Showing posts with label Godly Character. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Godly Character. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Trying Not To Act Shocked...


Things seem to be looking a bit odd lately;

Everything changes...
Now, I think that is one liner is from a old country western song!

God help Us!
Try not to act shocked!
Just smile and pray!

I will not be self righteous and critical over every shocking thing!
Okay, I am shocked!

But I will learn to be kind and not Gritchedey.
Gritichedey is my own word; it means grumpy and crabby.
Or maybe it's a real word and I just think I made it up.

I know this world is starting to look like a place I really do not recognize anymore;

Memo to self....
Just because people look really different, they are loved by God.
Many people are wounded and just need to be loved.
Be willing to see with His eyes.
Look with a desire to see good.
People will only rise to the expectation we have of them.

If you see me walking around with the facial expression of this sweet,
Little girl, Just smile and know I am just trying to hang in there.
While the world is changing!

May I not be conformed to the world, but may I be Mrs. Steady
In HIS grace and power...

I had so many of those really shocking people smile at me and
 Open doors for me!
 And they told me to have a nice day!
(I think it was that facial expression I had on my face)
A smiley Shock LOOK...
Another new word for the day :o)

I pray I will never be a grichtedey old woman;
I want to have smile lines,
Not wrinkles!

I will not be shocked!
I will not be shocked!

People's hearts are more important to God than their appearances...

Friday, February 21, 2014


Did You hear?
Did I hear what?
You know...
Know what?
You mean to tell me YOU don't know!
Know what?

 Now this is not verbatim, but...

Getting my facts straight is something I really try to do accurately!
But after many years of being with many people during many situations.
I have come to realize, everyone has their own perception of what was said,
And just how it took place can really differ.

So maybe I understand where someone will just say;
 I am not sure,
But I remember it this way!

Also, after a bit of time that might pass, we can forget certain things!
(Unless your mind of course is like a metal trap)

As we live in this technological world, we now lose a very powerful
Element of remembrance, or impact of conversations.
And it is body language and eye contact.

My husband say's we have less connection than ever, because we can no longer use our
Senses to use as input in what is being discussed.

I do not want to sound like a chicken just clucking to herself.
I still long for truth, and I desire to hear the heart,
 As in most cases now days information is being written such as blogs and emails.
I pray as you take time to read anything I write, that you can hear and read my
Motive and the heart behind it!

I am honored to be allowed to speak into your lives!
May I give myself the liberty to grow and resound the truth as I
Write and encourage each and every one of you Dear Ones...

I am growing in grace;
I desire to impart grace;
I thank you all for extending grace to me!

I desire to help you to grow and impart as we learn to be Godly women in Christ

I do seek the Lord as I write this blog and as I comment on blogs!
May we all realize we are dealing with real women, who all long
For the same things, we all do!
Love and Truth...

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Home Living and A book Written By Lydia Sherman

Little Pincushions, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
" Sweet Strawberry Pincushions"
From a Dear Friend!
Her name is Lady Lydia; if you have been blogging for any length of time;
You may have heard of her Blog
 Called Home Living

Her Blog has one purpose;
Of Promoting the Home and Family;
She has been blogging about this subject, long before I even had a computer,
Or had ever heard of a Blog.
She has not swayed one bit on her calling and her purpose!
"Of Woman Guarding and Guiding the HOME!"
She also has written a book 

She made these sweet pincushions for me!
We both love to sew...
She is wise and has a strong commitment to what,
 God has called her to become.

I have really enjoyed these pin cushions, as they are a treasured gift from a Lovely Godly Woman.!
It is so important to be able to recognize a treasure when you receive one.
Thank You!

Why do we have to guard our homes?
(Is there a thief trying to steal from my HOME?)

Has the Feminism Agenda broken the hearts of Home keepers?
Or, Is there a revival in the land?
Calling of the Hearts of Women HOME...

May the HOME flourish in love and purpose!
May the Women of all ages come HOME.
The Younger Women need YOU!

"Keepers At Home"
Titus 2:5

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Every Lady Can Become A Queen...


It is our children that are to rise up and call us blessed!
"Her Children arise and called her blessed"

Yet, you may just be in the early years of child training,

Or maybe you have not yet begun this amazing journey.

Or, you may be in the years of enjoying the fruit of your labors.
Anyone who has visited me before, knows that this is where I am in
My journey of being a Godly Woman, Wife, Mother and Grandmother.

Yet. I am still learning and growing, as we all should be doing!

Every Lady can and should pursue becoming;
The Queen of HER Home!

Every Home becomes a castle, when the Lady of the home knows how,
To manage her Home!

It does not matter the size of your home or if it is a rented place.
 It is where you live!
Home is where your Heart is...
Is your heart Home?
Maybe the Lord has been wooing you to come home;
The luring of the world and stuff has lost its luster.

One of the most wonderful challenges and callings of being a woman is in how,
We can help our Husbands to keep falling in love with us!

 I found this precious book many years back, and I so enjoyed it.
I believe in becoming that Queen of our Homes,

We must have the continual element of Love...

Love is not what we see in the movies, even though it can be portrayed quite well.
But rather a daily lifting and walking and a steadfastness that only,
A woman who has purposed in her heart too
 Love, honor and respect her Husband.

Firstly, my heart goes out to many women who have lost their husbands.
Or who have been divorced by their husbands.
I pray God will either restore your marriages or you will have
An extra portion of grace to still be the Queen of your Home.

But, we can and must treat our Husbands with Love and Honor!

Oh, and do not forget the meals prepared for HIM!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Spiritual Eyes...

Seeing is believing;
Or would believing, be easier if we just trusted!

Can we trust when we cannot see?
Or maybe we are not looking at the right things!
Are we looking at things through our natural eyes?
Or are we seeing things from His perspective?

The woman functions from her heart!

Everything she thinks comes from her heart.
That is why she can be wounded so badly!

She responds from her heart.
That is why she can over commit to many things!

She speaks from her heart.
That is why when no one pays her attention
 She feels rejected!

The Lord knew this very thing; 
As we respond from our hearts,
 He knew what we would need,
A Helper ourselves!

We can ask for right thinking!

We can ask for wisdom of what we should be doing and involved in!

We can ask for the tongue of the learned and be comforted!

We as Women must see;
But we must see through the eyes of  Jesus,
And His Word!
Not just by what you're seeing or thinking or speaking!
Go higher Dear Ones!
We can count on Christ as our head!


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Indulgence Nature...

Crack Me Up!!

This sweet little girl is no different than us big girls sometimes :)
This is the time of the year we have so many
 Sweets and goodies
In our homes!
We have been baking and preparing all sorts of
Special  goodies...

But sometimes we have had just too many sweets!
How do we use self control,
 When the smooth creamy fudge is calling my name?
Or those cute little Christmas cookies
 Cut out and baked and frosted with care look so tantalizing!
They sparkle and look cheery and bright.

So, because of the gift given to me on Christmas morning;
I now must rely on the gift of  the precious Holy Spirit's working of
The fruit of Self-control in my "self" indulgence nature.

Eat and enjoy His sweet leading in what we eat and drink!
Whether you eat or drink do it all unto the Glory of the Lord.

Dear ones we need to be more concerned
 With what comes out of our mouths,
As these things will defile us.

Cake and goodies can be eaten and enjoyed
Because He has made provision.
Be more concerned with come out of your mouths!

 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart;
 and they defile the man.

Matt 15:18 


Friday, November 22, 2013

Elbow Grease

Elbow Grease
Some days really do require some good old fashion
Elbow Grease!!
We are always being challenged;
Everything that comes at us in our lives have one purpose!
To conform us into our Father's image...
Some days can be really tough for so many people,
And as women of God we have so many things, we must do!
But let's not forget those things we love to do!
I have always sensed that when the days are filled with many things,
We start to feel like we can not possibly get everything done.
But I have seen the true Grace and Grit of the Women of God,
In times of war
In times of famine
In times of sorrow
Even in times of wealth and great joy and prosperity;
We have a legacy of our Spiritual Mothers in Christ!
Those women who have stood strong in God's word,
Commitments made to their family's!
So what did it take to get through those seasons
of trials?
What did they use
 When they had to prepare for great celebrations?
Always His strength!
But let us not forget the hard working women who stood
And did what had to be done!
They rolled up their sleeves and applied
Good Old Fashion
Elbow Grease!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Man's Ego...

A damaged Ego; Living from Glory to Glory Blog
Your Man's Ego
Did you know that if a man has a healthy Ego,
 it can and will help him become the
 Leader and protector of his home.
And a healthy ego will allow him to be your family's provider.
Many men, have damaged ego's because of there early
Childhood training,
Or a dominant Mother figure.
Or maybe what we might call a
(Mama's Boy)
Or a belittling Father.
A Mother did all the training, there was no man's influence.
Or from being spoiled and not taught how to work,
Or taught how to speak firmly, as a leader should.
So, what I wanted to say to all wives today is this;

Destroying your Man's Ego!
You must allow and help this very thing called
(A mans Ego)
To function and mature.
It is God who has given Men an Ego!
God created Men to have these ego's!
It is the world view to be alarmed over a
Young man's over inflated ego.
What really needs to happen is more understanding,
On how we as wives and mother's can
help in this area.
A healthy Ego is the very thing that will either
make him more masculine,
Or will destroy his manliness.
So wives if you want your husband to lead you,
You must first look at the ego.
What can a wife do to help his ego?

You must learn to let go of the always controlling everything!!
Do not ignore his advice...
Do not find fault with how he does things,
No matter if you think you could do a better job.

Tell him often:
 On how well he has handled or accomplished
something. We all need to know this very thing,
(that what we have done is good and right!)

Are you constantly finding fault with his efforts?
If you even utter these words...
You can't do anything RIGHT,
As soon as these words come out of your mouth,
or you have even thought them.
Repent to God,
Then apologize to him!
Look, it is like this, if you continue to nitpick
And find fault all the time, he will just quit trying
To lead you or his family!
More on this later;

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Shifting Shadows

 Good Morning
This is the day that the Lord has made;
I will rejoice and be glad in it!
Today is a new day, and I wanted to just speak a word
of encouragement to all you wonderful ladies!
We are in the last day of this month,
May we stop and give thanks to the
Holy One!
May, Mercy always Triumph,
In your lives and in your homes.
James reminds us;
Don't be deceived, my dear brothers.
Every good and perfect gift is from above,
Coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights,
Who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1:16-17
Because judgement without mercy will be shown to anyone
Who has not been merciful.
Mercy triumphs over judgement!
James 1:13
May we be kind and tenderhearted to all!
God has forgiven us much!!
Speak the truth in Love...
Let your light shine before men.
For in the last days men will
Call evil good ,
and good evil!
Do not walk in the shadows,
I call these the gray areas...
Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive
Do what it says.
James 1:22

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Her Mouth

She opens her mouth in skillful and godly Wisdom,
And on her tongue is the
Law of kindness!
(Giving counsel and instruction).
Proverbs 31:26
What is this Law of Kindness??
Is this a real law?
Yes, If you want to be a Proverbs 31 Woman.
Are we not warned in the Word to not be foolish!
What makes a woman look foolish?
It will mostly come from her mouth and the words she speaks.
What does skillful and godly Wisdom words,
sound like?
(Godly, wise, and kind).
Are we to be giving counsel and instruction in our sphere of
Yes, we are dear ones!
We can grow in wisdom as we study and pray.
Seek wise counsel ourselves on subjects of our homes
To know how to manage them better.
You will never be an expert on everything and all matters.
But we can ask God for wisdom!
To many foolish things spoken;
 will be tearing down your own home.
 Gossip, slang and critical words, bring condemnation.
These ways of speaking would not be under the heading
of the Law of kindness.
We all have a wonderful resource of information,
that we can use, to be
 able to give wise counsel and instructions
as needed !
Study the book of PROVERBS!
You can use this for wise counsel, as it is
perfect and sound.
Reading Proverbs daily and applying it will
help make you skillful in wisdom.
But here is the KEY;
You must speak these truths in KINDNESS.
(Your tone, and your volume being used )
 Feelings of condemnation.
Self righteous are not showing kindness.
I am always working on this very thing;
As it is what will set me apart.
And to be used for His Kingdom.
Many times in the Proverbs it will start with
Open your mouth;
It is what comes out that is important!
So may I be slow to speak and quick to hear.
(Read James 1:19)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


The Friendly Ghost!
This is a test!
Our there friendly GHOSTS?
Anyone, who really has their eyes open, can see the
spirit of death has swooped down upon this culture!
Is it okay to scare and put fear in one another?
How do you think the Spirit of God feels,
When we put before us things that are about
death, and monsters, and evil creatures!
What about making satan look cute?
Does this grieve the Holy Spirit?
YES, it does dear ones!
Do we open the door to the spirit of fear,
By interacting with these kinds of behavior's?

Many cool and popular clothing lines,
are plastered with skeletons!
Why are we glorifying the darkness?
Evil is real!
It is not cute or fun or pleasing to God!

We are looking more and more like this culture
of death!
Wanting to be scared and watching things that bring,
death and fear!
He told us to stay away from the appearance of EVIL...
Not promote it!
A spirit of fear can come upon you or your children,
Just by subjecting them to these things,
 that say death and fear!
I am telling you this because, as a child this very thing
happened to me!
I ask you dear ones to protect their hearts and minds!
This is the time to teach them about discernment and
the difference between
Good and Evil!

We must only celebrate the death and burial and
Ressurection of Jesus Christ!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Kings Table...

A knife cuts people off, is destructive, sharp and has no mercy.
 There is no forgiveness, understanding or grace.
 Often because of having been abandoned by a care giver,
 a person hides behind a thick wall, cannot commit and lives in constant fear.
 A fork picks at others constantly, is critical in a negative way.
 None of the good traits in others are ever mentioned.
 There is love and care but it's not consistent and not dependable.
 One day it's one way, the next it's another.
 The relationship is highly unpredictable.
As Christ's Ambassadors,
we are to be like spoons.
A spoon gently scoops up others with love
 and kindness and holds them in high esteem.
 Loving one another is done in deed and in truth.
The way we speak to one another and walk in love
 This truth is proof to others that we walk in the Spirit.
 As we are being transformed into the image of Jesus,
 The Holy Spirit enables us to be spoons,
This is from: Pastor Suel

I want to be a spoon at the Lords table,
May I tell each and everyone of you
lovely ladies out there.
Be encouraged and continue the desire
to be Godly women.
Take the spoon He offers us;
And let us dig in!
May we change this world one person at a time.
For if you are in Christ,
You are an Ambassador for Him!
One day He will serve us at His Banquet Table!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

What Image Is Being Produced In Your Life...

Beautiful And Kind Lady, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

What image is being produced in your life?
We are all producing something.
Peace and calm...
Joy and rest in even our hectic days.
My Lord has been tempering me in all my ways.
Even a diamond starts out as a hunk of dark black coal.
For I am looking into a glass dimly.
Does it always seem harder when you make a decision
To be sweeter or kinder.
Or making a challenge to God or yourself to change.
Then a deep resistance to this; rises up and wants to battle.
It is like every time you want to do better your flesh says;
No way!
But Paul said it best of all,
The flesh has to die and the spirit will reign.
Call out to Him!
For His grace is more than enough,
So we will one day see Him face to face.
For even now if you belong to Him,

Monday, July 8, 2013

Sensory Overload

Some days I really need more options!
After a very long holiday weekend, I am always  left
feeling, out of sorts.
Why is that?
It was a great time,
 Great fellowship and food!
Our Grandson turned five years old.
Church was amazing.
So, we were so tired we decided to do nothing,
for the rest of the day...
This is what I looked like after watching two whole

Now, they were really good and sweet movies.
We watched them on the Inspirational channel.
After watching THAT much television, I am left feeling
Agitated and grumpy.
It must be a sensory overload condition.
It is like you use a part of your brain, but yet you're disconnected.
So, today is a new day!
"Live one day at a time,
and make it a masterpiece."

I find when I can write or read or converse,
I feel more connected.
Maybe this is why we have a world full of disconnected people.
Televisions, Video games, Texting, Email
Even when I post a blog I feel like it is a satisfaction of
creating and giving to others.
Ok, So my hubby say's if I would of know all this T.V. watching
would of made you so grumpy, I would of turned it off!
Yeah, right! Like I could not,  not!!
See the end...
So I really was a crabby old lady last night!
So I repent, and just resolve to only watch ONE movie!
So, my brain does not get a sensory overload
And blow a fuse!
Just for the record, I hardly ever watch T.V.
I think for me that is just wisdom.


Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Line Up

Which One Did It?
They all look rather guilty to me!
She does look rather troubled...
We must be very careful to not follow the crowd.
Sometimes just being with the wrong people can
bring trouble upon yourself.
I have heard people say:
I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time!
"The Word say's to stay away from even the apperance of evil"
Maybe a new hair style,
Get rid of the grumpy face,
If ,I said I was a christian,
Would there be enough evidence to convict me??

Monday, June 3, 2013

Give Her The Reward

God has given us and amazing gift to create beauty.
We surround ourselves with treasures and trinkets.
There is a sweet and special atmosphere we can create.
Home Sweet Home
We must be alert to the distractions that hinder us from
pursuing what is really important.
Showing affection and not expecting perfection,
we allow oneself to thrive and create.
Going into our day ready to accomplish our daily task
will give us a deep calmness.
For when our hearts or home is in confusion,
we can not think and plan our days.
Learn to take pleasure in the simple flow of our days.
To strive and to be driven will cost you much.
I desire to be ready to meet this new day;
By sitting at His feet,
Looking into His Word for direction.
Having faith and by showing it by believing and receiving all He has provided for me!
Realizing that even if I think I am alone,
There is a great cloud of witnesses cheering me on.
And giving honor, where honor is due.
Submitting to all God given authority.
Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works,
bring her praise at the city gate.
Proverbs 31:31

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Imagine All The People...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog


 If we the people could just really love and care for one another.
What a change it would incur on our cities and families
We are all just passing through.
 Time is so precious! 

 I have always thought that if I was just kind and smiled it would change the atmosphere.
 And on the most part I can feel the shift.

But there are times when it feels hard and stiff, and even dark.
Why do we stop and smell the roses in some stretches of our days and others,
We do not even see?

Today is almost over and I have a sad feeling of being not loved by those that passed me by.
Yet, I feel a peace that I was able to be kind to a few, and to exchange a smile, and nod.
~Imagine all the people we could of encouraged with just a smile~


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Time And Eternity...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Our Time
Time  Is Ticking

Time Is Precious

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Sea Shells
Time Make's Them More Beautiful

Some are smooth
Some are pointy and rough
Some are shiny.

 Beauty comes in His time.
There is something about sea shells.
To find one as you walk on the sea shore, a treasure to keep.
Time is also a treasure!
It is a gift
Each day brings a new dimension.
Calm and beautiful
Dry and dusty
Snow and cold
Windy and hot
Always changing!
Yet. There is nothing new under the sun.
I say live and live with all the gusto He has given you!
Say no to the fears that come!
Change is not an enemy;
Make the time,
You are to be the master of it and to assign the day to His flow.
To be rigid and not flexible will cause you to break.
A sea shell is not so fragile it cannot take the rolling and tossing
Of the waters force and the constant  waves.
Make the time to be all He has made you to be,
An amazing woman!
Called in this day and hour to be His treasure.
Living From Glory To Glory

Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Labor Of Service

    A Labor Of Love
    He Loves us so Much.

    He humbled Himself.

    He washed their feet.

    He knelt and prayed.

    He laid down His life.

How many times a day have we all had to stoop over to tie a little one's shoe,
 or pick up something that had fallen to the floor.
There was a day when we would kneel and pray.
Posture and body language speaks very loud and sends a message.
 Never be so proud or un-willing to help at any level.
Let us be the one to volunteer with no complaining or griping.
Treasure these things in your heart;
Loving your wee ones for they will soon leave the nest.
Take joy in keeping your home.
Love your mate with your whole heart.
Give thanks with a grateful heart.
 Labor of love,
His love,

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