Showing posts with label Building A strong Marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Building A strong Marriage. Show all posts

Friday, August 30, 2013

A Rare Treasure~A Virtuous Woman~

A Virtuous Woman, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

A rare treasure is found in a woman of
Godly character.
"Who can find a virtuous woman?"
Proverbs 31:10

We are all asking am I becoming this wonderful
and mysterious woman that is spoken of in
The Holy Scriptures.

May I ask you a question?
Do you;
Seek first the Kingdom of God
And His righteousness?
Then all of these things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:33
Do you desire to tap into all the grace of God's
Power and the Holy Spirits leading
and a resolve to be all that
God wants you to be?
As we look into the heights of His standards,
we can become overwhelmed.
Yet He tells us in His word.
precept upon precept,
line upon line.
Little by little.
We can do this because it's all in
His strength anyways!
Each day we are given, we have
His New Life flowing in us.
Let's not down play these virtues.
These are not old fashioned,
or impossible.
But rather attainable.
Always progressing
Always becoming stronger.
His character being formed in you.

Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Marriage Commitment...

Walking Through Life Together
What does a vow mean to this world anymore?
Do we even know what the word means?
Being committed is good, as long as it is working for me!
I just want to share my heart about something that has,
touched almost everyone of us,
Divorce in America is ramped.
Growing up as a child from the divorce factor.
I will know longer kid myself;
I was broken and grieved!
A child with no Daddy...
One of the greatest wounds for any human being
Is rejection!
One thing I have learned in this life is this;
Marriage is a gift from God,
I am just so sorry and sad so many
Women and Men
Have been wounded and hurt from the broken vows.
From either their parents, or their own broken marriage vows.
Everyone suffers when a vow is broken.
This post is not about placing blame, but rather to say;
I am sorry for all the pain and sorrow it has cost
each and everyone of us.
But we have hope;
He has come to heal the broken hearted!
This week we will be celebrating 31 years of our marriage vows!
May we have many more years together.
But I want to encourage each and everyone of you.
Take being married as one of the most important positions
in this life.
It is work, but well worth every kind word,
 And every walk you take while holding hands.
Every kiss before you sleep.
Every good memory you hold.
Be committed to YOUR marriage!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Other Side Of The Garden And Being A Biblical Woman...

The Book The Other Side Of The Garden, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

What are some of the Biblical thoughts that we as women,
carry in our hearts!
Have we taken the time to bring the sweet and cozy truths,
to heart!
All real women's issues are heart issues.
Our Real Lives
Our Husband, Our Children
Our Homes
We are not a Blog Status;
How many followers?
How many comments?

We are now living on the other other side of the

Biblical Womanhood, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
 I remember the first time I read this book!
I thought this is amazing;
Thy can not really think this is still going to happen
 In today's world!
Who really thinks we need to submit??
Wait a minute here...
Look, I am a intelligent woman.
But, I was searching, and asking "Who am I?
Why am I here?"
I wanted to know without a shadow of doubt,
Was I living my life for a worthwhile purpose?
I wanted to have and comprehend my true design and purpose!
I wanted to have fulfillment in my marriage.
I was a woman of the world till about 25yrs. old.
Our marriage had two heads...
This makes for an unnatural creature.
This was not God's design for marriage.
I started asking the Lord for His help in being a good wife.
So God brought this book into my life.
The first thing the Lord did was show me why a women was created.
I was just shocked at the fact He had a specific reason
 for each part of
His creation.

God took the essence of the woman directly out of His first
creation of mankind.

She shall be called Woman (Isha)
because she was taken out of Man (Ish)
For God stated that it was not good for man to be alone.
God designed the woman for the man's benefit.
1 Corinthians 11: 8,9
Now don't get yourself in a tizzy!
We are not the head, and we are not the tail!
But we are the heart!

So, Now it is time for us to appreciate are unique design,
and enjoy the fact that we are here for a grand and special treat.
We are Women!


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How Will You Use Your Beauty

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Women are the source of influence in a family.
We have been given a huge responsibility to our Husbands;
And children
The World
How will you be remembered?
Covered or Uncovered?
So, I believe it is a word of caution we need to be reminded of!
You are using your God given influence to either
Promote Him or Yourself.
Revealing a heart of love and compassion to others,
Revealing your legs and bust...
How will you use your beauty?
(And just a note you our Beautiful)
Your body is a special treasure.
Do not display it as a cheap and worthless item.
But rather adorn yourself in modest apparel.
Cover what is for your hubby's eyes only.
Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Taking What You Have For Granted

We Are Selling Our Camper
Now this is the top of the line!
It's one of it's kind...
Home Away From Home
(Or Not)
Maybe this is there home!! ??
I have always had an interest of the times of the
Great Depression.
There were so many people that endured such hardships.
We, that live in such prosperous times;
may be void of knowing hard times,
And as a result of that they
  never gained a real appreciation
for what they have!

It is pictures like these that help me to not take what we have for granted!

How can we appreciate what we have when we have
been inundated with consumerism?

Yet many still need help to feed themselves even today!

The last time we used our camper was a year ago so we are selling it!
My sweet hubby just had to get some hearing aids.
He is so amazed with how well he can hear!
But the cost was really expensive .
So, being the kind of wife my hubby needs,
was for me to say!!
Lets sell the camper so we do not have to have that huge debt over us!
We as women must be the help mates our hubbies need.
And being frugal and wise is one of the biggest we can be
when it is needed.
We should not take what we have for granted;
Our lives
Our hearing
Our food
Our provisions
So, may we start to appreciate what we do have!
Tell your hubby;
How much you appreciate how well he has provides for you,
He needs to HEAR that.
As that is how God created a man to function.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Men Are Visual...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog
Some days we see too much.
Some days we see too little.
All of our days are waiting to be filled with things we can see or feel.
I desire to fill my days with happy memories,
And things that fill my eyes with beauty.
One of my greatest joys has been ministering to my husband.
Loving him by giving him my attention.

Making a place  for him to meet God and to study and pray,
A room just for him.
Doing what I thought my husband needed to find his home a comfort!
Doing my life with the man of my dreams.
I have referred to him as my Boaz.
There is one thing I have learned over 32 years of marriage,
Is this!!
Men are visual...
Every man is visual!
So I try to present all things to look appealing;

Cooking  food to nourish him, but to also try to make it look delicious,
 And  to keep my kitchen table cleaned off  and with a comfy chair.
Creating an environment for peace of  mind and soul.
I have prayed about this one simple fact, over many years.
My conclusion is this;
It is my hope to keep my husbands eyes on me!
I smile, I laugh, I kiss him! xoxo
I make myself ready for him,
I wear a fragrance he likes.
I fix myself up every day!
I love to have my husband look at me!

Part One; On Building A Strong Marriage
Read it here;
Romancing Your Husband

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Sea Shore

We so desire to sit in a quiet place with are face's
Looking into the glorious horizon.
Either if the sun is rising or setting.
Our feet in the wonderful sand and our toes covered with
the tiny grains of time.
Times of rest and refreshment.
Sunshine upon our faces.
Ocean breeze's blowing in our hair.
Sounds wonderful.
Walking through this life with those we love.
Building A strong marriage must be infused into
Any given day or season.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Romancing Your Husband...

Why we must romance our husbands!

This world  with all its' hard situations is taking a toll on us individually,
But it can be seen in our marriages also.

Life has a way of making us feel distracted,
Our senses are on overload.

We can start to feel disconnected and  even desensitized.

So as we all know, we have been given a gift as women
To be used to help our husbands to feel loved.
And appreciated.

So, take the challenge ladies;
Romance YOUR husband!

Take pleasure yourselves in being His, wife and friend and love.
Of being:
The wife of his youth!

At times I must give myself a good talking to.
I do NOT want anything or anyone to
Take my place in showing interest to my Husband!

So make a decision!!!
Be consistent!!!
Give him your full attention!!!

Romance Your Husband...

Read Part Two Below;

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Kiss...

Keeping Our Hearts Tender
My, how wonderful it is to be able to greet our husbands
when they come home with a kiss.
I always, even tell him I am so glad your home honey.
It is not enough to only do this once in awhile.
we must always take their arrival home,
as a special thing.
There are some men that do not even want to come home.
Our part is to always make it a comfort zone,
not a battle zone!
When the Lord has asked us to be
 Keepers Of The Home...
He does ask us to establish certain things.
The atmosphere of the home is set and established,
by the woman.
Let Love rule and peace reign...
Sometimes it just means to wait and choose
A better time to discuss a matter that,
may be pressing.
I encourage you to keep your home with diligence;
For the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy.
The home is where the enemy always is
trying to bring confusion and strife.
Keep your hearts tender, always remember
"The Kiss"
Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Intimate Relationship...

Intimacy and Romance
We were created for relationships.
We were made in His image.
We were the very last thing God created.
He had created every amazing thing on this planet earth,
And yet something was missing!
The man made after God's image had everything...
Yet, he was alone.
The man had seen and named every exquisite animal,
and had experienced a new dawn of sunrise
and sunset.
Yet, it was God who saw his loneliness.
He Said;
For it is not good for man to be alone!
So God took the very rib of His image, and
fashioned the most feminine and lovely
creature upon the earth.
She was the grand final'e !
She was the one who would help Adam (Her Man)
She brought the heart of Her Creator.
Which is:
Just as a woman longs to be desired, and to be intimate
so does God!
Dear women of Christ take your rightful place.
Be to your husbands what God created you to be.
"sustainer beside him"
We were created to do this together!
Romance, beauty; relationships, adventure.
Prairies, and meadows and flowers.
Stars and music,
a kiss.
'I have loved you with an everlasting love'
Jer. 31:3
We were made for relationship!
Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pretty Woman

Pretty Woman
All Women are beautiful!
I make this statement because it is true.
Every woman is an amazing gift.
We long to be loved!
We long to be appreciated, and noticed.
Love is the glue that holds this world together.
Being loved is more then just a basic need,
it is what gives us life.
We  women are the heart of our homes.
That is why it is so important each day to make
it a habit of preparing to meet each day.
We start with adoring ourselves with His Word.
Clothe ourselves with His love.
Then: We take the time to make ourselves ready.
Take the time to wash and do your hair.
Apply a good moisture to your face daily.
A bit of make-up if you choose.
Smell fresh and clean.
Be purposeful in your looks.
Dress as if you had an important engagement with a King.
For you are a Queen!
Take care of yourselves dear ones.
"Dress like a lady
And you will act like one."

The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express...

Blessings, Roxy


Saturday, January 19, 2013


Purity may be something we don't see to much of in this
culture today.
I see so many young women who are dressed so scantily.
My heart grieves for them.
Now, these women were guest at a wedding ceremony
and reception dinner.
Now for the record,
I am not in any way unfashionable!
I love the feel of being feminine and classy.
Dressed to the nines, was a statement once used
of women who were well dressed, and elegant.
I just came from a wedding, that was very sweet and precious.
But what I wanted to share was this, that sweet couple
saved themselves for their wedding day,
When they kissed after being pronounced
Man and Wife
It was their first kiss!!
My prayer is this :
that more women will save themselves for the man
that God chooses for them.
What heart aches come from our own impatient
flesh. And the longings of wanting to be loved.
God has always had the hearts of women held,
in His perfect plan of how marriage is
suppose to be.
Now, please understand me here!
I did not do it right myself ladies...
But God's grace is so amazing and His love has covered
a multitude of my sins.
But I felt like crying when I saw this sweet young brides rapture.
Her face was really glowing.
Come on!
Women we are the ones missing out when
we allow ourselves to be joined to someone
he has not vowed to love and cherish us.
To death do us part.
Jesus is coming for his bride,
make yourselves ready. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

His and Hers

His and Hers
We must first dress in what the Lord has provided for us.
The days we are living in our evil.
We would never think of not buckling ourselves
in our vehicles.
Walking on thin ice in the winter.
But we will start our days, before we
have put on our most important
item of clothing.
Our Armour.
I heard a word from a Pastor yesterday
that was profound!
 I believe it is a very timely word.
The very first thing that God
created after the world was the
first family.
He loves the Home and what it
We must put on our armour each and
everyday. As we are under attack.
If we are not careful the family could be on the
extinction list.
Pray and put on His Word.
I just loved this picture of His and Hers
Women Pray for your husbands!
They need to know you are
standing  for and with them.
Building a strong marriage is so important,
and by doing those unseen acts
of humility.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dwell In Possibilities

The Beginning Of Wisdom

Happy New Year

My sweet hubby got home this morning and he
said you want to see something really cool?
I said yes, and he said follow me.
We went outside in the freezing daybreak. 
A light
  cover of frosty snow on everything.
He pointed out into the eastern sky, and to
our amazing eyes was the most
 magnificent rainbow.

Now that was a sign from the Lord:

For this was a very personal message to us.
When we were married 30 years ago,
we chose the rainbow as our symbol
for our wedding, and our vows.

I believe God allows us certain sweet signs to encourage us!
Now what better sign for Him to give us to see on
 January 1, 2013
But a rainbow!

May this message encourage you!

May we all Dwell in Possibilities:
With God all things are possible!

Blessings, Roxy

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Happily Married

Christmas Memories

When I stop to think of all the Christmas's past. my heart
wells with love.
For because of God's great mercy He gave me
a husband that loved me well.
It was not always as great as it is now.
But there was so many things we did not understand, or know about
in those first couple of years.
A great marriage is a relationship
that must be nourished and prayed over daily.
It is learning to love and esteem the other better then yourself.
It is about putting them first and his needs.
Dying to myself was most painful as a young
self centered spunky gal.
As a newly married women I had no one to mentor me in
 the skills of being a Godly women.
And most importantly a Godly wife.
We both new something was not right, but we had no
examples to follow and we had no maturity
in the word of God.
But in God's great mercy he made us aware of a  conference,
that was for marriages.
We went and it was a whole weekend filled with:
How to have a Godly Marriage.
What we learned that weekend was truly a gift from the Lord.
The truth is not always easy.
But the truth will always bring life , love and hope.
My desire and prayer as I walk in this marriage,
is to be an example to others.
And to have an encouraging word.
Marriage is what God had in His heart,
so we had someone to share this life with.
Encourage yourself in your own marriage,
and make the effort to honor and cherish your mate.
Ask God for the help and resources you may need,
to make your marriage strong, and wonderful.
I still reach for my books to read about how to be a Godly wife.
It is like a good recipe, tried and true,
yet at times you need to add a little pinch of this,
or a dash of that.

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