Monday, November 4, 2013

Apron Giveaway Winner

Congratulations to Jann Olsen from
Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olsen
I want to thank each of you lovely ladies who joined
my Birthday giveaway!
You really are all a very special blessing to me!
I hope you will all stop in and visit Mrs Olsen's
very creative Blog.
 And enjoy her link-ups on Thursday
Just Click Here

Sola Scriptura...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Is there a force so strong, nothing can oppose it?
Is there really a word that does not waiver?
Can I know if I am in the will of God?
Are women, really suppose to be the keeper's of the home?
Are my day's really numbered?
Is there a place of Blessing and comfort and peace,
that I can hide in?
Will how I act or speak change my situation?
Does prayer and faith in Christ, change me?
YES, is the answer to all of these questions!
The world has heard the lie and many have believed it!
I am just a person...
with no destiny or worth?
What I say or do, does not affect anyone else.
I am free to live any way I choose!
We are a body not the collective or individualism,
we are being lead to believe.
God has a unique and special plan for each of us!
I challenge you to allow God's Word
To train and to teach you the real truth!!
Let scripture stand alone;
Use this key to help dig deeper.
Be not led astray !!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Apron Giveaway

I have made this Apron to give away!
 As a gift to someone in honor of my Birthday!

I was born in the month of November,
So, Happy November to all of YOU!
I have sensed a shifting of season's!
Not only in the natural but in my spiritual walk!
I love to give and to sew!
Here is the apron!
 If you would like a chance to win this,
 Just leave me a comment telling me
What you love best about being a homemaker!
 If you would consider adding my Blog to your sidebar!
Make sure to leave a way to contact you,
Either in your comment,
Or in your profile email information!

Looking forward to reading your comment!
I think it will be fun to hear what you love best
about being a homemaker!!
Happy Birthday to all of YOU!

This Apron giveaway is now closed!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Shifting Shadows

 Good Morning
This is the day that the Lord has made;
I will rejoice and be glad in it!
Today is a new day, and I wanted to just speak a word
of encouragement to all you wonderful ladies!
We are in the last day of this month,
May we stop and give thanks to the
Holy One!
May, Mercy always Triumph,
In your lives and in your homes.
James reminds us;
Don't be deceived, my dear brothers.
Every good and perfect gift is from above,
Coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights,
Who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1:16-17
Because judgement without mercy will be shown to anyone
Who has not been merciful.
Mercy triumphs over judgement!
James 1:13
May we be kind and tenderhearted to all!
God has forgiven us much!!
Speak the truth in Love...
Let your light shine before men.
For in the last days men will
Call evil good ,
and good evil!
Do not walk in the shadows,
I call these the gray areas...
Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive
Do what it says.
James 1:22

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How To Make your Own Vanilla Extract...

You Are Going To Love This Vanilla Extract...

Homemade Vanilla Extract. Living From Glory to Glory Blog

 Making your own vanilla is so good!!
And much better tasting than store bought.
Also, the cost is much cheaper in the long run...
Here is how I make it;
First buy a bottle of dark rum
(Not spiced rum)
It's not like I am an expert in Rum :)
Use any bottle or jars you have;
Then poor the dark rum into the jars or bottles.
I prefer to use little jars, so then I have them ready
To give away as gifts!
So, maybe using the half pints is a better idea!

Now, you must have some fresh vanilla beans.
I purchase mine from Vitamin Cottage in the
Refrigeration section.
They come in about 3 to 4 beans per bag.

Now, take your vanilla beans and slice them with a slit down the middle,
Scrap each bean to loosen the vanilla paste in them.
I cut some beans in half, so I place a few small ones
in the little jars, and the longer ones in the
bigger jars or bottles.

See, how pretty they look!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I now take these jars and put them a cool dark place,
 allow them to steep for at least a month or longer!
(I do shake each jar a few times while curing)
Now you have a natural and delicious vanilla
With its own amazing
 Fragrance and taste.
There is NO comparing in store bought,
for your baking!
My friend adds it to her coffee and tea also!
If you start this now,
It will make a perfect Holiday and
 Christmas gift!
You can tie a pretty ribbon around it with a favorite
cookie recipe attached to it!
You can keep it all!
It will last forever on your shelves.
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