Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Revive Me according to Your Word

I have been feeling very tired and worn out lately.  So I have decided to

add a few supplements to our daily diets.
Here is a list of them.
Brewer's Yeast
Royal Jelly
Lecithin Granules
Emergen-C  (Heart Health)

My hubby and myself are going to keep this up for at least 30 days.
We both take a multi- vitamin source daily, but we both felt the drain lately.

I start a new Bible study tomorrow.  And we are still canning!
Fire wood will be next on the list.

I just hope this will encourage even just one person as to feeling
tired or just worn out.
And to think Labor Day weekend is here!
Where did the summer go?
She watches over the ways of her household.
And she does not eat the bread of idleness Proverbs 31:27

Blessings to All  Roxy

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How To Increase

He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
Proverbs 11:25

When I read this scripture, it tells me there is a way to become refreshed and revitalized.
These our the days of anticipation!
What is coming!
Why is this happening?

How to be an overcomer and not just a survivor in your life.
To receive we must give.
To accumulate we must scatter.
To make ourselves happy, we must make others happy.
To become spiritually strong, we must seek spiritual good and growth for others.
Our real refreshment and strength come when we exercise the love and giftings
God has given each of us  for others (orphans, widows, the lonely).
The refreshing of others brings humility.Grace comes when we show grace.
Love comes when we show love.

Therefore, "give, and it will be given to you.
A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over"
Luke 6:38
We had a earthquake in our region the other day and a after shock at midnight last night.
Yet, we must not be shaken as the world is tossed to and fro.
Blessings, Roxy

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sober Minded

Gird up the loins of your mind.
With all the reports going on in the whole world, it could fill your mind and heart with fear.
I don't want to stick my head in the sand and be unaware of the troubles.
For when we hear about wars or rumors of war, and when we hear a bad reports,we can pray!
We must have compassion and let our gentleness be known to all men.

It is time to be" sober minded"
To think and meditate on these things:
What is true and noble, think on just and pure motives.
May your heart and mind engage on whatsoever is lovely,
and things of good report.
Meditate on things of virtue and praiseworthy thoughts.
Philippians 4:7-8

Pray Dear Ones!

Blessings, Roxy

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Take Action

This is a continuing thought of my last post.
Now these here young warriors, our practicing and doing what they know to do to be good soldiers.
Definitely not from a wax museum.
Alive and ready to implement the plan of strategy.

O beloved, I plead with you not to treat God's promises as something to be displayed in a museum but to use them as everyday source of comfort.  And whenever you  have a time of need, trust the Lord.

Go to the depths of God's promise,
And claim whatsoever you will;
The blessings of God will not fail you'
His word He will surely fulfill.
By Charles H. Spurgeon

How can God say no to something He has promised?
Blessings, Roxy

Friday, August 12, 2011

Church or Museum

A house of prayer?
Or a museum?

The answer to both questions is YES. Because many years ago this church was filled with people. And they prayed and the Word says there prayers shall not return void. Answered prayer it is a promise. Many years ago the churches were built with such a distinct way that just beckoned you to come in. There were churches in all the small American towns. They doubled many times for the school house the town hall. My that would cause a lawsuit today.
Like this beautiful old church may it stand for a very long time, as a reminder of to each of us to pray and to never give up. God has blessed this nation and He created this world.
May our prayer life and our family's not look like part of a museum. But be alive and overflowing with hope.
The Lord has said to occupy until I return, keep on keeping on!
Blessings, Roxy

Monday, August 8, 2011


Being a vessel !
We are given each day as a gift.
We can yield ourselves to the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to fill us afresh.
I am learning each day to hear His voice with more clarity.

I am convicted to see if there is any false belief system in my life.

Will what I believe, hold up under a strong North wind? (Song Of Songs 4:16a)

Is my foundation totally built on The solid rock?


I love that the lover of my soul teaches and corrects me each step of this walk with Him.

We are the Bride of the lamb that was slain.

He is coming one day for His Bride.

This picture I took, it is of a pitcher which is a vessel to be used, to be poured out.

And the apple speaks of His fruit in our lives, we can all nourish someone with His substance He gives us. We must choose to spend time with Him so we have something to give.

You can't give what you don't pocess!

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