was a group of hard-headed, hard-boiled businessmen. They scanned the civic budget and found in it the salary of a Keeper of the Springs. Said the Keeper of the Purse: "Why should we pay this romance ranger? We never see him; he is not necessary to our town's work life. If we build a reservoir just above the town, we can dispense with his services and save his salary." Therefore, the City Council voted to dispense with the unnecessary cost of a Keeper of the Springs, and to build a cement reservoir.

So the Keeper of the Springs no longer visited the brown pools, but watched from the heights while they built the reservoir. When it was finished, it soon filled up with water, to be sure, but the water did not seem to be the same. It did not seem to be as clean, and a green scum soon befouled its stagnant surface. There were constant troubles with the delicate machinery of the mills, for it was often clogged with slime, and the swans found another home above the town. At last, an epidemic raged, and the clammy, yellow fingers of sickness reached into every home in every street and lane.

The City Council met again. Sorrowfully, it faced the city's plight, and frankly, it acknowledged the mistake of the dismissal of the Keeper of the Springs. They sought him out of his hermit hut high in the hills, and begged him to return to his former joyous labor. Gladly he agreed, and began once more to make his rounds. It was not long until pure water came lilting down under tunnels of ferns and mosses and to sparkle in the cleansed reservoir. Millwheels turned again as of old. Stenches disappeared. Sickness waned and convalescent children playing in the sun laughed again because the swans had come back.

Do not think me fanciful, too imaginative or too extravagant in my language when I say that I think of women, and particularly of our mothers, as Keepers of the Springs. The phrase, while poetic, is true and descriptive. We feel its warmth...its softening influence...and however forgetful we have been...however much we have taken for granted life's precious gifts, we are conscious of wistful memories that surge out of the past--the sweet, tender, poignant fragrances of love. Nothing that has been said, nothing that could be said, or that ever will be said, would be eloquent enough, expressive enough, or adequate to make articulate that peculiar emotion we feel to our mothers. So I shall make my tribute a plea for Keepers of the Springs, who will be faithful to their tasks.

There never has been a time when there was a greater need for Keepers of the Springs, or when there were more polluted springs to be cleansed. If the home fails, the country is doomed. The breakdown of homelife and influence will mark the breakdown of the nation. If the Keepers of the Springs desert their posts or are unfaithful to their responsibilities, the future outlook of this country is black, indeed. This generation needs Keepers of the Springs who will be courageous enough to cleanse the springs that have been polluted. It is not an easy task--nor is it a popular one, but it must be done for the sake of the children, and the young women of today must do it.

The emancipation of womanhood began with Christianity, and it ends with Christianity. It had its beginning one night nineteen hundred years ago when there came to a woman named Mary a vision and a message from heaven. She saw the rifted clouds of glory and the hidden battlements of heaven. She heard an angelic annunciation of the almost incredible news that she, of all the women on earth...of all the Marys in history...was to be the only one who should ever wear entwined the red rose of maternity and the white rose of virginity. It was told her--and all Keepers of the Springs know how such messages come--that she should be the mother of the Savior of the world.

It was nineteen hundred years ago "when Jesus Himself a baby deigned to be and bathed in baby tears His deity"...and on that night, when that tiny Child lay in the straw of Bethlehem, began the emancipation of womanhood.

When He grew up and began to teach the way of life, He ushered the woman into a new place in human relations. He accorded her a new dignity and crowned her with a new glory, so that wherever the Christian evangel has gone for nineteen centuries, the daughters of Mary have been respected, revered, remembered, and loved, for men have recognized that womanhood is a sacred and a noble thing, that women are of finer clay...are more in touch with the angels of God and have the noblest function that life affords. Wherever Christianity has spread, for nineteen hundred years men have bowed and adored.

It remained for the twentieth century, in the name of progress, in the name of tolerance, in the name of broad-mindedness, in the name of freedom, to pull her down from her throne and try to make her like a man.

She wanted equality. For nineteen hundred years she had not been equal--she had been superior. But now, they said, she wanted equality, and in order to obtain it, she had to step down. And so it is, that in the name of broadminded tolerance, a man's vices has now become a woman's.

Twentieth-century tolerance has won for woman the right to become intoxicated, the right to have an alcoholic breath, the right to smoke, to work like a man to act like a man--for is she not man's equal? Today they call it "progress"...but tomorrow,oh, you Keepers of the Springs, they must be made to see that it is not progress.

No nation has ever made any progress in a downward direction. No people ever became great by lowering their standards. No people ever became good by adopting a looser morality. It is not progress when the moral tone is lower than it was. It is not progress when purity is not as sweet. It is not progress when womanhood has lost its fragrance. Whatever else it is, it is not progress!

We need Keepers of the Springs who will realize that what is socially correct may not be morally right. Our country needs today women who will lead us back to an old-fashioned morality, to an old fashioned decency, to an old fashioned purity and sweetness for the sake of the next generation, if for no other reason.

This generation has seen an entirely new type of womanhood emerge from the bewildering confusion of ourtime. We have in the United States today a higher standard of living than in any other country, or at any other time in the world's history. We have more automobiles, more picture shows, more telephones, more money, more swing bands, more radios, more television sets, more nightclubs, more crime, and more divorce than any other nation in the world. Modern mothers want their children to enjoy the advantages of this new day. They want them, if possible, to have a college diploma to hang on their bedroom wall, and what many of them regard as equally important--a bid to a fraternity or a sorority. They are desperately anxious that their daughters will be popular, although the price of this popularity may not be considered until it is too late. In short, they want their children to succeed, but the usual definition of success, in keeping with the trend of our day, is largely materialistic.

The result of all this is that the modern child is brought up in a decent, cultured, comfortable, but thoroughly irreligious home. All around us, living in the very shadow of our large churches and beautiful cathedrals, children are growing up without a particle of religious training or influence. The parents of such children have usually completely given up the search for religious moorings. At first, they probably had some sort of vague idealism as to what their children should be taught. They recall something of the religious instruction received when they were children, and they feel that something like that ought to be passed on to the children today, but they can't do it, because the simple truth is that they have nothing to give. Our modern broadmindedness has taken religious education out of the day schools. Our modern way of living and our modern irreligion have taken it out of the homes.

There remains only one place where it may be obtained, and that is in the Sunday School, but it is no longer fashionable to attend Sunday School. The result is that there is very little religious education, and parents who lack it themselves are not able to give it to their children--so it is a case of "the blind leading the blind," and both children and parents will almost invariably end up in the ditch of uncertainty and irreligion.

As you think of your own mother, remembering her with love and gratitude--in wishful yearning, or lonely longing, I am quite sure that the memories that warm and soften your heart are not at all like the memories the children of today will have... For you are, no doubt, remembering the smell of fresh starch in your mother's apron or the smell of a newly ironed blouse, the smell of newly baked bread, the fragrance of the violets she had pinned on her breast. It would be such a pity if all that one could remember would be the aroma of toasted tobacco or nicotine and the odor of beer on the breath!

The challenge of the twentieth-century motherhood is as old as motherhood itself. Although the average American mother has advantages that pioneer women never knew--material advantages: education, culture, advances made by science and medicine; although the modern mother knows a great deal more about sterilization, diets, health, calories, germs, drugs, medicines and vitamins, than her mother did, there is one subject about which she does not know as much--and that is God.

The modern challenge to motherhood is the eternal challenge--that of being a godly woman. The very phrase sounds strange in our ears. We never hear it now. We hear about every other kind of women--beautiful women, smart women, sophisticated women, career woman, talented women, divorced women, but so seldom do we hear of a godly woman--or of a godly man either, for that matter.

I believe women come nearer fulfilling their God-given function in the home than anywhere else. It is a much nobler thing to be a good wife than to be Miss America. It is a greater achievement to establish a Christian home than it is to produce a second-rate novel filled with filth. It is a far, far better thing in the realm of morals to be old-fashioned than to be ultramodern. The world has enough women who know how to hold their cocktails, who have lost all their illusions and their faith. The world has enough women who know how to be smart. It needs women who are willing to be simple. The world has enough women who know how to be brilliant. It needs some who will be brave. The world has enough women who are popular. It needs more who are pure. We need woman, and men, too, who would rather be morally right that socially correct.

Let us not fool ourselves--without Christianity, without Christian education, without the principles of Christ inculcated into young life, we are simply rearing pagans. Physically, they will be perfect. Intellectually, they will be brilliant. But spiritually, they will be pagan. Let us not fool ourselves. The school is making no attempt to teach the principles of Christ. The Church alone cannot do it. They can never be taught to a child unless the mother herself knows them and practices them every day.

If you have no prayer life yourself, it is rather a useless gesture to make your child say his prayers every night. If you never enter a church it is rather futile to send your child to Sunday school. If you make a practice of telling social lies, it will be difficult to teach your child to be truthful. If you say cutting things about your neighbors and about fellow members in the church, it will be hard for your child to learn the meaning of kindness.

The twentieth-century challenge to motherhood--when it is all boiled down--is that mothers will have an experience of God...a reality which they can pass on to their children. For the newest of the sciences is beginning to realize, after a study of the teachings of Christ from the standpoint of psychology, that only as human beings discover and follow these inexorable spiritual laws will they find the happiness and contentment which we all seek.

A minister tells of going to a hospital to visit a mother whose first child had been born. She was a distinctly modern girl. Her home was about average for young married people. "When I came into the room she was propped up in bed writing. 'Come in,' she said, smiling. 'I'm in the midst of housecleaning, and I want your help.' I had never heard of a woman housecleaning while in a hospital bed. Her smile was contagious--she seemed to have found a new and jolly idea. "'I've had a wonderful chance to think here,' she began, 'and it may help me to get things straightened out in my mind if I can talk to you.' She put down her pencil and pad, and folded her hands. Then she took a long breath and started: 'Ever since I was a little girl, I hated any sort of restraint. I always wanted to be free. When I finished high school, I took a business course and got a job--not because I needed the money--but because I wanted to be on my own. Before Joe and I were married, we used to say that we would not be slaves to each other. And after we married, our apartment became headquarters for a crowd just like us. We weren't really bad--but we did just what we pleased.' She stopped for a minute and smiled ruefully. 'God didn't mean much to us--we ignored Him. None of us wanted children--or we thought we didn't. And when I knew I was going to have a baby, I was afraid.' She stopped again and looked puzzled. 'Isn't it funny, the things you used to think? She had almost forgotten I was there--she was speaking to the old girl she had been before her great adventure. Then remembering me suddenly--she went on: 'Where was I? Oh, yes, well, things are different now. I'm not free any more and I don't want to be. And the first thing I must do is to clean house.' Here she picked up the sheet of paper lying on the counterpane. 'That's my housecleaning list. You see, when I take Betty home from the hospital with me--our apartment will be her home--not just mine and Joe's. And it isn't fit for her now. Certain things will have to go--for Betty's sake. And I've got to houseclean my heart and mind. I'm not just myself--I'm Betty's mother. And that means I need God. I can't do my job without Him. Won't you pray for Betty and me and Joe, and for our new home?' And I saw in her all the mothers of today--mothers in tiny apartments and on lonely farms...Mothers in great houses and in suburban cottages, who are meeting the age-old challenge--' that of bringing up their children to the love and knowledge of God.' And I seemed to see our Savior--with His arms full of children of far-away Judea--saying to that mother and to all mothers--the old invitation so much needed in these times: 'Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God.'"

I believe that this generation of young people has courage enough to face the challenging future. I believe that their idealism is not dead. I believe that they have the same bravery and the same devotion to the things worthwhile that their grandmothers had. I have every confidence that they are anxious to preserve the best of our heritage, and God knows if we lose it here in this country, it is forever gone. I believe that the women of today will not be unmindful of their responsibilities; that is why I have dared to speak so honestly. Keepers of the Springs, we salute you!

Our Father, remove from us the sophistication of our age and the skepticism that has come, like frost, to blight our faith and to make it weak. We pray for a return of that simple faith, that old fashioned trust in God, that made strong and great the homes of our ancestors who built this good land and who in building left us our heritage. In the strong name of Jesus, our Lord, we make this prayer, Amen.

Peter Marshall was the U.S. Senate Chaplain from 1946-48 during the presidency of Harry Truman, and died in 1949. He was born in Scotland and was known for his passionate preaching and deep conviction, as well as his picturesque speech.

Monday, January 16, 2017

How To Pamper Yourself...

Lovely Blue and White Teapot and teacup, Living from Glory To Glory Blog

How To Pamper Yourself...

~ We all have so many demands on us as we take care of our families~

But life has a way to make one a bit weary;
Especially this time of year...
Winter is in full swing, everything is cold and it gets dark so early.
This affects many of us even if you live on the other side of the world.

For some it is full blown winter and for others it is a milder 
Temperature change...

There are some that are so privileged and rich, they can take oneself to a spa!

And I think this is wonderful if it's in your budget!

But realistically, my spa moments are a quiet time sipping tea,
or sitting with a small crochet project or a good book!

Learning to be content with what you have is a lost art;
In a world that craves more...

I enjoy looking at a magazine that shows me many amazing
Ideas and recipes and forms of home decor.
I have to watch myself that I do not become saddened that
I do not live in a perfect cottage in a place that is magical.

No, I live in a rural area that has fierce winds and blustery cold!
My home is where we live and enjoy life...

You do realize life is to be enjoyed!
Every season and every portion...

A day without joy is so wasted, dear ones!
You can take joy even in the midst of sorrow or a loss of a season of life.

Every sunrise and sunset has the handprint of God upon it!

Every smile and tear is significant to God!

Take tea
  And learn to make your home your hobby...
Let everything you do bring glory to God!

Wipe your tears and sadness away
Gird yourself up!!

Enjoy the peace and solitude and lean into God...
Do not allow the cold and wind and darkness suck the life out of you!
I have learned to be content in my heart and life..
I have learned to enjoy the small things!

I write this because I see women that feel a deep alone feeling;
I say we must encourage each other while it is yet day!

What are some things you feel that you do for yourself that is considered
Pampering yourself?

Monday, January 9, 2017

A Lady, Appreciate The Feminine Side Of Womanhood...

This was a lovely charcoal sketch I found on one of my travels!

It seemed to be saying how lovely a woman really is.
We live in a world where we no longer appreciate the feminine side of womanhood!

I believe this picture was of a lady thinking and pondering on
many ideas and thoughts. 
She was getting ready to dress for the day!
Did she just throw on a pair of sweats and call it good?

For some reason I doubt that would be the situation.

Years ago ladies wore a full slip under their dresses or there skirt and tops.
And while getting their hair and make-up on they would sit at their vanities.
Sometimes they would wear a housecoat over their full slip!

The curves and the outline of this sketch is so lady like.

I still can't help but feel that it is the way a lady may dress that
can appear to make the world a tough place.

Soft and lady like, not built to last like a tank!

Pretty tops and skirts or flowing pants!
Warm and cozy yet a touch of femininity

Even wearing a necklace or a pretty bracelet is very pretty!

I live in the country and I can wear a flannel shirt and
A pair of blue jeans with a clip in my hair and still look soft and feminine.

The way you dress each day is for YOU!!

Looking neat and having your top and bottoms match.
Having a nice pair of black sweat pants, can be very pretty.
Finding longer shirts to cover the derriere, is very appropriate.
A comfy sweater with a scarf is nice.

Look, I do not have rules of what to wear...
I just see that the world is leaning to the far side of no distinction.

When I shop anymore, I always give thought to how this will look on me!

Find a few colors that look good on you!
Ask a friend what colors are your colors.
I am sure you have heard from others say something like;
"That color is your color"

A lady can look good in flannel shirts or flowers;
It's really just giving thought to what you're wearing!

( I just wanted to share this memory, when we were just married,
we did not have a lot of money, but I shopped at a second hand store.
I looked like I spent a lot on my clothes; I did NOT.
I looked at the dollar rack first!"

I also learned to hem and iron my clothes to look fitted;
I replaced buttons and got stains out!

I worked all day on cutting off some old skirts and putting in a new hem.
They were a longer style and they were too long and bulky.
So now they look way better and just cost me my time.

Take care of yourselves dear ones!
Your health is your wealth!
Take care of how you appear!
Clean and fresh and like a girl...

Blessings to you all!!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Video Games Have Caused An Avalanche...

The dangers of playing video games, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Men don't want to work!

I have watched and have seen this trend for many years now!
And I have now seen the results of what it breeds.

These video games that especially the boys play have
Turned them into grown men that are Angry
Lazy and have no interest in working.
~Most of them have no interest in being married and interacting with their families~
(If they have any)

Video games will kill real life
Video games dissolve real emotion or feelings!
Video games make them aggressive!
(The reason for this is because there is no real release for the adrenaline
To be released after being in a battle or combat or being in a high speed chase!

If you want to save our young men from a life of no real living skills or emotions;
Then get rid of your equipment that is used for them!!
Games and all the electronic junk needed to play them!

Yes, they will hate you and be very angry!
Because they are addicted to these games, and they need the fix!

Men that play these games have less interest in all relationships!

(Yes, there are a few that might have a firm balance of this game stuff)

If you really think that allowing this stuff to be done in your home and
For your kids to do as entertainment, then you will be sorry!

I have seen good christian families now say that they wished they had never allowed this
An awful form of mind control to take over their children's lives.
They will have no interest in anything else...

We are made to have everything we do connect with us, our
Minds, bodies and emotions...

So many kids are troubled with no way to release their energy!
Most kids can't even feel tired enough to go to sleep;
As they just want to play another game;
(Just one more time)

These boys are a bit scary if you ask me!
They look and act a bit comatose, and void of real eye contact!

But wait, every phone has games!
Every home has a play station 2 Thousand (Exaggeration)
Wait, some games are beneficial.

Every child has their own little screen to play on!

We have all heard the phrase from the song girls want to have fun?
Well, now, boys just want to play video games!
Forget about growing up and taking care and providing for one's family.
They use to be interested in sports and cars and trucks and girls!
But now they just want to play video games...
Have we seen the problem here yet??

Just saying...

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Friendships And No Reciprocation...

Chocolate Cake, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

All Of Our Days Can Be The Good Old Days...

Once again I sit here in the early morning and think of what
would be best for me to do this lovely day!

Cold days can be expected in the month of December!
I love that it gets dark early so we must come in and relax and
Enjoy those long winter nights!

Our generation is a GO generation...
Always busy, always looking at their phone.

Do you ever just stop and ask yourself this question
"Why do you do what you do?"

I do not mind being busy for a season!

I just wanted to encourage each of you today with a few thoughts!
This first one may sound harsh, but I believe it merits at least
To be mentioned!

If you have a friendship that is completely one sided
(You do all the calling, You put all the effort into it)
Emotional, and supporting of them, and there is
NO reciprocation!
Then may I suggest letting it start to fade;
Ask God is this one you should continue to invest in?
(Because there are some people we all have in our lives that it is going to be this way)
But there are some relationships that just need to go by the wayside.

~You should be investing in your Husband and Family~

But God Knows we all need a good friend!

Being wise and spending your time in investing in healthy relationships!

And we can be kind to all, but realistically we only have so much energy
and time for those that God has given us!

But when God gives you and a kindred spirit friend; love her and honor her!

The reason we need to evaluate friendships;
Because a true friend is a treasure!
Impart into those friendships that will produce fruit!

Take some time and send a card or call those that are near and dear
To Your Heart...

Be open to new ones God may bring to you!!
Be willing to let go of the ones that are fading!!
God will always remove those that are not good for you;
(But you must ask Him to do that for you)
Allow God to manage who He wants in your life!
Try to make a few hours each month to fellowship with a friend!
A few good friends is better than being friends with everyone...

Writing a letter will always be worth your time;
(I have saved every written note sent to me in my adult life)

Remember, having an older woman in your life is very biblical!

Okay, bake a chocolate cake and serve your husband and family,
But save a piece for a dear friend and enjoy each others company.
Because a good friend is like chocolate
It is meant to be shared and enjoyed!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

How To Live In Comfort And Joy All The Time...

Comfort And Joy, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

When life tends to get a bit busy and filled with so many
things on our calendars, we tend to go into survival mode.

But I have learned a few things in these last few years.
 It is something I want to share with you all!

Firstly, feeling tired and stress is a fact in this fast pace world!

So if we can't change the world and the way it runs its course;
Then I must change my response...

Learning the art of staying calm is a health benefit that outweighs many
Things that you may be doing on any given day!

Look, we need to take back our peace...

Living in comfort and joy all the time!

We must not allow all the junk to take us out!

Ask yourself this often, Is my reaction appropriate for
What I am experiencing?

Do you feel tired all the time?
Do you feel like crying?

Well, we all feel that way at different times;
Good News...
Great, you're alive and fairly normal!

Find your daily rituals that help you stay calm!
Stress will kill you in more ways then one.

Shake it off ladies...
We make more out of so many things that are not that big of a deal!
This is your life... Deal with it!
Or My favorite
(Get over it already)

I refuse to take on the stuff that is thrown at me!
But I will deal with what God hands me...
Big difference!

Instead of doing everything and making it perfect;
Pick a few things and do them well and enjoy it!

Large and expensive and time consuming  "Blah Blah Blah"

Take control!
Get your rest
Choose JOY
Make Peace
Let It Go

Do not be carried away with the tide that turns into a rip tide...
Some never make it back to shore.

But look at it from this perspective!
Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

This life can seem like a huge mountain;
But we overcome as we take one step in the right direction!

Things can feel harsh and we can feel lonely or isolated or overwhelmed.

But do not give up!

Enjoy and take pleasure in this season of your life!
Make wise choices in the small things;
Then make good choices in the large things!

Say NO

Say Yes, because you want to!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

When Was The Last Time You Really Kissed Your Husband...

Kissing Your Husband, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

When was the last time you really kissed your husband?

This is just something I was thinking about for the last
few months. And I wanted to share a couple of thoughts on this!

Well, I know we all are giving those quick pecks when we are
leaving or arriving with our spouses!
I get that we can't just stop and make out all the time;
Really, I laugh as I write this because remember when you were 
Newly in love and could not get enough kissing in??

It was romantic and so sweet!

But now we all have been married for years

But it really is in the kiss that sparks a feeling of connection;

Look we are all a bit tired and the days can wear us out!

But what we need in this world is some real passion and
not this Hollywood style love and sex.

I asked my husband this morning what does a kiss from me say to him!

he said that it tells me your thinking about me!
That you love me!
That you want to show me that I matter to you!
That I feel passion towards him!

Why do wives stop kissing their husbands?
Well for one because we get in our heads that it will give them a signal;
That says; Lets __________!

So then we get programmed to not kiss them passionately or with 
at least a spark!!

So we then become the problem...

A kiss filled with some passion or spark or a bit of adventure;
Can be added with the smile or phrase that says later honey!

We may not be a hormone laced kid;
But rather a deep love of affection and physical connection!

Hollywoods warped demonstration of affection.
 And our lives that are way too busy can rob one's romance!

Holding hands and smooching are for mature and young marriages!

Let's not become dried up old prunes!

I remember well this couple that lived into their nineties;

 And this is "their story"
 Every time this couple kissed he would tell her this!
(Oh Honey You Can Do Better Than That!)
And she would giggle and give him another smooch!

I told this story at this dear mans funeral, because his wife went before him.
So the moral of the story is this!
"We are never too old to give our spouses a good kiss"

Be love birds till you die...

As I was writing this post two Doves came and perched on my window!
As if they were saying we are still together and we do things together.
And we still show are affections to each other daily!

Be Two Turtle Doves;
Be A French Hen!
And honor your two gold wedding rings...
"I Do"

So give your Husband the gift of more kissing!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

When You Think You Can't Eat Another Bite, Think Again...

Making Pie, Living from glory to glory blog...

Sometimes I am almost sure I have two stomachs;
One for the good for you foods;
Meat and potato's and of course your veggies.

But pie is the best food group yet!

A Cherry Tart, Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Presenting my Cherry Tart I made in my new tart pan!
I made the crust with a G/F flour mix,
But you can use any pastry dough recipe you like.
I used a cream cheese filling with fresh eggs and an almond flavoring.
I used a can of sweet cherries with a rich syrup.

I will serve it nice and cold and if anyone wants a dollop of whip cream,
"I say the more the merrier"

My personal preference is apple pie or a cherry tart, but at this time of year;

We must have Pumpkin Pie...

We need pie for all our Thanks Gathering Day!

I want to share with you all how much I have learned in my own little kitchen...

I know you have all heard the little secret of what ingredient makes any
Recipe tastes delicious!

Well, it is true...

When you take anything you are preparing for a meal or a dessert, and
Consciously enjoy measuring and stirring and adding each spice or flavoring,
You enjoy this part of creating something that has true substance.

I believe that is why it is not just the choice of foods being served;
But rather how they are handled and appreciated.

It is like a fine wine it is presented as having a personality;
Full bodied and sweet or a full bouquet of an aroma!
Spicy or dry, crisp and fruity.
Balanced, bold and buttery,
Nutty and rich...

Well, that is what we should be preparing in our kitchens!
Now we must add the most important ingredient.

Add the love...

I have made many, many meals in all my years of being a homemaker.
And if I have a bad attitude or just not appreciative of all that
I have been given, or allow my foods to go to waste.
It shows up in my meals that come from the kitchen, but not my heart!

So always make the time to enjoy the preparation and even the clean up!
Thank God you have a kitchen and food to prepare and loved ones to serve.

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Sunday, November 13, 2016

When You Are A Working Woman Outside The Home...

Working women, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...

When  You Are A Working Woman Outside The Home

As we are strong and capable and can do so many amazing things!
I have not always been a stay at home wife or mother;
I have seen and lived in both arenas!

So I write this blog post to those ladies that have chosen to work
Have had to for financial reasons
 Needed the stimulation of something to do to keep from being lonely.
(Widowed), Empty Nester)

I think we still need to extend grace and love to our sisters in Christ!

Some situations just make going back to work not even a choice!

I do not want to appear unloving;
So may I state this first of all;
If my family needed me to help supply financial help to
keep a roof over our heads or food on the table, or if
my husband was ill and could not work. 
I would do whatever
I had to do!!

Working outside the home is not some sin that makes us
Less christian or un-lady like...

I do believe it is a bit harder to keep from being
Exposed to the worldly things that do go on.

Being a working woman will require a greater burden on
your health and your home responsibilities!

This is where it will take some prayer and wisdom;
And to learn some routines and find some resources that will help you!

Make sure each day before leaving your sanctuary (Your Home) PRAY
Have a dinner menu planned for each day
(Use Your Crock Pot)

Work as few hours as possible!

Dress modestly...
(No Cleavage showing)

No going out to lunch with the opposite sex!

Do not expose your family life or husband's faults.

If you have children and still need childcare;
Please be very careful;
You must be sure that your children are well taken care of, so ask yourself;
Is it a safe place??

Make every precaution you can, to keep your home
the only place where your heart is!!

I will say that always keep in mind that our calling is to
Be homemakers and help - mates to our husbands.

If you must go back to work I pray it will be for only a season!
But if it is a career you went to school for, then keep in mind that maybe you
can work only part time!

I know that my life and marriage were always under so much more stress while I worked!
My quality of health was weaker and my home did not run as smoothly!

So may we all just do what needs to be done,
And work on some things to make working outside the home
either a short duration or only part time.

Interesting article for times like we are living in!
On Line 
source for collective data and knowledge
In the days of Covid-19 this has become a reality.
For Working Businesses'
Working Remotely
Homeschooling For The First Time

Blessings, Roxy

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