Showing posts with label Scriptures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scriptures. Show all posts

Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Continental Divide Of Theology

The Continental Divide Of Theology

By Steven Lawson, Ligonier

Through the western regions of North America, there runs an imaginary geographic line that determines the flow of streams into oceans. It is known as the Continental Divide. Ultimately, precipitation falling on the east side of this great divide will flow into the Atlantic Ocean. Likewise, water falling on the western slopes of this line will surge in the opposite direction until it finally empties into the Pacific Ocean. Needless to say, a vast continent separates these immense bodies of water. It is seemingly far-fetched to ponder that a raindrop falling atop a mountain in Colorado will flow to the Pacific, while another drop, falling but a short distance away, will flow into the Atlantic. Nevertheless, once the water pours down on a particular side of this great divide, its path is determined and its direction is unchangeable.

Geography is not the only place we find a great divide. There is a high ground that runs through church history as well—a Continental Divide of theology. This great divide of doctrine separates two distinctly different streams of thought that flow in opposite directions. To be specific, this determinative high ground is one’s theology of God, man, and salvation. This is the highest of all thought, and it divides all doctrine into two schools. Historically, these two ways of thinking about God and His saving grace have been called by various names. Some have identified them as Augustinianism and Pelagianism. Others have named them Calvinism and Arminianism. Still others have defined them as Reformed and Catholic, while others have used the terms predestination and free will. But by whatever name, these streams are determined by the Continental Divide of theology.

This metaphorical divide differs from the geographical Continental Divide in one key respect. Whereas streams flowing west and east of the Rocky Mountains descend gradually to the plains and lowlands where they meet the oceans, the terrain on the two sides of the doctrinal divide is quite different. On one side we find solid highlands of truth. On the other side there are precipitous slopes of half-truths and full error.

Over the centuries, seasons of reformation and revival in the church have come when the sovereign grace of God has been openly proclaimed and clearly taught. When a high view of God has been infused into the hearts and minds of God’s people, the church has sat on the elevated plateaus of transcendent truth. This lofty ground is Calvinism—the high ground for the church. The lofty truths of divine sovereignty provide the greatest and grandest view of God. The doctrines of grace serve to elevate the entire life of the church. The great Princeton theologian Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield, writing more than a century ago, perceptively noted, “The world should realize with increased clearness that Evangelicalism stands or falls with Calvinism.” At first glance, this stunning statement may appear to be an exaggeration, even hyperbole. But the more it is weighed, the more one discerns that evangelicalism—that part of the body of Christ that rightly adheres to the inerrancy of Scripture, the total depravity of man, and the sovereignty of God in all aspects of life—always needs the doctrines of sovereign grace to anchor it to the high ground. For without the theological teachings of Reformed truth concerning God’s sovereignty in man’s salvation, the church is weakened and made vulnerable, soon to begin an inevitable decline into baser beliefs, whether she realizes it or not.

Whenever the church becomes increasingly man-centered, she begins the downhill slide, often without recovery, and always to her detriment. Once yielding the high ground of Calvinism, a self-absorbed church puts its full weight onto the slippery slope of Arminianism, resulting in a loss of its foundational stability. Tragically, however, the descent rarely stops there. Historically, man-centered doctrine has served only as a catalyst for an even greater fall.

Rappelling down the slippery slopes of Arminianism, one is soon to find the church sinking deeper and deeper into a murky quagmire of heretical ideas. Such a descent inevitably gives way to liberalism, the utter rejection of the absolute authority of Scripture. From liberalism—given enough time— the church always plunges yet lower into ecumenism, that deadly philosophy that embraces all religions as having some part of the truth. Continuing this downward spiral, the church plummets into universalism, the damning belief that all men eventually will be saved. Yet worse, universalism gives way to agnosticism, a degenerate view that one cannot even know whether there is a God. Finally, the church falls into the deepest abyss—the hellish flames of atheism, the belief that there is no God.

Never has the need been greater for the truths of sovereign grace to be firmly established in the church. Her thinking about God desperately needs to be flowing in the right direction. As the church thinks, so she worships; and, as the church worships, so she lives, serves, and evangelizes. The church’s right view of God and the outworking of His grace gives shape to everything that is vital and important. The church must recapture her lofty vision of God and, thereby, be anchored to the solid rock of His absolute supremacy in all things. Only then will the church have a God-centered orientation in all matters of ministry. This, I believe, is the desperate need of the hour.

This excerpt is adapted from Foundations Of Graceby Steven J. Lawson.

Resource The Continental Divide of Theology (, Copyright 2016 by Steven J. Lawson, Ligonier Ministries (

I remember when I was a young Christian I always felt the tension of these
two opposites of theology!

But it has taken much thought and reading of the scriptures,
And a good scriptural Bible teacher;
I have learned that expository preaching is the only way to
understand sound doctrine.

I enjoyed this article on this subject and thought I would share it!
I have realized many people do not even realize that there are these
two different camps!

Here is another link explaining the difference of the two theologies
Click The Link Below

Monday, February 1, 2016

Open Your Eyes And See Faith At Work...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog


It is very hard to understand faith;
And as a Christian we can have nothing,
Yet possess everything!

We can become sorrowful,
Yet we are able to rejoice

We may be poor in finances or in our health;
Yet we are rich with things money can not purchase.

This faith is very real yet invisible to the naked eye.

Faith gives  spiritual substance to the invisible...

"Faith is what will enable us to see God as a God of love at work;
Through all our hurts and hardships in our lives.

I have faith that I am doing just what God has called me to do!
Yes, I have doubts at times;
Yes, I could do more.
Yes, I could do and do and do...

But this faith allows me to wait and rest and be at peace.

I have put my hand to the plow;
I have days ahead of me that will require a purpose and a plan!

Keep your hands busy dear ones,
These days are requiring you to not look back!

Take each day one day at a time;
And create a lovely meal for your loved ones!
Bake some fresh, quick bread!
Paint your nails!
Read a Good book!
Work on some mending, sew on a button!
Write an encouraging card to someone!

Do not become discouraged!

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and certain
Of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Asking For Prayer And Counting Your Blessings...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

God Loves To Hear Our Prayer's...

What kind of day are you having?

I do hope you are counting your blessings and giving thanks;
If you are in good health, praise the Lord!
If you have food in your cupboard, give thanks!
If your man is standing by you, give thanks!

I just wanted to share my afternoon with you ladies;
I just returned home from visiting a very dear friend!
She is an amazing woman...
Her name is Kelly
A sweet and gentle Irish gal,
She is a worshipper at heart!
~She sings like a bird~

She is funny and very cute;

But she has had struggles, like most of us have.
But this time in this season it is a different struggle!
She was diagnosed with brain cancer,
She has had two brain surgeries and is undergoing the
Full cancer treatment plan for her type of cancer!

She seemed to be very peaceful and I could sense her faith!

She had a cute headband on her head!!
Her daughter had given her a pedicure and her toes were ready to meet 
A warm and sandy beach in my opinion!

She smiled and nodded her head over everything we said to her!
We had the chance to pray with her and she gave a hardy 

I think God has a way of showing us a very good perspective
On what we might think is a hard or difficult season.
Can we encourage another, even when we are in a battle?
Yes, Yes we can and we should...

Can I ask you to pray for my dear friend?
Would you lift her up and add your prayer request;
To the Lord Jesus Christ, she loves and serves.

Her husband is a Pastor;
And he was telling my Husband and I, what his sermon was
 Going to be about for his church tomorrow;
It went something like this...
David learned what he needed to learn to fight the giant
Through the battles he had won with the Lion and the Bears!

We all learn to fight in the battle...

I believe one day we can all look back and sing;
Look What The Lord Has Done!

If you could leave a comment for her here on this Blog Post,
I could send her the link with your thoughts and prayers for her!
Can we encourage another today with our prayers!


Friday, January 1, 2016

Morning By Morning... Spurgeon

Keeping yourself and your loved ones free from either self imposed
Legalistic ideas and things that rob us of just good old fashion enjoyment!

Learning to take pleasure in things that God does not forbid in His Word...

I think many have had enough trial and testing in their lives!
But just thinking that does not stop them from coming.

That is why I am always doing the one thing that helps;
With life's overload and the physical stuff of oneself
or a loved one's struggle.

I am so thankful for the encouragement that I receive from a morning
Devotional and prayer time.
I really do not know how some people make it through a day without
His strength and support from His word!

I am hoping to thrive this new year and not just survive!
I do not want to live in fear, but faith!

I always enjoy when others share with me a word they feel applies
to their lives for the new year.

I have so far heard the word community
Another said Jubilee
Another said to simplify

Well, I do hope we all can be moving in a direction that brings
peace to our lives, but most importantly is to bring God glory!

Some years just seem to bring so many changes;
That was for us last year, so maybe my word may have been

But for this year it just may be 

Only God see's the end from the beginning, so that is why
~We walk by faith~

Have you sensed a word from scripture that is a word that
will bring your encouragement this new year?

Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Famine Of Hearing God's Word...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Everyone is looking for truth and meaning to their lives!

Well, I will tell you this that you will not find the true answers
in this old world!
Yet God will use this creation and all our situations to bring us to the truth.
I believe He is always tenderly calling...
I told my Hubby this morning I am pretty sure we don't live forever
 in these old bodies.

I found this and I thought I would share it with some of you!

John the Baptist was such a powerful light that God chose to use!
Check out this link below and save it to your favorites!

We must learn to feed ourselves as the church is suffering
from a famine of the Word...

We live in a day in which there is a famine in the land for the hearing of God's Word. This famine has produced a generation of starving Christians who greatly desire the presence of the truth of God's Word in their lives. Our purpose is to use the means of the Internet to propel the Word of God to every tribe, tongue, and people.

To help accomplish this goal, we have launched Expositor.FM, a 24-hour Christian internet radio station featuring the biblical preaching and teaching of many prominent pastors, teachers, and leaders proclaiming God's Word.

Google... www dot expositor dot fm

Expositor.FM is committed to daily programming that will aid your personal Christian Walk.
Be encouraged by men who have established ministries founded on the Word of God.
Be instructed in verse-by-verse exposition for the renewal of your mind and transformation of your life.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Reflections Of What We Hope To Become...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Reflection in the mirror or in the past days or season's of our lives...

It is a good thing to look at one's self in the mirror of how others.
May perceive you, not that we should pay too much attention to what
Others think of us. But rather what does the mirror reflect?

Sometimes I do this and wonder, have I built bridge's that will
Support the weight of strenuous times that is always possible in our lives.

We must learn and grow from our past mistakes;
We can learn by seeing how we responded to stress.
And I can assure you that not all stress is bad.
It is usually a feeling of we must preform!

We do have an obligation to practice what position we are in!

Firstly, we are in Christ Jesus
So because of this position we will be required to pass
certain test and trials...

But as we reflect and read and respond to the truth
(Available in The Holy Bible)

We will change, and your position may look differently.

Have you ever believed something so strongly that you might,
Be what we would call dogmatic about it?
To only find after a decade or century you had a different opinion!

Relating to or of the nature of a dogma or dogmas or any strong set of principles concerning faith, morals, etc., as those laid down by a church; doctrinal:
We hear dogmatic arguments from both sides of the political spectrum.
Asserting opinions in a doctrinaire or arrogant manner; opinionated:
I refuse to argue with someone so dogmatic that he won't listen to reason

I am going to say this, opinion and truth are not the same!

I do not think there was a new truth, but rather a clearer understanding...

So, As I age and grow I ask the Lord to help me be discerning.

Do not be so naive to believe everything you are being taught!
In the churches 
In the schools
In the universities
In the Seminaries
In the New York Best Seller Books List
In the Christian bookstores
In the newspapers

Do your homework...
Check out the facts, historical and biblically.
Google can actually find some very sound and outstanding
Information and direct you to some very good resources.
Just because it's on the internet does not make it true.

But we can ask for wisdom and we can ask for the truth!
We can dig and ponder and pray and not be deceived!

I love the scripture that says be convinced in your own mind...
Just because everyone is doing it does not make it right!

Does it even really make a difference it what we believe?

Be willing to be teachable...
Be like the Berean's!

Acts 17: 11 Now the Berean Jew were of more Noble Character than...
Now the Bereans were more noble-minded than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day ...

If anyone calls you a Berean it is a high compliment!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

What Are The Ramifications Of Being Exposed To Fear...


What are the long term effects of being exposed to fear?

How early can a child being exposed to fear have symptoms of fear?

Is fear a spirit?

What are some of the things we can become afraid of?

Do people get addicted to fear?

What Are The Long Term Effects Of Being Exposed To Fear?
Some people never get over a fear they have experienced in their lives. It can come from just being in a cellar during a tornado when they were a child. And as soon as they see storm clouds forming they begin to feel the physical symptoms of being afraid and not safe.

It can be from hearing a terribly loud and unfamiliar noise during the night while babysitting alone.
So even as a grown woman you find it very hard and become fearful about being home alone.

So what I have heard and seen from many people fear, from their early childhood has been with them their whole adult lives.

We would hope we are helping our children feel safe in a world that is growing very un-safe.

How Early Can A Child Being Exposed To Fear Have Symptoms?
Even a baby will flinch their little bodies when we say boo and jump at them. Very small children that have seen a scary movie or even a scary costume have had nightmares right away and can last for them a very long time. Children cannot tell reality from play acting until much older.
Why do so many little ones want to sleep with their parents or a sibling if fear has not affected them?
Why do so many children have what they call Night Terrors while sleeping...
Many children become very afraid of the dark, even if it is normal power outages.
We had a friend that would say, I am not afraid of the dark, but rather what's in the dark!
Ask yourself, what really comes out at night??

Is Fear A Spirit?

Yes, I believe fear can be called a spirit, because it is so devastating and brings much pain and discomfort to ones heart and soul. And the scripture tells us that God's Word says, I have not given you a spirit of FEAR, but of power and love and a sound mind...
The devil only wants to kill, steal and destroy all people!

What Are Some Of The Things We Can Be Afraid Of?

Well, I am convinced people can become afraid of just about everything, but some fear exposure has been put upon them from pure ignorance and not protecting them in their early years of growing up.
One of the stupidest things I have heard is when a child is afraid, someone will tell them don't be afraid... Really, you think it is that easy? Fear is the toughest thing to overcome!
You can become afraid of any one of these things from just one bad experience!
Being Alone
Being Lost
So, why would we knowingly expose our loved ones to something scary?

Can People Become Addicted To Fear?

Yes, fear is something our culture loves...
It produces a rush and brings feel good hormones, to someone that when they first tried something or read a horror book were terrified they now need it more scary and graphic.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Why Our Wounded Pride Hurts Our Feelings...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

His Grace Is Sufficient...

Dear Wounded Pride, Greetings from a wounded place
(My Heart)

My dear sisters in Christ;
May I come along side of you and speak this word?
Or maybe a reminder of his fellowship of his sufferings.

When I have experienced a word spoken to me that hurt my feelings,
 Or if I have spoken a word that hurt anothers feelings.
And this can even be a word of correction to us or we spoke to another.
This can become a feeling of being corrected or slighted, or totally ignored!

"A great crisis overshadows which test and tries my very soul."

Oh, My wounded PRIDE...

Then at once that sinking feeling hits the pit of my stomach.
I am being deflated by my wounded pride.


I am looking at myself and have taken my eyes off Jesus!

But wait there has got to be an easier way to die to self---


Keep Your Eyes On Jesus 
And give no room to the pride of this life...
Oh, and add no more fuel to the fire!

The tongue is a little member and boasts great things.
See how great a forest a little fire kindles!
And the tongue is a fire,
A world of iniquity.
The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body,
And sets on fire the course of nature;
And it is set on fire by hell.
James 3:5-6

Learning to trust the Lord and humble my heart before God and others!
I would rather be kind to another, then right in my own opinion!
"You can have your own opinion, you just don't share it"
Kindness is greater and easier then humble pie served alone.
We need one another, and these blows can cause great destruction!

Also, ask yourself this question...
Can I forgive those who have wounded me?
Seventy times seven...

May the law of kindness be upon our tongue's!
Proverbs 31:26

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Utmost For His Highest...

My Utmost For His Highest...

Most days just come to us wrapped in either sunshine or clouds.
~Each day has potential to live out His perfect will~

The contrast, seems to be light and dark...

We are pilgrims and we are on a journey to a far away land.
But, this journey usually takes place within a boundary that He
has placed you in!

I have learned most my lessons of biblical womanhood right within
my very home and church family.

We have been set in a certain place for a season and we also have been called out.
This seems to be the ebb and flow!
When we can adjust to these things we grow.

Truth is not always so easy to find...

We always think that the Bereans were special because they were
always seeming to be very religious;
They spent their time in nothing else but either to tell or to hear
some new thing.
Acts 17:19-34

Stay in the Word
Study to show yourself approved
Stay and sit at the Lord's feet...

I have been cleaning out around here;
Books that are not approved;
Have been written with a tilt or an open false belief.

My first calling is to keep myself set apart
The narrow path is just that
Yet, we can find unity in many things;
We must do all things in love and allow others to grow
 and to change as the Spirit leads them!

We are asked in the scriptures to check ourselves to
"To see that we are in the faith"

Why, because as the hymn states
Lord, I know that I am prone to wander...

My home and marriage is the most important mission fields,
Yet, we can reach out to one another as the Lord leads.
Encourage a woman today, that she is doing a powerful work
Training, teaching and being a Godly example, in her very home.

I hope to start doing some ribbon embroidering soon.
I have to go and pick up a needle with a large eye to thread
The ribbon into it. I have never done this, but I hope to give it a whirl.

Have you started any new projects to keep you busy at home?
(Well, that sounded silly, like any one of us have a spare moment)

Blessings to all of you!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

More - More - More...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Home Life...

Some may think that there is an exciting world out there;
And there just may be that very thing;
But I always thought there was something wrong with me.
Because I never had that!

I never had great dreams of traveling or doing a ton of
 Adrenaline producing activities...

I have been thinking a lot about the scripture that says;
But we urge you brethren,
That you increase more and more;
That YOU also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business,
and to work with own hands, as we commanded you.
that you may walk properly toward those who are on the outside,
And that you may lack nothing.
1 Thessalonians 4:10-12

"Lead a quiet life and work with your hands"

The world seems to be screaming
-More- More- More-
God has a different more- more - more

Will we run with the world?

Everything will cost you something...
Time, Money, Energy

There is such a sweet fulfillment of looking at the work of thy hands!

Yes, they can be simple little things...
A loaf of bread
A sweet scone
A pot of soup

Humble your hearts and draw near to God;
Take pleasure in home and hearth...

~Do not try to be who you are, not dear ones~

More is not always better;
Many have sacrificed their children and marriages for more!

Arise, and take your stand in the very place God has called YOU

Do not allow the more to lure you into the clutches of more.

Many will be deceived, but we can avoid much sorrow
If we would only lead a quiet life and work with our hands

Monday, June 8, 2015

How To Stay Girded Up While In The Wilderness Of Life...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Living Our Days In Simplicity...

So many days are filled with hard things.
They may be little things in the grand scheme of things;
But they make you stop and you have to realign and gird up...

Why are we all having to gird up?
The Word speaks about this very thing.

I believe God is teaching us endurance to overcome!

Trials have a way of helping us to have a tough external reaction to
Trials and troubles.

Kind of like a horse or cow, they barely flinch when the
Flies and mosquitoes land on them to feast from their very hid...

And may I remind you this kind of girding up, does not make one insensitive!
But rather able to discern where to use its energy and strength.

Many longed to live the simple life, but we are always in training.
"To endure to the end"

You all know the diligence that is required to even grow a garden;
You know the strength required to keep a home running smoothly.
You know the importance of keeping your husband's heart filled and encouraged!

Why do these trials just keep on coming for so many, you may be asking?

Sometimes plain and simple it is the enemy of your soul,
Like Erckle use to say---- I am wearing you down Baby---

Or it is our Lord and Savior, training and teaching us in the wilderness;
Or on the backside of the mountain....

We are learning to be flexible and not falling apart when trouble comes knocking.

Sometimes you can answer the knock and see who it is and if it is the enemy
Close the door and tell him, I don't talk to snakes, go away in the name of Jesus.

If it is the sweet Lord Jesus, invite Him in and tell Him your every burden!
Wipe your tears away and begin to do what is required of you!

I choose this day to arise and let my enemies be scattered;
But I will study God's Word
 and I will dust my home and sweep the floors
 and encourage you all to do the same simple things!

We get into our heads and hearts we have to be doing huge things or projects;
But to do what is required of you is a powerful strength!

I choose to look for the simple combinations of things in my life and home.
Making a lovely space of a pretty old blue kettle and a lace tablecloth over an old oak chair
 and a clump of lavender can make a bright spot in any room.
 This is called working with what you have. And making all things lovely!

...I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep
that which I have committed unto him against that day.
2Timothy 1:12 KJV

If you will just quickly respond in trust and faith;
God will bring you to this place of peace;

Your response and attitude  determines how long you stay in the wilderness!

Do you know someone who is just very bitter?
But it is the very choice they have made,,,
There is a fruit that is being grown from your very response of life's wilderness
Experiences and Trials!
Responding well is how we grow and gird up according to God's pattern.

Are you going through a trial?
Well rejoice for you are in training to endure to the end...

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

How To Grow A Healthy Heart Attitude...


Do You Have A Healthy Heart...

Heart Attitude

The desire of my heart is to listen for God’s wisdom in every situation.

If you are like most women your calendar is full and your days are busy.
But we all have the ability and responsibility to map out each day!
Keeping a schedule and a calendar can help us not over schedule on a given day.
But we sometimes can make a week, so ever extended we became hurried and stressed.

Then we start to have an overburdened heart attitude…
A bit cranky, tired, can’t think very well.
Our hearts hold the key to most of our troubles and solutions!

Our hearts are called the wellspring!

A woman of God honors all of the aspects of her personality,
That can be formed as we learn and understand Godly character;

My heart is always beating…
There is always hope in every situation to stop and to take stock.

I think that is why we love that scripture that talks about a gentle quiet spirit!
We want to have a heart that is responding with a right attitude.

When I become grouchy or critical I do not even like myself;
I always will go to those I have been short with and apologize to them!

We always have many challenges in our lives, But we are not
the only ones that are being affected.
When we struggled with either pain or discomfort we can feel bodily stress.

So then it is time to make some changes;
Clear my calendar and reschedule a few things,
Talk with my Husband and family and tell them I am struggling!
(Communication; They can’t read your mind)
Start by choosing some healthier foods
Get more sleep,
Drink more water.
Dive into God’s Word…

All things in the natural have a part that is rooted in the spiritual;

Our hearts once filled with Godly character; will need to be refreshed often!
Using God’s perspective and His priorities will help!

A Heart with an attitude to be willing to adjust ones calendar is wise!
We have so many counting on us daily;
We must hear and respond with the right heart attitude!

I encouraged myself in the Lord today, as I read the scripture;

 "She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of ideleness."
Proverbs 31:27 

Thr reason this scriptured comforted me so much this morning is this...
I do not have to take care of the whole world!
God has called me to look well to my Household!

We all have had some set backs and trying times;
But we must keep our hearts focused on our own households first!
I do not have enough strength to take care of everyone!
Do not be charged one day of taking care of everyone else and be found
wanting in the area of your own household!

I write and share what I believe God is saying to me,
But I want to encourage and warn others to keep watch!
For we are commanded to look well to the ways of her household...

Can you check your hearts health today?
Would you pass the stress test?

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How The Power Of The Color Blue Inspires Us...

Robin Blue Eggs, Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Robin Eggs

There is just something about the color of Robins eggs that are so precious.
Why are they so blue and remind us of an ocean crystal clear?
A deep blue that is beholding of a depth that is hard to capture.

Artist for years have tried to replicate its unique color.
The color blue brings peace and calming, to me;
I think that is why we enjoy gazing up into a clear blue sky
Or standing at the seashore of a tropical setting,
Sometimes it is even portrayed even in a picture that beckons us!

We can feel the depth of stability, as the sky and the ocean have always been since creation!
I looked up the meanings of the color blue and it was very interesting,
Some of the effects that have been recorded as being calming!
To make you feel uplifted and happy

Blue symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, faith and truth and of Heaven!

The color blue says open spaces;
And it opens up my imagination to the vastness of ideas

The color blue in the Bible represents the Word and the power of God
Numbers 15:38-41
The Law, or Commandments

~I imagine that the river of life must be blue and crystal clear~

The wall and the foundations were furnished with so many precious stones of different colors, 
Notice the second one was Sapphire
Revelation 21:19
(The tribe of Dan)

When we begin to feel like winter will never end;
Or a relationship that feels dead
God opens our eyes to newness of life and an open sky to possibilities
I believe in resurrection power...
There is a force that beats our hearts and is attached to a golden cord called life!

I am speaking to dead marriages
Prodigal children
deathbed conversions
broken hearts
Lies spoken by the enemy of our souls

Look up

Seek His face while it might be found, He has the answers
Do not give up!
Be not discouraged

The battle belongs to the Lord
~But we must stand on His truth and not lay down our shield of faith~

There is always a promise that God is in the process of fulfilling!

When you see the Robin, you know a new season and life is here

Do you find yourself drawn to spring colors!
Can you sense the uplifting of your spirits through color?

Saturday, April 4, 2015

How To Be A Pansy And Thrive...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog


We are so blessed to be part of unique positioning.
The sun is the greater light
The moon the lesser light,
We have the light of the Lord within if we are Christians.

But we have all the details to accomplish the great and special events.
That has been predestined for us!

There are so many details that seem insignificant,
But they all have been divinely ordained!

I am always amazed at the intricate design of creation of
All plants and flowers and animals.

But what just makes my heart leap is the way a heart longs
To love in the face of struggle.

The scriptures tell us that women are the weaker vessel;
But I think in a way it is like a Pansy flower;
Soft and delicate, very fine and colorful and attractive!
A flower in the very sense of the word;
But a pansy flower can stand up to brutal cold temps,
To be covered in a foot of snow!
Yet, they do more than survive, they thrive!
They can grow in the shade, even in soil made up of pine needles.
They stay alive with even very little water.

So I think of women that in many ways may be weaker;
But I see the makeup of A sturdy and strong strength;
That come from within...
To endure tough situations

Giving birth
Holding the hand of someone dying
Being an advocate for someone with no words
Protecting our children
Loving in the face of rejection
Waiting till the time of revelation of a situation...

The saying of don't be a Pansy, brings a whole new spin on that one!

I may cry, but I can still see through my tears!
Scripture tells us sorrow may last through the night;
But JOY comes in the morning...

I am thankful for the strength to do more than survive,
But we are called to thrive and set our hand to the plow;
And to break up that fallow ground!
Even a Pansy can break through a hard and cracked surface;
And bend its head into the rays of warm sunshine and smiles.
The Pansy smiles into the face of adversity...

This is one of my most favorite Blog Post...

Thursday, April 2, 2015

For The Revelation Awaits...

The Revelation Awaits, Living From Glory to Glory Blog

All things have an appointed time...

~It speaks~

Waiting for all that God has planned for you, is well worth the wait!

All things will come to pass for you dear ones...
As we wait, we must stay busy and occupy till He returns!

 We have many days and years to fill with fruits and works,
"For His Glory"

When you wait patiently for His timing all things just unfold...

We are all just so impatient

Could you not tarry for one hour?
Would you not watch for three days?
Would you persevere for forty years?

We sometimes may feel we are wasting our time;
But what may be really going on is that we may not be using our time wisely.

I have seen a pattern in my life;
I work hard and then I rest...
We work so we can enjoy the fruits of His good pleasure towards us!

I find great joy knowing that every promise in God's word will be
Fulfilled, just as He foretold.

When we are waiting for something, we grow!
~Learning to find the pleasure in the waiting~
When we conceived a child, we have nine months to prepare
When we plant a seed we have months till we harvest
When we plant a tree we have years till we have shade or fruit to harvest
A great marriage may take many years
It can take decades for your children to rise up to call you blessed


All things in its appointed season
Even if the enemy of our souls tries to bring destruction
God will use it for His glory
Nothing is wasted...

All will be used to build up or prove false...
The truth will win
The King on His white horse called
Faithful and true!

Be faithful dear ones;
Be a faithful daughter
Be a faithful woman
Be a faithful wife
Be a faithful witness

(Those that wait will see)

For it shall surely come...

Saturday, March 21, 2015

What Is A Watchwoman...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

A Watchwoman And Roses...

One of my favorite scriptures or word picture that I just find
Fascinating for me comes from Proverbs 31:27

~She "watches" over the ways of her household~

As wives and mothers and homemakers, we are the "Watchwoman"
That is referred to in this scripture!

Glory to Glory Blog

There is a wall that surrounds your home and land and sphere of influence;

As we walk upon the tops of this wall that surrounds are loved ones,
We look out into the far distance, watching for prey that means to harm.

We keep our eyes close to the bottom of the wall for any danger trying
to scale the walls that surround our homes!

We need discernment to know what is trying to get close to our homes;
And even try to weasel its way into our sanctuaries.

I have had to keep watch for the things that bring harm!
We can so easily just allow so many things into our lives and relationships
that can destroy a foundation built on truth!
We can not become careless in this calling.

I hope you ladies lovingly keep watch daily for whatever might bring harm!

I feel that we need to keep very alert and appreciate this position;
This is where you can practice wisdom from above,
A woman can just have that special knowing when something or someone
Is just not right, it can be a feeling or a prompting.
God has given this to us ladies to keep guard and go with that intuition that
helps us to know when something is just off!

The word tells us to not lean unto our own understanding;
But there is a gifting given to us to know and sense danger!

I have read and heard so many stories over the years that only
Another woman or mother would understand;
{It goes like this, I just had this feeling}

We can be very special force ops in this activity
Yet, not look one bit militant
But rather lovely and modest and smell like a rose!

May the Lord revive and refresh us in this line of duty...
Never give the enemy of our homes and loved ones one bit of territory!

Stand your ground and keep watch;
For you, dear ones are a

Can you recall a time that you said;
{I just had this feeling}

Friday, February 27, 2015

How to Know If You Have A Teachable Spirit...

Precious Little Vintage Girl Picture, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
This Lovely Victorian Little Girl Hangs In My Pink Craft Room
It was mine as A Little Girl...

What is Precious to you?

We use the word love so much for everything in our conversations 
and in our vocabulary. We love our new furniture, and we love our dogs,
We even love our children, and we love our husbands.

What kind of love is this?
Do we love everything the same?

We need to re-think in proportions of attention and affections!

But when do we look at something God has given us, and look upon it
As Precious And We Love It?

I personally do not want to feel the same about everything!
There are people that just rank a bit higher...
Who is number #1
As this should be the first one in line;
Your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ!

And I hope you see the value in having your Husband number #2
But, hopefully that is a given in your life.

But I have been looking at something else that we must LOVE;

I was studying a scripture this last week;
May I share it with you?

I need to ask a question firstly
Are You Stupid?

Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge,
But he who hates correction is stupid.
Proverbs 12:1

I was taught as a young lady from my older brother this word of wisdom;
If you cannot take constructive criticism, then you will never be wise.

When was the last time someone (anyone) was trying to correct you;
And you really listened and told them thank you!
And really implemented it in your life?

We can all be stupid...
~By not loving instruction~
Or, we can realize that we are not Miss Smarty Pants
You do not know everything...

We need to know the wisdom from above;
We need each other to train and give wise counsel to us!

I have heard the expression;
I know, I know...
Really, do you?

I think as Mothers, we would be so glad to know that our children were
Gleaning our words of wisdom that we share daily.

I think our Husbands would fall over if we responded to them after they told us
How to do something, with thanks honey, you're so smart!

How about when your Pastor reads a scripture and the Holy Spirit
Shows You the error of your thinking; and you quickly repent!

It seems to me that it is pretty easy to distinguish if
You're stupid!
Do You love instruction?

Or do you know everything?
Shall we all call You Miss Smarty Pants?

If we are not teachable, we will perish in many ways
We must have a teachable spirit...

He who hates correction is stupid...

So the next time someone has a suggestion or a different way
Just stop and listen;
You just might learn something new!

Just for the record, I do remember my sister calling me;
Miss Smarty Pants;
I thought it was a compliment LOL

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