Showing posts with label Godly Character. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Godly Character. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Cinderella Syndrome...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog
Artist; Carolina Elizabeth

The Cinderella in all of us...

I feel pretty, oh so pretty....
Ta Daaa!

Everyday we awake with a whole wonderful script written out for each of us.
 We have all the lines and scenes all ready written out!
We get to play the leading role....

Your Cinderella
(The Princess)

And we all have a Fairy God Father
(The King of Kings)

We all have a wicked step Mother
(Satan the big deceiver)

When we stop looking in the mirror and examining
our own faces and our body size.
Start looking into His word and examining our hearts!

We really do become pretty and you act pretty.
Remember Cinderella, she did do all the right things;
It was a matter of her heart and obedience to those in authority.

But the key here for me is this;
There is only one true authority, and I am His loyal subject.

I don't want to ride around in a pumpkin
And where glass slippers.
But I do want to feel loved and valued.
So what we are called to do is to love others;
Help them to feel special and reward them for their goodness.
Giving honor to others will put you in the right place.
Most issues are heart issues!
Jealousy, bitterness, and anger will keep you
from being a Cinderella.
As in God's eyes if you have given Christ your heart first;
You are now a real princess!

And you do not even have to ride to the great banquet in a pumpkin.

So many are looking for a fairy tale story!
"Why not live your very own real life story"
Be who He has created you to be...

May the real Cinderella please stand up...

Do not give up and keep your heart open to His direction.
Here is a lovely bouquet of flowers for all you do,

Sunday, October 5, 2014

A Picture To Inspire Me...

Sugar and Cream, Living Life well, Living from Glory to Glory Blog

White and simple and so pretty...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Sugar and Cream

Sugar and spice and all things nice

I can truly say that having a few lovely pictures in my files can inspire me!
I think being inspired to write or cook or decorate come often through,
A timely word or a picture or a recipe that makes my mouth water.

I love simple and clean and for things to scream;
Sugar and Cream
Even a plain cup of coffee can become a liquid treat.

We all have another week filled with opportunities before us!
I try to treat each day as a new clean slate;
Spiritually and in the natural!

We can create a masterpiece...

I plan on making a new large batch of granola.
I plan on cleaning the very messy plastic Tupperware cupboard.
All the furniture needs a good dusting with a lemon oil.
My kitchen floor needs a mopping or
 A good scrub on my hands and knees.

I have some lovely Barn photos that need to be cropped;
For a future gift idea.

I can feel the shifting of the sun upon my days.
Sometimes in the late afternoons, I can sit at my kitchen table
And feel the sun beat upon my back.
I need the warmth and the deep feeling of contentment.

We as women long for the deep peace and strength;
That only a heart changed by the Lord!
A HOME that says I am loved!
Children that have been given to us to love and nurture!
A creative heart that loves to create!
God gave us rainbows and a sun;
Blue skies and clouds.

Take the moments of each day this week and
Give thanks for what you have in your hand...

In reading this blog or others you might visit this day or week;
Do you find yourself more inspired to be a better wife, or Mother?
Do you feel a creative heart to cook and clean?
Do you feel you wasted your time?

I remind myself of this;
"Your days are numbered"
May I live them well...

So may I add the sugar and cream please...

Friday, September 12, 2014

Different, Yet The Same...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

I was flying our friendly skies on this September the 11th,
It was very different because there was so much security!
You almost could feel the fear or panic!

I saw so many different walks of life;
Every race, and creed and age!
My heart was full of compassion and hope!

We are all so different, yet we are the same!
Our journeys may cross each others path,
Will be a blessing to each one we come across?
May I aspire to be a blessing

I grew up in a time of a cultural turning point!
I was a friend to all those of different groups or clicks that were,
So prominent in school.
Why or how they all liked me still shocks me!
I guess it was because I was just being me!
I had no agenda. I just truly loved people!
And on the other side of that coin, they loved me in return!

We can all feel strongly about a certain thing,
But it is when we think everyone else should or must see it in the same
way is where the problems start to surface. 

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

I saw a woman who had no hair from cancer treatments,
I talked with her and just chatted.

I saw a very old man that was telling his story about how things
were, when he was a young man.

I saw a woman who was scared to death to fly;
I tried to calm her.

I saw a young woman who could speak only a few words of English,
she had missed her flight, and I helped her get her papers
and passport arranged in her folder.
(She looked me in the eye and said I am so lost)

I saw a child riding on his suitcase like it was a skateboard.
I laughed at him as he had not a care in the world!

I have my opinions
You have yours
We all have this same life to live...
Live it as well as you can!
Remember opinions can change...
Things can change in a blink of an eye!

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

Friday, August 29, 2014

A Path to No Where...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog
Why would someone take a path that leads nowhere?

Why would someone take all the time and cost,
to build a path that leads nowhere?

This walkway really had me stumped!

For the life of me, I was just thinking,

What was this person thinking??
This brick path just stopped!
And it was leading nowhere...

As we all know we have seen or experienced this very thing.
Some, pathways have no profitable destinations.
So, I ask you this;
How can becoming a Godly woman be worthy and profitable?

A woman who will choose the right path can change a life,
and turn a country around!
Daily she can take steps that lead to a known destination.

A woman who keeps the home fires burning.
Keeps the home alive...
Our world needs women who will choose this path!

 Homemakers who love God! 
Living from Glory to Glory Blog

 Who will lead the next generation of Young Ladies?

Who, will desire to take the path that will keep our homes set apart!
 and for bringing Glory to the Lord!

May becoming a Homemaker never be looked at, as a path
that leads to nowhere!

 I have noticed a trend on how married couples, have put off having children!
 They have made the decision to save enough money till they can afford children.
Others do not ever want to have children!

They are just waiting...

I do not want to be judgmental or critical in any way;
But I can't help but wonder if being a Mother or Father has
lost it's appeal for this generation?

I have purposed in my heart not to be a Christian woman who does not
 Just blend and fit into a culture of friends or family.
 In other words, to not just rock the boat!

Being a light, sometimes can annoy others!
We are called to be set apart!

I have always admired the pioneer spirit of women and men who
would be willing to travel the path less traveled!
Do you think we should be more willing to not just go along
with the crowd?
The Lord has said that His path is narrow...
But Lord help us to discern those paths that lead to

We are all looking for more freedom and self expression!
At what cost may I ask this generation?

The Lord said to multiply;
We are not even replacing ourselves!

I do understand the problem with most the worlds problems
Come from a three letter word!!

May we ask the Lord to show us His path of righteousness and holiness
Living and looking for that narrow road in life's situations!

Living From Glory to Glory...

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Beware Of The Dog...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Alpha Dog
There is one in every pack!
In the hen house we call it the pecking order!

Aggression in animal or human causes distress!
I have never enjoyed bringing a new dog on the scene
 when they are larger in size!

I find myself feeling like I am not safe or comfortable.
There is an instinct that just reacts!

Just for the record, I am not a Dog Whisper...

I have noticed that even people need to be handled with caution.
So many people in the public arena seem like they are just maxed out!
Life for many of them are feeling more burdens than
 God ever intended
for them to carry!

I am so grateful to have a safe haven where I can lay my burdens down!
I heard my pastor say that these are perilous days...

Yet, we cannot be afraid or allow ourselves to be captives
 in our homes or cities!
We must pray for protection and use wisdom,
And still be about Our Father's business.
We must walk in holiness and His righteousness.
Walk in integrity and sincerity

I have noticed if I just walk in humility and love, I can feel
The atmosphere change so people do not feel challenged!

I have the desire to see the aggression dismantled,
Are we to allow this alpha spirit or attitude to control or ruin,
Our homes and church assemblies?

I do not want to be the Alpha,
To be in control over others with either my words or body language.
For I shall walk in Christ's authority in
Love and meekness...

May we look to Christ and His Word to help us to be humble,
But wise...

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Living From Glory To Glory..

Peace like a river...

There are so many twists and turns;
Deep waters and calm waters;
Clear water and murky waters.
Fast and furious
But a River only flows in one direction...

Wild currents, and sedate pools.
Yet all part of the very same stream of water.

Every stream or river has a starting point...

The Lord spoke to me one time and He said the word to me;

I have pondered and prayed about this word many times!

I find my peace in Him,
My Headwaters...

Always flowing fresh and powerful,
New and Living waters...

Why drink from a tiny wee cup when we have a fountain;
pure and never runs dry.

This world will pull you along sometimes so strong that the current,
Can and will take you under. But a good strong swimmer
takes precautions and stays out of the currents.
Keep a watch for false doctrine;
Always check the scripture and read above and below
in content of what is being taught!

Staying away from rough waters ahead is just plain old fashion wisdom!
Because we know that storms are coming;
In the natural and the spiritual!

Yet we are called to sit beside the still waters;
to refresh ourselves!

Come sit a while and listen to the water bubbling and flowing;
To a place where it is flowing into another body of water.
Flowing and Growing and gaining wisdom and strength.

Headwaters, The source from which something proceeds 
or is supplied.

Have you made the Lord Jesus Christ your headwaters?

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Visitation Or Habitation...


Visitation or Habitation

So many of us this time of year we take vacations;
We love getting away and seeing new sights
And hearing new sounds.

Visiting new things can spur us on and give us new insight.
What are some of the feelings you have while visiting?
I think they can range in many different feelings;
When we visit family, it can be emotional!
When it is a new city, we may feel free or maybe out of place.

Sometimes I think we need a good dose of different;
As we can get so same old, same old on everything.

One thing I have had the Lord speak to me about is this;
To be passionate about Him...

We are not called to just visit the Lord,
But rather clinging in a habitation with Him...

Everything is always moving;
Moving In
Moving Out
Moving About

Yet, when we desire more than a visitation, we need habitation!
Pray for more of His Presence...
Allow Him to fill every crack and crevice.

Have you allowed some other love to move in;
And God was pushed aside?

Take these days of rest and sunshine R&R
And draw close to the Lord!
Allow Him to open your eyes and heart to His leading...

See What the Lord has done...
See what He wants you to be...

Habitation is the only place to be!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Watermelon and A 100 Year Old Barn...

Mouth-watering, cool and refreshing!
Seeds or seedless!
( I just read an article that seeds in the watermelon were better tasting)
But I also remember the saying that if I swallowed a seed;
That a watermelon would grow in my stomach...
Scare the daylights out of a kid!

Juicy and sweet...
Ice cold and yummy, at it says;

Getting your summertime picnic foods in abundance now!
What are the things that you love to eat and have for your Summerime
picnic's and get togethers?

I am so enjoying fresh watermelon and strawberries!
Eating light and fresh!

Recharging my batteries and looking for a fresh spark!
Feeling a bit stuck in a rut?

 sometimes it may requires a change of scenery
 and some fresh fruits and vegtables.
Is your sweet corn in your area knee high yet?

Here ia a 100 Year old Barn!

Longevity is a blessing from the Lord!
May you live and stand  in the foundations of truths that do not change!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Honor And Integrity...

Raising Boys

How to raise a boy is a very good question!
We need to allow our boys to practice being strong!
We need our boys to be strong in their bodies and their minds.

Our boys need to play in the dirt and run and to throw balls far and high!
They need to camp and catch fish and to learn how to hunt!
They need to be able to fix things!
They need to learn to fight a fair fight!

Help them to learn to enjoy reading a good book on journeys,
And tales of adventure!

Teach them to be honest and to keep their word!
Teach them to pray and to ask God for wisdom and knowledge.

Help them to become a Man of HONOR AND INTEGRITY...

Why is this important?
Because we need a few good men...

May we be able to count on the future boys from this generation...

Will they be able to lead?
Will they be able to read?

Will they be able to learn and to follow a command?
Will they stand and not run from commitment?

"Not all Boys turn into Men..."

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Who's A Daddy...

Who's a Daddy...
Any man can be a Father;
But it takes a special man to be a Daddy!

There is nothing more safe then to be in a Daddy's heart!
We have so many wonderful Daddys out there...
High Five...
To guys that stuck it out and turned into real men when the pressure came!
It is no difference to anyone of us as to how the diamond
came into being, we just love the strength and worth that it holds.

I have seen many a guy run from his family.
I have seen many a guy be run off by a woman who was afraid.
I have heard of many a guy that knew no respect or honor!

A guy is just a boy trying to find his way;
For many had no examples of how a Daddy prays.
Many a boy was left to his own,
His eyes were poisoned from things not meant for his life.
Many a man is broken and in jail;
A physical jail and one of his own mind.
A man who has no heart so it seems;
Really deep down he has a
Brave Heart!

He has been told we don't need him we can do it on our own...

He is alone in the world!

I ask for the guy and the little boy to give us another chance;
We really do not want to raise our children alone.
We need our Daddy's to love and care for us again!

Only, Men can really lead...
But wait;
Have women stopped knowing how to follow?

Thank you Daddy's all over the world!
May we make a place for Daddy's to reign!

The Father has created Men to lead, guide and protect!
The world teaches Men to self preserve and to do what feels good!

What we really need is for the true scripture and the word to be taught again!
We have been told children do not need both parents!
And we have told the children we don't want you!
And you wonder why the family has almost disappeared??

Monday, May 19, 2014

Damage Control...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Lavender And Lovely
Peace And Grace

Saying nice things about other people...

Open your mouth and I will fill it!

What is coming out of your mouth?
We are only given a few hours everyday to impact others!

Did your Mother ever tell you if you don't have anything nice to say
"Don't say anything at all"

Now, if we would heed this wise advice from our Mothers,
It would be a much quieter place in this loud world!

It is getting so loud at times we can hardly think;
And when others will only say things that bring discord and unrest.

We can learn to exercise mouth control;
Or we can call it damage control...

One thing we must teach our children and ourselves is it is almost
Impossible to retract a statement,
Unless of course you are a lawyer or a liar.

It can take only a few short words to bring destruction or harm to little ears.
Or to break a woman's heart!
Or to crush a man's ego!

Remember the words?
The sinking in the pit of your stomach;
Your heart literally feels broken.
Your continence just falls!
A wound has resulted...

All because the tongue was wagging or bragging!

A gentle reminder Dear Ones;
Stick and stones may break my bones.
But words can't hurt me!

Who really believes this?

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Why Being A Good Mother Matters To The Whole World...


Artist: Mary Cassatt

Mothers Day...
So many emotions can come to the surface, during this time.
Many women have emotional and some physical wounds from a hand of a Mother!
Some women suffer the empty arms of not having a child!
Some Mothers have had to endure the grief of the loss of a child!
Many a tear has been shed over a grave of a child who left too soon. 

Most Mothers did the best job they could while raising you;
It may have been a lousy job, but deep down you knew she loved you!

Others feel overshadowed by the orphaned spirit.
Nobody wanted or needed me.
Some have the reminder of an abortion that still breaks their hearts.

May we all stop and pray for Mothers all over this world...

I wanted to share as to why I feel this is an important time,
To remind why teaching others to be good Mothers is so important!
Knowing how to be a biblical mother or wife, is not second nature to most!
Some girls are never exposed to love, or how to keep a home.
Most married women now days do not even know how to cook.
Or how to take care of a child!

I praise God that there has been a movement to counteract the notion,
And the lie that being a Mother is not important!
 I will tell you this 
"The greatest and most influently position on this earth is being a Mother"

Good Mothers can change the whole world!
Because; God gave us this High Calling...
It was His design.

We can all be a spiritual Mother to someone!

How can we become better Mothers?
How can we help others to become better Mothers?

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Shifting Gears...

Shifting Gears...
After a very long winter we now need to change many things;
Once again we need to shift gears.
 We cannot stay at the same speed when Spring time
rolls in and old man winter has been told to go,
 Where does he go?
The other side of the earth...

It gets warm earlier in the day and it stays lighter longer;
Why, so we can get our work done!

Old debris must be cleaned away, trees and bushes must be trimmed.
Soil must be tuned over, seeds bought for planting.

I have tried to make a habit of in early spring to start raking outside,
Each day to build my stamina up for the long busy season ahead!

Shake off the winter blahs and know these trials you may be
 going through will only make you stronger.
If we go through it with the least amount of complaining and murmuring,
The chance of having to do it again is less likely...

Feeling down
Feeling tired
Feeling the pain...

Feelings are very powerful, and I do not disregard them,
but when they start to rule your whole home and marriage and finances.
Girl, they are out of control and you now have submitted to them.
They become your master and YOU the slave!

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you:
And through the rivers,
they will not overflow you.

When you walk through the fire,
you shall not be burned,
Nor shall the flame scorch you.
Isaiah 43:2

Shift gears Dear ones, get out into the open!
Full speed ahead!
Change your perspective;
It is not about doing MORE
It is about doing something different!

The weight of this world is heavy we are not to bear its burden!
I am not the keeper of the EARTH...
But I am called to be the keeper of my HOME

Rejoice and be glad, shake off what has tried to rob You of your JOY
Smile, it will illuminate into the whole EARTH!!
You are the LIGHT of the world
There is a treasure in you (This Earthen Vessel)
And the more cracks, the more the light is brought forth...

He is Alive and He has asked us to occupy till He returns,
May we not grow weary while doing good!

Encourage someone today!
All the decorating and pretty things will never be able to mask
a broken heart, or a broken dream.
Shake off the dust and start moving into His direction;
One step at a time...
You got to move it move it...

Monday, April 14, 2014

Beauty Marks Or Age Spots...


Looking down and seeing my hands has been an indicator of lately.
What exactly is it an indicator of?

I have used these hands for many things!
I think as a woman of God, my hands are symbolic of my heart!
What has been in my heart has been many times worked out with my hands.

I had my hand held by my Hubby many moons ago!
We exchanged these vows;

Groom: I,____, take thee,_____, to my wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth.

Bride: I,_____, take thee,_____, to my wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.

I think my hands have trembled a time or two, I have held the
hands of my children and grandchildren!
I have laid these hands over a fevered brow.

I have used my hands and folded them to pray!
My hands have held the hands of a dying Mother and Father.

My hands have been idle by my side a time or two!

My hands have sewn  a bridle veil,
 An a baby blanket bundling a newborn in.

I have used these hands to fold clothes of so many loads of laundry.
I have kneaded and made batches of fresh bread.
These hands have mixed a batch of cookies to eat and savor.
These hands have washed more dishes than I could count!

My hands are His instruments to love and to build and create!
My hands are worn to a soft and tender touch.

I have looked down and said my hands look just like my Mothers!

I have made this statement
 these hands now have beauty marks upon them;
The world calls them age spots, I choose to call them 
Beauty spots...

When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure.

Peter Marshall

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Hand Picked For Life...

My Man

Thought you all would like to see
My Man!

A man of honor and integrity
 He blesses me everyday with his love;

He helps me with so many things!
He has loved me by considering the fact that I am the weaker vessel,
He has the physical strength, and he does all the heavy things!
Like helping move my furniture around :o)
He pulls out the refrigerator to clean behind it!
He knows I want to do these things and have them done,
So he will stop what he is doing and help me!

 He prays for me!
And he prays for his whole family daily!!
He is praying for our grandchildren to help keep them under His covering!

I have referred to him as a quiet man...
He has the gifting as a servant and he is a leader.
He has the qualities of a pillar.
Strong and steady!

I am honored to be the wife of his youth, then God put us together.
I still pray to be the wife that he needs!

We laugh a lot and have learned to not take all things personal.
We realize most the time we are either just tired or hungry!

I have learned He can't read my mind...

I have learned to explain to him what I am feeling, and allow
Him the time to ponder it. He is a problem solver!
State the problem, and he always gives me positive feedback.
He sees the bigger picture.
He has discernment and I need to wait to hear what he has to say!
He has way less words to say than I do!

We have memories!
We have comfort and familiarity!
We have a future and a hope!
We have trust!
We have each other!

Love conquers all!
 Love never fails
Love bears all things
 Love believes all things and endures all things 
And hopes all things.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Season Of Change...

Being a wife and mother and a grandmother is such a wonderful blessing.
But, I want to share something that is not spoken about as often as we should.
Life is all about seasons!
And we must learn the art of giving thanks for each season!

When you were a child "You spoke as a child"
Life was carefree and wonderful is the aspect of not being the adult,
And carrying all the responsibility.

When you were leaving girlhood and entering womanhood,
You blossomed and learned how to manage your own home.
And you began to learn to love your husband....
(This is an ongoing process)
Your family grew and arrows were added;
You were young and happy and was able to handle long days and much work.

Then, as we see all our children grow and leave home,
we again must move into another season.
This can require a whole new set ideas of managing our home.
Why; because I am not as strong and able to go at a fast pace
 like when I was younger. I am able to enjoy more
 things that allow me to sit down. Like crafting and sewing.
My favorite is journaling and Blogging!
Writing letters or making a phone call to encourage someone.

I am not running the marathon race now, but rather a daily sprint.
I must continue to run, because He has called me to this race.
His choosing, and His time frame.

I have sensed a bit of slowing down, yet my heart is as young
and filled with hopes and dreams as when I first became a woman.

My heart is still in love with the man of my youth.
My heart is still at home.
I continue to plant seeds.
I encourage and speak truth.

I am aging and I will embrace it all!
I will not be robbed of one single day or year!

I want to be able to give wise counsel and encouragement!
I want to be more specific in my prayers.
I want to use my energy wisely.
I want to show others how to manage their homes, not do it for them.
I want to help out where I can; I just can't carry it all!
We are called to train the younger woman, not take over their calling...

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Choose Joy...


Today can be the first day of a new way of responding!
We all have heard it many times,
Choose Joy...

Well have you?

We can be smack dab in a midst of a trial;
And we can still choose joy,
Now, I will grant you this, it is a bit more of a challenge, 
To choose joy when things are not going smooth.
But this is where we can exercise our choices.

I know that it all my years of knowing Christ as my Savior,
I can say this with all my heart;
Even in the midst of a trial I can pray and He has given me His peace.
Maybe nothing changed:
But I did, deep down inside...
Peace, then joy...
Trial still there? "Yes"
But I will choose joy, every time because He asked me to!

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way
So when sorrows like sea billows blow, Whatever my lot,
Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well
 With my soul.
It is well with my soul.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Proper Etiquette and Good Manners...

Source; Artist Gregory Frank Harris

We really have lost so many social graces in our day.
I remember reading the newspaper and reading the column on proper etiquette.

Having and using proper manners, is something to strive for,
If you want to be a lady and look feminine...

A lady must apply and use good manners,
Everywhere and all the time;
Manners help you to look and act like a Lady...

Using please and thank you when talking to others will,
carry you far in a world that has lost its manners.

I also love to hear a younger child replying with a
Yes Ma'am or No Ma'am

Make a habit of using good manners when you go out into your everyday life.
Greeting a person kindly even if you're having a bad day!

Good posture and not slouching,
When sitting, cross your knees or cross your ankles.
Do not leave your legs wide open.
Sneezing into your hands instead of a tissue,
Speaking loudly or using foul language!
Do not interrupt when others are speaking!
When you do not hear what another has spoken
Say excuse me, what did you say again?

And generally acting in a way that can serve as a model for others.
Good manners are always fashionable.

Here are some other things to consider as you refine your manners:
If you're eating dinner in a group setting, make sure you say
"Please pass the chicken," instead of reaching over someone else.
Place a napkin in your lap, and wipe your mouth often
when dining out or in your home.

You should learn and use good table manners.
This means not eating with your elbows on the table.
Chewing with your mouth closed.

Or slurping your food or drink!

Find a nice way to give a correction and  training...
 Instead of saying, "Will you shut up already?" say,
 "Would you mind lowering your voice?"
Try to avoid burping in public.
 Once you reach a certain age, burping in public is not funny anymore,
 If it happens by accident, just say "Excuse me," or "Pardon me,"
 This is simply not ladylike behavior.

Avoid rolling your eyes or generally being rude when
 Someone is saying something you don't really want to hear.

Now, just for the record, I am a funny girl, and I enjoy a good laugh!
And I have rolled my eyes on a few occasions...
Learning and growing Dear Ones...

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