Friday, November 28, 2014

Hunting Trip Or Guilt Trip...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Hunting Trip Or Guilt Trip

Anyone that has been reading my blog for these last few months know of our
Family's life changing hunting trip.

We now have had to work through some of the trauma from
that hunting trip.
 We didn't even realize how deeply it had affected us.
We felt tired and a bit stressed all the time.

Some of us had a few nightmares...

I think we also were overwhelmed with the love
 and concern shown to us from so many people.
Total strangers came to that mountain to help search for our
lost grandson.
And we had hunters that were up in the mountains that were on a hunt;
Stopped their hunting and started searching for our grandson.

Our men were taxed in every one of their senses and physical strength.

We all can go through very tough times in our families and marriages!
But do we have to be victims of guilt and trauma?

We have had to pray together as a family and as couples;
We are to overcome, because He has overcome this world for our sake.

We have heard and understood so many facets of this trip;
We have seen the hand of God that protected our Grandson.

We saw the Body of Christ rise up and fulfill its call to love;
And to care for its own...

We can never look out and see the mountains again without
Counting our blessings!

The enemy wants us to feel sorrow and guilt over that 28 hours,
But God has proved His out stretched hand of protection and provisions!

When our men leave for these trips it takes so much preparation!
Food and clothing and survival bags packed for day trips.
(That survival bag our grandson carried, proved its worth)

We all can be so prepared for just about anything;
But we all have seen where we are confronted with something
" Not on the agenda!"

We are a family that hunts;
So do we now not hunt?
Do we let fear of the unknown or the possibilities stop us?

Guilt can be a strong deterrent in life;
A great motivator

Guilt is a wicked task master, we cannot allow it to control us!
We are to do all things in faith;
Use wisdom
Learn from your mistakes
Being as well prepared as possible is being wise.

So thankful for the growth we have all experienced!

Just a last little ditty
True Story;
Yesterday I was preparing our turkey for our meal, and I had it all
washed and prepped for the cooking bag I was placing it in;
I had to do it all by myself as everyone was gone.
So I was able to get it into the cooking bag,
But, when I went to pick it up it came flying out of the bottom of
 the cooking bag and just rolled across the kitchen floor.
I looked up and asked REALLY...
No Guilt; things just have to roll
---I just had to laugh---
No worries, wash it up, place it in a roaster and bake till done!
I did tell our guest that I only dropped the turkey just once.

If you wanted to see the clip of it, here it is!
Family Reunion

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

What Really Makes Up A True Family...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Gathering together...
Some of those in our families have seen so many Thanksgivings,
Some newbies are just about to experience their first one.
(They have those little bibs that say Baby's First Christmas)
Where are the ones that say
"First Thanksgiving"

We have such a different array of family members;
Young and Old
Strong and Feeble
Beauty and Bronze
Male and Female
Funny and Serious
Goofy and Refined
Saved and Not Saved

Some are very colorful;
We struggle with these ones as let's just say they don't look
The way we look...
They are always trying to give us all a little bit of that thing called
~Shock Therapy~
Very colorful hair, tattoos that we have a hard time reading
A comic book of sorts, it is rather hard to read an arm!
Really, you all know who we are talking about!
Remember under it all they are part of your family.
Sometimes we just need to get over it.
Don't react to their form of look at me syndrome.

Let's face it, we all have those that are just turkeys;
A bit goofy...
They say things that make your head just lean to one side!
A little bit not with it of sorts, but nice in a way.
~Maybe they are just lonely and do not have many friends~
I think I heard them called; What is referred to as a goober...
They may have been talking about me, not sure though!

Well any way you slice it, you share something in common!
Friends so long they have grown up together!
Grafted In The Family!
The Family Of God!

God has said He sets the lonely in the families...

Families depend on one another for their identity and joy.
Both young and old should cherish their inter-generational relationships.

Someone to HUG
Someone to TALK TO and someone to LOVE...

Proverbs 17:6

"God Bless Everyone"

---Even a lovely rose has thorns----

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Being Cherished...


Today is the day the Lord has made...
I am honored to have the blessings that come with being
A woman, a wife and a Mother
But being a Mother-in-law has far exceeded my
wildest hopes or dreams for another daughter through;
Marriage commitment and Love.

Here is the post my dear Amy wrote in honor of my Birthday;

I have received honors today from those I love!
Thank You Amy...

This is what receiving your rewards in this life means to me!

I think investing in those God has given us is the best investment
one could ever hope to accomplish in this life.

I am reaping the benefits of staying the course;
My Children have arisen and called me blessed...

We are called to give honor to those God has put into our lives.
Sometimes we have very hard relationships in this world;
But where we can make a difference, then put forth the effort!

Flowers and chocolates are wonderful,
Cards, and words of love and encouragement!

Make the effort to show honor;
God says to us this powerful word;
Those that refresh others will themselves be refreshed!

I laughed this morning because when I turned on my computer
even Google knew it was my Birthday!

Source; From Google (To Me)

I am counting my Blessings!

Have a wonderful Day!

I appreciate each and every one of you ladies who take the time,
To visit me and to encourage me!
May we count our blessings together!

Learning to cherish someone is what God has called each of us to do!
Cherish someone today...

Monday, November 24, 2014

Politely Asking For Clarification...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

Looking out for all the small infractions;

We are Ladies, And you might hear me roar,
But I would rather not roar as it hurts even my own ears.

I think sometimes it seems like the enemy of our souls,
Works overtime to confuse and distort what we are saying!
If we could just be bold enough at times to maybe ask
for a" clarification" when we hear something contrary to what
We believe may be appropriate spoken in any given situation.

I think the enemy hopes to silence us into not asking for clarification!

You may have heard that game where you tell somebody something,
And they in turn repeat it to the next person.
And by the time it gets full circle is being so far off
 From the original statement.

. So I think it is using wisdom when we are with a 
large or small group of people to watch for being in the
Cross-fire of the enemy using our words against us.

I have observed this from a few different scenarios lately.
This can become very prominent when the holidays are upon us when
All our families and friends get together!

Be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove...

Don't be a victim!
Rather kindly ask for clarification from the one who spoke!
We can very politely say I am sorry can you repeat that again!
Or you can say "I thought I heard you say"

We must not take so many of these things so personally.
Some people just say silly things!
Some people are just rude!
Some are just oblivious to others feelings!
Some are just not very smart!
Some have no manners!
Some really do have impaired hearing and they are just responding
From not knowing themselves what was truly said!
(This needs grace)

Rise above and be kind and direct;
(When you think you are in a crossfire of what is really
being said and what is really being heard)

We are called to know the truth, and sometimes it wants
to evade us. But we all hear things wrong at times.
I think that is why God tells us to first go to someone alone.
Then, if they will not listen, take a brother with you!

I think hearing incorrectly is not something new that the enemy.
just started using!

Does this resonate with any of you ladies!

I want to keep my peace, and that will require me to distinguish
Truth from a lie;
Facts or feelings...

Sunday, November 23, 2014

How to Reduce Bags Under The Eyes...

Tips for Puffy Eyes. Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Helpful Ideas For Puffy Eyes And Bags Under Your Eyes...

Here are a few natural remedies for puffy bags under the eyes;
For men or women

Tea Bags: 
First steep them in hot water and then let chill in the fridge
Lay back and allow them to work their magic.
Allow them to set for 15 to 20 minutes.
The caffeine in the tea bags helps with the blood vessels and swelling

Cucumber slices: 
We have all seen those on the eyes of those getting a facial!
Use a slice on each eye that has been well chilled.
Leave on for 20 minutes
These help soothe and refresh and reduce the puffiness.

Potato Slices:
Use a fresh raw slice that has been chilled,
 just on the under the eye where it is puffy.
Really helps eliminate puffiness!

Use fresh cold milk and dip a cotton ball in it and place them just under your eyes.
Reduces water retention; try this one for a few days in a row.

Chilled Spoons or An Ice Cube:
Placed just under or over the eyes
Helps with swelling.

Egg Whites:

These need to be used as a cream of sorts,
Just massage into skin just under the eyes, allow to
Set till they dry well.
10 to 15 minutes
This one is good to do while getting ready to shower.
Wash off well!
These have properties to reduce inflammation.

I have noticed so many people with bags under their eyes.
Men and women alike,
It is from a lack of sleep and the stress of our days.

I thought a list of natural remedies would be useful to many!

Tips for stopping bags from forming;
Drink plenty of water
Get your rest!
Learn to manage everyday stress.
Use these ideas to help!

Allow God's peace to fill you so you can roll your burdens onto Him...

Healthy eyes are so important;
Eat those carrots and take good care of your eyes!

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