Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Clayton's Reunion And The News Clip...

Colorado Greenhorn Rescue, Survival in the wilderness,

Family Bond

We have many bonds in our lives with many people.
The strongest bond is one of a parent and a child;
And a child with a grandparent.
This is family!

But let us take notice of another family bond;
The Body of Christ;
Where your children, become important to us all!

Children and the Body of Christ is the realization that we
All have a heavenly Father who cares and has a plan for each of us!

God asks us this very question;
Are you not you're brother's keeper?

Our entire family wants to Thank each and every person that lifted up a prayer
Was given in our grandsons behalf.

No one found our grandson;
It was only God who led him from the forest.
We were told that this part of the forest is referred to as hell,
Because of its dark and dense conditions.

The search party was not even looking in the right place on this mountain.
Only God knew where he truly was at every moment of every hour;
Of a 27 hour ordeal!

May we all stop nit picking on those we love; and realize that
most irritations are very small in the grand scheme of things!

Wisdom is not usually lofty and high.
But rather God's command to love one another;
As you love yourself!

Only a few brave ones will lay down their lives for others.
We do this in prayer for others!
We do this with actions by helping others!
Just giving a cup of cold water in His name will bring Him Glory!

Here is the TV news clip of his story!

Please click below;


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Our Grandson Has Been Rescued...


We have witnessed a miracle and answered prayer!
Out Grandson has been found and he is healthy.
I do not know the whole story, but they allowed him to call me!

My heart is full of gratitude and my faith in God did not waver.
Scared and the longest 24 hours of my life.

Rescue workers and dogs and even a helicopter helped in the search!
I will forever be grateful for all your prayers and love you all
extended to myself and our family;
But mostly for praying for our grandson.

Will share more another time!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Urgent Prayer!!!!! UPDATE... snow is falling now!


Urgent Prayer Request

Chopper is grounded because of clouds @ 8:50 MST

Our Grandson is missing in the Colorado Mountains
He is lost, we need prayer now!!
Please Pray for him!

He has been missing for over 12 hours now! It has begun to snow!

God Help us!!

This is day two still no sign of him!

Horses will be able to go in at first light!
He is only 13 years old...

Pray for the rescue people
Pray for him to be found
Pray he is not hurt
pray please I need your prayers

The chopper will start searching at 9:00 AM

Please keep praying.....

Thank you
His Mother is now on her way up to the mountain; she needs prayer also
His Daddy and Grandfather have been searching all night
Hundreds of rescue people, no sign as of yet

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Cinderella Syndrome...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog
Artist; Carolina Elizabeth

The Cinderella in all of us...

I feel pretty, oh so pretty....
Ta Daaa!

Everyday we awake with a whole wonderful script written out for each of us.
 We have all the lines and scenes all ready written out!
We get to play the leading role....

Your Cinderella
(The Princess)

And we all have a Fairy God Father
(The King of Kings)

We all have a wicked step Mother
(Satan the big deceiver)

When we stop looking in the mirror and examining
our own faces and our body size.
Start looking into His word and examining our hearts!

We really do become pretty and you act pretty.
Remember Cinderella, she did do all the right things;
It was a matter of her heart and obedience to those in authority.

But the key here for me is this;
There is only one true authority, and I am His loyal subject.

I don't want to ride around in a pumpkin
And where glass slippers.
But I do want to feel loved and valued.
So what we are called to do is to love others;
Help them to feel special and reward them for their goodness.
Giving honor to others will put you in the right place.
Most issues are heart issues!
Jealousy, bitterness, and anger will keep you
from being a Cinderella.
As in God's eyes if you have given Christ your heart first;
You are now a real princess!

And you do not even have to ride to the great banquet in a pumpkin.

So many are looking for a fairy tale story!
"Why not live your very own real life story"
Be who He has created you to be...

May the real Cinderella please stand up...

Do not give up and keep your heart open to His direction.
Here is a lovely bouquet of flowers for all you do,

Monday, October 13, 2014

Ordinary Task In Ordinary Days...

Do You find yourself daydreaming?

Well, wake up sunshine!
Hopefully you're living your dream...

Ever notice that what you thought it would be like is not anything;
like it at all?

Well, according to my calculations, every time 
"I thought I thought  it out"
It always was a wee bit different then I imagined.

And oh, everything is subject to change,
But, His divine providence!

Do Mondays always get you down?

Well knock it off honey cause Mondays are the beginning
of a Homemakers week!

How many loads of laundry have you done so far today!
Let me guess, Hmmmm
How many children do you have?

You get the point/////

Remember on Sunday you resolved to worship;
Well, Mondays you need to resolve also to schedule your week.

One thing that always helps me is that we only have one day,
At a time to manage. And if we manage today well, tomorrow.
Will go smoother!

Cleaning and scrubbing and folding laundry can be a form of worship.
It is in the ordinary days and the ordinary task that bring
 "Glory To God"

We are called to clean and refresh and tidy our hearts our lives
And our homes...

(Take this time to prepare)

Being prepared for what your family needs!

Take joy and pleasure in this day!

Remember faithfulness in little things is a big thing!

Spiritual progress can be stopped by grumbling and questioning

Make a plan, be flexible, smile!
Don't take things too seriously, so when something serious does happen
You can be calm and slide right down whatever obstacle is put in your path!

Living From Glory To Glory...
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