Monday, March 7, 2011

Being Prepared...

Being Prepared...

We are living in some pretty perilous days, wars and rumors of wars!
Sound familiar?
I want to encourage each and everyone out there to think very seriously, about how well prepared you are for a winter storm or drought?
Or how well prepared are you for even a small natural disaster?

We would be wise stewards if we would be prepared to feed and take care of our families if something should happen.
Walmart is not our provider and we should not look for it to even care
 about what we might need in days of woe.
 We should learn something from a generation gone by
 as to what a family had and put up or put back.

 Being prepared

I was watching the birds this morning and they were out there just looking for food
 and coming in huge flocks to eat from our bird feeder.
 And I said even the birds know when a storm is coming!
 It has started to snow and wind is blowing, the birds are hunkered down for the night.

I think being a wise woman requires us to be prepared for,
Unemployment situations, storms, hard times!
Be not foolish, but build a pantry stock to provide for your family...

Be A Pantry Prepper...

Living From Glory To Glory

Friday, February 25, 2011

Picture Perfect And Pricless...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.
 Psalm 4:18 KJV

Beauty and worth are really in the hands of your Creator.
 God sees each and every one of us as a masterpiece. A work of art!
 Some things are timeless, like a string of pearls.
 Or maybe a picture that was painted that spoke a thousand words.

My Bible is that to me, I have been reading it for years,
 Yet, each morning it speaks fresh and living words to me.

This is a very precious plate with a lovely lady painted on it.
 It was my Grandmothers I always thought she must be a princess.
 This is how God sees us! (Priceless)
To be spiritually minded and full of Christ is the best beauty treatment I know of.

Living From Glory to Glory

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Knitting Adventure And How I Learned...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Well, I just woke up one morning and I said I want to learn to knit!!

So I took myself to the library and I said there must surely be a book for Learning to Knit
 For Dummies.
 Guess what, there was, I brought it home and with great gusto and determination,
 I had at it...
I finally finished my very first scarf, it is warm and cozy.
 I really did take the time and took out all my mistakes as I went.
 I also purchased my very own book on knitting.
 I did attend one little class on learning to knit and my homework was to knit a dishcloth!
 This has been fun yet a new challenge.

I hope to learn to read the directions for patterns and to be able to knit mittens for my little people, and scarfs to match.
I was just really surprised to discover how relaxing knitting really is!
  So all you yoga fans drop your stance and pick up your knitting needles.

I think it has been great fun to learn to knit, but I think I still enjoy
Crocheting a little better!

Which do you enjoy doing?

Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hearing Ear...

Hearing Ear, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

These our some words I have been seeing in the Word that inspired me!

Storm Warnings
Come away My Beloved
Peace Be Still
How Sweet It Is
Come, Come
Wait For They Shall Surely Come
Seek Ye First The Kingdom
Hold Fast
Set Apart

Light is sown for the righteous, And gladness for the upright in heart.
Psalm 97:11


Living From Glory To Glory

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Ready and willing is what this guy is saying!

Be prepared is his motto...

We can dress the part and be just about anybody now a days.
 I was just thinking about how the Lord looks upon the heart and not our appearance
 But I do believe we need to be ready to speak the word in every situation.
 Even if we don't quote chapter and verse, it is the Spirit who brings life to the WORDS we speak!

We live in the West and there is a code to live by,
 Cowboy Up!!

How ready and willing are you to be used to bless and encourage others?

I know looks upon the heart;
But sometimes we as humans look to others to see if they
Look safe and willing to comfort;
There are so many shady looking characters now days!

I do not want to say that looks are everything;
But they are important in some ways!

Being clean and tidy goes a long ways...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

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