Showing posts with label A Word for the day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Word for the day. Show all posts

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Sing As Onto The Lord...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

A New Song

God loves to hear his people sing.
He created us to sing;
Children so easily sing and hum, it is very precious!
Women who have trained themselves to have a song in their hearts!
Will have a resource that will bring peace and calming in many storms.

After all, we are called to bring a joyful noise unto the Lord!
I  feel bad that I do not have any natural or trained musical ability;
But, it has not stopped me from singing and giving praise!

A heart that is filled with a hymn or a song of praise;
Will always have a chance to turn complaining around;
A song that is in your heart is like a bird that cannot contain its song!

When you are alone, it is so sweet to sing a song to the Lord!
Sing while you're doing your dishes.
Sing as onto the Lord!

I always remember the scripture where He is singing over us!
God serenades us everyday...
Hear the birds singing
Hear the wind blowing
Hear and feel your own heartbeat!

God is the great conductor!
May your life have harmony as a symphony that moves us!

We all have heard the statement;
~She moves to the beat of her own drum~
As it should be when we are in rhythm of the Lords timing...

May a New Song of gratitude spring up and be sung...

Nothing on earth is so well suited to make the sad merry,
The merry, sad, to give courage to the despairing,
to make the proud humble, to lessen envy and hate,
as music.

~Martin Luther~

Living From Glory to Glory

Monday, February 29, 2016

Saying I Love You...

Friends, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Saying I love YOU...

~Some words carry weight and life~
Why we must be asking these questions,

Why do you love me?
Why do I love you?

Because without love, we would die a slow and painful death!

We are warned in scripture that the love of most will grow cold...

If I wrote a bestseller book and had not love
If I lived in a mansion and had not love
If I knew hundreds of people, but had no friends;
Love is a commodity worth millions...

Love is a terrible thing to waste,
But we all know we can not love everything that some people are doing!
Love the sinner, hate the sin!

If you have been given the chance to extend true friendship;
Honor it
Grow it
Keep it

I Love You...
Because He first loved me!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Trying To Find Time...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Trying To Find Time...

What are some of the lovely and satisfying things that you just long to do?

I really do enjoy sewing and making aprons and cloth dish towels.
And my new fun favorite thing to do is make little tea bag fabric holders.

Any more I need smaller projects so I can get them done quicker.
It would help if the darn thread stayed threaded in my machine;
(I think the hole in the needle is shrinking)

When I do get into town and I always find myself in the fabric store!
(Might need to join Fabric Hoarders Anonymous)

I have a drawer full of fabric, but I just can't help myself at times...

Are you ladies finding it harder to get to those projects that you
really enjoy doing?

Sometimes I just have to tell myself today is the day I will sew!

I think that when we just always do the normal housework;
And we do not just do something that makes us sing deep down inside.
We can become tired and a bit stale in our imagination.

Once Spring gets here and I do believe it is peeking its head out,
We will once again have yard work to do and planting!

I think we have the change of seasons so we can have a
Long winter's rest inside so we can really enjoy the fresh outdoors,
Come spring and summer.

I do hope to finish a few things this next week!
(Well, that is if;
The Lord willing and the creek don't rise)

I think we just need to have something to look forward to.
Hope you have some plans to do something special!

Work and pray and enjoy...

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Tornado Drops From The Sky...


Our daughter and son in law and their children were in that tornado that
Struck in the night in Pensacola, FL.

God truly protected them all...

When they saw all the damage that had hit the other homes;
They praised God for His hand of protection!

And we thanked God for answering our prayers!
As you all know we ask for God to protect our loved ones!
Even in the  path of a fierce storm He delivered them.

All the stuff is replaceable...
Life is the most valuable thing we are given;
Firstly, physical life, but it is the converted, regeneration state of
Our very souls that we must truly understand
The gift of God that really matters!

Trees that have graced the neighborhood for 30+ years,
Were tossed around as if they were but a blade of grass.

Storms will come!!

~We will find peace in the eye of the storm~

Living From Glory To Glory
Even when fear strikes our hearts!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Learning To Play The Piano In My Spare Time...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Learning To Play The Piano

I am beginning to wonder about the wisdom or shall I call it the bravery;
In the reality that I am learning to play the piano...

I can hear the scales in my sleep

But learning where each note sits on the staff
Is a new learning curve for me!

These little notes do many things...
They step, skip and repeat!

I felt rather discouraged last week when I went to my class
And I found out I had learned a song incorrectly.

I tell you I almost wanted to quit...

Tell me when are we too old to learn something new?

I tell so many of you often in my blog posts
Never give up!

Keep running your race!

Well, now I need to apply this very same thing to myself.

If I wrote about every aspect of my life,
Or if you told me every woe and trouble in your lives.
We all would become a 
Debbie Downer
(From Saturday Night Live)
Yes, I have watched it a few times many years ago!

I do not live under a rock...

Our internet is not an unlimited kind...
(This thing gives you warnings;
You are about to exceed your time limit)

But, I am pretty sure life does not give you these warnings
So you can hurriedly squeeze all the things into your day or life;
That you have had a desire to do!
So Just do it...

Look, if you would only...
Brush your teeth for 3 minutes a day
And Study your Bible for an hour daily
And if you would walk for 20 minutes every day
And eat five fruits and vegetables every single day of your life
And you must practice the piano every day at least two times a day
And remember to remember to do all these things!

You my friend would be a robot or a computer...

So there you have it...

Wait, one more thing;
We are supposed to encourage one another daily, while it is yet day!
So here it is, my dear sweet friends!!
I appreciate each of you!
Sometimes I can only just get on the computer when
I am NOT either brushing my teeth, or eating my fruits and vegetables,
Or walking, or playing the piano!
Or if I have not exceeded my limit...

~I do hope you all got a good laugh~

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Looking For Color In Every Day And The Majestic Cardinal...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The Cardinal

This beautiful bird is one of my most favorite!
But sadly in this part of the country we do not have them.
When I was a child growing up we had them;
And even then I thought they were all dressed up for a party!

There is just such a lively and robust way about them!
I think they are always dressed for a festive holiday!
There just majestic and regal!
The King and Queen of the winter forest!

Because of my love of these birds I am now,
I am on the look out for some fabric with these bright red birds on them.
And maybe a picture or a bird figurine for the mantel.

It is interesting how one can become interested in many different things,
That may have never even crossed my path or radar before.
But I have taken a keen interest now!

Learning to broaden your horizon and interest is healthy and,
Keeps us young...

I always thought bird watching was silly or boring,
But I now think watching the birds and seeing the many
Splendors that God has created is eye opening!

We can become dull in noticing the little things, as we become
Bombarded with the big and loud!

These beautiful birds are so very cheery and bright!

I know this is the time of year we need to really look for;
Bright Spots in our days!
It is the time of year where the landscape becomes really brown 
All colors are gone and things can appear dreary.

I hope to travel soon and I will be on the look out for these lovely birds!

The color red is such a cheery color!
I always like to have a bit of red in most every room of my home!
Just a red flower a geranium just makes me smile.
A red rose says lovely to me.
A red frame around a picture just pops!

Why we need to keep an eye always opened;
Beauty and color is everywhere, we just have to look
More intently...

Lord, give me eyes to see all your beauty and to appreciate it!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Gods Grace Overflows And Where Your Treasures Is...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

These Young Ladies Inspire Me...

I have known each and every one of them for at lease
Two decades or more!

They desire to be Godly wives and mothers!
They have shown me honor and love...
I am so grateful that I have been able to speak truth and love
Into their hearts and families and marriages!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

We were all having a little tea party lunch for sweet fellowship;
As these two young women were here visiting their Mother!
Which just happens to be my dear friend from our youth.
These two were best friends with my daughter growing up!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The one in the middle is my most precious Daughter In Love;
She was given to me as a gift through marriage...
She has blessed me beyond words!
You Can Find Her @
Gods Grace Overflows

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

This lovely lady and friend has been a part of my life

The two young ladies with me above our her two girls
"They are twins"

Here is Pam's Blog
Where Your Treasure Is
(Treasure In Earthen Vessels"

We have had many years to grow a friendship that we always
pray brings glory to God!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

These young Godly Boys;
Belong to the women of the first photo I showed;
These are the young arrows these ladies are raising!

And of course, these boys are a few of Pam's and my grandchildren!
We both have more grandchildren that were not with us on this occasion.

I think it is rather very sweet to all be together for a few glorious hours!
The boys had so much fun...

We girls had a lovely day!
Tea and a yummy lunch!
And Love

( I just wanted to mention that the two girls in the photo with me;
Are the very ones that got all of us to start a Blog)
They are the very reason I have gotten to know so many other very special
Blogging friends all over the world!


Sunday, January 24, 2016

Vintage And Rose And A Sweet And Gentle Spirit...

This was a card sent to me many years ago, I just always thought it was so pretty.
 I do have a fondness for Victorian pictures.
 It must be the angelic sweetness that seems to emanate from them.

So many times I feel insulted by the offensive things that abound in our world.

But we woman can create  a home that is filled with things that bring a sense of well being.
Being a homemaker is a powerful ministry.
 I chose to keep my home the center of my affection, of course after Christ.
 As a Godly atmosphere  is what makes a home! 
Being able to take the time or in some cases to make the time.
To make your home clean and comfortable,
Yet filled with sweet treasures of color and beauty!

I think we can take a bit of imagination and spray paint;
And make a new look or refresh an older item of our home!

So many cute ideas that can be done with just some chalkboard paint!

I have seen many blog posts about how many women have taken things 
from their closets or Goodwill and revamped them into a treasure.

I also think it is a good idea to have a box or tub to have
Put aside to have other pictures or glassware for decorating,
and changing your rooms around.
This can be seasonal or just different color schemes.

Whether you like vintage or eclectic in style,
you can always make every room seem special and warm,
An inviting and to want to linger there!

I also want to mention this is that even if a home is decorated to the nines,
Being a woman that resides there that has a sweet and gentle spirit.
Is what really makes a home cozy and lovely!

I do hope to write a post on this topic soon!
A Sweet And Gentle Spirit...

As Always, Living From Glory To Glory

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Living The Dream...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Living The Dream...

My dream was to marry and have children and to live in the country!

I know that this dream was given to me by the hand of the Lord;
I am so thankful the Lord gave me a husband that wanted to be
Married and have a family. I think in this world we have so many,
Younger couples that never even plan to marry or to have children.

I heard a friend of mine say recently that she was lonely
 as she also lives in the country, but she said a very interesting come back;
I guess we would be just as lonely in the city...

It is really very true, as so many people do not even know they're
Own neighbors!

I really enjoy the quiet and solitude that the space provides.

Sometimes it does feel lonely;
But I think after we have been in town every day for a week;
We both say in unison, it is so good to be back home.

Where are the young ladies that want marriage;
And to love and honor their husbands?

Where are the ladies who desire to have children and not wait
Till they are finished with law school?
Does anyone want to live in the country?

Well, it really does not matter where you live!
~It is how you live~ 

I will never regret staying married and having children!
But I think we have a generation of people that have made choices;
That will feel empty and self absorbed one day!

I heard a professional today tell me this;
We now look like a city that could be called a ghetto!
I thought "what" She said it is the way people dress and
They do not even brush their teeth!
She said it is a disgrace!

I just nodded my head and said yes, it is true!

If the Lord will put a young woman in your life that you
Might be able to steer in the right direction;
To cause her to have a heart for home and hearth!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Can You Rate Yourself...

Sometimes we can rate our levels of good old fashion common sense.

If we never take the time to look at why we do what we do, we become
Stunted in growing of areas that need to shift and change.

Let's face it, are dynamics change and we need to reevaluate how we live
And what we do in our day.

I find myself not trying new things, like when I was much younger;
But I still think it is important to think about something that you would like to do!

I always like to go or do something new every year!
It always does not have to be something huge or expensive!!

Common sense can usually give you a heads up for what might be a new direction!

If you have not even tried a new food in a decade, then you might be in a rut!

If you think your happiness depends on others, you may be stuck emotionally!
(I have experienced this when my children grew up and left home)

Having a healthy state of mind for me depends on my heart's ability
To move on and to learn new things!
And to take pleasure in simple things!

That feeling of being able to clean out and to make a break of old habits,
Can allow us to revamp and overcome.

I have learned the hard way to rate myself...
I do not want to be naive of what and where I am in this place called life!

When we are learning to change things up, realize that it can take over 30 days to
Reprogram our thinking and our actions!

1-10    Rate Your flexibility

Always, Roxy

Saturday, January 2, 2016

What Else Can I Possible, Say...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Play It Again Sam...

Have you ever just felt like what else can I possibly say?

Well, I can assure you of this, my Hubby would say
You my dear have many more words left to say...

So I guess I will just say what comes to mind!

I love and hate winter
I love it because it is the time of year you can sit by the fire,
And no one thinks you're lazy. And I can put my PJ's on earlier
and no one thinks anything about it.
I hate it because;
1. It is cold
2 It gets dark so early
3 It's cold, oh wait I said that already!

I have been painting my nails some very bright colors, 
Many lovely shades of reds!
It looks so bright and cheery, so now I have gone back to wearing
My rubber gloves while doing dishes! It really does save my hands
from becoming chapped and the nails drying out.

I have walked so far every day this year!!
(2 whole days)

I now have to take my blood pressure twice a day;
Just thinking about doing it makes my blood pressure go up!
( Well, that is just makes no sense to me)

I also had to stop drinking coffee because it made my blood pressure
Go much higher, so I now am a decaf drinker...
So now life has taken a whole new turn...

I know you all have so many great ideas about lower blood pressure;
But mine is caused from genetics...

I seem to be praying for so many people who have had some very
difficult times, right now in their lives.

Have you ever had nights you just can't fall asleep?
Well the sure cure is to get out the phone book---
And start praying for everyone in alphabetical order!
(Really, I tried that once)

Remember that commercial with the little old lady eating a hamburger?
She opens it up and says;
"Where's the BEEF"

So you all get my point!
Sometimes it is better to not say anything!

Oh wait !!
"Laughter is good medicine"

Monday, December 28, 2015

A Little Sadness As Another Holiday Cheer Ends...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

There is just something about a soft light of a candle;
But my favorite is a string of twinkling lights...

I must share with you a deep sense of sadness that came over me today.
We decided to take down the Christmas tree and decorations;
As we had the thought it would be good to start the 
New Year out with the house in order and fresh and tidy!

Yes, it was a good idea, but the feelings and emotion of sadness
Just came over me, but I did find myself weeping a few tears.

I always feel such a sweet and tender range of thoughts and emotions at
this time of the year...
I know that it is such a busy time of year;
But there are so many memories attached to Holidays...

The house looked oh so lonely with all the snowmen put away
No more jack frost nipping at my nose!
All the red and white and golden tinsel put into a box and put away!

All my old fashion Santas are packed away!
My tree is down and the needles swept up...
Oh, what a very sad day!

One thing I do to console myself and to keep some Christmas cheer
All year round, is to keep two separate strands of the multi colored lights up.
I place one at the bottom of my mantel and the other is on top
of my kitchen cabinets over my stove.

So whenever I need the soft and comforting light, I just turn them on!
My Mother-in-law always had a strand over her kitchen sink.
She used them as a night light until bedtime.

I also have been using those fake candles with timers on them.
I place one in the kitchen window and some on the tables.

I am missing the Christmas songs and presence under the tree!
I must tell you all this;
I took pleasure in every detail of Christmas this year!
I did a bit of sewing and some baking!
I did get a few Christmas cards sent out!

So as we say goodbye to another Christmas,
I pray you all heard the bells on Christmas Day!

We never know what the New Year will hold...
Live each day by taking pleasure
 And holding memories close to your heart...

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Little Pins And Little Tree And A Little Giving Goes A Very Long Way...

Just a Little...

I am always amazed at how much a little can mean to someone!

Just a little bit of sugar helps the medicine go down!

She was cooking and baking and wrapping all day;
She lives to make her house a home.
She answers the question at ten times a day,
Yes, Christmas is on its way!

She makes every effort to put a twinkle in each person's eye.
She smiles and wonders how she will make it through another day!

The joys of being the one who makes Christmas special...

Oh, how I pray for all those special women who have the bare
Minimum to make their Christmas cheer.

Life is not easy for many,
 they feel the stretch and the lack and some cupboards are bare.

I have prayed that someone out there will become aware 
and give a special gift to someone unaware of a little help coming
Their WAY

If you can be a little bit of help to someone near you,
It is not too late to give a gift and little help...

A little given in much love;
Is better than many with little love!

I am reminded of the widows mite;
She gave all she had!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Family Circle...

Good Morning...

Christmas each and every year seems to come more quickly,

Yet, I have found a deep sense of peace in the process this year!

It really goes back to not allowing the worlds commercialism to rule.

We have the ability to stop and do what is important!

Every Christmas has a great potential to teach us the real truths!
God and His Son, given to us as a gift, a babe wrapped in a manger!

Why do we blow it all up and try to act super human?

Taking two lovely, godly young mothers out to lunch today,
I want to give them a moment to breath and relax...

Helping each other to do things in a way that breed love and family!

Is your Husband feeling the comfort and joy coming from you?
Is your home peaceful and Christmas softly playing in the background?

Do you have a few sweets in the freezer?

Have you watched Christmas movies as a family!

Have you read the Christmas story yet?

Well, no worries...
Just enjoy this most wonderful time of the year!

Give Your Husband what he really wants for Christmas
Give Your Children what they really need for Christmas

We are a family, because God put us together!
We are part of God's family if you are His child!

Blessings, to each of you!
Take a deep breath and sing;

JOY to the world, the Lord has come!

Just file away all those  wonderful Christmas ideas for next year!

Merry Christmas
Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, December 14, 2015

Doing Life Together "I'll Be Home For Christmas If Only In My Dreams"...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Doing Life Together...

We all know that doing things with another is so much easier and enjoyable!

It can even be a very simple task or even the hard things;
Doing it with someone we love or care about is so much better.

When we have someone to talk and perform a job with just makes the
Burden lighter or easier!

We were not created to be alone!
But rather to do life with our families...

Just having another person in our homes can help drive the quiet away.
And believe me, I love my peace and quiet!

But when you have someone to eat with or to do some baking with;
It just makes life special!

When you are young and your children are young you never even think about
Being alone or by yourself for hours or even days at a time.
But trust me as you become an empty nester or just are in a new season.
Or the worst emptiness is the loss of a loved one!

We need our loved ones close or to live close!
We need holidays spent with our multi-generational families.
We need each and every generation;
They all bring a dynamic that is needed!

God told Adam, It is not good for man to be alone;
So God created him a helper...
Look, we all need to be a helper and to have a helper!
I am not just referring to husband and wife here...

I say this because this is the time of year that loss and loneliness is at its peak.
When we are alone during the most wonderful season of all;
That loneliness can be so heavy and profound!

I might not be experiencing this myself, but I can assure you all of this,
Someone close or far is experiencing this...
And if we are not receptive to this in others lives, we will become cold!

Just because your days and lives are busy and full, does not mean
Others are not feeling lonely or forgotten about!

I love that song that sings this chorus
" I'll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams"

Some people have lost their dreams and spunk for life...
We need to be aware of those that are in loneliness!

Also, learning the fine art of helping others!

It is as easy as a phone call...
A letter or a funny card...
Asking them to come over to bake...
Or taking a small token or gift to them...
Praying for them...

Ignoring them is not an option!
Being too busy is not an excuse!
Look, we do not have to do it all, but we all need to do our part!


I'll Be Home For Christmas Song
If Only In My Dreams

Home For The Holidays

Merry Christmas

Monday, December 7, 2015

Reassuring Those We Love...



Sometimes, as the women, we need to reassure our husbands!

And as a woman you will have times you will need to reassure many;
You know when you go through a stretch of trials or tribulation,
We can become fearful or unsure!

And it is very good to quickly respond to our loved ones;
To say yes, we are going to be okay...
Even during a difficult time, we can get pressed!

Even when we do not think we are stressed our bodies can and will
Still respond in a fight or flight mode!

Fear when dwelt upon over a crisis has its own problems!

When worry creeps up over a bad report or situation;
I remind myself of this
Worry is sin...

No, it does not just stop it!
But it puts me in the overcoming defense!

In this life we need to have a plan of defense.

Learning to respond correctly quickly is a powerful antidote for many things!

Even when things happen slowly, there is still a response.

We are to be good stewards of our bodies
Our finances
Our relationships

Being a good steward requires action, 
Keeping Busy
Can be so powerful in times of unrest, or sickness.

I think of times past, someone is always in a crisis or coming out of one.

Taking and making the time to reassure ourselves and others,
Every time a crisis comes we learn to readjust and overcome
So if any of you or your loved ones have been struggling
With sickness or a bad report my heart goes out to you!

I have many friends going through trials!
I also have had high blood pressure out of no where...
I started exercising and changed my diet to less salt
And taking a few supplements;
But still landed in the ER
The doctor told me I was not dying...
That was a relief... I needed to be reassured!

I still feel really weird, I go to the doctors again tomorrow!
I DO NOT want to have to take medicine for it!
(What are your thoughts?)

P.S. Now that I think about it all, I started feeling terrible after I had a
Flu and pneumonia shot in the same day...
My arm got all red and swollen for a week!
Did my body have a reaction from them?
I think so...

Friday, December 4, 2015

Christmas Spirit Of A Child...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Christmas Spirit Of A Child...

The wonder and excitement and glee!

Simple is always the better choice!

We do not have to spend a ton of money!

We do not need a ton of Christmas decorations!

Just watching Christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate,
Can bring comfort and warmth...

Exchanging Christmas ornaments is easy and affordable!

You can always give gift cards!
(coffee or burgers)

I am looking for fa la la la la...

I want to awake to the joy and excitement of what
Christmas is really about.

I heard that Christmas is about kindness;
And I thought, wait a minute, I think something has gone astray!
Christmas is about the birth of Jesus our Lord and Saviour...

So my JOY comes from this;
I will still hang a red bulb on the tree
I will still bake cookies for those I love
I will sing
JOY to the world the Lord has come...

Merry Christmas

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Winter Woe's...

After Winter truly sets in we all need to pull out our thermal underwear
Warm socks 
Lined gloves
Boots with warmth, and not just cute!

So you get the picture;
During this last week I thought I might just fill you in on a few 
Happening's around here...

Well, it snowed and has been freezing
I completely lost my voice for three days
I watched every Hallmark movie in a movie marathon.
My brain completely seized up...
As a girl has to use her words, or it is very possible that
She just may explode, I tell you!

Well, after 2 days of that I was determined to get moving and do something!
So, I cut out two Christmas aprons and as a no surprise; I was short on the fabric.
So, one of the aprons would fit an elf!
So if you know any elves that need a new apron, let me know!

Then after a very long day...
My Hubby comes in and tells me last evening
Honey, I need to move the dryer out as it is spewing lint and moisture 
all in the back mud room.
(Living out here you need a mud room)

I tell him I will help, so he gets the dryer pulled out and of course
the dirt under those appliances are always so dirty,
We get it all fixed and we used the all purpose homeowners
Duct tape to complete the job....

So as we are putting the duct tape away...
I watched as a can of PVC glue purple gunk falls off the shelf and splits open.
Now it is all over my hubby's arm and now on my white floor.

Not one of us knew what to do!
We tried bleach, we tried WD 40
We used a paint scraper.
I screamed (whispered) call our son!!
(I had no voice)

He is one of those guys that can make or fix anything;
He said use some GOOF OFF...
Hubby says do have any Goof Off?

Don't ask me, how would I know!

Well any hoot he came over and he had some of that stuff and it did take
most of that bright purple color off my floor.

Okay, if this was all  a test I am pretty sure I did not get such a good grade!

Oh, and did I mention I ordered for the first time an organic
Turkey for our Thanksgiving meal?

Well, it was the most bland and tough turkey I have ever served!
I kid you not I spit it out in my napkin,
Just like when I was a kid and my Mother served us liver!
I really did miss my hormone ladened turkey...

I hope I did not leave out any important facts...
Oh wait, one more I turned another year older!

I do feel this is another holiday to remember!
Laughter is good medicine...

Living From Glory To Glory

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