Showing posts with label A Word for the day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Word for the day. Show all posts

Saturday, July 9, 2016

How Little Things Can Change Your Life...


~There is just something so special about a beautiful teacup~

There are so many lovely teacups out there and what a treasure to have one.

But what I think is so sad is how we no longer have time for tea!
Or we may not have the pleasure of company to share it with.

I was given the little teacup through an exchange from our friend
Stephanie's blog Enchanted Rose.
And the day before my cup arrived, my dear Husband bought me the larger
One from an antique store in our town!
So now I have a large one and a tiny one for a child to share some tea!

Here is a lovely blue glass tea light holder made by my sister
last year for my birthday.
 I love it because it matches my beach decor
in our master bath!
A simple gift made with love for me!

These windmill cookies always make me smile;
They bring back such happy memories;
These cookies were some of my Mothers very favorite cookies!
She would have one with her afternoon cup of coffee.

Here is a new ironing board cover I bought for my sewing room!
I do manage to go through many covers as I do enjoy ironing!
I have some material that I have purchased and I do plan
on making another one for myself so when this one gets holes
I will have one made already!

I miss so many things now days!

The ancient paths seem like it has been lost to so many!

I miss having a close friend to have tea with!

I miss my Mother and all her ways!

I miss being close to my sister!

I miss ironing my children's clothing!

I miss having my children home!

I miss having all my grandchildren close!

I miss having comments on my blog!

I guess the reason I miss all these things is because they were all happy
things that gave me sweet memories and gifts given in love!
Things to do on any given day that seemed not big or important
Yet, now leave me feeling a bit at a loss...

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Freedom To Do As You Please...

Home, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Freedom To Do As You Please...

Believe anything you want to*
Treat people any way you want to*
Say anything you want to*
Go anywhere you want to*
Dress any way you want to*

See this freedom really came with a price;

Most of these so called freedoms has brought in sin and death!

See we no longer have any absolute truths!

Many of us without realizing it may just have one foot
on the broad path and one on the narrow path.
This will lead to a very uneven walk...

Look, I just want to be popular and have everybody like me!
I want to be invited to your social gatherings!
I just want to laugh at your gossip and off colored jokes!


I really no longer want to be a part of the crowd
I no longer feel like I fit
I no longer think those things are worth listening to
 or your jokes don't make me laugh!

What has changed?

These very freedoms will destroy the very fabric of our society
These freedoms have destroyed the God given pattern of a true family
Real FREEDOM will cost you something!

We can use our own homes as a place of peace and safety and truth and light!
What does the banner or flag over your home say?

Where are you leading those you have been entrusted with!
The broad path... Anything goes
The narrow path... Godly choices

Everything that is really going to stand the fire test
And will not be burned like wood, hay and stubble.
Must be pure as gold!

Just see if you can discern how dark things are becoming?
Your course of action must expose the darkness
And set God's Word on the lamp stand...
Your Life

Sunday, June 26, 2016

What is Being Seen From Your Reflection...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Sometimes we see in a mirror dimly...
Other times we can see so clearly!

What do you want to be doing with your life and days and seasons?

I really enjoy just doing the simple things!

I find that they are not so complex and filled with the unknown,
Yeah, all you have to do is take just one wrong turn off;
And believe me, it can really show just how adventurous you are!
Following directions closely and reading them properly is so important!

~I prefer the way of right doing and thinking and being~

It seems that the road well traveled may seem safer, but then you have 
to contend with all sorts of thoughts and ideas and agendas.

May I suggest you look for the ancient path!

Look, if you have a husband
You must love him well!!
(If you do not, there is someone who will)

If you have children guide and protect them!
(Something is wanting to destroy them)

If you have a home, take great care of it!
(A home can be torn down with your very hands)

If you have food, make a feast every day!
(A bowl of soup can truly taste like a meal fit for a King)

If you have a tongue use it to give encouragement and truth!
(The world is bombarding our ears with filth)

If you have been given life, live it with joy and God's divine plan!
(So many have forfeited true biblical living)

I want to see a reflection of all that is good!
( Someone is always watching YOU)

What is your reflection and image of?

My audience is small
My arena is my home
My heart feels deeply
My days are numbered
My life belongs to Him...

You are not alone!
Try to be content with the portion He has allotted to you!
Ask the Lord to help you to not be deceived!
Even if it comes as an angel of light...

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Do Whatever It Takes To Protect Your Children...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~What Would You Do If Someone Grabbed Your Child~

Would you react any different if it was a newborn to your teenager?

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Look, we have a built in system to love and protect;
Well, at least those women do that are not in the category
That have lost the natural maternal instinct God gave them.
Where they love drugs and alcohol or men more than their own offspring.

When I heard about that man that tries to drag away a 13 year old girl away
 while the mother and daughter were standing right next to each other.

Now, that is just brazen and unreal in my mind!
She was grabbed and was being pulled out of the store;
But with her Mother right there she was able to throw herself
over her daughter and hold on to her with all her strength!

This happened in Florida at a Dollar General Store.

Yes, that Mother put up a fight and the man ran out of the store!
Yes the perpetrator was caught in the store's parking lot.

But really, is that what we can now encounter when out and about??

Parenting has reached a whole new dimension, when our children
can be grabbed right out from right next to us!

We had all better be a bit more cautious when out an about with
our children or grandchildren!

Remember when it was safe to allow your children to play outside
or to walk the mall while you were close by?
Well, not anymore dear ones...

I am so thankful that news story had a good ending!
But, once again when a news story gets attention, I think
others try to copycat it and to be noticed.

Be vigilant Ladies
Keep the eyes in the back of your head watching!
Keep your children educated to this danger in the day we live in!

That Mother kicked into the FIGHT mode to save her child!

Beware of public places
Shopping Centers
Walking and Riding Bikes

Seriously, this is what we are hearing and seeing way too often!

Protect what God has entrusted you with!
Keep your kids pictures off the internet
Keep your children close

The weirdos are following you they are looking to whom they may harm!

Always, Living From Glory To Glory

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Iris Flowers Strong And Hardy And Some History And A Bit Of Wisdom...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The Iris's are flowering in so many yards and gardens this time of year!

I love that they are so strong and sturdy!
There flowers has such a unique pattern and shape.

I think we sometimes are so drawn to certain flowers, and the Iris is
Probably not in the top ten picks.

But I love that they are very strong and thrive in even very bad soil,
And can take a beating of high winds.
Also, they seem to double in size every year, so you can dig up a clump
and replant them in another area or give some away.

We need more good things that will repopulate these dry and empty places.
Instead, we are seeing the doubling of the ugly and weird.
We are told to overcome evil with good...

I have been doing a lot of thinking about how involved I am to be
In things outside my home life!

When I stay focused on the main thing God gave me;
I seem to thrive and feel a deep peace.
When I run to and fro, I become scattered!

I do not want to be tossed by the wind that is blowing!

May my roots go deep and to be sturdy and dependable,
To be at home, keeping the home fires burning!

Do you try to impress others?
Do you do things outside the home that make you feel important?

I have found that as I have lived longer is this one thing,
 Is that minding my own business of my
Home And Life And Marriage Is Wise...

Allowing the gate to be opened by busybodies,
Or becoming a busybody in another life is not wise!

I heard a homeless person speaking;
And this is what they said, I love being homeless!
I have no responsibility and not accountable to no one!

The point of this post is this;
Keep busy doing what God has called YOU to do,
Not meddling in another life!

It is not your job to save the world!!
Christ came to accomplish this very thing!
We now have a social Gospel being taught, that tries
to make us feel responsible for others that do not want to work!
Or to be responsible for their own marriage and family and home!

And I am not talking about being kind or sharing your bounty;
I am saying we need to be wise and use the resources and strength,
For our God given tasks!

Yet, I am so ever grateful for those in my life that helped me!
How did I pay them back?
By doing right and obeying God and receiving what they taught me!
A hand up is different then being an enabler...

If you think this is an unkind post;
Think back over what was profitable and what was meddling!

Here is a bit of History...

The iris’s history is rich, dating back to Greece, 
Ancient Egyptian kings marveled in the iris’s exotic nature,
 And drawings have been found on the flower in a number of Egyptian palaces. 
During the Middle Ages, the meaning of irises became linked to the French monarchy, 
and the Fleur-de-lis eventually became the recognized national symbol of France.
 From their earliest years, irises were used to make perfume and as a medicinal remedy.
 Today, they are primarily seen in gardens, in bouquets, and in the wild all over the world.

The English translation of "fleur-de-lis" (sometimes spelled "fleur-de-lys") is "flower of the lily." 
This symbol, depicting a stylized lily or lotus flower, has many meanings. 
Traditionally, it has been used to represent French royalty,
 and in that sense it is said to signify perfection, light, and life. 

The Fleur-de-lis

I have a set of these on my living room wall
They are a black metal that looks lovely on my wall.

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Friday, May 27, 2016

No Worries Even In Turbulence Skies...

Flying, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

A comfortable plane ride was about to get bumpy. 
The voice of the captain interrupted in-flight beverage service and asked passengers
 to make sure their seatbelts were fastened. 
Soon the plane began to roll and pitch like a ship on a wind-whipped ocean. 
While the rest of the passengers were doing their best to deal with the turbulence,
 a little girl sat through it all reading her book. 
After the plane landed, she was asked why she had been able to be so calm.
 She responded, 
“My daddy is the pilot and he’s taking me home.”

Whether the storm we encounter today is the result of  or some trial or sorrow
 or just a rough and bumpy ride,
we can be confident that all is not lost. 
Our Pilot can handle the storm. He will get us home.

This is a partial portion of a devotional from 

Sometimes life can be so uncomfortable;
But yet others around us are just smooth sailing.
We are all in different places and in different time zones!
But may we all put our trust in the only hope that will allow us a smooth landing!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Start A Blessing Book Today...

Go Up, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

You Must Learn To Go Up And Forward...

We ladies can truly miss the days that have come and gone!
And because of this, we must be careful we do not get stuck!

I miss so many things about the way life that use to be;
But I have been turning into a new person,
It has not been very easy or a lot of fun, "until I changed my attitude!"

I am going up and in the right direction!

I am going to embrace this season and change in my life!

I am going to count my blessings and agree to disagree with some!

I am not going to allow the liberal way of thinking to rob me of my peace!

Have you felt discouraged?
Have you felt like quitting everything?
Do you spend time thinking how things didn't work out as you planned?

Well, join the club, but we are to never give up or retreat!

I choose to be filled with joy and respond with hope!

If we all wrote down all our woes on one page,
And we wrote down all our blessings on another, which one would be longer?

Start a blessing book this season!
~It is really very easy and simple to do and will bring you hope~
Every day or evening write down a few things you are thankful for!

Look up, for your redemption draws nigh...

I appreciate each and every one of you that have come here to read these humble 
Blog entries of my life and heart that I live!

Living From Glory To Glory

Friday, April 29, 2016

Lilly Of The Valley Flowers And A Memory...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

When I was a child, we had amazing patch of Lily Of The Valley Flowers
The memory of the aroma of these flowers still lingers with me!

How can something so small and dainty leave a lifelong impression upon me?

I remember one time laying down next to this patch of flowers;
And I said I am going to remember this wonderful sweet smell forever...
~ I did ~

We need to make the effort to capture moments,
It is such a powerful thing to remember a sweet memory!

I remember my mother had the most lovely periwinkle blue dress.
She would wear it for only very special occasions.
I loved it on her!
I remember seeing her one time in that dress and I said to myself,
"She is the most beautiful mother in the world"
~ She was ~

I remember sitting in a big white Chrysler vehicle one sunless day,
And in front of that car stood a black hearse.
My Grandmother was in it, waiting to be buried in the cemetery.
Our family matriarch had died!
~ Gone ~

It is just another day in the life and times!
Will I leave a legacy of a sweet smelling aroma,
Is the fragrance arising day and night!

Will the day God calls me home be etched in a loved ones mind;
And the small and special moments of a special day be remembered?

We can make a difference...
We can be the one to deposit wonderful memories!

Every day has great big possibilities to change and encourage;
To each and every person God has given you!

I think as I have looked over the worst lie of the enemy of my soul,
Has been this one;
What you do does not make one bit of difference in this world or in the lives of others!

I know it is a lie, because I have seen the fruit of my life now!
And I am still here to plant seeds and sweet memories...

~ Sweet Memories are a gift of love ~

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Blossom Where You Are Planted In The Country Or City Or Young Or Old...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I think Wild Flowers Are So Pretty...
They just grow wherever they find a bit of soil and sunshine and rain!

~Blossom Where You Are Planted~

Well, we have all heard that saying I am sure;
But it really can help to think of it in each new season of our lives.

Some days we can feel a bit out of sorts!
Like when a new season starts or ends,
But I always try to take stock and look at the positive. and count my blessings!

I think one of the loveliest women I know are the ones who blossom
and grow in every season of their lives.

We can become tired and worn out at times, but we must revive
our hearts back to life and live...

How many decades have you been graced to walk and live and breathe?

How many times have you looked out into the future and felt overwhelmed?
But when you look back you can see the hand of God molding you!

The reason we can blossom in any season, is because we have been
given the endurance to allow our roots to go deep!

It does not matter where we live;
Every place will have its own struggles
Every season has unique situations.
We have wisdom and grace that comes from each year we live!

I am a country girl at heart;
But I also lived on  the outside of NYC

But what I have learned is this---
You must blossom in every place God sets your feet;
Because sometimes in the beginning your heart might not be there yet!

We have so many that need to see the genuine and real contentment in us!
~We can be a source of hope and encouragement to others~

I think we enjoy blogging because it gives us a safe place to love and guide,
others that have a kindred spirit.

You can blossom even in the darkest days and the dry soil;
When we look for the blossom in another life or blog post of another blogger we get inspired.
Thank you to so many of you with your cooking and crafts and words of wisdom!
We all play a role in each others life.
But it must be for the good to help us adapt and blossom!

We can grow where we are planted and blossom and produce fruit!

Sometimes it requires some true grit,
(Or manure)

Other times it's pure grace...

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Speak Truth And Expose What Has Caused You To Stumble...

Sometimes I just think I stay in the quiet place!
I want to be shielded from the hard things!
But mostly I have walked right into the very things that would do the most harm to me!

I have written a post that has taken me way too long to publish;
But better late then never, but sometimes it really can be too late.

This post will come out tomorrow!
I may offend a few, but I know it is the right thing to do!

If we always stay far away from the hard stuff we will become weak;
And we are called to endure!

So I finally wrote it and I will either sleep like a baby tonight or cry like one,
As I repent and have sorrow in my heart for all the lies I believed.

Knowing what you believe is a powerful thing,
Truth will one day be revealed...

Read tomorrows post if you're interested in what I found out!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Our Spring Tea Cup Exhange...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

 (Old Country Roses)
From Royal Albert

My Lovely Tea Cup From Our Tea Cup Exchange

I received this lovely cup with many goodies in a pretty round decorated box!

I received it from a lovely blog called

There was a vintage apron tucked inside her box!
A spring in bloom sachet set package called
"Lilacs in bloom."

A roll of vintage lace of pretty pink and beige in color.
(I will use this lace for something special)

A linen cloth with flowers on it and a very pretty blue and white handkerchief.

Also a pretty little bag with small mint green hand soaps!
And also a wee little doily made of lace.

Also, there was an array of different tea bags to choose from!

And the box she sent it in, was decorated very pretty!

Tea For You
Tea for two is always better...

Loved that sweet handkerchief!

This tea cup exchange was really fun for me!
I enjoyed receiving this lovely package in the mail.
Thank You Pam from...

But I also had fun making up my own little gift box and
Mailing it, to now a very new dear friend!
Tonia from...

I hope all you ladies enjoyed the spring teacup exchange, as I know I did!
And Thank You Stephanie for all the hard work it took to put this together!!
Here is where we all will be sharing our gifts and teacups and mugs.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Sweet Rose Tea And Health Benefits,,,

This is a lovely sweet caffeine free tea.
 It has many health benefits. It contains the herb called Holy Basil.

Tulsi Sweet Rose

A delicate blend of chamomile, rose petals and the fragrant essence of rose.

Reduces Stress
Supports the Immune System
Builds Stamina
Uplifts Mood
Aids Digestion

I like to add a touch of honey to mine, and drink it to have a refreshing lift.
This time of year I once again enjoy my ritual of tea at three o'clock...

I have found drinking decaffeinated beverages have had an advantage!

I have been experimenting with so many herbal teas,
There are so many on the market that are so good for you!

I love the ritual of making tea;
Braving the water till it has a full steam pouring forth.
Choosing the perfect tea for the time of day or moment.

If it is just me, I just use the cup I have chosen, but if it is a few of us,
I enjoy using one of my teapots!
I also have a little teapot that is just for a two cup sitting.

It is very nice to have a cup of tea in the morning
(Many prefer coffee and I did till I felt the tea to be better suited my tummy)
So when I do like a cup of coffee in an afternoon, I now drink a decaffeinated kind!

~Coffee can cause a low blood sugar reaction and also raise your blood pressure~

I still enjoy the smell of coffee brewing...
So I do not deny myself a nice cup of coffee when I desire one.

But tea has had no undesired effects on me, so I have been drinking it a
A few times a day, but the evening tea had been so relaxing and comforting.

I enjoy reading a book and sipping tea!
Even in the summer I enjoy a cup,
My Grandmother use to say it cooled her by drinking a mint tea.
What is a brand or type of tea you enjoy?

Blessings, Roxy

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Perfect Orange...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Lately I just crave oranges...

It all started when I bought this huge bag of the largest oranges I have ever seen!
There were super expensive;
And I told my grandson, that I was either being ripped off;
Or these oranges were going to be the best oranges in the world.

And I am telling you that those oranges have been the most delicious oranges ever!
I think I have only one orange left...
What will I do?
I will always long and dream about the perfect orange forever.

Okay, that was a bit dramatic, but my point is this...

Once in a  while you just find the perfect orange!

I am learning to realize when I happen to come across a really delicious
Or lovely thing, I give thanks.
Some things in this world come a dime a dozen;

But we all just need the perfect once in a while.

In a way it is a bit like the glass slipper from the Cinderella story;
Everybody wanted to try on that perfect slipper.

But it would only fit one certain lady!
And just a tidbit of reality here;
I am sure Cinderella did not wear her glass slippers every day!
Some things, as wonderful as they seem do not happen every day and all the time!

I am glad that I did find a perfect bag of oranges,
And I was enjoying every last one of them;
And since then I have bought another bag of oranges.
Not even close in taste or sweetness.
No, not everything will be perfect.
But as we all know this life is not perfect!

I just wanted to share a few things this day!

Find the perfect moment in each day!
Just because the glass slipper does not fit doesn't mean you can't
Make a lovely planter out of it! Smile)
Even the hardest days have a lesson to learn in it!
Real friends you can not buy or purchase online...
Listen to those around you who have wisdom.
(You just might learn something)

Oranges are good, but then God made lemons and limes also...

I really love and appreciate you all amazing ladies out there
In blog land and I know you are real people with real lives.
And we all know that the glass slipper is just a story!

Okay, who likes Instagram?

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Meeting Real People From Our Blogs And Real Friendships...

Deborah And Roxy

Meeting a dear blogging friend from,

Some girls just want to have fun...

When you are a blogger, you interact with so many different ladies,
From all over the world.
Some our young some are older and wiser.
Sometimes it is a bit hard to realize that they are real and have different
personalities and qualities.

Some are just in the beginning years of marriage and families.
But they all seem to have the same desire is to love God;
Raise their children and to be a good wife.

So yes, we seem to have that all in common.

So when you are given a chance to get to know a blogger a bit better!
Now, is where it gets fun and interesting.
Years ago we might of had a penpal to write to.

But through blogging we can email and send pictures to them!
We can even exchange addresses and write or send a gift!
You can even exchange phone numbers and have a nice chat!

Deborah and Amy

Also my darling daughter in law got to go with me to meet Deborah!

We all truly had a lovely lunch and great conversation!
Sometimes we can really get a sweet friendship through blogging.

My thoughts were very much matched what Deborah would be like.
She is kind and warm and gracious, and truly loves the Lord.
She is real and sincere and I loved meeting her!
She looked beautiful and her hair was darling!
(Remember her post on going natural)
And she did grace me with a lovely tea cup and a bag of tea.
It was a pretty white and black pattern.

All I can say is this;
Amy and I thought it was a lovely time visiting and sharing our hearts!
We loved meeting you, dear Deborah!!

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, April 4, 2016

Beware Of Some Of The Adult Coloring Books...

Beware Of Some Of The Adult Coloring Books...

So many ladies have been going wild over the new craze of adult coloring books!
In the beginning of this new fad, it was very hard to find these adult books.
Many ladies ordered these online.
Then many stores starting carrying these coloring books!
Some of them had a bend towards New Age!
Also, they were laced with Hinduism symbols.

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I think many times we think these little things do not matter.
But after giving it some thought and reading some negative information on these types,
of coloring books. I now feel that it deserves a warning!

A mandala is that beautiful circle pattern that looks like it would be impossible to draw free hand. 
It is also a “spiritual and ritual symbol in Indian religions, representing the universe.
 In common use, mandala has become a generic term for any diagram, chart or geometric pattern that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically; a microcosm of the universe.”

I have been given two really lovely coloring books...
The design is sweet and very beautiful!
You can feel very artistic and creative with the colors you choose to use.

Many women have expressed that by coloring it helps them relax!
It can be very soothing and yet interesting enough to use your brain.
So if you are using, these adult coloring books, I do hope they
Are the ones that are pretty and do not contain these things.

I believe engaging in even patterns that carry a motif that is not christian,
is not really very wise in a choice of design.

I realize that many will think this is a bit nit picky, but I have learned
that even in the small things we can make choices that bring glory to God.

The coloring should be fun and safe and not opening oneself to Zen or meditation!
Just because everyone else is using them does not make them safe!

You can color, but purchase ones without all that stuff.
It is rather fun to find a sweet coring book and I loved buying new coloring pencils!

Have you purchased a coloring book?
Have you enjoyed coloring?

I do hope you all have a blessed and creative week!

Blessings, Roxy

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Were Not All That Different...

Sometimes we all just feel a bit fluffy...

We all have so many different ideas and goals.
But we all just really have very basic needs.

We are all really learning every day of our lives.

Sometimes we require very little!
I like to think of myself as not being high maintenance.

We all live in different time zones and spaces and places.
But we are really not all that different!

I am in the process of writing this blog post...
Will be updating as it cancelled, all I wrote.

I will not be derailed by a little glitch or a storm or pain!

Because we have to keep on, we need to shake it off;
Get over it!

If we always just stopped every time we felt bad or trouble came a knocking
 we would shrivel up and never produce the character or fruit we need!

Look, we need substance to live out our calling!

When we truly have hard times we have two choices!
We lean harder into the only thing that will remain forever;
Or we give up and shrivel up!

Why do we think that others always have it easier?
Why do we think every century had it better off?

Lets face it, we all are where we are suppose to be'
We either learn and grow and carry on,
Or we start the slow fade...

Well, as for me and my house we choose life in spite of all
the negative reports or the sorrow or pain.

We are called to help and inspire and work while it is yet day!

Many have it much more worst off than we do;
But that is not the point!!
We are called to carry our own cross,
And to stop and smell our own flowers!

Do not waste your time trying to live in another persons life,
Or to tend their garden...
Be diligent and enjoy this new day and season!

Look around...
Everything is coming to life...

Be inspired, do something that says I am alive

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