Sunday, September 1, 2013

Eyes Of The Soul

Do you remember these eyes?
They were looking right through the pages of
The National Geographic Magazine
At me!
They captivated my heart;
Who was she?
Was she safe, did she have a home like me?
Did she go to bed at night fearful and afraid?
This picture of this little girl changed my world.
War, what is it good for!
Wars and rumors of war...
Will there ever be peace...
May we see this world through a child's eyes.
If only a glimpse!
It may be all we can take.
If we saw the whole picture and all our days before us,
we would not be able to bear it.
What happened to this little girl?
Did she get to grow up and see peace in her land?
Did she marry and have children of her own?
But here is the same little girl as a grown woman.

What does your soul reveal?
(Your mind and will and emotions)
All of our lives will be revealed in His timing:
Be very thankful for our America the beautiful!
Pray for her dear ones!

Friday, August 30, 2013

A Rare Treasure~A Virtuous Woman~

A Virtuous Woman, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

A rare treasure is found in a woman of
Godly character.
"Who can find a virtuous woman?"
Proverbs 31:10

We are all asking am I becoming this wonderful
and mysterious woman that is spoken of in
The Holy Scriptures.

May I ask you a question?
Do you;
Seek first the Kingdom of God
And His righteousness?
Then all of these things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:33
Do you desire to tap into all the grace of God's
Power and the Holy Spirits leading
and a resolve to be all that
God wants you to be?
As we look into the heights of His standards,
we can become overwhelmed.
Yet He tells us in His word.
precept upon precept,
line upon line.
Little by little.
We can do this because it's all in
His strength anyways!
Each day we are given, we have
His New Life flowing in us.
Let's not down play these virtues.
These are not old fashioned,
or impossible.
But rather attainable.
Always progressing
Always becoming stronger.
His character being formed in you.

Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Marriage Commitment...

Walking Through Life Together
What does a vow mean to this world anymore?
Do we even know what the word means?
Being committed is good, as long as it is working for me!
I just want to share my heart about something that has,
touched almost everyone of us,
Divorce in America is ramped.
Growing up as a child from the divorce factor.
I will know longer kid myself;
I was broken and grieved!
A child with no Daddy...
One of the greatest wounds for any human being
Is rejection!
One thing I have learned in this life is this;
Marriage is a gift from God,
I am just so sorry and sad so many
Women and Men
Have been wounded and hurt from the broken vows.
From either their parents, or their own broken marriage vows.
Everyone suffers when a vow is broken.
This post is not about placing blame, but rather to say;
I am sorry for all the pain and sorrow it has cost
each and everyone of us.
But we have hope;
He has come to heal the broken hearted!
This week we will be celebrating 31 years of our marriage vows!
May we have many more years together.
But I want to encourage each and everyone of you.
Take being married as one of the most important positions
in this life.
It is work, but well worth every kind word,
 And every walk you take while holding hands.
Every kiss before you sleep.
Every good memory you hold.
Be committed to YOUR marriage!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Love Lemons And Life...

Large Lemons, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

How wonderful and refreshing lemons are.
Many decades ago, lemons were sought after
 Almost by everyone, The affluent and well to do served
lemons as a status symbol.
Sailors knew of the health benefits to keep a sailor from sickness!
Country folks and families loved the taste and refreshment they gave.
Just a simple bowl full of lemons!
Is your life like a bowl full of lemons?
Bright and cheery
Tart and tangy


Are you bored?
Lemons And Limes, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
Then may I suggest limes?
You have heard many times, that if life gives you lemons
(Make lemonade)
But I think you might want to go a little deeper, and wider.
Add limes my friend!
Shake it up!
May your love of Him
And the love for others
But whoa the love for your man!
Never let it grow cold!
Love is:
Without LOVE, you will shrivel up!
Your lips will look like you have just sucked a lemon.
Pursed and puckered dry...
You will become a bitter woman,
Not a better woman!
Love like there is NO tomorrow.
Drink from the cup of the tangy fruit set before you.
What comes has passed from the Father's hand!
The Holy Spirit will add the sugar of His fruits,
Galatians 5: 22-23
Drink up my friends,
May we look for the blessings,
For I assure you they are there!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Other Side Of The Garden And Being A Biblical Woman...

The Book The Other Side Of The Garden, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

What are some of the Biblical thoughts that we as women,
carry in our hearts!
Have we taken the time to bring the sweet and cozy truths,
to heart!
All real women's issues are heart issues.
Our Real Lives
Our Husband, Our Children
Our Homes
We are not a Blog Status;
How many followers?
How many comments?

We are now living on the other other side of the

Biblical Womanhood, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
 I remember the first time I read this book!
I thought this is amazing;
Thy can not really think this is still going to happen
 In today's world!
Who really thinks we need to submit??
Wait a minute here...
Look, I am a intelligent woman.
But, I was searching, and asking "Who am I?
Why am I here?"
I wanted to know without a shadow of doubt,
Was I living my life for a worthwhile purpose?
I wanted to have and comprehend my true design and purpose!
I wanted to have fulfillment in my marriage.
I was a woman of the world till about 25yrs. old.
Our marriage had two heads...
This makes for an unnatural creature.
This was not God's design for marriage.
I started asking the Lord for His help in being a good wife.
So God brought this book into my life.
The first thing the Lord did was show me why a women was created.
I was just shocked at the fact He had a specific reason
 for each part of
His creation.

God took the essence of the woman directly out of His first
creation of mankind.

She shall be called Woman (Isha)
because she was taken out of Man (Ish)
For God stated that it was not good for man to be alone.
God designed the woman for the man's benefit.
1 Corinthians 11: 8,9
Now don't get yourself in a tizzy!
We are not the head, and we are not the tail!
But we are the heart!

So, Now it is time for us to appreciate are unique design,
and enjoy the fact that we are here for a grand and special treat.
We are Women!

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