Showing posts with label Godly Character. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Godly Character. Show all posts

Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Virtuous Woman...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog
A rare treasure is found in a woman of
Godly character.
"Who can find a virtuous woman?"
Proverbs 31:10
I desire to tap into all the grace of God's
Power and the spirits leading
and a resolve to be all that
God wants me to be.
As we look into the heights of His standards,
we can become overwhelmed.
Yet He tells us in His word.
precept upon precept,
line upon line.
We can do this because it's all in
His strength anyway!
Each day we are given, we have
His New Life flowing in us.
Let's not down play these virtues.
These are not old fashioned,
or impossible.
But rather attainable.
Always progressing
Always becoming stronger.
His character being formed in you.

Living from Glory to Glory

Friday, January 25, 2013

Wise Counsel...

Now, what was that she said again?
 I am so thankful for the wisdom that comes from
Godly counsel.
Do you realize that God tells us to get wise counsel!
I am always searching scripture for answers to
questions I might have about any given subject.
We join Bible studies to grow.
 We buy books and read them.
We educate ourselves in many ways.
But there is a way to gain knowledge
and to get insight that we can use.
Godly counsel, is a wonderful gift we
can give to one another.
We are a body of many parts, and we function
much better when we use each other.
Would you dear sisters love to be called a
wise women who builds her house?
Listen to advice and accept instruction,
and in the end you will be wise.
Proverbs 19:20
Now, that just does not mean anything anyone tells you!
Look at the women and see if there is fruit.
Is there wisdom from above in her life?
Godly counsel always lines up with the Word.
Godly counsel operates in Love.
Godly counsel brings Peace.
May we all be teachable and ready to learn!

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Purity may be something we don't see to much of in this
culture today.
I see so many young women who are dressed so scantily.
My heart grieves for them.
Now, these women were guest at a wedding ceremony
and reception dinner.
Now for the record,
I am not in any way unfashionable!
I love the feel of being feminine and classy.
Dressed to the nines, was a statement once used
of women who were well dressed, and elegant.
I just came from a wedding, that was very sweet and precious.
But what I wanted to share was this, that sweet couple
saved themselves for their wedding day,
When they kissed after being pronounced
Man and Wife
It was their first kiss!!
My prayer is this :
that more women will save themselves for the man
that God chooses for them.
What heart aches come from our own impatient
flesh. And the longings of wanting to be loved.
God has always had the hearts of women held,
in His perfect plan of how marriage is
suppose to be.
Now, please understand me here!
I did not do it right myself ladies...
But God's grace is so amazing and His love has covered
a multitude of my sins.
But I felt like crying when I saw this sweet young brides rapture.
Her face was really glowing.
Come on!
Women we are the ones missing out when
we allow ourselves to be joined to someone
he has not vowed to love and cherish us.
To death do us part.
Jesus is coming for his bride,
make yourselves ready. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

His and Hers

His and Hers
We must first dress in what the Lord has provided for us.
The days we are living in our evil.
We would never think of not buckling ourselves
in our vehicles.
Walking on thin ice in the winter.
But we will start our days, before we
have put on our most important
item of clothing.
Our Armour.
I heard a word from a Pastor yesterday
that was profound!
 I believe it is a very timely word.
The very first thing that God
created after the world was the
first family.
He loves the Home and what it
We must put on our armour each and
everyday. As we are under attack.
If we are not careful the family could be on the
extinction list.
Pray and put on His Word.
I just loved this picture of His and Hers
Women Pray for your husbands!
They need to know you are
standing  for and with them.
Building a strong marriage is so important,
and by doing those unseen acts
of humility.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Gentle Beauty...

Real Beauty, Compassion, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
Grace and Compassion
There is no beautifier of complexion,
Or form of behavior, like the wish to
scatter joy and not pain around us.
By: Ralph Waldo Emerson
There is a presence of grace, that
is unseen, but rather felt
in the heart.
My desire is to be a woman, who
if only for a brief moment of time.
 Is to play out my daily deeds,
 with compassion.
Compassion is not worth anything:
if we only feel pity.
But rather feeling another's
 Sorrow or hardship that leads to help.
Therefore, as God's chosen people,
holy and dearly loved,
cloth yourself with
The Book Of Colossians
Compassion great or small,
is an act of giving yourself to


Monday, September 24, 2012

Something Does Not Feel Right...

Mr. Potato Head, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
Hey Hey, Where's My Feet?

There is just something about this guy:
Mr. Potato Head
Sometimes we can have all the right pieces, but they're just not in the right places,
Or not doing the job they were created to do.
Ever feel like I just can't see it, and it's right in front of your face?

Other times I have to ask,
 What did He say?
I did not hear!!

Ever hear the expression (they talk out of both sides of their mouths)?
Ever wish you had an extra hand? LOL
What is really sad if you don't put your feet into it
 You're not going anywhere.
We got to move it, move it!

The sin of comparing ourselves to others, could possibly turn you into something that
Might resembles Mr. Potato Head.
Now look at him, he was a mess.
Each one should test his own actions.
Then he can take pride in himself, without
comparing himself to somebody else.
Galatians 5:7

Blessings, Roxy

Friday, July 23, 2010

Love Sweet Love...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog


Love is beyond defeat. The word says love never fails. When you release love into any situation the dynamics change. Why, because when you love, you have released God into the situation.
God is love.
The word of God is love.
The name of Jesus is love.
The fruits of the Spirit is love.
The gifts of the Spirit are love.
The blood of Jesus is love.
We are born of the Spirit who is love.

I just want to challenge each and every one of us to change the atmosphere around you. How, by releasing God's love and watch the dynamics change. We are all just wanting others to love and accept us, yet in the day we live in, there is so much stress and fear and lack. And the one thing we have in abundance and are called to give and share is love. (His Love)

It's the only thing that there's just too little of. Love sweet love!

Now if you are looking for a way to overcome and to have hope in these days we live in. This is the answer: Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been POURED out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us Romans5:5


Friday, March 19, 2010

Welcome To Our Home...

Home, Living From Glory to Glory Blog  Welcome to my home this morning!! 
Take your shoes off and come in! 

What a difference a day can make, yesterday was 75 degrees and today it is a light snow. The saying of the month of March is coming in like a lion and going out like a lamb.

  But praise God our Savior came as a lamb and He is coming again, The Lion Of Judah. 
Only JESUS is seen as both the lion and the lamb. Gentle yet with all power and authority!

Home, even just the sound of the word can give us all different kinds of thoughts and emotions. May your life and home is a beacon of love and comfort and safety to those that God sends your way!

Remember the word says we could even entertain angels, so show hospitality. And this does not always mean a full course dinner, but rather to give generous treatment of guest or strangers while in our abode.
Also, remember to send each guest out with a spoken blessing over them!

 So now, May the Lord Bless you and keep you on this wonderful day.

Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What Is Really Important...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I want to take this time and reflect on what is important. 
 I know there is a shift in the air and it's not just frost nipping at your nose.
 We are living in a season of the greatest revelation of God incarnate Jesus in
 Full power and flow through the Holy Spirit.
 We are a people that will have the opportunity to see and move in great power. 
Signs and wonders will follow His name working through His people.
 Be watchful for all will come to pass, not in our strength
And not just by our words.
 I want to encourage you all to make sure that you have oil in your lamps.
 It is time to read the word and pray like no other. 
 And when you pray to God, always ask in Jesus name.

This can be the very best Season you have ever had
 If you will press in and make your time with the Lord the most important time of your day. 
 Get-up you sleepy head for arise and shine, for your redemption is at hand!

Take time everyday to do the most important thing each day!
~Refresh yourself in the Lord daily~

Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, October 19, 2009

Resting And Listening To His Still Small Voice...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

There are so many wonderful things we can find to do each day, many are necessary, but some things are just distractions from what is really important.

Yet, I could feel the tired weariness of my body. It feels so good to just stop and say enough. I will stop and wait upon the Lord and He will renew my strength. My job is to wait.
Waiting can be tough if you have never trained yourself to "wait"

Business seems to be the tactic of the enemy in this generation. I have asked many different people (how are you doing?) And these are their responses, I am just ssssssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooo Busy.
Come on, let's get a new line. Or better yet we could just simplify our lives and schedules.

We must ask ourselves, are we doing what we want to be doing? And are these things bringing glory to God in our lives and marriages? We must learn to discern what is necessary and what is just business. We will one day give an account of our days and time He has given us.

I just want to encourage all my sisters! Stop and listen to the still small voice, rest in His rest.
Take stock of your to do list. What can you eliminate or cut back on. Make better choices and your family and your relationships will prosper. He is our strength, but He even went away and rested alone.

Blessings, From Living From Glory To Glory
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