Saturday, January 3, 2015

Being A Homemaker Is Not Enough...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

 Why do we think we need to constantly do more, be more, achieve more, more, more more?

In God we live and move and have our being Acts 17:28

One of the very first lies was where a lovely woman by the name of Eve,
Heard from a beguiled liar;
Be more
Have it all...
Think of yourself
Achieve and live for more...

But at the cost of who and what?
I am all for improving one's attitude and work ethic,
But we have us a problem, dear ones!
As we have so many girls that do not even have a clue as how to run a HOME!
The home is and always will be the center that holds things together!
It was God's idea for families to live together, work together!
The Home is where you are nourished in your mind and body!
We learn skills for everyday living.

Being trained to run a home will always be a huge benefit!
For kingdom purposes;
For health and safety
For love and growth

Even NSA
(National Security Agency)
Have to have a place where all their data are kept,
We need to keep our Homes with such diligence!

There are so many distractions in our world,
We have bought the lie of bigger and better and brighter!

Pray for our Homes and for the women who take their callings,
As to be as important as the NSA!

We need a revival of hearts!
But if we can see the welfare of what can come from a Home;
That is dedicated to God and truth, we can see the benefits,
In every area of society...

Be grateful that God has called you to manage just your Home
We are not called to be in everyone else business;
But to mange our own Homes!

Remind yourself daily of what your mission statement is until
You become quicker to make appropriate decisions as to how it will affect
Your home and family!

Make this a season of learning to manage your Home more wisely!
Be frugal and make a nice pot of homemade soup for dinner.
Do some mending on something that needs some tender care.
Make up some nice quick breads to have in the freezer.

Do not think that what you do in your home is not important!

I truly believe if we are diligent  in being homemakers;
And all we do all we do for His glory...
We will hear well done good and faithful servant!

To Serve;
Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served,
but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom.
Matthew 20:28

Now what is happening in my own little world;
Got out my juicer and some veggie juice to break up this nasty cold---
Made a pot of chicken soup with lots of fresh garlic!
Been working on those cute crocheted hot pads for my kitchen
(A pretty cheery yellow and white)
Wrote a letter to my Penpal!
Eating some Blach cherries that we got for a dollar a bag!
Missing my Grandchildren so much!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

It Wasn't Me...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

It wasn't ME...

Look the evidence is as plain as the nose on your face!

Taking responsibility is a sign of maturity,
We all want to be right in all matters.
I want to enjoy the sweetness of life, but not by denying the truth!
We will be held in contempt of court, by wanting to give my side of the story!
Learning to listen with ears that truly hear...
Is He in the thunder?
He speaks in that still small voice

Being quiet and learning to listen will bring us to a place of great knowledge.

Egypt was a place of great visual sensations.
Babylon was a place of sin and living for oneself...

I like to think of the great story this time of year
New Years Day
As a reminder of crossing of the Jordan River...

We are all called to come over

Red Rover, Red Rover send Johnny on over!

Do you realize we have been given a new opportunity?

A New Thing;
The Lord will never do exactly the same thing a second time around.
He will do something better!
A New Thing
A New Way
This new year is filled with possibilities and the power to create and inspire!

Everything we need to overcome and adapt as we submit to God!

Cross over the Jordan...

Will this year be better or worse?
It will be both as we have seen as things get darker;
We my friends become brighter and showing more of His Glory!

What has been going on in my world;
We had all eight grandchildren here for over a week!
Sledding and wrestling with each other as cousins do!
I have the worst case of laryngitis ever!
(Grandchildren were glad that happened, as I was captive to listening to their stories)
I am thinking and inquiring of the Lord as to growing in His Grace and Image...
One of my dearest and best friends moved to Florida this last December!
I miss her terribly...
My computer during this holiday got a terrible Ad Choice downloaded on it
It took over my entire Blog-----
I was wondering if I should just DELETE the whole Blog?
My wonderful son-in law was able to get it off for me!
My Hubby and I are barking like dogs with a very nasty cough!
We are so blessed to be given another year of 52 Sundays to worship!
365 Days to grow in Grace...

May I ask you, dear ones;
Does this Blog help you?
Is this something that brings you to a place of wanting to grow?
Is becoming a Woman of God a desire of your heart?

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Home Living In The Evenings...

What are you doing in your evenings?

One thing that I think is so sad in our culture today is how we spend
our evenings!
 After long days of working and doing what needs to be done all day long.
Instead of winding down, we get more excited and over stimulated!

Video games
Suspenseful  shows
Rough housing

We have a culture where we have a motto for some cities;
Such as; where we never sleep!
365 days
Why do we have such a need for speed and adrenaline rush.
We were made for working and creating in the day.
But our nights were given to us to stop...
To unwind and to relax
If we are always in overdrive mode, we will become tired,
And we become burned out and find it hard to function.
We have trained ourselves and our children to never really shut off!

It is like everything is in a standby mode...
No rest for the weary...
Keep plodding on no matter how tired or exhausted you might feel!

Personally, I think God had a different plan for us in our evenings...
To stop and reflect and read or talk to our loved ones.
Maybe work on your projects that bring rest and comfort!
Quiet is what brings rest to weary, tired bodies!

We need to find some suggestions for ourselves and our families,
to help us to learn to wind down and relax.

Turning off the television
Family devotions
Reading a classic book as a family story time!
I would love to hear some suggestions from you!

I find myself crocheting a little each night
I also do a small devotion most evenings myself,
 I have it right next to my bed!
Having a card table up in an area with a puzzle on it and
Working on it in the evenings is very relaxing and good for the brain?

I hope you will consider this topic for your own lives!
Make your evenings a time to wind-down
Not wind up and over stimulate yourself!

Make a New start for this New Year...

Sunday, December 28, 2014

How To Make God Happy...

Happy, God, Living from glory to glory blog!

How to make God happy...

What makes God happy?

We make God happy when we showcase Jesus in our lives.
As when we reflect to those around us any character or attribute qualities of Jesus!

When we as pure mortals by God's Grace through the Holy Spirit,
We remain patient in a trying situation.
And when we resist a temptation that comes into our hearts or lives.
God is happy when we offer a smile!
Even when we stop to bless a child!
(God loves the little children)
When you offer a word of encouraging word to someone!

Just sitting silent as if sitting at His feet.
Singing a hymn or a love song to Him as you go about your day!
Repeating scripture...
Giving praise to the Father
Sharing the Gospel message.
Feeding the starving

Helping a neighbor or a stranger in need.
(We are His hands and His feet)

Working faithfully in your home;
Washing, and cleaning in your home and making it lovely!
Feeding and cooking those who depend on you!
In these things we are making God happy!

How so you may ask?

Because we are doing what Jesus would do-
And that, my friend is displaying God's awesome glory and beauty.
I Corinthians 10:31
Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do,
do all to the glory of God.

In the next 60 minutes you have the opportunity to showcase God's glory!

May the glory of the Lord endure forever.
~Psalms 104:31~

Friday, December 26, 2014

Staying Steady...

Staying Steady...

Steady as she goes is such a good word, as we have so many ups and downs,
As The World Turns

We all find ourselves smack dab in the middle at times!

But we have the choice to enjoy a bit of the very place we find ourselves in.

Remember the first falling snow we would see spreading out over,
The landscape first thing in the mornings?

New, fresh and white!
You could run out and plop down into it and make a snow angel!
You could build a snowman and know that feeling of make believe.

Also, having the thrill of flying down a hill squealing with glee!

Being steady in all seasons and situations is so wonderful!
Having the memories of certain things helps us all
 just knowing
That some things do not change...

We can still have fun and be able to have a fresh and new perspective.
But to stay steady allows you to be such a comfort to so many!

May the last days of this month and year bring you great anticipation,
Of what is to come...

New and fresh!!

Be Steady my dear ones!
Do not be tossed to and fro
Be that person that is steady in these strong winds of  adversary;

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Million Dollar Fudge...

Million Dollar Fudge Recipe

My Dear Mother use to make this Fudge Recipe every Christmas!
This recipe has been around for years and so it is tried and true;
Sweet and smooth
 Creamy and tasty

I feel that if you mix the first 4 ingredients in the saucepan and warm it slightly
 Till butter melts, shut off the stove and let it sit for a little while,
Stirring it often it allows the sugar to dissolve a little.
(My little secret so the fudge is creamy and not grainy)!!

 Million Dollar Fudge

Put In Saucepan;

4 1/2 cups sugar

1/4 tsp. of salt

2 tablespoons butter

1- 12 ounce can evaporated milk

Put in a bowl;

1 bag- 12 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chip morsels

2- 7ounce size Hershey Chocolate Bars (Giant Bar)

1 pint marshmallow cream (7oz size)

Add a few Walnuts if you like nuts or any kind is good. 1/2 cup or so..

In the large bowl Put chocolate chips and both chocolate bars broken into chunks
 Add the marshmallow cream and walnuts in a big bowl. (Set Aside)

Boil the sugar, salt, butter, evaporated milk together for six minutes.
Use your timer!

Pour the boiling syrup over the ingredients. Beat until chocolate is all melted, then pour
Into a lightly greased 9x13 pan. Let stand a few hours before cutting.

Remember, it is better the second day. Store in tin box. And use wax paper on top and pop 
into your freezer.
 I leave a small tin in the refrigerator and the other one I freeze for New Years!

So far I have made two Pumpkins pies and one apple pie this morning!
The Pumpkin pies are for my Hubby, the apple is for me ;o)
I Have all the ingredients for my Fudge,
I enjoy making this because of all the sweet memories as a child!
A Million Memories I am sharing today with you all my sweet blogging friends...
This Fudge would just melt in your mouth! m-m-m good!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Remember, you can make all your Christmas cookies and freeze them!
Just use wax paper in between the layers,
 And you should check out the Dollar Tree Store as it has the cutest Christmas Tin cans
 to store your cookies and fudge in!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

What Your Husband Really Wants For Christmas...


Growing in Grace...

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

"What your Husband really wants for Christmas"

For you to stay within your budget $$

Showing him Respect and Responding...

Having an attitude of Joy!

Adorning yourself with kindness = Gentle, quiet spirit

Giving him love and attention ;o)

A Clean and Tidy HOME

Clean Sheets and a Comfy Bedroom

For you to smell sweet!

*For you to look elegant and composed*

~Making meals that keep his tummy full~

Do what you say you are going to do...

Give him some peace and quiet every day when possible!

Tell him something that is lovely to hear...

He wants you to not act like a crazy person running
around trying to have a perfect Christmas!
He just wants peace and comfort and joy;
With his true love...

~Make this a holiday to remember~

Monday, December 15, 2014

Don't Be A Sucker...


Don't be a sucker

I have never much cared for that comment;
I have heard it spoken in such a way, that you knew
You never wanted to be a sucker...

We always have so many different situations going on at one time.
We have so many complex relationships that need attention!
"Usually all at once"

I desire to be more discerning in matters;
But, I also want to use discretion in matters!

I see a world that just divulges more information
 On private matters that is not necessary to repeat.

What ever happened to discretion?

News Flash
Don't believe everything you hear!
Don't believe everything you read!
Don't say everything that just pops into your pretty head!
Don't repeat what someone else has said if it will bring contention!

Discretion is being wise in such a way that brings truth into a lie!
Discretion uses words that bring things to light!
Discretion has a tone and timing that brings life!
Only when used in the right place at the right time...

We think it is okay to say anything we want to anyone in any place!

This is not using discretion...

A lady who is careful with her words will be considered wise.

I want to be careful in also what I believe and take to heart as to
What others might say to me!
Or what I say to others.

We need to be wise; not so trusting that we can be hoodwinked!
When in doubt of someones character;
Be a bit more cautious.

I have given this warning to younger women;
When you first meet someone, do not tell them all your
Interest or concerns to quickly.
It is better to give a small piece of your heart and;
 Then wait and see if they can be trusted!

There are many wolves parading around in sheep's clothing!

Be wise as serpents and gentle as doves...

Do you have any suggestions for us that will help us in becoming
More versed in using discretion?
We do want to share with others;
But what is too much information in your opinion?

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