Showing posts with label Parable of the Ten Virgins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parable of the Ten Virgins. Show all posts

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Are You A Late Bloomer...

Living from Glory To Glory Blog

Totally Out Of Sync

I find it rather strange when a plant referred to as a Christmas cactus
blooms in July. Maybe it thinks it is actually a rose...
Roses bloom in June and July!

I had to take a picture of it and share it with you ladies.

Here we are working in our flowerbeds outside and to find this blossom.
Really surprised me, because it never did bloom this last December.
I realize over the many years it has bloomed maybe as late as February.

What are some things we can do to help us when we as
Women feel out of sync?
 As I told you this last month was
A rough one for me. But I have seen a pattern over the years,
And it looks like we have a growth in the Lord,
 then we get challenged and we feel like it is
  a bit of a setback.
Well, I now lean to this thought concerning this cycle.
I believe we are being tested to shore up our growth.
God, wants us to grow by and through the Holy Spirit.
NOT, by our own sheer will power!

A flower is still a flower, no matter if they bloom late or early!
Grace and honor to allow the working of the Word in each of
Our Lives...

As I have aged I notice a stronger drive to create and take pleasure.
Why is everyone and everything in such a hurry?

I pray each of you will allow yourself the space and time;
To bloom and to be beautiful and complete
In Him...

Monday, July 21, 2014

Royal Crown Of true Royalty...

Queen of the home

Are you wearing your crown today?

Some days you just feel like your hair will not fix right;
You just wake up on the wrong side of the bed...
The sun forgets to come out,
You can feel a large pit in your stomach...
You feel like crying for no reason?

Well, for your information so does half the women in your state!

Women have more days that we might feel a bit out of the loop;
Or just out of sorts...

But, we can know the very thing that makes us feel these feelings;
Is the very thing that allows us to have the womanly instinct that God gave us.

We have been given these raw emotions that once we allow God to
Temper them, we grow in insight and wisdom!

We are given so much influence and reign...
I can promise you this that when you have given a bit of advice;
To your children or other women; they may just one day use it!
To God be the Glory...

We are ruling whether we like it or not!
But,may I ask are you ruling in grace and love?
Do you hold and iron fist or a helping loving hand?

Do you wear your crown of authority with humility?
Or do you parade around like a Queen Bee;
Be careful you might get stung is what others may be thinking about you!

The crown of life;
Which is promised to those who love Him. James 1:12

Ruling your home is a great and noble calling!

Remember the hand that rocks the cradle, washes the dishes,
Cooks lovely meals, washes dirty sock, and rids her home of dust bunnies;
And sweeps the crumbs of Hansel and Gretel away;
Really does rule the world!

Just a friendly reminder that holding your hubby's arm when walking
makes your crown sit high upon your head!

Holding a kiss with your Husband  for 15 seconds.
Will ignite passion, and your crown will shine a bit brighter.

There is a crown we can wear that brings life to all that we encounter everyday!
We might not be able to see each others crowns,
Yet we can know those Queens that wear their crowns as the
 Royal Woman Of God...

Your crown one day will be placed at the Kings feet...

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Visitation Or Habitation...


Visitation or Habitation

So many of us this time of year we take vacations;
We love getting away and seeing new sights
And hearing new sounds.

Visiting new things can spur us on and give us new insight.
What are some of the feelings you have while visiting?
I think they can range in many different feelings;
When we visit family, it can be emotional!
When it is a new city, we may feel free or maybe out of place.

Sometimes I think we need a good dose of different;
As we can get so same old, same old on everything.

One thing I have had the Lord speak to me about is this;
To be passionate about Him...

We are not called to just visit the Lord,
But rather clinging in a habitation with Him...

Everything is always moving;
Moving In
Moving Out
Moving About

Yet, when we desire more than a visitation, we need habitation!
Pray for more of His Presence...
Allow Him to fill every crack and crevice.

Have you allowed some other love to move in;
And God was pushed aside?

Take these days of rest and sunshine R&R
And draw close to the Lord!
Allow Him to open your eyes and heart to His leading...

See What the Lord has done...
See what He wants you to be...

Habitation is the only place to be!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Under Cover...

Black and White

God is so good!
He makes provision for His sheep...
He covers us with His Word and His Annointing
Anointing means smeared (covered)
I am going to a women's conference that will give me a fresh word!
Black or White
He covers us all when we make Him our great shepherd...
Sometimes we can change things up just a bit and get a whole new perspective.
Every year for many years I have gone to this women's conference.
I am so excited...
I just can't hide it...
He's got control and I think I like it!!

Praying for all of you ladies that stop by to be inspired and encouraged!
You Go Girl...

Here is a word that blessed my heart as I know it was for this season; Hope you are blessed!

During wars, people look for places of safety to hide under cover where they cannot be harmed by the weapons of their enemies. We are in Christ and children of God therefore we are under cover at all times. No weapons formed against us will prosper because we dwell under the shadow of the Almighty.

A way of receiving an anointing originated with the ancient shepherds. Lice and other insects would get into the wool of sheep. When they got near the sheep's head, they could burrow into the sheep's ears and kill the sheep. To prevent this from happening, shepherds poured oil on the sheep's head. This oil made the wool too slippery for insects to get near the sheep's ears and they would slide off. Of this, anointing with oil became symbolic of blessings, protection and empowerment.

We can trust the precious presence of the Spirit of Christ to make our enemies flee. The battle truly is the Lord's and His mantle is upon us to protect us from every opposition. Whenever we feel threatened let us dwell under cover with confidence and total rest in our Comforter, the Holy Spirit. We can wrap ourselves in Him and watch the enemy's attacks slip off, from glory to glory!
Dr. Joelle Suel
Senior Pastor

Monday, June 2, 2014

God Uses The Lives Of Individuals...

God works those that stay close to God

God works through persons,
Through individual souls.

We might feel a sense of awe when we see the large committees.
The great organizations; Huge armies and big corporations.
Huge Churches and large families...

As we see these huge big majorities,
we can be made to become small. Insignificant.

I want to share a dynamic that has always humbled my heart;
God always works through the individual soul.
When men or women drift away from the Lord,
Then the individual man counts, but little
 and confidence
Is placed in big majorities and large majorities.

Remember the tower of Babel;
It was built by a huge national committee.
Who Said
"Let US build US a city and a tower"

Men are always depending on large!
But our history shows that God always uses the lives
of individuals!

We are in a good place as we seek strength and refuge under
His everlasting arms!

We can awake with His fresh dew upon our faces!
Take this time and season to restore what was lost.
Mobility that is confined, physical activity.
 And creativity that needs a jump start! 

God has and will continue to use you!
God secretly inspires some soul who will outwit the wise.

God will bring to pass and carry out all He has purposed.
In your life and the lives of those around you.
We are all living the dreams of the seed beds of those
Generations who have gone before us!
But each seed must grow and produce its own fruit!
Dear ones you are all a part of a divine plan...

God works through individual persons...

The body is made up of many different parts.

So we, being many, are one body in Christ,
and individually members of one another.
Romans 12:5

Monday, May 19, 2014

Damage Control...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Lavender And Lovely
Peace And Grace

Saying nice things about other people...

Open your mouth and I will fill it!

What is coming out of your mouth?
We are only given a few hours everyday to impact others!

Did your Mother ever tell you if you don't have anything nice to say
"Don't say anything at all"

Now, if we would heed this wise advice from our Mothers,
It would be a much quieter place in this loud world!

It is getting so loud at times we can hardly think;
And when others will only say things that bring discord and unrest.

We can learn to exercise mouth control;
Or we can call it damage control...

One thing we must teach our children and ourselves is it is almost
Impossible to retract a statement,
Unless of course you are a lawyer or a liar.

It can take only a few short words to bring destruction or harm to little ears.
Or to break a woman's heart!
Or to crush a man's ego!

Remember the words?
The sinking in the pit of your stomach;
Your heart literally feels broken.
Your continence just falls!
A wound has resulted...

All because the tongue was wagging or bragging!

A gentle reminder Dear Ones;
Stick and stones may break my bones.
But words can't hurt me!

Who really believes this?

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Arise And Get Up You Sleepy Heads...

File:Helen Allingham - The Staircase, Whittington Court, Gloucestershire.jpg

Artist: Helen Allinham

The staircase is used to ascend and to descend,
We are now in a place where we are being called to come down.
As to awake from your slumber!

Listen! I hear the "voice of my beloved!"

Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me.
Song of Songs 2:10

Happy Spring and may we awake from the slumber of winter's rest.
He is calling you "Arise"

The world seems like it is coming alive!
Shake off the dust, as it had begun to cling to your boots.
The dust is the lesser things.
My own thinking, laziness, and inactivity in the natural and spiritual.

He calls me by this precious name
"My Darling"
He considers me beautiful!

He has spoken this
Come with me!

Okay, so If He is calling us to come down from are room of slumber,
Then, will we be like children who roll over and go back to sleep?

Sometimes the transition from one stage to another is difficult.
(Remember Labor)
On one hand, I love change and adventure;
But on the other hand, I love the comfort of the sameness...

I think we need to strengthen our legs and especially our thighs,
As I read an interesting article, that said a key for a longer time frame to live-in
 un-assisted as we age was seen in those
Women who had stronger thighs (Not Larger)

Arise, and get up my darling, we have laid around long enough!
We have work to do!
Cleaning and planning and doing our Father's business!
Find ways to strengthen the hands that hang down.

I want to share a word of courage and faith with you!
We are more than little fire flies,
But if you feel your light is very little in comparison to others;
You need to know this today, the older or more tired you get.
It is in this darkness of days and maybe getting closer to the night season.
It is this;
Your little light will be brighter, the darker it gets...

Monday, April 28, 2014

Why Are So Many Women Blogging; My Answers...

File:Still Life of Flowers by Adelheid Dietrich, 1868, oil on wood - National Gallery of Art, Washington - DSC00103.JPG
Artist:Adelheid Dietrich (1827-1891)

As I laid in bed last night and this question just rolled around
In my head for hours it seemed like.
It was a question that I really tried to answer, I
Believe being a woman I just might have some insight into this question.

This is the question;
Why are there so many women Blogging?

So here are the thoughts that came to me, and I believe that they partly
answer this question.

Our hearts are overflowing with destiny,
Our hands were made to mold and create daily,

Women have words that abound;
We have a need to release them in order to allow them to produce!
All our words spoken or written produce.
(That is why we're warned not to gossip)

A woman's heart cries out (can you see me)?
We want to leave a legacy behind.

We desire information and knowledge.
We want to give advice and teach.
It is a place to express things you have experienced.
We can share tidbits such as recipes and how to DIY projects!
Advice on how to have a healthy marriage.
Child rearing ideas and advice.

We want to be stirred into action;
The bride cannot tolerate being unproductive!

A woman's gifts unused is much likened to the sweet fragrance sleeping
deeply within our flowers in each and every petal.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Springtime and Life...

Days and nights
Nights and days...

What do I have to say?
The word tells us there is nothing new under the sun.

I long for the sweet and simple...
I think that is why I am always drawn to pictures from artist that
are from days that seem gentle and kind.

We must always keep our hearts in tune with the heartbeat of our King!
We all can sense the change that is happening before our very eyes.

I choose to keep my heart and eyes focused on the calling on my life.

We can feel so insignificant and that who we are,
Or, what we are doing makes little or no difference.

But I know holding steady in your walk
 With the Lord is a more powerful statement,
Then we may ever fully realize.

When you stay married when it was tough,
You're really a living example of Christ and His Church.

When you love others as Christ loved His Church,
It is the example that will change a heart.

We are here now;
For such as a time as this...

When the trials come at you in this world,
Stop and remember;
The trial of Jesus...
His death and burial and His

The same power that raised Christ from the dead lives within us!
We are stronger than we realize for it is His power that dwells within us.

He is alive forevermore interceding on our behalf!

Matthew: 28
File:Allingham-01 lapin.jpg

Remember some Bunny Loves You...
Jesus Christ

Monday, April 7, 2014

Season Of Change...

Being a wife and mother and a grandmother is such a wonderful blessing.
But, I want to share something that is not spoken about as often as we should.
Life is all about seasons!
And we must learn the art of giving thanks for each season!

When you were a child "You spoke as a child"
Life was carefree and wonderful is the aspect of not being the adult,
And carrying all the responsibility.

When you were leaving girlhood and entering womanhood,
You blossomed and learned how to manage your own home.
And you began to learn to love your husband....
(This is an ongoing process)
Your family grew and arrows were added;
You were young and happy and was able to handle long days and much work.

Then, as we see all our children grow and leave home,
we again must move into another season.
This can require a whole new set ideas of managing our home.
Why; because I am not as strong and able to go at a fast pace
 like when I was younger. I am able to enjoy more
 things that allow me to sit down. Like crafting and sewing.
My favorite is journaling and Blogging!
Writing letters or making a phone call to encourage someone.

I am not running the marathon race now, but rather a daily sprint.
I must continue to run, because He has called me to this race.
His choosing, and His time frame.

I have sensed a bit of slowing down, yet my heart is as young
and filled with hopes and dreams as when I first became a woman.

My heart is still in love with the man of my youth.
My heart is still at home.
I continue to plant seeds.
I encourage and speak truth.

I am aging and I will embrace it all!
I will not be robbed of one single day or year!

I want to be able to give wise counsel and encouragement!
I want to be more specific in my prayers.
I want to use my energy wisely.
I want to show others how to manage their homes, not do it for them.
I want to help out where I can; I just can't carry it all!
We are called to train the younger woman, not take over their calling...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Why We Should Support Early Marriage! You Can't Handle This...

I think we have a problem in this country;
We have parented our grown child's  life way past adulthood.
Now, I realize we have a culture where we have grown children who act and
Respond like a mere child;
See the problem?

Now, may I ask a question;
What is it that helps us mature and grow in wisdom?
Why having responsibility you say;
Maybe just having someone other than ourselves to take care of,
Might bring about growth.

I have seen many young couples who have married young,
Have a better rate of staying together.
Because it allows them to bond together and to grow.
They have a tenacity in a way that may look like this;
Everyone and everything is against us, so we will show them!
(Yes, this sounds like rebellion)
Maybe NOT...
I think scripture tells us to
Leave and CLEAVE!
What not to Mommy and Daddy?

We act like entering marriage is some sort of plague.
We always respond when our children reach 18 or 19 like,
They are way too young to marry.

I have heard stories of how Men act like boys, well past the time,
That they should be taking a wife.
They would much rather stay carefree doing what THEY want;
Video Games
Not wanting to work HARD
Using getting an education as a way of NOT growing up!
(I call this Educational Careerism!)

Read the quote below and check out their link...
Why We Should Support Early Marriage
Marriage is good. Marriage is a gift. Marriage makes us grow up, gives us a companion to weather the stuff of life. Announce you’re getting married before the “acceptable” age, and you’ll mostly be met with pleads of “live some life first.” And while the single state has its unique opportunities, marriage certainly doesn’t detract from the joys of life, but rather doubles them


I want to add I very much think we must ask them to get Pre- marriage counselling.
And I think this should help equip them, not scare the daylights out of them.
Marriage was God's idea, and I think we think we know what is best!

I once asked a few people who had gotten divorced one time if they,
Regretted this in hindsight!
I was shocked to hear all of them say they wish they had stayed in their fist marriage.
And that they still think about the younger years and the memories of their
First love!
They said they just gave up to easy; and they had waited too long to marry
And that they were both pretty selfish and had no idea on how to grow together!
Interesting, at least to me!

What are your thoughts about this?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Helpers Needed...

Remember, You are just the Helper!

Okay, now that makes me feel a bit like 2nd in line,
Maybe my job is not as important.
So there you have it...

Well, let me just look at this for a minute...
Now that spatula right in that wicker basket is pretty darn useful and Helpful;
Have you ever tried flipping an egg, or an omelet over with a butter knife?

There are more utensils in that basket that are maybe considered a helper tool,
But I would rather not be without one single one of them.
( The spatula is saying; GIRL, YOU need me)!
I do need it, I do need it!

We are all in need of Helpers,
Why must we make others feel like their job is not as important as mine?

Are only trained professionals important?
I personally want all the HELP I can get!

Just think about this for a minute;
Which one of these special crafted silverware cutlery do you really not need?
Each one is designed for an effortless eating experience.

Did you know that the Holy Spirit is referred to as the HELPER?

When the Woman was designed, for the selected roll of a Helper!

Whatever I set my hand to today; I will do it as on to the Lord!
For I have asked for the HELPER to help me...

So, I may be the Helper I have been designed to be.
And be the Helper that compliments in all that I do!

The Helper, the Holy Spirit ...
Will teach you all things.
John 14: 26

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Real Deal... And Photo Challenge

The Real Deal!

It is a gift to know and to be able to distinguish the real from the fake.

I do not want to spend my time or energy on things of no value.
One day I will have to give an account for my days here; So,
May I be a wise steward and invest my time here wisely.

Even our bodies can tell the difference of what is real, even if you see no difference's
It will say;
This does not compute...

Our spiritual man knows the real from the fake;
The fake leaves it feeling hungry and thirsty.
You may want to eat of the fake, because it looks perfect,
And  it may even be served with a spoon full of sugar.
But this will cause decay!

A real friend is hard to find, but it is worth the prayer,
And the waiting.

May you pursue what is real Dear Ones;
Do not grow lazy and spend your time pining for what is not real!

Give me the true bread, and may it be buttered on both sides,
So if I have ever been turned upside down, I still will be covered.

May my eggs always be nutritious,
 Even if they are served scrambled or fried.

Life may seem like it is filled with parables;
But you, may know the truth;
And it will set you free....

I am using this photo of a natural setting of what appears mute in color;
But I think the nature of the staples of life
Bread and Butter!
This is with my macro lens;
An AV setting.
Needing to trust that I can learn and see with the eye of a camera
Using a Rebel T4

A Personal Photo Challenge

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Why Friendships Matter...

Why Friendships Matter!

One of the tactics of the enemy is to isolate us.
When we spend too much time alone and forsake the fellowshipping
Of our Sister's in Christ!

We are all given gifts so we can build and encourage one another.
We are even called to mentor and train the younger women.
And as we get older and have taken great care of our friends,
We will have a bond we will have into eternity.

Just having someone to take an interest in areas of our lives,
Help us to grow and mature.
I truly believe we can grow in our walks in Christ, through
Interaction of sweet friendships.

We are warned to not befriend the world;
But we are called to be our Brother's keeper!
(Sister's also)

Be wise as to the friends you choose Dear Ones!

I have always given this bit of advice to women;
When you  make a new friend, only share a wee bit of your heart.
Then you can watch and see her character, as how and what
She will do with it!

We need sweet friendships from the Lord.
I would rather have a few dear trusted sister's in Christ,
Then a room full of people who knew not my heart!

Honor the Women God has given you!
Do not take them for granted,
For they are treasures from the Father.

I believe Christ will ask us;
How well did you love others?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How To Come Home...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog...

Coming Home

I have been thinking for a while about this thought!

So many families almost all need two incomes,
Because they are now in a place that dictates this is how it must be.

As I was pondering this thought, I believe what I realized,
Is this:

The very first part of this transition has to be prayer!
Because coming home is a matter of the heart.

We have to get positioned!


We must go to the Lord and ask for Him to change
Our Hubby's heart, that his desire is for his wife to be able to stay HOME!
This can take quite a while, because everybody's wife works!
We are conditioned to think this is normal.

And we also need time to re-adjust our way of living style!
Our spending.
How are we now managing our HOMES?
Our we showing our Husbands we desire to be HOME?
Not by whining and complaining;
But rather setting the house in order and loving HIM!!
You may just have to sell your home and downsize.

You may have to double up and maybe work a second job for a while
To get out of some debt!
You discuss this plan together!

And just for the record, I get it!
Some women do not want to come HOME,
So this message is not for all women!!

I have seen God Bring many women HOME!

Because the world wants ALL women to leave their children and let the system
Raise and educate the children.
(Your Children)
Now, I am talking about even the first 5 years of a child's life.

So, step ONE is to PRAY!
Make out a prayer sheet and ASK God, how can this be done?
Because He has a plan that will work.
It may take some time, but well worth the investment!


Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Kings Table...

A knife cuts people off, is destructive, sharp and has no mercy.
 There is no forgiveness, understanding or grace.
 Often because of having been abandoned by a care giver,
 a person hides behind a thick wall, cannot commit and lives in constant fear.
 A fork picks at others constantly, is critical in a negative way.
 None of the good traits in others are ever mentioned.
 There is love and care but it's not consistent and not dependable.
 One day it's one way, the next it's another.
 The relationship is highly unpredictable.
As Christ's Ambassadors,
we are to be like spoons.
A spoon gently scoops up others with love
 and kindness and holds them in high esteem.
 Loving one another is done in deed and in truth.
The way we speak to one another and walk in love
 This truth is proof to others that we walk in the Spirit.
 As we are being transformed into the image of Jesus,
 The Holy Spirit enables us to be spoons,
This is from: Pastor Suel

I want to be a spoon at the Lords table,
May I tell each and everyone of you
lovely ladies out there.
Be encouraged and continue the desire
to be Godly women.
Take the spoon He offers us;
And let us dig in!
May we change this world one person at a time.
For if you are in Christ,
You are an Ambassador for Him!
One day He will serve us at His Banquet Table!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Heavens Will Open One Day...

God's Amazing Creation, Living From Glory To Glory Blog
A Dream
In my dream my hubby says to me Roxy you gotta
Come and see this!
So I go outside with him and we are standing out by our pool.
I look up and the sky just opens up and there is an
Amazing glorious Fire.
These flames are so majestic!
I am in awe...
I fall down and I worship God!
Praise pours forth from my lips!
When I awake from this dream I know it was a God dream!
I called my friend Pam that morning, and told her about my dream.
 And she said to me, we will see the Fire Of God!
Later that same day, but now it was evening time.
She was returning back home towards the mountains.
They looked out into the Eastern plains and this is what she saw!
There was an opening into the sky and a huge mass of fire looking
colors were in the sky (right over our land).
I am a dreamer!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Dreams From Him...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I am a dreamer, 
I believe that in this quiet time of rest my mind and emotions,
our not racing to the beat of the world's pace.

I take these dreams and I inquire of the Lord;
I ask Him for anything I might need to learn from them.
Sometimes I need to repent or ask the Lord to take the memory away.
Our dreams come from three different sources.
The first is our imagination or flesh.
The second is the enemy.
The third is the Holy Spirit.
The night season is a special time for us to rest and too
allow our bodies to gain strength.
Sleep is an amazing gift from the Lord.
We shall lie down and not be afraid of the terrors at night.
But rather we shall rest and be revived.
We shall dream dreams!
And we shall pray and lift these up to the Lord,
As only He can use what we dream to bring it to pass,
I believe some of our dreams are given to us as a warning.
That we may intercede,
 That the destruction or evil will not come to pass.

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
We are always to be about our Father's business!
Day and night
Night and day
Let our incense arise...
Living From Glory To Glory

Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Treasure Hunt

Real Treasures

Do you love a good find?
 Sometimes it is at a garage sale or a thrift shop.
  But my most precious finds have been in the quiet mornings in my special place. 
I love the Word Of God!

A treasure hunt in the Word:
 Open the Bible, do it with purpose and great expectation.
  Become a student of the word. Become consumed by God and His word.
  Expect Him to speak to you!
  It's a treasure hunt and you will always find a jewel.
  It will be worth more then silver or gold.
  Now when you find this treasure for the day, ponder it in your heart.
  Meditate upon it, think about it through your day.
  This is where the Word becomes alive and active as a two edged sword!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Time To Fight...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog
Stand Your Ground
I really do just want to be a sweet and gentle lady.
But let's face it ladies sometimes you just have to fight.
There are some things that if we do not fight for them
They will disappear!
We must be on our guard!

I believe that this world has been fighting us, we are told
that the God of this world, has come to make us
 feel discouragement and discontentment.
He keeps us so busy that,
we do not even have time to do the most important things.

And the days are just flying by so fast.
  and we say where did this day go?
Stand your ground dear ones!
Do not allow the enemy to take what does not belong to him!
For all that we have and own,
belongs to God.
We are only the stewards.
 So, learn what the Word says about His peace,
 For it is His promise to you.
Take back what the enemy has stolen...
Fight the Good Fight!
What is worth fighting for?
Your marriage
Your children
Your health
Your peace
Your Bible Study time
Your finances
Your friends
Remember Jesus never gave  GROUND to the devil!
In Ephesians 4:27
Leave no (such) room or foothold for the devil-
give no opportunity to him.
"Fight till God rings the bell..."
Blessings, Roxy

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