Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Keep That Cell Phone Out Of Your Bra...

In the days of cell phone use and how we always have it with us;
This post is another reminder of its potential DANGER!

Remember these phone booths?
Days passed and now we have strapped ourselves
 With high powered frequencies daily!

This gives a whole new meaning to being wired...
No wonder so many women's hair is standing straight up!!

As the technologies that are coming out and more data to support;
This claim of the dangers of carrying a cell phone in your BRA!
Or really anywhere close to your skin or body!

Sometimes we just need to stop doing these things that have
such a strong potential for harm. And so many women think that
Using and caring cell phones are safe.
If you want to see a new site with updated information,
Just click the link below.

Keep that cell phone out of your bra !

Use your cell phone wisely, ladies;
Use the speaker and do not hold it so close to your ear!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Keep Your Eyes Upon The Road...

Keep Your Eyes On The Road...

Things and people are moving way too fast!
Kicking down the cobble stones looking for fun and
Feeling groovy...

Learning to be quick can be a very good thing.
But how fast do you need to go?
Do you have the need for speed?

At times my thoughts can download so fast, they can get blurred.
I am not a machine or a car that has a brake and a gas pedal.
I am flesh and blood made in a way that requires
Rest and good nourishment!
And people around me who love me!
Books and pleasures that help refresh me!
Times of refreshing just don't happen, they need to be orchestrated!

Soaking is a good word to help give us a mental picture of 
what refreshment might look like.
 You have heard the saying that a picture is worth a
thousand words.
 And I think that can be very true.

Dear Ones we never know what is just down the road,
or just around the bend.
So may we keep our eyes upon the road and enjoy the drive.

Slow down your moving too fast, you gotta make your moments last.
Kicking down the cobble stones!!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Once Upon A Time... A Real Life... Mine...

This is where you will find me most mornings...
I also need a bit more some afternoons;
The Word is like chocolate for me, it is rich and smooth!
It melts my heart and makes me satisfied deep down inside!

Here is;
My BFF...
She was my maid of honor on my renewal of my wedding vows!
She knows a lot about me and she still likes me.

Here is;
My Jewels, she is my long time friend!
My Oldest friend
Just kidding :o)
We always talk about Christ...

Here is;
My Boy Friend...
He asked me if I would marry him and I said NO Three times!
So glad he was persistent in pursuing me!
It was the same with Christ in my life...
Married 30 plus years
Sounds like a vitamin ad...

Here is;
This is my back yard view!
I have seen this view almost three decades and it never looks the same!
Constant and unmovable...

Here is;
Loyal Bronco Fans...
Go Broncos!!

Here is:
Waffles From Roxy's Cafe...
Fresh sausage too!

Here is:
My Mississippi Mud Dessert...
I may even share the recipe sometime!

Here is;
Here are my two most favorite perfumes!
White Shoulders and Giorgio...
My Birthday gift last year!

Here is:
Fresh bread and butter and eggs!
My staples in my kitchen...

Here is;
My Girls, Sweet Baby Chicks!
We have fresh eggs daily about a dozen a day.

I just wanted to give you a glimpse of my world and life!
I am a country girl and a lover of Jesus Christ...
I hope you follow my blog knowing that it is a real ministry for me,
To write and encourage you in your journey!

I struggle some days and I am shocked how fast the days go!
I had only one person mentor me while raising my family!
So I take my calling very seriously!

I am very funny, and enjoy a good laugh!
I love like there is no tomorrow!
I cry hard and deep for those things that move me!
My Husband and family our everything to me!

I just want you to know a bit of my heart!
We are not rich in some things;
But we are wealthy in what matters!

If you read or follow this blog, I want to tell you that I care deeply
about you and your walk in this life!

Thank You!
For reading this blog,
For leaving me comments.
For being a part of my life.

Enjoy your Summer; and romance your Hubby!
And allow the Lord to romance you...

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Follow The Light...

From Glory to Glory Blog

Follow the light...
Not that light,
 Too many people are following a light that is at the end of a tunnel.
We are called to be the light!!
Big difference,

Do you want to draw closer to your Lord?
Do you want to draw closer to your Husband?
Do you want to be a usable vessel?

Too many are chasing after what will pass away;
The wind is a perfect example of something that is impossible to catch.
Yet, If you harness the wind you will have the power!

There is the hand of God;
Power, miracles, supernatural!

There is the face of God;
Relationship, intimacy, peace.

I want both in my walk and life with the Lord!

But sometimes we need to look at what is all being used to draw
Us with this power...
There has been so many movements in our world today.
Many focus on what is just what you can get and have.
The true hand of God can and will supply and provide;
Power, miracles, supernatural!
Do not ever forget what He has done for His people.

But the Face of God is what will sustain you!!
These things will not ever leave you dry!

I believe we are seeing a famine of the WORD Of God in this country!
And the Churches only give a very small portion;
So if you are not FEEDING on the WORD;
And know how to feed yourself;
You will starve...

Thus says the Lord,
 Who makes a way in the sea. And a path through the mighty waters.
Isaiah 43:16

The sun shall no longer be your light by day. Nor for brightness
Shall the moon  give light to you;
But the Lord (The Word) will be to you...
And everlasting light.
And your God your glory.
Isaiah 60:19

The WORD is the only thing that is a true light; The SON
The WORD is the only thing that will satisfy your hunger. The Meat
The WORD is the only thing that will not pass away. Everlasting

Eat and drink of the WORD!
As for many low fat diets are being served!
People our starving!!

Do you know what Expository preaching  and teaching is?

Monday, June 16, 2014

Don't Live In Monotone...


Can you hear the music...

Music is all around you,
 I can hear the fluttering of a moth's wing.
I hear the laughing of the boys in the yard playing.

I can hear the crickets chirping in the night.
I can hear the bird singing and chatting away.

The humming of the appliances in the quiet night!
The chimes on the clock say it is now ten o'clock

Another day has come and gone;
May I lay still in my bed and hear my heart beating!

Take no one for granted and expect this time as owed to you!
Time is a gift and you must listen to the music that is playing.

Each note carries a special tune;
Each one carries a high and a low.
No life should be lived in monotone...

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