Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Come Away My Beloved...


You are invited to a Party!

Please do not be late, for I have made a lovely setting for each of you.
I have polished the silver and place a tea cup for each of you.

You can have the choice of coffee or tea,
Scones or muffins along side the quiche.

As I was sitting there at my desk this morning I was thinking about,
This Blog called Living from Glory to Glory.
And what I believe I was given from the Lord,
  Was how this is a ministry!
We have all been placed in this this time and space together.
He told us to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together.

So I am with many of you today and tomorrow via through this blog!

I prayed for each of you...

When you stop and read my humble writings and when,
You leave me a comment it cheers my heart!
And I think she is my friend!
A fellow Godly woman, living in the place of a woman's desire.
To be heard and loved and to see others to encourage them...
Am I my Brother's keeper?

Yes, my child, you are!

I am not a dictionary or a cookbook!
I am not a psychiatrist!
I am not a Doctor!
I am not a health expert!
I am not many things with a title given to me by the world!

I am a child of God!
I am walking in His love!
I am learning how to be A Godly Woman, wife and a Mother.
Now, also a Grandmother!
I am being given wisdom and insight into many things!
I am becoming for like Him each day!
Living from Glory to Glory...

It is so nice of you to come and stay with me and party together!
What Lady does not enjoy a wonderful outing with those who are like minded?
We love to dress and go visiting!
So many of us in these days do this via Blogs;
So may we all be joyful, truthful and kind as we visit each other!

Help each other grow and show each other what has inspired you!
We are called to be together not apart and alone!
I need each and every one of you lovely ladies!

I really think Blogging has helped me through a very long, cold, and dry winter!
Your comments have warmed my heart!
And I call you FRIEND!

The has said to each and every one of us;
Come Away My Beloved...

Friday, January 31, 2014

Charm School Needed In America...

Good Golly,
Where did all the fashion Police Go?
They are everywhere when you just one time do not get dressed for the day,
Or even think about running into town without getting ready
You tell yourself;
(But it is going to be just a quick trip into the store)
DO NOT....
I repeat, DO NOT think this is possible,
You will always run into that one person who is so put together,
You will think this is a conspiracy....

I think one of the most valuable things to do each and every morning is
Shower, and do your hair, put on something that looks clean and pretty!
Now, you will know that this is not your usual routine when
Your children see you and they ask you;
Mommy, is this Sunday?
Or, if they ask if they are going somewhere?

Making a habit of staying in your PJS for most the day is a bad idea!!
I was a Home school Mom for many years;
I even asked my children to dress and brush their teeth and wash their faces,
To teach them to be prepared for the day.
It is really all about training and making good habits. To look
Presentable and ready!

Come on Dear Ones, We must stop this downgrading of how we look
And carry ourselves, with some poise and charm!

Maybe we need some Charm Schooling to train and teach this next generation.
After all, so many women are not being a very good example;
And to you ladies out there who do try to look lovely

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Lavendar Oil

There is nothing like the scent of Lavender!
I truly think this has been my most favorite God given Herb.
I use this as a decoration in my home, because it really
Looks very rich and colorful. I like to cut it off the plant,
And place it in different baskets, and place them in my rooms.
You can use it in your bedroom or even the kitchen!
The fragrance is just so soothing to me.
I love to wear it in the evening as it brings a sweet peace to me.
After a long day, it just helps you to feel calm.
And it gives you a feeling of refreshment!

I have been using Lavender oil for over ten years !
The medicinal uses of this oil are amazing!
I use it on burns or any kinds of scraps,
It is great for skin problems.
I consider this oil as a beauty treatment for myself.
You can even use it on your tongue for canker sores!
My Grandchildren come to me with all their scraps,
As they know this oil helps and will not sting them!
I recommend this oil to everyone!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Golden Locks Going Natural Gray Hair...

Beautiful Gray Hair, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...

Lovely And Natural Beautiful Hair
Should we wear our hair long as we get older?
Shall we color our hair?
Again and again...
Is this gray hair?
Is it silver,
And Her crown of Glory?
Do men prefer their wives to have long hair?
Have you ever asked him?
Is long hair more feminine?
Would you feel more lady like if your hair was not as
Short as a man's?
If you wear your hair very short,
Do you find yourself acting Sassy and Perky?
Does hair play a role in how you act and respond?
Is our hair a non-issue?
Have you ever worn a head covering,
either just during worship.
Or all the time?
Why do so many women cut their hair (cropped)
so short as they get older?
Is there any link to the length of our hair??

This woman appears to be much younger in age.
Yet, her hair makes her look soft.

These lovely locks make her look so feminine!
Do we just not want to be bothered with a hair style,
that allow us to look like a lady?
Long beautiful hair, remember the song??
The revolution started;
Boys wearing long hair!
Girl's wearing pants all the time!
Hot Pants!
Can we at least look like we are ladies?
Do we even care anymore?

Monday, July 29, 2013

Rose Petals...

Vintage Glass Jar, Rose Petals, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

 Vintage Glass Jar

This glass jar is very old and has a sterling silver top on it.
Very pretty and is a precious treasure to me!
It belonged to my Mother.

It is on my mantel over our fireplace,
It has always been placed at a higher level,
So my grandchildren could not touch it.

Children love jars with lids,
And this jar was not a toy! 

It has been filled with rose petals, many times over the years.

Did you know that the rose stands for Christ and His Church?

Many things can become special to us, we do love are
Sweet treasures that have been handed down to us.
When my Mother was down sizing her home,
I asked her for this specific glass jar.
She looked at me and she said, you might as well take it now,
No sense in packing it away.
So this jar is filled with memories for me!

So here she is, pretty and filled with love;
Because Christ is love,
And the rose petals symbolize Him.

I have sometimes wondered if there is anything I have
That my own children or my grandchildren might want
 Some day that would be a special memory for them?

Remember, you are a sweet smelling aroma of Christ,
As your hard pressed in your life.
Yet, you can choose to praise Him in it all.

Praise is a choice!

Hello, I just wanted to share an updated post that I have done;
And it is done on this beautiful vintage glass jar.
That is filled once again with Rose Petals!
And how to dry Rose Petals;
And to make your own Potpourri!
You can find it HERE

Blessings Always,

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How Will You Use Your Beauty

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Women are the source of influence in a family.
We have been given a huge responsibility to our Husbands;
And children
The World
How will you be remembered?
Covered or Uncovered?
So, I believe it is a word of caution we need to be reminded of!
You are using your God given influence to either
Promote Him or Yourself.
Revealing a heart of love and compassion to others,
Revealing your legs and bust...
How will you use your beauty?
(And just a note you our Beautiful)
Your body is a special treasure.
Do not display it as a cheap and worthless item.
But rather adorn yourself in modest apparel.
Cover what is for your hubby's eyes only.
Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Beautiful Hair

Long Beautiful Hair
 This is a real photo of a woman's hair.
I find it really remarkable that her hair was this long.
She probably had never had it cut in her entire life.
The word tells us women that our hair is our glory !
What does that really mean to you?
Does it mean we all must have hair to our feet?
Or we can  say our hair must be to the length of to here, or to here??
Can you tell that you are a woman?
Some women have gone through a very hard struggle
With their health and have lost all their hair.
When I was a young woman I had very long hair.
Red hair!
Now days it is much shorter, and mixed with a wisp of white.
I think as a woman my hair has been a source of many things.
Time consuming
Great joy from it
Fun styles
Every length
I dyed it
I even wore a head covering for many years.
I still wear it once in awhile in church and at home or during worship service.
I have learned many lessons on headship.
And I have been blessed with much grace.
I had a missionary friend once tell me, how after having her
Hair to her knees most her life, it was so wonderful to have
Her hair cut in a bob style.
It was so nice that her hair would dry after washing it.
And no bugs in it (really)
As she was stationed in a jungle setting.
I loved her heart concerning this whole matter.
She had submitted to her covering!
I always ask my hubby, what do you want me to do?
And he tells me, whatever you want honey.
I love you!
Long hair
Short hair
White hair

1Corinthians 11:15

 I would love to hear from some of you on how you view
your hair, and what you feel is important to you!


Monday, June 17, 2013

Treasures In A Cracked Tea Pot

Making all things beautiful,
in His time.
Here is my beautiful tea pot, but it is cracked!
My hubby bought this for me awhile back,
And at my very first tea time, it cracked from the top to the bottom.

What is a girl to do?
I was so very sad to think of this special treasure to be of no use.
So, I really gave this much thought;
I added flowers to it, then a plant.
It just did not look right!
I was reminded of the scripture that speaks of us as being,
A treasure in an earthen vessel.
So, I thought what treasure do I have I could put into this
cracked tea pot ?
Not fake pearls, but real ones!
(My Momma's Pearls)
I am so thankful that just because,
I have a few cracks, that God still finds useful
things for me to be used for!
For He calls me one of His treasurs!
Here is the complete set;
Tea Pot
Sugar Bowl
Cream Pitcher



Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Virtuous Woman...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog
A rare treasure is found in a woman of
Godly character.
"Who can find a virtuous woman?"
Proverbs 31:10
I desire to tap into all the grace of God's
Power and the spirits leading
and a resolve to be all that
God wants me to be.
As we look into the heights of His standards,
we can become overwhelmed.
Yet He tells us in His word.
precept upon precept,
line upon line.
We can do this because it's all in
His strength anyway!
Each day we are given, we have
His New Life flowing in us.
Let's not down play these virtues.
These are not old fashioned,
or impossible.
But rather attainable.
Always progressing
Always becoming stronger.
His character being formed in you.

Living from Glory to Glory

Friday, April 5, 2013

Beauty Treatments

Beauty Secret, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Each of us will look at ourselves in a mirror today!
Even if it's just a reflection of yourself in your computer screen.
I know the saying goes beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
But I can say I have asked the Lord for a good hair day, or please let this zit disappear!
Lord, show me what to wear!
One or two or three places in the Bible talks about beauty,
(Hey its big business).
But is it really all just vanity and beauty is fleeting?
I want to say a word to all those beautiful women out there,
God has made everything beautiful in His time.
My number one beauty trick,
Smile More!!

The Lord loves a kind hearted women, and when your words sound sweet and gentle you become more beautiful.

Now about wrinkles!! They really our just proof that we are alive and have lived and laughed!
So Smile Jesus loves You!


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Blurred Lines Or Distinction

A Lady In The Making
Dear Ones,
   I would like to share with you a sweet word the Lord spoke to me awhile back. It was in the very early morning, when I was going out to do some morning chores. It was freezing out and I was fully bundled up in old work clothes.  A old work jacket, hat and gloves.  To say the least I looked rather rough and very manly in style.  As I walked across our land to feed the chickens and such, I heard Him say to me (daughter I want you to dress feminine.)
   Now, I know my Fathers voice and I know He was not talking about how I was dressed doing my chores. He was referring to dressing for Him each day! Not your normal daily garb!
So, it has been a sweet journey to ask Him each day to dress me. As I prayed and asked Him about this word, I realized that I wore pants almost everyday. Now there was no balance in my wardrobe at all.  For almost ten years I wore nothing but jumpers and skirts. And when I felt a release to wear pants again, I stopped wearing skirts and jumpers all together. See the extreme!
   As I prayed I had this picture in my head of men wearing dresses, Wow ,I had it!
Men have pierced ears and wear tight jeans etc. But you usually do not see them wearing a dress.
He has said I am a God of distinction! The lines have been blurred for a very long time.
When you cannot tell whether someone is a man or a woman then the lines have been blurred.
   Grace, He extends to us, and we all know it says God looks upon the heart, not the outer appearance.  But, should we all look the same?
 If your heart is not in a ready state, the outer matters not one whip.
 But, please inquire of the Lord if you please Him in your wardrobe!
   No, condemnation to any sister, as I have been in both places! 
 Yet, I can say He is wooing me to a closer and deeper walk.
 To dress with a distinction that I am a woman and will be a representative of
 His creation. And yes, I will still wear pants when it's appropriate and timely.
   This world is becoming darker and cold, may we dear women be the soft and sweet in vision.
For God desired and created women to buffet the cold and changing landscape.
   Even this picture of this sweet little girl knew she was to be a little lady!
Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Intimate Relationship...

Intimacy and Romance
We were created for relationships.
We were made in His image.
We were the very last thing God created.
He had created every amazing thing on this planet earth,
And yet something was missing!
The man made after God's image had everything...
Yet, he was alone.
The man had seen and named every exquisite animal,
and had experienced a new dawn of sunrise
and sunset.
Yet, it was God who saw his loneliness.
He Said;
For it is not good for man to be alone!
So God took the very rib of His image, and
fashioned the most feminine and lovely
creature upon the earth.
She was the grand final'e !
She was the one who would help Adam (Her Man)
She brought the heart of Her Creator.
Which is:
Just as a woman longs to be desired, and to be intimate
so does God!
Dear women of Christ take your rightful place.
Be to your husbands what God created you to be.
"sustainer beside him"
We were created to do this together!
Romance, beauty; relationships, adventure.
Prairies, and meadows and flowers.
Stars and music,
a kiss.
'I have loved you with an everlasting love'
Jer. 31:3
We were made for relationship!
Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pretty Woman

Pretty Woman
All Women are beautiful!
I make this statement because it is true.
Every woman is an amazing gift.
We long to be loved!
We long to be appreciated, and noticed.
Love is the glue that holds this world together.
Being loved is more then just a basic need,
it is what gives us life.
We  women are the heart of our homes.
That is why it is so important each day to make
it a habit of preparing to meet each day.
We start with adoring ourselves with His Word.
Clothe ourselves with His love.
Then: We take the time to make ourselves ready.
Take the time to wash and do your hair.
Apply a good moisture to your face daily.
A bit of make-up if you choose.
Smell fresh and clean.
Be purposeful in your looks.
Dress as if you had an important engagement with a King.
For you are a Queen!
Take care of yourselves dear ones.
"Dress like a lady
And you will act like one."

The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express...

Blessings, Roxy


Monday, January 21, 2013

Queen Of The Home

A Lovely Lady
This is one of my most favorite treasures.
I was given this plate as a young women, it belonged to my Grandmother.
This was in my Grandmothers china cabinet as long as I could remember.
I believe this is the very first encounter of a women of a sweet
demure countenance.
 A princess or a queen maybe?
I remember thinking, who is this pretty women, my imagination was sparked.
I always knew in my heart she was real.
Where did she live, in a palace so grand or a castle far away.
I think we as women have such a desire to create and surround ourselves
with beauty.
As I have lovingly taken such good care of this plate, I have wondered
as to if maybe one of my own grand daughters would
find an attraction as I once did?
Has our culture and days of longing for the princess ceased?
We are all Queens of our own homes!
And this why my dear ladies we long to surround ourselves
with beauty and charm.
We were born (princesses).
Blessings, Roxy


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Gentle Beauty...

Real Beauty, Compassion, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
Grace and Compassion
There is no beautifier of complexion,
Or form of behavior, like the wish to
scatter joy and not pain around us.
By: Ralph Waldo Emerson
There is a presence of grace, that
is unseen, but rather felt
in the heart.
My desire is to be a woman, who
if only for a brief moment of time.
 Is to play out my daily deeds,
 with compassion.
Compassion is not worth anything:
if we only feel pity.
But rather feeling another's
 Sorrow or hardship that leads to help.
Therefore, as God's chosen people,
holy and dearly loved,
cloth yourself with
The Book Of Colossians
Compassion great or small,
is an act of giving yourself to


Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Sweet Fragrance

A Lovely Fragrance
It is a very distinctive and pleasant beauty secret.
Our sense of smell is a powerful and complex
thing. We can experience a pleasure by a
lovely fragrance.

I think a very  easy and wonderful beauty secret is to
always wear a fragrance daily.

A light spray or splash of a fragrance you
 love helps you to feel
feminine and pretty.

I have always loved White Shoulders Perfume.

I also have many others I like,
 a sweet Jasmine scent
is amazing. 

 Also, Giorgio I saved this one for special occasions!

I have sweet memories of my Mother
wearing Emeraud Perfume.
It still invokes a very precious memory.

I love to hear someone say; you smell good!
(Especially my hubby)

I have even found a couple spray colognes from the Dollar Store,
That were really quite nice.

The soul deep in prayer
As a hyacinth
Stretches its pillar bloom,
Feelers of fragrance unseen,
To the edge of the room.
Blessings, Roxy

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Beauty in Our Homes

Autumn Flowers
Beauty comes from the Lord
He makes ALL things beautiful
Scripture tells us He makes all things new!
I have been praying for creative wisdom,
there are so many amazing and
beautiful things, just waiting
to be created.
We as woman have been given a nesting instinct.
We want to surround ourselves with beauty.
It can be simple and cozy,
or crisp and sleek.
But it must...
Have warmth, and be welcoming!!
Let authentic kindness be its main focus.
Let charity grace its rooms
Let beauty fill its halls.
Beauty and charm ,
comes  from a heart filled with HIM!
Blessings, Roxy

Friday, February 25, 2011

Picture Perfect And Pricless...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.
 Psalm 4:18 KJV

Beauty and worth are really in the hands of your Creator.
 God sees each and every one of us as a masterpiece. A work of art!
 Some things are timeless, like a string of pearls.
 Or maybe a picture that was painted that spoke a thousand words.

My Bible is that to me, I have been reading it for years,
 Yet, each morning it speaks fresh and living words to me.

This is a very precious plate with a lovely lady painted on it.
 It was my Grandmothers I always thought she must be a princess.
 This is how God sees us! (Priceless)
To be spiritually minded and full of Christ is the best beauty treatment I know of.

Living From Glory to Glory

Friday, March 26, 2010

Signature Scent...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Sweet Smelling Fragrance!

You can't see it, or hear it, but you sure can smell it.
 Scent is a powerful force!

Think of all the memories attached to scents of our childhood and holidays.

Fragrance is a powerful tool used in the old testament, a certain scent was used as a part of worship. Now, today God uses us Christians as a sweet smelling aroma to those all around us.

Now, this is just a thought, but what is the effects that lingers after you walk out of a room or a building? May you live in such close communion with Christ, that you become a sweet smelling aroma in the lives of those individuals that you have touched each day and wherever you go!

 ( Christ through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in everyplace)

2 Corinthians 2:14

Love In Christ Roxy
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