Showing posts with label My Man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Man. Show all posts

Thursday, July 10, 2014

How To Fill Love Tanks And Hourglasses By Loving Your Husband...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Loving Your Husband...

Love will cover a multitude of sins.
Love will prosper and fill a life full of grains of weight;
Love is the teeny tiny bits of sand that have come from the one;
True rock of ages.

Women have a special calling and a place to fill love tanks!

She is firstly called to fill her Husbands tank:
Now, I am asking you to check the love gauge that shows the love level.
Where is this gauge located?

It is in your words on how you respond to him;
Our they bitter and harsh?
Or are the kind and sweet?

It is in making yourself ready for his needs...
Your to tired and you do not feel well;
Your needs always come before his;
He worked all day, But so did you...
Worldly reasoning releases you from fulfilling your wifely privileges.
Did you know,
 By making love to your husband you will produce;
Feel good hormones?

Does your husband get fed?
Can he count on you always making an effort to feed him?

Can your Husband trust you to keep the chaos out of the home?
We are to watch what and who we open the door too!

Small grains of sand our falling through your hourglass today,
So may we learn to love those closes to us
as  that is our first call to ministry.

I have each day to love and encourage my Husband;
Will I rise to the task?
Will I be the one to fill his love tank?
Will I choose to love my husband or myself above all else?

Remember our husband get very tired and hot this time of year;
We need to make sure you have something cold to drink in the fridge.
Meals prepared that our good and refreshing!
Plan some alone time to love on him!
Try to have a little get away to rekindle your marriage!

Hourglasses and love tanks go hand in hand, my friend...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

May we walk alongside our Husbands!
We are not to lead them;
We are not tag behind like a child;
We are called to encourage their hearts!
Make every grain of sand count, build a legacy that will last!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Once Upon A Time... A Real Life... Mine...

This is where you will find me most mornings...
I also need a bit more some afternoons;
The Word is like chocolate for me, it is rich and smooth!
It melts my heart and makes me satisfied deep down inside!

Here is;
My BFF...
She was my maid of honor on my renewal of my wedding vows!
She knows a lot about me and she still likes me.

Here is;
My Jewels, she is my long time friend!
My Oldest friend
Just kidding :o)
We always talk about Christ...

Here is;
My Boy Friend...
He asked me if I would marry him and I said NO Three times!
So glad he was persistent in pursuing me!
It was the same with Christ in my life...
Married 30 plus years
Sounds like a vitamin ad...

Here is;
This is my back yard view!
I have seen this view almost three decades and it never looks the same!
Constant and unmovable...

Here is;
Loyal Bronco Fans...
Go Broncos!!

Here is:
Waffles From Roxy's Cafe...
Fresh sausage too!

Here is:
My Mississippi Mud Dessert...
I may even share the recipe sometime!

Here is;
Here are my two most favorite perfumes!
White Shoulders and Giorgio...
My Birthday gift last year!

Here is:
Fresh bread and butter and eggs!
My staples in my kitchen...

Here is;
My Girls, Sweet Baby Chicks!
We have fresh eggs daily about a dozen a day.

I just wanted to give you a glimpse of my world and life!
I am a country girl and a lover of Jesus Christ...
I hope you follow my blog knowing that it is a real ministry for me,
To write and encourage you in your journey!

I struggle some days and I am shocked how fast the days go!
I had only one person mentor me while raising my family!
So I take my calling very seriously!

I am very funny, and enjoy a good laugh!
I love like there is no tomorrow!
I cry hard and deep for those things that move me!
My Husband and family our everything to me!

I just want you to know a bit of my heart!
We are not rich in some things;
But we are wealthy in what matters!

If you read or follow this blog, I want to tell you that I care deeply
about you and your walk in this life!

Thank You!
For reading this blog,
For leaving me comments.
For being a part of my life.

Enjoy your Summer; and romance your Hubby!
And allow the Lord to romance you...

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Honor And Integrity...

Raising Boys

How to raise a boy is a very good question!
We need to allow our boys to practice being strong!
We need our boys to be strong in their bodies and their minds.

Our boys need to play in the dirt and run and to throw balls far and high!
They need to camp and catch fish and to learn how to hunt!
They need to be able to fix things!
They need to learn to fight a fair fight!

Help them to learn to enjoy reading a good book on journeys,
And tales of adventure!

Teach them to be honest and to keep their word!
Teach them to pray and to ask God for wisdom and knowledge.

Help them to become a Man of HONOR AND INTEGRITY...

Why is this important?
Because we need a few good men...

May we be able to count on the future boys from this generation...

Will they be able to lead?
Will they be able to read?

Will they be able to learn and to follow a command?
Will they stand and not run from commitment?

"Not all Boys turn into Men..."

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Hand Picked For Life...

My Man

Thought you all would like to see
My Man!

A man of honor and integrity
 He blesses me everyday with his love;

He helps me with so many things!
He has loved me by considering the fact that I am the weaker vessel,
He has the physical strength, and he does all the heavy things!
Like helping move my furniture around :o)
He pulls out the refrigerator to clean behind it!
He knows I want to do these things and have them done,
So he will stop what he is doing and help me!

 He prays for me!
And he prays for his whole family daily!!
He is praying for our grandchildren to help keep them under His covering!

I have referred to him as a quiet man...
He has the gifting as a servant and he is a leader.
He has the qualities of a pillar.
Strong and steady!

I am honored to be the wife of his youth, then God put us together.
I still pray to be the wife that he needs!

We laugh a lot and have learned to not take all things personal.
We realize most the time we are either just tired or hungry!

I have learned He can't read my mind...

I have learned to explain to him what I am feeling, and allow
Him the time to ponder it. He is a problem solver!
State the problem, and he always gives me positive feedback.
He sees the bigger picture.
He has discernment and I need to wait to hear what he has to say!
He has way less words to say than I do!

We have memories!
We have comfort and familiarity!
We have a future and a hope!
We have trust!
We have each other!

Love conquers all!
 Love never fails
Love bears all things
 Love believes all things and endures all things 
And hopes all things.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Feeding The Sparrows and Building a Bird Feeder Stand...

Feeding the birds for my Hubby and myself is something we enjoy very much!

We have always fed the birds in the winter time.
 It was such a nice treat to have a much larger
 Bird feeder made by my Hubby and put right where we could
See the little birds eating every morning!

He used a railroad tie and put it down deep in the ground.
Then of course painted it red, as most my outdoor decor,
And the chairs are all a bright cherry red.

I think this color red is very cheerful and fun!

We did buy a new bird feeder and painted it red also.
I was so excited to come home  and to see this bird feeder stand
Already in the ground!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
He then secured the new bird feeder on top of the stand.
He also found a vintage ice chest and placed it on the ground below,
Then he filled it with birdseed and added a metal cup to scoop out the seed.
It is nice because we have the feeder and food right there together.

 We live in the desert and the prairie where there is little or no water!
So we always have water available for the birds all year long.
Of course, my bird bath is painted red also.

 This is such a nice and meaningful gift that he made for me!
We both felt like we may be doing a small part, in helping the sparrows.
Jesus speaks about the wee little sparrows;
Maybe as we age, it is part of being used in the feeding and care of these
Birdies that the Lord speaks about!

Look at the birds of the air;
They do not sow or reap or store away in barns.
And yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Matthew 6:26

Here is a really cute link for making little birdseed ornaments you can hang in a tree.

I remember how my Mother would tell us to throw the bits of string outside
In the spring time, as she told me the little birds would use it for their nest.

So I tell my grandchildren the same thing;
Even when I cut their hair, I tell them the birds will use it,
To line their nest to lay their eggs in the Spring time!

New Life and Blessings to each of you!


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Good Woman Wanted...

Fishing can be real fun!
When was the last time you really thought about what you're,
Hubby enjoy's doing?
I always enjoy a good laugh when I find some good clean fun!
Life is way to short not to laugh.
Good Woman
Please, send a picture of boat and motor!
But, this is a real problem for most couples.
We all tend to do our own things.
There are so many Good Woman out there,
Yet, sometimes we just get too busy to take an interest,
In what our Hubby's are doing!
I remember this one newly married Lady I knew,
That while her Hubby was even working on his car,
She would sit there and just chat with him,
And even hand him his tools.
When you show a real interest in what they enjoy,
It can really support and
 Help keep your marriage happy.
Your Hubby likes to Fish,
 Go with him once in awhile,
Help him get ready to go.
Pack him his favorite foods.
Maybe your man is a hunter,
Show an interest!
 Help him get ready!
Believe me it is a lot of work.
If they enjoy watching sports,
Pour a big glass of something cold to drink
And a big bowl of his favorite snack!
Ask him, who won the game?
Help him not to only work and support your family,
But help him to be able to relax and enjoy!
Building A Strong Marriage!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Marriage Commitment...

Walking Through Life Together
What does a vow mean to this world anymore?
Do we even know what the word means?
Being committed is good, as long as it is working for me!
I just want to share my heart about something that has,
touched almost everyone of us,
Divorce in America is ramped.
Growing up as a child from the divorce factor.
I will know longer kid myself;
I was broken and grieved!
A child with no Daddy...
One of the greatest wounds for any human being
Is rejection!
One thing I have learned in this life is this;
Marriage is a gift from God,
I am just so sorry and sad so many
Women and Men
Have been wounded and hurt from the broken vows.
From either their parents, or their own broken marriage vows.
Everyone suffers when a vow is broken.
This post is not about placing blame, but rather to say;
I am sorry for all the pain and sorrow it has cost
each and everyone of us.
But we have hope;
He has come to heal the broken hearted!
This week we will be celebrating 31 years of our marriage vows!
May we have many more years together.
But I want to encourage each and everyone of you.
Take being married as one of the most important positions
in this life.
It is work, but well worth every kind word,
 And every walk you take while holding hands.
Every kiss before you sleep.
Every good memory you hold.
Be committed to YOUR marriage!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Taking What You Have For Granted

We Are Selling Our Camper
Now this is the top of the line!
It's one of it's kind...
Home Away From Home
(Or Not)
Maybe this is there home!! ??
I have always had an interest of the times of the
Great Depression.
There were so many people that endured such hardships.
We, that live in such prosperous times;
may be void of knowing hard times,
And as a result of that they
  never gained a real appreciation
for what they have!

It is pictures like these that help me to not take what we have for granted!

How can we appreciate what we have when we have
been inundated with consumerism?

Yet many still need help to feed themselves even today!

The last time we used our camper was a year ago so we are selling it!
My sweet hubby just had to get some hearing aids.
He is so amazed with how well he can hear!
But the cost was really expensive .
So, being the kind of wife my hubby needs,
was for me to say!!
Lets sell the camper so we do not have to have that huge debt over us!
We as women must be the help mates our hubbies need.
And being frugal and wise is one of the biggest we can be
when it is needed.
We should not take what we have for granted;
Our lives
Our hearing
Our food
Our provisions
So, may we start to appreciate what we do have!
Tell your hubby;
How much you appreciate how well he has provides for you,
He needs to HEAR that.
As that is how God created a man to function.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Kiss...

Keeping Our Hearts Tender
My, how wonderful it is to be able to greet our husbands
when they come home with a kiss.
I always, even tell him I am so glad your home honey.
It is not enough to only do this once in awhile.
we must always take their arrival home,
as a special thing.
There are some men that do not even want to come home.
Our part is to always make it a comfort zone,
not a battle zone!
When the Lord has asked us to be
 Keepers Of The Home...
He does ask us to establish certain things.
The atmosphere of the home is set and established,
by the woman.
Let Love rule and peace reign...
Sometimes it just means to wait and choose
A better time to discuss a matter that,
may be pressing.
I encourage you to keep your home with diligence;
For the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy.
The home is where the enemy always is
trying to bring confusion and strife.
Keep your hearts tender, always remember
"The Kiss"
Blessings, Roxy

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dwell In Possibilities

The Beginning Of Wisdom

Happy New Year

My sweet hubby got home this morning and he
said you want to see something really cool?
I said yes, and he said follow me.
We went outside in the freezing daybreak. 
A light
  cover of frosty snow on everything.
He pointed out into the eastern sky, and to
our amazing eyes was the most
 magnificent rainbow.

Now that was a sign from the Lord:

For this was a very personal message to us.
When we were married 30 years ago,
we chose the rainbow as our symbol
for our wedding, and our vows.

I believe God allows us certain sweet signs to encourage us!
Now what better sign for Him to give us to see on
 January 1, 2013
But a rainbow!

May this message encourage you!

May we all Dwell in Possibilities:
With God all things are possible!

Blessings, Roxy

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hubbies Day

I Told You There Would Be Days Like This!
I just wanted to give a glimpse of my hubbies day yesterday.
Honey, I am gonna take your car in for an oil change.
I am gonna get new wiper blades put on also,
just in case we ever get any moisture.
Ok, I say to him.
He leaves early morning with no breakfast,
I say honey aren't you gonna eat?
No I will just grab a cinnamon roll.
An hour later the phone rings...
Well Rox, your two front tires are shot,
"What! we put two new ones on just last year
they were suppose to last a long time"
Well, the alignment was out on your car and now there ruined.
Ok, I say to him.
An hour later the phone rings...
Well Rox , your brakes are shot on your car!
"What you gotta be kidding me"
Well your brake pads are shot also on all four wheels.
and the rotors are ruined on the back.
I am gonna have to go to the bank!
An hour later the phone rings...
Can you come get me?
 It's gonna take a few hours to get the brakes done.
I drive into town and pick him up at the garage.
 We go eat as he is starved.
We had a nice lunch and we talked.
We had to laugh,
as you have all had one of those days.
I did get my oil changed :)
My hubby takes such good care of me!
Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Birthday Surprise


We celebrated Danny's 50th birthday.
With a surprise birthday party.

He is finally 50 and now I will be 55.
Now I thought we would be senior citizens together!
How come I am always older?

Friends are family you choose for yourself.
(Jane Adams)

It takes a long time to grow an old friend.
We had a wonderful group picture taken just as the sun was setting.
But with everyones camera but mine. (WHAT)
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