Showing posts with label Building A strong Marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Building A strong Marriage. Show all posts

Monday, July 27, 2015

Why Praying And Asking To Be The Kind Of Wife Your Husband Needs, Is The Most Important Prayer...


My Most Important Prayer...

Being a wife for many years has taught me a very important prayer factor!

Yes, over all these years I have prayed many prayers;
But the one thing the Lord has showed me many times is this;

I want to be the women and the wife and housewife that 
My Husband needs me to be!

Holy Smokes

We all have many needs and desires for living the good life
But as a wife we are called to be set apart for one man!

His needs and how he would like things to be...
Is that really asking too much?

Remember the world teaches we are our own person!

But a great marriage is one where we become the helpmate
That woman does not come a dime a dozen...

I want to be the ONLY women who can meet His needs the way
He wants them done or met.
Ask yourself;
Are your Husband's needs so hard and demanding that you cannot meet them?
Usually No, not at all,

Really most men just want a home that is clean and tidy
Clean socks and jeans and shirts
A meal that is being prepared or some good sandwich fixings in the refrigerator!
A wife that looks kind and a smile on her face!
A place that he feels welcomed in and where he belongs!
A room to have a chair where he can put his feet up!
And having a wife that is not always too tired!
And having a home where the people in it thinks he is special!

"What if you became
 The Woman and Wife, that your Husband was praying for?"

Believe me, things would change!

God has been very gracious to me in my marriage!
But I will say that praying to become the wife HE NEEDS is very important!

Some women have it in their head on how everything needs to be;
But sometimes it is the very small changes that can change a marriage
For the better...

Women must be the kind of wife he needs;
Sometimes we have our heads and thoughts in so many tails spins we miss,
The little things that he might need or require in any given day or a moment!

When our little ones cried, we went running, to meet their needs!

But no, our husbands are grown men and should be able to take care of themselves!

I see marriages and hear how they say things like;
They never pay me any attention any more
They never make me feel that it is important in what I say about anything
They never care about me...

Really, this is so heartbreaking!

Wake up ladies; marriage is the one thing God has given in this world
To be a picture of how He deals with us as His Bride...

"What kind of Bride are You to Your Husband?

Okay, here is the challenge;
No matter how long you have been married;
Start praying and asking the Lord to help you become;
"The wife your husband needs you to be!"

Thursday, May 21, 2015

How To Impact And Improve Your Marriage And The Lily Of The Valley Flowers...

Living from Glory To Glory Blog, Lily Of The Valley Flowers


How can such a tiny flower give off such a heady and powerful scent?

They have a lovely tiny bell shaped flowers, it is usually only white in color.
But it can actually be found as a pale pink in color.
 I have never seen the pale pink.

These little tiny bell flowers will fill an entire area and atmosphere
Of a heavenly perfume
And I might add, it is distinctive scent!

These little flowers can make a huge impact;
Just their presence can release a strong and sweet perfume!

How can we as women make a strong and sweet impact,
In our marriages and relationships with others?

By being distinct in our way with our words and our intent of our actions...

We get this silly notion like we have to be perfect and big important in
how we live and our realm of influence has to be large...
That is a big fat lie

Let me tell you this, it is the smallest things that have happened
in my life that have made a huge impact...

When you will take the time to tell your Hubby I love you and smile,
And do a small gesture of showing that he matters; it will make an impact!
Small things done daily or even just once can prepare a fertile ground
 A place that love and humility can increase.

How to improve;
In our hearts and the intent and the real motive should and,
Can be done in small increments, little by little
Can produce a strong sweet perfume...

We have all heard or maybe have said this phrase;
"Well that just plain stinks"

When I leave a room or a place, I dearly hope they are not saying
that about me, even if I might speak a hard word to someone,
If it is done in love,
 I must trust it will still leave a sweet smelling fragrance.

Just because something that might look delicate does not mean it
Cannot make a huge difference.
A truly biblical lady must be a bit like a lily of the valley flower

The Lily flower is a picture of sweetness, purity and humility,
And fruitfulness...

Just remember we can really fool no one;
Husbands and children and even animals can sense if you have a true intent;
To bring safety and kindness to a person
"That is why if your instincts tell you to beware of someone, trust it!!
Even children can sense an evil motive, don't tell your child go give
So and so a hug, when they clearly are not comfortable!
And this is my warning;
This flower might be sweetly scented
But it is highly poisonous...

Some impacts can be dangerous to ourselves and our loved ones.
Sometimes situations can seem that they are about to implode.
God wants us to be gentle as doves but wise as serpents!

We are all called to bloom where we are planted;
The the Lily of the valley blooms supposes to mean;
"Happiness is said to return"

~The symbolism's for this dainty tiny flowers are these~

Marys tears she shed when Jesus was on the cross.
Ladder to heaven.
Jacobs tears.
Also, it is considered a sign of Christ's second coming!

May your days be filled with a sweet smelling aroma;
Small and dainty but powerful...
Love others and look  all around you for those sweet spots,
That are filled with His presence...

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

How My Mother Spoke A shocking Truth To Me...

The Heady Scent Of A Lilac:
Can Bring a Rush Of Childhood Memories

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I believe the position and privilege that a Mother carries is so powerful!

A Mothers touch upon a feverish brow
The blast of warmth coming from the kitchen;
A pot of soup simmering on the stove;
A plate of freshly baked cookie aroma penetrates, many a kitchen wall.
Truths spoken in a timely moment that was heard and remembered for a lifetime

I remember dancing with my Mother in the kitchen to the tune of
 You Ain't Women Enough (To Take my Man...)
Loretta Lynn
I learned something that day, And I am going to share it with you!

~There are Women Out There That Want Your Man~

I am grateful to this day she spoke to me and told me,
Honey, Take care of your Man when you get one;
Cuz, there are women out there that will try to steal them!

They will get all gussied up and smell really pretty and act like
They just adore your man, flirty and such!
Smiling real big and smoking too!

So, Dear Ones
Here is the one time given a speech from my Mother on this subject!
Have things changed much in our world today?

I think NOT...

When we stop to ponder and think about what are Mothers;
Imparted to us as women, we need to remember to teach the next
Generations these truths. I get sick and tired of hearing
( I never thought It would Happen to Me)

Every time I happen to hear that song or put in my CD  to hear it;
I gird myself up and resolve to keep my Man...

No Matter how long you have been married;
A couple of years or decades;
There are women out there that would love to snatch up your man!

You may have come disillusioned with his words or appearance!
Maybe you have stopped taking notice of his smile!
Or how funny he can be!

But I will warn you with this...
My Momma told me to watch and be careful;

I am still taking her advice;

I am his women, and he is my man!

Take notice of your man!
Tell him how strong he is or smells good enough to eat!
For Petes sake, you did all that when you were dating him..
Now, Keep him happy and do not let another steal your man!
But the key is...
You got to be women enough to keep him

Monday, March 9, 2015

A Marriage That Stays Together Is Like Silver...

Living from Glory To Glory Blog,

A Silver Tea Pot

You have all heard the saying;
"They were born with a silver spoon in their mouth"
I just assumed it meant being born rich...

Well, I was not born into a wealthy family, but we had all we needed...
Sure, we could of had a lot of things,
I remember a few times thinking I wish I had that!
But let me tell you what I did have,
I had a purple stingray bike...
It road as smooth as butter on mashed taters;
It was my one priced possession as a child growing up in a time of history
Where everything was changing...
Homes were being divided as so many adults chose to get a divorce;
It was like a plague had hit our neighborhood!

Fear of hearing of some of our friends parents divorcing put shock waves into
The neighborhood where we lived.
Well, I can tell you this;
My parents were one of those families that did get divorced!

And I found myself hurting so deep inside...

But it was that purple stingray bike that my Father had bought me after
Their divorce that helped hold me together!

So what does a silver tea pot have to do with me?

Well, After being married for many years, I asked for a silver teapot!
It just was one of those things that always seemed like it would last forever.
They are tough and thick and yet lovely and strong...

Life can be so fragile...
Can something like a purple stingray make a difference in a life?
Can a silver teapot mean more than just a little teapot?

You bet they can...

It is a good thing not to have everything,
But so special to have something that means something!

But we can learn a lesson here, even with a silver teapot;
They are lovely, but you don't use it everyday,
You need to polish it every 6 months or so to make sure it shines;
But a bike can roll through all sorts of troubles and you can use it everyday!

I realize now that even all the money in the world would not of
Made me happy,
If only my parents had stayed together.
~That Would Of Made Me Happy~

Special care for silver require a bit of polishing and special cleaner,
And a bit of elbow grease. But it is nice to have and to use for a special occasion.

A Marriage that stays together is worth more than a silver spoon or a purple bike!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Why We Need To Love...

For The Love...

Why we need to love...
My life can be poured out as an offering,
Or I can save it and keep it and stuff it in a box

Like a piece of chocolate placed within the confines of a little paper cup;
The box is lined with a gold foil,
There is also a white frosted paper neatly folded over the top.
There is a bow attached to the outside of the box.

This box is safe and very orderly;
Every piece of chocolate has its own little space!
Each one is different in its taste and texture!

We all remember the silly saying
(Life is like a box of chocolates as you never know what you are going to get)

Love has a way of being a bit like the word;

Love can fill us with rapturous feelings
Love can make us cry our eyes out at the loss of it
Love can stretch your heart till it feels like it might explode
Love can make your heart ache
Love can come in many forms;

But true love never fails
True love really works patience in us
True love never keeps the list of the wrongs done to us
True love just plain hurts at times
True love doesn't quit when things get tough
True love is not easy

Take a risk and love like there is no tomorrow;
Take a risk and say what is in your heart
~Better to love and feel loss, then to never love at all~

Why do we need to Love?
Because it is the only thing that makes the world a better place...

Parents and Children

Make these relationships a priority!

God created us to love...

Friday, January 30, 2015

When a Man Loves A Woman...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

When a man loves a woman...

Do you need a little cupid dust to be sprinkled upon your head?
Do you need to be squeezed and pulled into a bear hug?
Do you need someone to fan your flame?

When a man loves a woman, He loves with a deep longing that,
God put into him...
He needs a good woman!

Yes, I can hear from this side of my little screen;
You are just looking for a good man!

We need both;
Lets face it, we are seeing so much divorce and broken homes galore.
But ladies, if you could just be patient;
Wait and see if you can find that heart in your man;
Because I have some real undercover information here!

If you are married to this man called your mate;
You do have the special part that His heart is missing...
He needs a woman with more heart than looks or money!

He has a need that only you can fill!
"Trust, integrity, honor"
Wait, these are qualities that he should have!

A man needs to have a woman that is a bit above the cut!
Because it is just getting darker and harder to keep the light,
In our marriages and homes.

I know we get tired and really worn out;
But men are the targets for so many schemes and assaults out there!

I just know how much energy and time it takes
 To run a business or work a full time job...
Been there, done that!

Did not work very well for us,
But it was a training ground for me to see what it was like,
To be out in the world, and see what my husband dealt with daily!

Coming Home...
This was not just a physical move
But a spiritual one!

When a man loves a woman he wants here heart and soul;
~Even when he has not given all of his~

It's all work my dear sweet ladies;
But, just tell me where exactly you can have, 
A little bit of heaven on this earth,
Without working at it??

Open up your own little bag of cupid dust...
Sprinkle a little love!
Remember, just a spoon full of sugar helps everything!

I have witnessed a love that was grown and blossomed with the strain of
Selfishness and Me syndrome.
God's word and advice for a good marriage is powerful,
Yet, sometimes it just takes time!

There is nothing more glorious that seeing a woman well loved...

What words of encouragement or advice can we give to each other?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How To Become An Active Listener...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog; Artist Carolina Elizabeth
Artist: Carolina Elizabeth

Responding To Our Husbands

I wish I could stress enough how important this is...
Now lets just clarify right up front here ladies,
I am speaking about responding to them with our;
Words, our body language and tone of voice. And our listening to them!
And our loving them in physical ways of contact...

None of us appreciate  or enjoy being ignored when someone is not showing
Appropriate response in listening to us when we are talking.
It can be downright frustrating!

I realize at times we are so busy it is hard to just stop when, He
May be speaking to us!
We as women are always multi tasking;
But sometimes we just stop listening;
Sometimes we stop seeing the needs that are being displayed.

I can get so busy as he can also that we both realize we need some
ALONE time...

It does not matter whether you are a newlywed or have been married
For years. We all want to be heard!
And to not feel like we are talking to ourselves.

I think one of the most important skills we need to learn;
But more importantly is to use it!
Being an ACTIVE listener...

Blah blah blah

Husbands feel very disrespected when we do not listen to them.
When they are talking to us!

We can do so many things just right in so many arenas;
But I can tell you for sure this one thing that we might be doing;
Can and will cause great trouble!

I had an older woman tell me many years ago to STOP
Interrupting my Husband and to look at him when he was speaking to me!
Was my first thought, I was mad and embarrassed over this correction.
But she was right and very wise...
When I started doing as she suggested, the whole relationship blossomed!

We all need to be heard!
We all can learn to be an active listener!
We can respond with our eyes, and our head nodding!
We can respond in a way that he will be validated!

I am sure we have all experienced this;
When we are watching a movie;
And someone starts talking to us, we just space them out!
(Well, if this is the way you act all the time)
You can see that this can become a real source of trouble for a marriage.

Can you hear me?
Are You listening?

Do you think you are a good listener?

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Is The Love Of The Truth Leading You...


Are You Purpose Driven? Or Led By The Spirit...

Our you being led by the Spirit
Or being driven by a purpose?

The love of the truth may compel us!
But we must be not self driven, but  led by the Spirit...

I see that our lives must be lived by faith;
So we might be able to say a faith-driven life, as long as
it is faith in Jesus Christ. As it is the Holy Spirit that helps me to obey God!
And to obey God's word...

I do not like all the messages out there that tell us we can have a purpose driven life!
Even the Israelites were not wandering for 40 years;
They were led by a cloud by day
And a fire by night!
They were not wandering in the sense that God was not in control!

We will see the destruction of our own intentions when they are not;
Coupled with the direction of God's Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit!

The world has its own training ground to teach us to follow,
A man made  protocol will not work!
We are unique humans made in His image,
And He alone knows what we need and how much pressure to apply!
God has His own school of reform and teaching...
You will not find these truths sitting in Mega churches that tickle the ear!

Why, because it is a message that fits everyone...

I am sensing that once God gives you a word or leading;
Then you make the time to ponder and inquire!

Personal and intimate times with Him will bring about the changes needed!

Fellowship, Worship and Work...
We need all three!

I want to encourage you ladies to step up and into a deeper,
time of prayer for your husbands in this season!
We all know that they are our heads in our homes!
And when our husbands come under attack from stress or sickness or troubles,
From the enemy of our souls they need backup!
This is one of the most important jobs as a Help Mate...

Look at your Husband and just see the burdens that they carry!
Being led by the Spirit will bring you the ability when you must
Intercede for them!

Do you realize that we are called to be like Sara;
To not be fearful, but to stand in a battle stance for what it right!
Our Husbands must know deep down within their hearts we love and trust them!

Quit following the crowds;
Keep close to the truth and be a real Help mate to the one
You made a covenant with...

As we live day in and day out with our Hubbies,
We can sometimes take them for granted!

Humble yourself and gird yourself for battle and service!

She looks well to the ways of her household
And does not eat the bread of idleness.
Proverbs 31:27

Be aware of who and what is leading you!
The Love of the truth will lead you into what is good and holy!

Many will walk down a road of destruction in their marriages this year!
Make your husband your priority, right after you submit to God!
He wants to use our marriages as an example to the world!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

What Your Husband Really Wants For Christmas...


Growing in Grace...

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

"What your Husband really wants for Christmas"

For you to stay within your budget $$

Showing him Respect and Responding...

Having an attitude of Joy!

Adorning yourself with kindness = Gentle, quiet spirit

Giving him love and attention ;o)

A Clean and Tidy HOME

Clean Sheets and a Comfy Bedroom

For you to smell sweet!

*For you to look elegant and composed*

~Making meals that keep his tummy full~

Do what you say you are going to do...

Give him some peace and quiet every day when possible!

Tell him something that is lovely to hear...

He wants you to not act like a crazy person running
around trying to have a perfect Christmas!
He just wants peace and comfort and joy;
With his true love...

~Make this a holiday to remember~

Friday, November 28, 2014

Hunting Trip Or Guilt Trip...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Hunting Trip Or Guilt Trip

Anyone that has been reading my blog for these last few months know of our
Family's life changing hunting trip.

We now have had to work through some of the trauma from
that hunting trip.
 We didn't even realize how deeply it had affected us.
We felt tired and a bit stressed all the time.

Some of us had a few nightmares...

I think we also were overwhelmed with the love
 and concern shown to us from so many people.
Total strangers came to that mountain to help search for our
lost grandson.
And we had hunters that were up in the mountains that were on a hunt;
Stopped their hunting and started searching for our grandson.

Our men were taxed in every one of their senses and physical strength.

We all can go through very tough times in our families and marriages!
But do we have to be victims of guilt and trauma?

We have had to pray together as a family and as couples;
We are to overcome, because He has overcome this world for our sake.

We have heard and understood so many facets of this trip;
We have seen the hand of God that protected our Grandson.

We saw the Body of Christ rise up and fulfill its call to love;
And to care for its own...

We can never look out and see the mountains again without
Counting our blessings!

The enemy wants us to feel sorrow and guilt over that 28 hours,
But God has proved His out stretched hand of protection and provisions!

When our men leave for these trips it takes so much preparation!
Food and clothing and survival bags packed for day trips.
(That survival bag our grandson carried, proved its worth)

We all can be so prepared for just about anything;
But we all have seen where we are confronted with something
" Not on the agenda!"

We are a family that hunts;
So do we now not hunt?
Do we let fear of the unknown or the possibilities stop us?

Guilt can be a strong deterrent in life;
A great motivator

Guilt is a wicked task master, we cannot allow it to control us!
We are to do all things in faith;
Use wisdom
Learn from your mistakes
Being as well prepared as possible is being wise.

So thankful for the growth we have all experienced!

Just a last little ditty
True Story;
Yesterday I was preparing our turkey for our meal, and I had it all
washed and prepped for the cooking bag I was placing it in;
I had to do it all by myself as everyone was gone.
So I was able to get it into the cooking bag,
But, when I went to pick it up it came flying out of the bottom of
 the cooking bag and just rolled across the kitchen floor.
I looked up and asked REALLY...
No Guilt; things just have to roll
---I just had to laugh---
No worries, wash it up, place it in a roaster and bake till done!
I did tell our guest that I only dropped the turkey just once.

If you wanted to see the clip of it, here it is!
Family Reunion

Friday, November 7, 2014

How To Incorporate Date Night...

Living from glory to glory blog

Making time for those special times together.

We are always so busy and we all have very full schedules!
The hubbub never ends, we can go 24/7

We as women would be wise to see the importance of
Implementing a date night with our Husbands.

When the children were small we could only have evenings alone
 While watching a movie.
 Or maybe just going out for pie and coffee.

But it does not matter if you have been married a lot of years;
Date Night
Date Days

Must be done every so often!

We need this to keep things in touch with one another.

We can be together very often, but sometimes we do not let our
guard and busy brains just stop and enjoy!

Sitting across from one another and just really looking at each other!

We all need some alone time with our mates.
You can do these times together, even in the daytime;
If you even enjoy meeting with another couple for fellowship!

No hard, fast rules;
But being together and enjoying some laughter!
Meeting your Husband's needs is very important to keep
The Love Light glowing
(Or at least On)

So many are feeling the outside pressures of life, work and family
But we must remind ourselves
 as to how making this time is so important!

I had a lady tell me many years ago to always remember;
To put your Husband first!

Date Night or Date Day
You just need to be together...

Will you go out with me?

Monday, September 29, 2014

Feeding Your Man...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

A Man Needs A Good Meal

So many men are just plain hungry...

If you want your Hubby to want to come home quickly,
Then you have the very thing to use daily to ensure that they
Do come HOME soon after work or running errands.

I love having my hubby home,
 I love the fact He wants to come HOME

I think one thing I have done very early on in my marriage was this;
He does not have to run out and get a sandwich or a burger
With friends or with the guys he works with.

I have seen way too many men, just plain hungry!

Now, I know many Men like to cook!
I think that is wonderful!

But I am also glad that my Husband wants and loves my cooking!
He prefers my breakfast specials,
He loves my hamburgers with green chilies on them.
He loves anything that is made from our kitchen.
This is called HOME COOKING...

I am not a gourmet cook, I cook and serve Home style meals.
Call me old fashion;

A man needs to know and can count on an evening meal for sure.
Some men need a big breakfast!
Some need a hearty lunch!

If you want to keep a Hubby happy feed him ladies!
I would hope that making a satisfying meal for him
 would also give you pleasure.

This is a test;
Cook some potatoes,
Now this week I want you to make at least one of these up!
Fried potatoes
Boiled potatoes 
Mashed potatoes
Baked potatoes

Serve with another meat or salad!
And a side dish of  veggies, applesauce or biscuits.

You will have a very Happy Hubby!

I think the potato is a homemakers best friend
Besides the crock-pot.

You can buy potatoes so cheap, and they can be very nutritious!
Please Feed Your Man!!

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

What is a food item that is a staple in your cooking?

Share how you might like to cook your potatoes!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

How To Stop The Micro Manager Mode...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

The Manager And The Micro Manager

Micro Manager sounds out of place in the context of working along
side of my Husband...
But this is what I find myself doing with all of our
 Home improvement projects!

I am very concerned with my feisty intent!
(That is what my Husband calls me)

Okay, after years of working along side my Husband in our
Many Home improvement endeavors.

I am still always trying to control how we should do this project
 step by step!

I am tired of hearing myself trying to tell him, how we
should be doing things.

Just for the record, my Husband is a Boss or Foremen of the
A facility, he works in.
 So he has had much experience in this skill.
So I guess he would recognize a micro- manager when he hears one.

Will I ever learn to be completely quiet
 in my assessments in our projects?

I am seriously doubting it at my age!

He says he likes it when I get feisty sometimes,
But other times he tells me to settle down.

Now, I want to explain that even though I am a very good painter;
And I am a good at caulking gaps
(You can either caulk or you cannot)
So, I do all the caulking that needs to be done.
I also work very hard to help my Hubby!
So WHY do I turn every project into;
The Mico- Manager mode?
(Code for Bossy)

I have found myself apologizing to him for
being so bossy!

But he has finally told me on this last project;
Honey, I do everything for you
You're the reason I do them...
And I do not mind that you get a little feisty once in a while!

I just didn't want you all to think that this little lady
Didn't have a bit of fire at times!

We were painting my spare room (sewing room)
A KISS of pink
And a Mint green
A white chair rail trim
A light taupe carpet color

So I used the name of the color of the paint as my humor
For being feisty
Every time I get into my Micro-Manager Mode =  BOSSY
I would KISS him and say
"A Kiss Of Pink Sweetie"
And I would KISS him...

The room looks great!
We survived another remodel project.
And I learned he is not even phased by my Micro-Manager disposition
(ONCE in a while)

He told me he loved my creative ideas
 and my willing to work hard beside him!
I think he likes me...

Are You a Micro Manager?
We need to be very careful that this character trait does not,
overflow into all areas. As then we become contentious.
And controlling (Bossy)

Keeping your communication open;
Looking at your motive!
Being a good co-worker is a great way to build a strong
Marriage in your home endeavors.

We are always building up our HOMES
Or tearing them down...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog
Working well alongside my Man...

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Disrespecting Your Husband...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog
He looks upon his wife as his most trusted confidants!
Or do you repeat every confidence he speaks to you?

I have heard too many things over the years that I believe were meant
To be private, and unreported.

We must make allowances for some of these things that are spoken;
They may be spoken while tired or angry!
We can all attest to saying something we did not mean to say!

So we must remember that when our Husbands speak in confidence to us,
We are not given the liberty to repeat it!

If you are not sure if it is something you should repeat;
Ask Your Husband if you should mention it to anyone?
I would rather ask him if I should repeat something, then to feel
Very bad that I broke confidence!

He needs to know that He can trust you with his sorrow or frustration!
We all need a safe place to speak about such things!

By keeping confidence you are showing respect for your Husbands name!
We do not want to be the ones bringing reproach upon our own Husbands
And families!
A good name is very valuable...

An older woman many years ago told me this very statement!
She said:

Are you guilty?
We have even done this all in the name of fun!
BIG mistake...
A man needs to be shown honor and integrity!
And if you make light or fun of his sharing his heart he will stop!
Then you whine and complain He never tells me anything.

If you are guilty of this type of behavior ask him to forgive you!
Ask the Lord to forgive you!
We need to learn to ZIP it...

Just because they said it; does not give us permission to repeat it!
And if you are in the habit of speaking badly about your Husband to yourself
Or to any of the others listed below
Parents, or children, or girlfriends, you are sinning!

As an older woman I beseech you to stop this disrespecting
Of Your Husband...

Ask the Lord to set a guard over your mouth!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Please Be a Husband, Lover...


Living from Glory to Glory Blog

How to be a Husband, Lover...

Well, it is pretty easy; The only requirement is dying to self!
And consider the cost;
Think not more highly of yourself than you ought!

Prefer Your Husband over everyone else...
Keep your vows on your door-post of your heart!
Renew your vows to him daily in word and need;
(I am not talking about repeating them, but rather living them)

Start each new day with a plan and conviction
Read the WORD
Doing something just for HIM
Dust his desk
Bake his favorite meal or dessert.
Plan a picnic at a park or in your backyard!
Write him a love note:
Tell him he is handsome
Kiss him and hold his hand often!
Ask his advice and use it...
Make sure he has clean clothes
Keep a few shirts and pants pressed
(How your Husband looks, reflects a good wife)
He may be standing at the city gates...

~Please smell wonderful for him
Wear your hair for him
Dress for him~

Watch your mouth!!
You can look sweet and talk like a truck driver
Tell him thank you often
Keep your words kind
(May the law of kindness be upon your lips)
If you are exhausted tell him and ask him to hold you!!

When he comes home, tell him you are so glad he is home.
Give him a few minutes to unwind after his day!
Never tell him over the phone while he is at work,
(How terrible your day is, or what has gone wrong)

Being a Husband, lover is a joy if you will invest and impart
Into him and his life; as there are returns here and in the

Remember Jesus came to serve us!
Shall we not serve our Husbands, and love them?

Share some of the things that you might do that makes YOU
A Husband, lover!?...

The aged women...teach the young women to be sober, 
to love their husbands, to love their children, 
to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, 
good, obedient to their own husbands, 
that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Titus 2:3-5

Make it and aim to teach others how to love their own Husbands!

This picture was taken at our renewing of our wedding vows last year!

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