"She is all talk, but doesn't do anything"
I want to share with you how talking can change a situation!
God has chosen words to create and bring life;
When we sing, we glorify our God...
Sounds can change an atmosphere;
Have you ever heard a shofar being blown?
When you hear a rooster crow, you know daybreak is almost here!
The strong gale of wind that blows tells me bad weather may be approaching.
The word tells us there is one calling in the wilderness
A timely word can change history;
~We are told to speak life~
I once heard a man speaking that told us
When words are spoken or written they put off a vibration!
He told us this was a scientific fact...
That thought kind of stuck with me!
After learning that I then wanted to say things that brought a good vibration...
Sounds a bit corny
But we have all been the recipient of some words spoken (good and bad)
I see a world running around always busy and having meetings;
But sometimes a word spoken in season can do more than all the meetings,
And notes taken and church functions till the cows come home.
Sometimes doing is just standing
And not falling for all that the wind blows in!
We all have different gifts and callings;
So when the world or church want you to just be busy
with no leading from the Lord;
We must use discernment!
We can all do something, and at times it may be for just a short season;
I have found that the church wants women to leave their ministry
of being a homemaker and a helpmate to their own husbands,
To run and manage the church...
That ought not to be...
So if you ladies are doing what God has created you to do;
Loving your husbands and training your children
And keeping your home;
Watching and enjoying your grandchildren
And you, dear ones do not have the time or gifting to work in the church
Do not receive condemnation that may be spoken or felt from the leadership!
We have but one head in the church
(Jesus Christ)
God has set in Elders and Deacons in the local body.
We as women can do many things in the church;
Whatever you are called to do in the local church;
God will give you the strength and there will be a grace to do it!
But we must have our priorities in place...
If the church does not grow or nothing you try can succeed
Then maybe you aren't doing what the church is suppose to be doing
Making disciples of all men...
My point is this;
Calling women away from their God ordained place is not the answer;
For growing our churches...
God has ordained women to mentor the younger women
Not to run the church...
But to be keepers of loving our husbands and our children;
Home Keepers
I would rather have someone who operates in the gifting of encouragement
to speak life to me then ask me to sit in on yet another planning scheme!
I love when I can see the gift of administration working;
They may plan, but never get their hands dirty.
Does that make their job less important?
~If you are trained in the scriptures and can teach than teach~
If you do only one thing and you do it with God's blessing...
Better to do one thing well and not be scattering of thoughts and energy
And prayers and giftings...
We need to encourage one another...
Remember what is spoken in the bedroom my be heard!
Your words spoken in private and in the marketplace will bring a harvest!
Remember to show honor to the weaker vessel!
Uplift and not tear down the body
What you sow, you will reap
Speak only good things about your husband!
Speak only words of correction in love!
Speak what the word says about a situation!