Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Winter White Or Winter Blues...


Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Enjoy these days of winter rest...
We sometimes think that this season of quiet is really a time
of winter blues.

This is so far from the truth!

We can sit in a chair and work with our hands with projects
That never seem to even get picked up in the summer time.

We can get off to bed a bit earlier as it gets dark so much earlier!

We can cancel different outings because the weather is bad!
We can make a pot of soup and eat a couple of meals from it!
We can make pancakes for dinner and we think it is wonderful and yummy!

We enjoy those root vegetables that we can bake in the oven;
As we don't worry about over heating up the kitchen.

We can sit with a book with a cup of warm tea in our hands and feel comfort.

I am learning to embrace these winter seasons;
I am tired of feeling aggravated over snow and cold and ice.
As it is a fact I do not live in the tropics...

I remember as a child ice skating almost every single day!
We would go sledding as a fun thing that we loved!
We can all remember lying down on the ground and making a snow angel.
( Unless of course you live where it does not snow)

How to stop the winter blues...

Can we just stop and embrace each day and season?
I can tell you for certain the more we strive the more we feel confined.
I want to encourage myself and you also;
To not allow the weariness to take hold!

Sometimes we just need to start a new project!
Clean out your closet (Now that would take up a whole day)

Keeping my heart opened to what the next thing might be helps!
We always need to help keep that anticipation for what the Lord has!
I truly believe the Lord wants us to enjoy our days!
And when we do struggle it is just another chance and opportunity to grow!
This may just be a time that we are practicing our endurance!
After all it is how we learn to overcome!

So may we all find things that will produce a harvest even if,
This may not be a planting season in the natural
God is always expecting us to use our time and talents to
Bring Him Glory and to grow us!
Being stretched is not ever really fun, but rather painful!

But we will plan and stretch and not be caught up in being ill-tempered!
It is not becoming to be rude to others or become melancholy!

Now, let us enjoy this white season and not feel blue!
Take a walk
Try a vitamin D-3 supplement
Plan a Valentine's tea party
Start making some cookies and put them in the freezer
Make a new blogging friend!
Pray and Praise
Put off this garment of heaviness...

Monday, January 19, 2015

The Good Wife And Woman...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Hard Work And Responsibility...

Each day has its own troubles!
Each day has its own blessings!

Being a Proverbs Women can be daunting...

But the one scripture that always gives me hope is this one,

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman
who fears the Lord is to be praised."
~Proverbs 31:30

When I realized what would give my marriage real depth,
And honor and love and commitment would be my character:

When we are learning to trust and fear the Lord daily;
We get our eyes off all that we can't get done in a day!
You and I may not be able to match the work level of the Proverbs 31 woman!

But we can have her character...
No matter are age or ability or finances,
We can be faithful
We can be supportive
We can be sensitive to the Spirit!
We can be responsive to our Husband's needs!
(He has some)
We can become observant to prayer needs!
We can fill our Homes with creative ideas!
(In lovely decor and food that lifts the heart)
Loving in ways that show we care
Love is a verb; to show action

I think that hard work and taking responsibility is how;
We learn and grow in Godly character!
It is about whatever we set our hands to that we do well!

When we make a bed or set the table for a meal;
We can be a perfect example of the proverbs 31 woman.
Character is what fearing the Lord can look like!
We do it because He has given us the very Home as our sphere!

A good wife and woman does not do everything perfectly;
But rather she does her portion;
She asks God for His strength to do it with love and care...

A Good Wife, and woman is something every woman should hope to become;
As the scripture tells us this;
Charm is deceptive
Beauty is fleeting
But a woman who loves and fears the Lord
(Trains herself to resemble more of His character...)

I want to encourage each of us, even myself today;
May we look well to our hearts and our home;
We can make a joyous resolve to worship in all our tasks at hand!

Make a lovely meal or dessert today
Take a lovely photo for your next blog post!
Make a plan for a valentine craft!
Go to the library and bring home some books that will inspire you!
Take a walk!

Start a new Bible study for these long winter mornings!

Is there something that you are doing to encourage yourself
In the Lord?
Please share a thought or idea with us!
We long to grow in character and worth!

Friday, January 16, 2015

When Is A Living Room Really Living...


Living from Glory to glory Blog

A Living Room

Looks clean and tidy and quiet...

See our Lazy Girl and Boy Chairs?

Nothing to do but rest and read a book at my leisure!
Well, at least most the time...

A Living Room is really only living when people are living in it!!
(Silly Goose)

This Christmas we were blessed to have all our grandchildren with us for the holidays!

And WOW did we have busy...
We had a monopoly game going on at a card table!
See the winner is the one smiling ;o)

We had the re- arranging of the mouse house and all the furniture!

We had Lincoln log cabins being built. And babies in the tub!

We had gun fights!
We had swords wielding...

We had Lego imagination!

They went on sled rides...

Cousins galore...

Connecting hearts...

Cousins to play with!!

Boys just enjoying a good Lego Movie...

My Sweet Treasures...

Relaxing with the new cousin...
She's a newbie to the family get together!
Not sure if she was ever not being held for eight days!

Our Son And Daughter;
God's Greatest Blessings
Our Children arise and call us blessed...
Thank you for our inheritance of our Grandchildren!

The Living Room is clean and tidy...
~But way to quiet and clean~

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Why Blogging Is Alive And Not Dying...


Bloggers, Blogging, Glory to Glory Blog

We Are Bloggers...

The world of media has said blogging is dying---
But, I think that is not true for many reasons!

The world is running at such a fast speed that it can't even catch up with its self.

Video Chat

But we are a rare breed dear ones...
We love the idea of a corner of our lives that we can bask in a unique space.
We have words and thoughts, that is like a good cup of tea;
It must steep for a while,
That is how it gets its strength and the fragrance fills the room.

Blogging is a little bit like an apron;
Not everyone still uses one;
But it is really nice to wear when you need to be covered;
And you seek to be inspired...
And even look cute and stylish...

Our Blogs are like a sewing room or a craft room~
Or a photography room!
Filled with lovely things
(Words and pictures and a taste of something sweet)

No drive thru- fare will fill our longings of good and steady hold you over context!
With a dash of real and the spice of life, and just enough salt
(To bring out the flavor)

We are Bloggers...
We are not a fad to tickle a quick fancy;
But rather to be consistent and realistic...
To dream and to inspire...
To challenge and to endure...

We are not a people who are of a one night stand!
We have integrity and worth;
As we encourage each other to fulfill our most important calling!

All good things take time;
Building a blog is like a family;
We learn to trust one another!
We pray for one another!
We watch each others children grow!

We laugh and crack each other up  LOL
We feel touched and our hearts move with compassion...

We live in our HOMES
We make our houses into HOMES
We learn and grow into His image...

We learn new skills to run our homes in a frugal way that gives honor,
To our Husbands, as onto the Lord!

We mentor one another with Godly wisdom...

We take joy and pleasure in the simple things in our lives!

We pray for the hurting
We pray for those who have lost a loved one!
We warn when we are aware of the danger...

We become better cooks and homemakers...
We learn beauty tips that help us to feel beautiful!
We learn ways to be healthy;

We learn how to be Godly wives!
We learn so many things that we did not know as to how to make
A wonderful marriage!
 (Yes, It is work, but a labor of love)

We learn how to grow gardens and flower beds!
We learn how to live off the land, no matter the size..
(City or country)

We gain confidence to learn how to sew or knit or crochet!

We stop believing the lie that the world tells us
 that being a homemaker is not important!

We are not alone...

We are Bloggers
Home and Hearth
Love and Calm
Tea and Coffee

We are not dead...

We live and we will blog, maybe always!
Things will come and go...
But what you grow and prosper in usually lives a long time!
For the roots go deep;
Then the fruit is produced, to feed others!

Don't give up!
We need each other...

Monday, January 12, 2015

Beware Of Accepting Terms...

The Ripple Effect...

Accept Terms

Be very careful in what you sign or click on!
I believe so many web sites have advertisement on them that if
You open them, or click the box you now have opened yourself up!

I have a very good system for keeping out junk and Pop-ups...
But like so many things in this world, things unwholesome can find any open door!

Do you realize that once you open a door and a picture or word gets in your mind,
And now your heart is open...
It is almost impossible to stop seeing those images

That is why we need to think about things that are lovely!
Things that are true...

Watching all those crime shows and suspenseful programs,
Allows our minds to  actually need them to feel entertained!
Sometimes is is even just the commercials in between what you are watching that harms!

I have seen a searing of our conscience...

My husband has always used this analogy for being slowly conditioned;
If we were to put a frog into a pot of lukewarm water,
It would just swim around and be happy!
But if an agenda wanted to increase the heat it would slowly turn it up a notch.
The poor little frog would not even realize that its brains were being cooked!
Unable to swim freely, but rather to be boiled alive!

Our minds are a wonderful and beautiful gift from the Lord!
But why do we continue to subject our minds to filth and sin?

Well, mostly because we have all been slightly boiled in the brain...
Seared in most situations---

I love a good story;
I enjoy being entertained;

A good imagination is so powerful!
You can slay a dragon in a comfortable chair in your own living room.
You can plant a garden and almost see and smell the lovely flowers!

But when you click on the picture that opens a lifetime;
Of a distorted picture of what Godlessness really looks like;
You have accepted its terms...
It is a living and breathing force that will bring your heart and mind
Into a place that has iron bars to keep you!
A prisoner in your own mind!

That is why we are called to practice and exercise self-control...
We are so exposed to the worlds ideas and Hollywoods imagination,
We can become dull of being able to distinguish right from wrong.
He warns us to NOT be deceived...

I will be having another post to address how to repent
And overcome these addictions to images that are not pleasing.
To our Father and it grieves the Holy Spirit!

Really, Even our televisions have controls to bleep out the bad words!
And to not allow nudity and violence
You must use a code to override its warning!!!!!

We need to be advised:

I will set nothing wicked before my eyes;
Psalms 100:3

May I ask you, why do you think we have become so tolerant of sinful images?

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