Showing posts with label Parable of the Ten Virgins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parable of the Ten Virgins. Show all posts

Friday, February 27, 2015

How to Know If You Have A Teachable Spirit...

Precious Little Vintage Girl Picture, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
This Lovely Victorian Little Girl Hangs In My Pink Craft Room
It was mine as A Little Girl...

What is Precious to you?

We use the word love so much for everything in our conversations 
and in our vocabulary. We love our new furniture, and we love our dogs,
We even love our children, and we love our husbands.

What kind of love is this?
Do we love everything the same?

We need to re-think in proportions of attention and affections!

But when do we look at something God has given us, and look upon it
As Precious And We Love It?

I personally do not want to feel the same about everything!
There are people that just rank a bit higher...
Who is number #1
As this should be the first one in line;
Your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ!

And I hope you see the value in having your Husband number #2
But, hopefully that is a given in your life.

But I have been looking at something else that we must LOVE;

I was studying a scripture this last week;
May I share it with you?

I need to ask a question firstly
Are You Stupid?

Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge,
But he who hates correction is stupid.
Proverbs 12:1

I was taught as a young lady from my older brother this word of wisdom;
If you cannot take constructive criticism, then you will never be wise.

When was the last time someone (anyone) was trying to correct you;
And you really listened and told them thank you!
And really implemented it in your life?

We can all be stupid...
~By not loving instruction~
Or, we can realize that we are not Miss Smarty Pants
You do not know everything...

We need to know the wisdom from above;
We need each other to train and give wise counsel to us!

I have heard the expression;
I know, I know...
Really, do you?

I think as Mothers, we would be so glad to know that our children were
Gleaning our words of wisdom that we share daily.

I think our Husbands would fall over if we responded to them after they told us
How to do something, with thanks honey, you're so smart!

How about when your Pastor reads a scripture and the Holy Spirit
Shows You the error of your thinking; and you quickly repent!

It seems to me that it is pretty easy to distinguish if
You're stupid!
Do You love instruction?

Or do you know everything?
Shall we all call You Miss Smarty Pants?

If we are not teachable, we will perish in many ways
We must have a teachable spirit...

He who hates correction is stupid...

So the next time someone has a suggestion or a different way
Just stop and listen;
You just might learn something new!

Just for the record, I do remember my sister calling me;
Miss Smarty Pants;
I thought it was a compliment LOL

Saturday, February 21, 2015

How To Persevere In Difficult Times...

The Storm has passed. Living from Glory to Glory Blog...

How to persevere in times when we cannot see clearly...

As we all know each day has its own difficulties;
But we can live in such a way that we can have peace in difficulties;
Difficulties really are just another opportunity to advance;

When we can continue doing the very things that bring order
And peace with a calm attitude will restore an outlook that overcomes!

I am once again standing my ground;
I find that each time becomes a bit easier to stay the course!
We build endurance and what I call the bounce aspect!

A bleak outlook on anything causes our heart's grief.
So this is why it is so important to keep our eyes wide open.
We do not have to turn a blind eye to the difficulties,
But rather choose to see the providence that is being worked out...

When I see the things that come to bring confusion and strife,
And situations that bring us to a point of feeling weary!

Stay the course, dear ones!

I promise that soon you will be able to see clearly...

Perseverance- to continue a course of action in spite of difficulty

An idle hand or mind can become an open end;
May I suggest that you keep a book that feeds you close at hand.
Learn to do a craft such as knitting or crocheting,
As these can be done while sitting with your family in the evenings.

 Always keep a running list of ideas for improving your home...
Such as repainting something or deep cleaning an area of your home.
Always keep a box filled with lovely paper to make cards.

We are warned to keep watch...

As Godly women we can either allow the cares of the world to rob us of.
Our Qeenship status of our Homes,
We can obey God and be Homekeepers, that watch over our Homes!

Take the oil that has been provided for you!
Do not hide your light under the bushel
Shine On...

For your light is what will be seen coming from your windows
Of a Home guided by the word and love

I can see clearly now the storm has passed...

Monday, January 26, 2015

Coming Out Of Agreement...


Will you be tossed around as a wave in the sea?

There is a stronghold that can come upon a person's life;
From either opening a door on purpose or something that caught us
Completely off  guard...

I am so thankful that God gives us a way to turn from our wicked ways!
Our eyes are little cameras that take a snapshot of everything we see!
(Good and Evil)

Each and everyone of us has seen a picture that was not good;
We sometimes can see something just once and never be bothered by it!
Other times we can see just a snippet and be harassed by it.
The enemy is always looking for things that will trip us up.

So I think it is a wise thing to learn and exercise is control over our
Thoughts and images that have been imprinted on your minds.

Taking every thought captive is completely biblical!

But as with anything that has an evil intend, must be dealt with.
Firstly, God has called us to repent!
We're to repent of anything that God has not called good!

When we come before God almighty and ask for forgiveness;
Guess what what He forgives us...
Being forgiven allows us to see the freshness and purity of a restored relationship!

How to battle things imprinted is easy if you will not give up!
When that thought or image tries to come back;
You say NO WAY...

I have the mind of Christ;
I will take this thought captive and plead the blood of Jesus over my mind!

It will take practice, but I will tell you this, God has given us a way out!

Here is my post on Taking Every Thought Captive;
Click Here

Friday, January 23, 2015

Taking Every Thought Captive...

Living From Glory to Glory... Change your thinking

The Threshold

We are always able to change the direction of our thinking...
We are not robots that have been programmed.
But sometimes it does appear that some people are on autopilot!

We need to refocus and look into where we can go with our thinking,
That is pleasing to the Lord...

He tells us to enter His gates with Thanksgiving

I have found that when I have an attitude of being thankful;
I am able to be a better wife and mother and friend!

"We can make a choice in our thinking"

Are you aware or realize when the enemy is trying to
re-direct your thinking??

When you begin to disrespect your husband in your thoughts;
When you become jealous over what another might have.
When you start thinking angry thoughts!
When you become suspicious and think everyone is out to get you!

When we are good Christian people;
We are not out sinning and living lives that are terrible;
So the enemy has to use our own thoughts against us!

I have seen this happen over and over...

I am so thankful that I had a teaching given to me about this!
As I can now quickly discern when my thoughts are being bombarded
 with thoughts that come from the enemy.

Women are always thinking...
Some ladies even have trouble turning off their thoughts.

That is why the scripture that tells us to take every thought captive!
2Corinthians 10:5
(Imagination and arguments)

Do a word study on this verse and see the importance of this.

If you think the same negative, destructive thoughts often;
You will have a rut in your brain;
Like a default program
( I was told it looked much like the wagon train ruts on the road)
Hard to get out, once you slipped into it!
But I believe that if we read the word and be aware and take our,
Thoughts captive we can have the mind of Christ!

Keeping our minds fresh and alive and learning new things;
Will bring life...
Being a woman of a healthy mind is very feminine,
As you will not look worried or confused and upset!

We all know when this starts to creep up;

Do you realize everyday you can speak a new word and leave a great impression!
Get out of yourself thinking and its rut;
See what the Lord says about every situation!!

Just a reminder, Dear Ladies;
Being worried is sin
Being fearful breeds more fear

Think thoughts that are lovely;
About Your Husband
And others!
Speak a blessing and don't give the enemy your mind!
Use it as a key to witness and create and inspire for
His Glory...

Do you struggle with controlling your thoughts?
Do you believe we can train our hearts to think differently?

What I am up to...
I have been crocheting little hearts...
I have been trying to walk everyday, not doing really great at it!
I received an eight piece setting of the Desert Rose Franciscan China
From my older Brother today!
What a lovely gift to receive;
As it was my Mothers favorite pattern of China!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Beware Of Accepting Terms...

The Ripple Effect...

Accept Terms

Be very careful in what you sign or click on!
I believe so many web sites have advertisement on them that if
You open them, or click the box you now have opened yourself up!

I have a very good system for keeping out junk and Pop-ups...
But like so many things in this world, things unwholesome can find any open door!

Do you realize that once you open a door and a picture or word gets in your mind,
And now your heart is open...
It is almost impossible to stop seeing those images

That is why we need to think about things that are lovely!
Things that are true...

Watching all those crime shows and suspenseful programs,
Allows our minds to  actually need them to feel entertained!
Sometimes is is even just the commercials in between what you are watching that harms!

I have seen a searing of our conscience...

My husband has always used this analogy for being slowly conditioned;
If we were to put a frog into a pot of lukewarm water,
It would just swim around and be happy!
But if an agenda wanted to increase the heat it would slowly turn it up a notch.
The poor little frog would not even realize that its brains were being cooked!
Unable to swim freely, but rather to be boiled alive!

Our minds are a wonderful and beautiful gift from the Lord!
But why do we continue to subject our minds to filth and sin?

Well, mostly because we have all been slightly boiled in the brain...
Seared in most situations---

I love a good story;
I enjoy being entertained;

A good imagination is so powerful!
You can slay a dragon in a comfortable chair in your own living room.
You can plant a garden and almost see and smell the lovely flowers!

But when you click on the picture that opens a lifetime;
Of a distorted picture of what Godlessness really looks like;
You have accepted its terms...
It is a living and breathing force that will bring your heart and mind
Into a place that has iron bars to keep you!
A prisoner in your own mind!

That is why we are called to practice and exercise self-control...
We are so exposed to the worlds ideas and Hollywoods imagination,
We can become dull of being able to distinguish right from wrong.
He warns us to NOT be deceived...

I will be having another post to address how to repent
And overcome these addictions to images that are not pleasing.
To our Father and it grieves the Holy Spirit!

Really, Even our televisions have controls to bleep out the bad words!
And to not allow nudity and violence
You must use a code to override its warning!!!!!

We need to be advised:

I will set nothing wicked before my eyes;
Psalms 100:3

May I ask you, why do you think we have become so tolerant of sinful images?

Thursday, January 1, 2015

It Wasn't Me...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

It wasn't ME...

Look the evidence is as plain as the nose on your face!

Taking responsibility is a sign of maturity,
We all want to be right in all matters.
I want to enjoy the sweetness of life, but not by denying the truth!
We will be held in contempt of court, by wanting to give my side of the story!
Learning to listen with ears that truly hear...
Is He in the thunder?
He speaks in that still small voice

Being quiet and learning to listen will bring us to a place of great knowledge.

Egypt was a place of great visual sensations.
Babylon was a place of sin and living for oneself...

I like to think of the great story this time of year
New Years Day
As a reminder of crossing of the Jordan River...

We are all called to come over

Red Rover, Red Rover send Johnny on over!

Do you realize we have been given a new opportunity?

A New Thing;
The Lord will never do exactly the same thing a second time around.
He will do something better!
A New Thing
A New Way
This new year is filled with possibilities and the power to create and inspire!

Everything we need to overcome and adapt as we submit to God!

Cross over the Jordan...

Will this year be better or worse?
It will be both as we have seen as things get darker;
We my friends become brighter and showing more of His Glory!

What has been going on in my world;
We had all eight grandchildren here for over a week!
Sledding and wrestling with each other as cousins do!
I have the worst case of laryngitis ever!
(Grandchildren were glad that happened, as I was captive to listening to their stories)
I am thinking and inquiring of the Lord as to growing in His Grace and Image...
One of my dearest and best friends moved to Florida this last December!
I miss her terribly...
My computer during this holiday got a terrible Ad Choice downloaded on it
It took over my entire Blog-----
I was wondering if I should just DELETE the whole Blog?
My wonderful son-in law was able to get it off for me!
My Hubby and I are barking like dogs with a very nasty cough!
We are so blessed to be given another year of 52 Sundays to worship!
365 Days to grow in Grace...

May I ask you, dear ones;
Does this Blog help you?
Is this something that brings you to a place of wanting to grow?
Is becoming a Woman of God a desire of your heart?

Sunday, December 28, 2014

How To Make God Happy...

Happy, God, Living from glory to glory blog!

How to make God happy...

What makes God happy?

We make God happy when we showcase Jesus in our lives.
As when we reflect to those around us any character or attribute qualities of Jesus!

When we as pure mortals by God's Grace through the Holy Spirit,
We remain patient in a trying situation.
And when we resist a temptation that comes into our hearts or lives.
God is happy when we offer a smile!
Even when we stop to bless a child!
(God loves the little children)
When you offer a word of encouraging word to someone!

Just sitting silent as if sitting at His feet.
Singing a hymn or a love song to Him as you go about your day!
Repeating scripture...
Giving praise to the Father
Sharing the Gospel message.
Feeding the starving

Helping a neighbor or a stranger in need.
(We are His hands and His feet)

Working faithfully in your home;
Washing, and cleaning in your home and making it lovely!
Feeding and cooking those who depend on you!
In these things we are making God happy!

How so you may ask?

Because we are doing what Jesus would do-
And that, my friend is displaying God's awesome glory and beauty.
I Corinthians 10:31
Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do,
do all to the glory of God.

In the next 60 minutes you have the opportunity to showcase God's glory!

May the glory of the Lord endure forever.
~Psalms 104:31~

Friday, December 5, 2014

Making Deposits Or Withdrawals...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Life can be very taxing on our finances and our emotions!
On our health and our general well being.
That is why we have need of having a stash of saved up resources.
This is not just money; as we all know how fast that goes.
Scripture even says money has wings;

We need to have a heart filled with scripture and quotes and memories
That will help us get through the lean times.
Abundance of the heart is what we need!

Issues and trials are always just waiting to be introduced to us.
Every situation is either where we are making a deposit into our resources
We are making a withdrawal from it.

We have a spiritual bank, just like we a natural bank
Monetary and spiritual...

We know how we get more funds in the natural bank;
We save and be frugal and we plan, We learn to make wise financial decisions.
We gather little by little!

Our spiritual bank is very much increased in the same way;
We inquire of the Lord for each day at hand,
To make time to deposit a word in season into our heart;
As our minds will roam to find a wise word from the living word!
We can only make a withdrawal from a deposit, we have previously made!
Or it may come from a deposit made years ago.

God's word will not return void!
His word will bring the greatest dividends, then all other resources.

Seeing so many trying to make withdrawals from empty accounts is very sad indeed.
But our God is so gracious and moves with grace He covers all of our
Overdrafts in our meager accounts!

But being a wise steward requires some action on our part!
Be not like the sluggard;
Gather while it is yet day!
Precept upon precept...

I just wanted to make a comment that even though I used this picture;
Of this, 1 Minute devotion from Charles Spurgeon
It will require more time than 1 minute a day...

Please take time every day to eat from the full Banquet that
Is just waiting for us to feast upon...
Taste and see that the Lord is good!

Remember to use what God has given you wisely;
Being frugal so you can bless someone or a ministry that God has
Put upon your heart!!

Making gifts and sometimes just taking a picture and framing it,
Is a wonderful way to give someone a treasure.

We all must give account as to how we used HIS resources...
The money and time is not yours
~You my dear are just the steward of it~

I just feel I need to add this last thought here
Are you still making an active investment in your marriage?
Sometimes we can forget that this relationship needs a deposit daily also!

We can get so busy and self absorbed that we often can forget that,
The marriage relationship is used in this world as a picture of
Christ and His Church!!

Monday, October 27, 2014


Weakness and strength, Glory to Glory Blog

Weakness And Strengths

You will never be transformed by continually looking at your own shortcomings,
never !
Nor will you ever be transformed by looking at the weakness of
your fellow christian.

"You will only be conformed by continually looking upon the glory
of the Lord Jesus-"

For they who live looking and beholding , though they know it not,
are being"changed from glory to glory by the spirit of God"

God will use both your weaknesses and strengths!
We are beautiful and with a purpose He has ordained!

When a trial comes hard and fast;
I feel the axle of my being wanting to tilt.
But I have been practicing to stay upright.
Remember those Weeble people?
They might weeble, but they won't fall down.

Do you feel more aware of your shortcomings?
I have had to ask myself, is this the enemy taunting me?
For I know the ways of the spirit, gently woos and shows me!

When I am in sin, He convicts me strongly;
That whisper that shows you are wrong.
Obey quickly...

I get tired of the enemy pointing out my shortcomings!
(Like I am not already aware of them)

My Hubby and I need to re-connect after we were slam blasted
with trauma and worry!

But, God is gracious and has helped us once again!

Sometimes we need to just go out for a meal together!
Hold hands, and count your blessings.
Pray for all those who are in need of prayer!
Do a kind deed for someone!

I desire to be a kind and gracious women;
But we all can feel the strain and stress of life's struggles!

Do we give up?
No, we never give up!
Keep looking into His word;
Lay your burdens down!
He knows we are but dust...

We must remind ourselves that we are just passing through!
We can't live in the short stop;
But rather the long haul!
From Glory to Glory

Be beautiful inside and out, as you are a special treasure!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

First Responders...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Being a responder is profound in a world that is dull and seared.
We don't mean to be insensitive to people or things around us.
We have just been bombarded!

 As women in our marriages,
 We must be quick to respond to our men.
They need to feel wanted and important and respected.
Sometimes we can overlook a much needed response to them.

As homemakers we can get so overwhelmed with life;
We can just feel in a slump and not respond as we should!
Keeping things in a organized flow.

Our children can even get slightly overlooked, when
A day can fly by faster than imaginable.

We have so many needs in a world that is lost and desensitized.

"I believe women were created to be responders"

I know that to be a responder will cost you something...
But do we want a faith or a relationship that does not cost us anything?

If you will never put yourself out for another person's well being;
We will be self-centered and not Christ centered.

We had so many people praying for our dear lost grandson in the mountain!
We were just blown away from the outpouring of so many people.

We are all called to be responders!!
It will not look the same for each of us,
 But we must make the effort to meet
The needs of those who are hungry and thirsty
Those who need someone to show some compassion.

We all have been lost in one way or another!
I am praying to be more aware when the Lord gives me 
A glimpse of when I need to respond!

There are well trained professional responders for
Natural disasters and search and rescue.

But we do not have to wait for a crisis or disaster to comply
with the scripture that the Lord gave us!

When we do respond it is as if we are doing it unto Jesus!

Matthew 25:31-46

31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.33 And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. 34 Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers,fn you did it to me.’

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ 44 Then they also will answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?’ 45 Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ 46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

Friday, October 10, 2014

Just Hurry Up...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog
 Silly Rabbit

Running Your race! Living from Glory to Glory Blog
 The Winner

Would you just hurry up!

People are driving like they are all on the way to the hospital;
With someone in labor in the back seat.

Everything we are doing now days seem like we are in a race.

I think of that story of the tortoise and the hare.
We all know how that ended;
We have this mentality that if we are fast or the first one;
We are the winner....
Wait a minute here, was it not the slow one who just kept
going in the right direction that won?

We see very little patience in our world today!
Being slower has been perceived as being a looser

If it takes a bit longer than a little bit of time it is wasting time.
I do not want to have to hurry with everything I do in a day.
For I may never pass this way again....

What are we missing when we find ourselves tired and stressed?
There is a peace that we should carry for all the world to see!

Have you had the feeling, like I want to just quit?

Now, we can take a step back and resolved our hearts to go
At the pace God has given you.
Our purpose is not to be the first one to cross the finish line.
But rather be able to be counted on as to be present and available.

Now, that silly rabbit shot off that starting line like he was going to win the race.
But, because he did not pace himself, he grew tired and stopped to take a nap.
(Is the church sleeping or napping)

Believe me, there are days all I want to do is just stop and take a nap.
Nothing wrong with naps, if we are pacing ourselves;
And we keep ourselves on the narrow way and keep going on in,
The right direction...
We can't give up and stop running our race.
But rather let us keep a steady pace and enjoy all that we have,
Going on in our lives!

So let us not be silly rabbits!
If you have started something, finish it!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Prayer Closet...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Prayer Closet

We have such an amazing privilege as women,
And as believer's in Jesus Christ

We have been invited to a special place!
"Our Prayer Closet"

We are called to be living epistles;
This is where our lives should resemble a character that has substance.
It is the love that is shed abroad within our hearts.
A love and truth that change a heart...

I am ever so grateful for those who have prayed for me!
We have been given a great honor and privilege.
We can come along someone and pray for those who need
Strength or wisdom or provision!

We can be the one who God will use to lift a need to the Alpha And Omega.
He knows every need, but He desires to hear our prayers;
For ourselves and others.

I love to be just driving down the street and see a situation that
just leads me to pray!
Being sensitive and tender hearted to pray for the needs of others!

Our prayer closet can be an actual place where we can meet with the Lord!
our prayer closet can be in our car, and even in our daily living.

We must be ready to pray at all times!
Prayer and a quick decision is what these days require.
If you are praying, you are communicating with the one who
can help!

He may not answer in the way you think is best, but He alone
Knows the end from the beginning!
He is the only wise King!

We always will say to just trust Him;
But please remember He has asked for obedience also.

Are we living in a way that pleases Him?
Have you given your heart to Him?
Do you put Him first in your day?
Is the Holy Bible used for your resource for living?
Do you ask for wisdom to know the truth?

There are so many resources and books,
So many teaching what they believe to be true;
This can be dangerous!
Be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove!

Let us look up!
Love will cover a multitude of sins!

I always ask the Lord keep me from deception.
May, I not believe everything that comes down the pike.
He has warned us there will be false doctrines;
If even an angel preaches any other Gospel.
Turn away from him!

At this critical hour in which we live, the Lord is calling His people apart to truly pray.
This world may be beginning to realize that the glitter and charisma,
And look at me ministries are beginning to fade!

The Lord has said the road to destruction is wide;
And we are called to walk the narrow road!

It is time to open the door to our prayer closet,
In some cases we need to open it wider in other cases,
We need to just open it!

We need to desire more;
Are you hungry for more quality time in prayer?
Or do we need to just begin a prayer life?
Are we even willing to pray?

"But you, when you pray, enter into your closet,
 and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father which is in secret:
 and your Father which sees in secret shall reward you openly."
 Matthew 6:6

There Are No Shortcuts
Prayer is more than telling the Lord what we think He should do
 and all the wonderful things that would happen if only He would "do as we ask"
 Real prayer begins when we enter into such communion with Jesus,
 that the Holy Spirit can pray the will of the Father through us.

PRAYER means spending quality time with the Lord.
May we come to the understanding of the value of having
a set apart time of prayer and communion with Him.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


Living from glory to glory blog

 A vineyard is a spacious piece of land
That will produce a rich and luscious vital fruit.
This fruit just doesn't happen
It is tended by the vine-dresser that plants and prunes
and fertilizes it.

A vineyard can be one of the most beautiful
and amazing visual experiences.

A cluster of grapes is like a heavy laden stem holding each individual
grape fully
 Developed and properly portioned of the cluster.

Each and every one of us is part of the vineyard
you can trust and know
That the vine-dresser will tend to you!
As to meet each and every need, you will ever have.

Allow the Holy Spirit to enrich your life
to be a rich tasting wine
As He fills the wineskin.
With His love and His timing!
His character is being formed in you;
This is the sanctification process.
We only get the sweet wine or juice as we are being pressed!

No branch can bear fruit by itself;
It must remain in the vine.
John 15: 9

This day is filled with appointments not the kind of appointments
we have for regular scheduled things like the doctors or dentist.
But rather with people whom God just puts in our path.
Being a part of the vineyard is something you should desire.
We all need others around us and beside us,
As the branch holds us!
Let me encourage you today
to be watching for appointments hand picked from God.
It is important to help others that might need encouragement today!
As we have the visual of grapes in our picture above.
Let it remind you how closely we intermingle with one another.
Let us encourage one another to be in a position to bear much fruit!

Friday, August 29, 2014

A Path to No Where...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog
Why would someone take a path that leads nowhere?

Why would someone take all the time and cost,
to build a path that leads nowhere?

This walkway really had me stumped!

For the life of me, I was just thinking,

What was this person thinking??
This brick path just stopped!
And it was leading nowhere...

As we all know we have seen or experienced this very thing.
Some, pathways have no profitable destinations.
So, I ask you this;
How can becoming a Godly woman be worthy and profitable?

A woman who will choose the right path can change a life,
and turn a country around!
Daily she can take steps that lead to a known destination.

A woman who keeps the home fires burning.
Keeps the home alive...
Our world needs women who will choose this path!

 Homemakers who love God! 
Living from Glory to Glory Blog

 Who will lead the next generation of Young Ladies?

Who, will desire to take the path that will keep our homes set apart!
 and for bringing Glory to the Lord!

May becoming a Homemaker never be looked at, as a path
that leads to nowhere!

 I have noticed a trend on how married couples, have put off having children!
 They have made the decision to save enough money till they can afford children.
Others do not ever want to have children!

They are just waiting...

I do not want to be judgmental or critical in any way;
But I can't help but wonder if being a Mother or Father has
lost it's appeal for this generation?

I have purposed in my heart not to be a Christian woman who does not
 Just blend and fit into a culture of friends or family.
 In other words, to not just rock the boat!

Being a light, sometimes can annoy others!
We are called to be set apart!

I have always admired the pioneer spirit of women and men who
would be willing to travel the path less traveled!
Do you think we should be more willing to not just go along
with the crowd?
The Lord has said that His path is narrow...
But Lord help us to discern those paths that lead to

We are all looking for more freedom and self expression!
At what cost may I ask this generation?

The Lord said to multiply;
We are not even replacing ourselves!

I do understand the problem with most the worlds problems
Come from a three letter word!!

May we ask the Lord to show us His path of righteousness and holiness
Living and looking for that narrow road in life's situations!

Living From Glory to Glory...

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Strawberry Fields...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

This lovely Old Bread bowl is just filled to overflowing!
We picked these lovely sweet and juicy strawberries, while
We were back East visiting family!

Strawberry Shortcake
Strawberry Bread
Strawberry Jam
Strawberry Smoothies

John 15: 1-9 speaks of only three amounts of fruit being produced
More Fruit
Much Fruit
In our lives, these are the only levels we are producing at!

Does your life have Fruit?
How about More Fruit?
We are looking for MUCH FRUIT...

Have you been experiencing pruning in your life?
If we are not being pruned you will not be able to bear more fruit.

Strawberries grow in the fields and they can bring a good harvest,
If many conditions are available.
Sun and rain and mulch!
Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Fruit from the Lord in our lives will be sometimes visible,
And other times it may take a while to see it!
Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Do we always have to have the biggest strawberries?
Actually the smaller ones can be very sweet!
I was wondering if size has any meaning at all when it comes to Biblical fruit,
But rather as to how MUCH...

After a lovely morning of picking fresh sweet strawberries we,
Then we washed them and smashed them and poured them
Over shortcakes and topped it with ice cream and whipped cream!

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

May each and every one of you bear MUCH Fruit!
It does not require labor and work;
But rather abiding in the vine...

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