Friday, October 9, 2015

The Remnant A Heavenly Quilt...

We as women are in need of covering...
Spiritual and Physical
As we see the damage done as even the children today reject covering.

The whole earth is filled with His Glory...

We need covering in our lives, such as those that pray for us!
Those that call sin, sin...

Too many of us are just too polite!

We can be so polite that we may miss a chance to speak truth!

I just assume to rather mind my own business;
So I really enjoy when God orchestrates His teaching moments.

We are inundated with information, and you get to pick what best suits you!
(This is a very dangerous practice)

I trust that if I ask for wisdom God will provide me with it;
As I read and study His word...
Why, where else could I go?

No one is really interested in what I might have to say;
It feels like a slow fade...

Yet, I am being renewed in learning to take joy in my position in this life.
We get to enjoy and savor the sweet moments and learn something new.

I will be content with my portion

A Quilt is so wonderful;
 They come in so many sizes and colors
They keep us covered from the chills that blow from outside sources.
We can even see them as a decoration in a room
A covering upon one's bed
A throw over a back of a chair or couch
A gift hand made to a newly married couple

I desire what matters most to my Lord;
To love my husband and to be his helpmate
To be a keeper of this home
To be a good friend
To teach women how to love their own husbands
To help them to know how to train their own children...

But, alas, this may be a dying breed of woman!

Maybe we just need to cover ourselves and those we love;
With the heavenly quilt of prayer...

I see the need to remind myself that the word speaks of
~ A  Remnant ~
That my dear is just what every quilt is made out of!
Those little unique and imperfect pieces of material
Every shape and size and color...

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Utmost For His Highest...

My Utmost For His Highest...

Most days just come to us wrapped in either sunshine or clouds.
~Each day has potential to live out His perfect will~

The contrast, seems to be light and dark...

We are pilgrims and we are on a journey to a far away land.
But, this journey usually takes place within a boundary that He
has placed you in!

I have learned most my lessons of biblical womanhood right within
my very home and church family.

We have been set in a certain place for a season and we also have been called out.
This seems to be the ebb and flow!
When we can adjust to these things we grow.

Truth is not always so easy to find...

We always think that the Bereans were special because they were
always seeming to be very religious;
They spent their time in nothing else but either to tell or to hear
some new thing.
Acts 17:19-34

Stay in the Word
Study to show yourself approved
Stay and sit at the Lord's feet...

I have been cleaning out around here;
Books that are not approved;
Have been written with a tilt or an open false belief.

My first calling is to keep myself set apart
The narrow path is just that
Yet, we can find unity in many things;
We must do all things in love and allow others to grow
 and to change as the Spirit leads them!

We are asked in the scriptures to check ourselves to
"To see that we are in the faith"

Why, because as the hymn states
Lord, I know that I am prone to wander...

My home and marriage is the most important mission fields,
Yet, we can reach out to one another as the Lord leads.
Encourage a woman today, that she is doing a powerful work
Training, teaching and being a Godly example, in her very home.

I hope to start doing some ribbon embroidering soon.
I have to go and pick up a needle with a large eye to thread
The ribbon into it. I have never done this, but I hope to give it a whirl.

Have you started any new projects to keep you busy at home?
(Well, that sounded silly, like any one of us have a spare moment)

Blessings to all of you!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

More - More - More...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Home Life...

Some may think that there is an exciting world out there;
And there just may be that very thing;
But I always thought there was something wrong with me.
Because I never had that!

I never had great dreams of traveling or doing a ton of
 Adrenaline producing activities...

I have been thinking a lot about the scripture that says;
But we urge you brethren,
That you increase more and more;
That YOU also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business,
and to work with own hands, as we commanded you.
that you may walk properly toward those who are on the outside,
And that you may lack nothing.
1 Thessalonians 4:10-12

"Lead a quiet life and work with your hands"

The world seems to be screaming
-More- More- More-
God has a different more- more - more

Will we run with the world?

Everything will cost you something...
Time, Money, Energy

There is such a sweet fulfillment of looking at the work of thy hands!

Yes, they can be simple little things...
A loaf of bread
A sweet scone
A pot of soup

Humble your hearts and draw near to God;
Take pleasure in home and hearth...

~Do not try to be who you are, not dear ones~

More is not always better;
Many have sacrificed their children and marriages for more!

Arise, and take your stand in the very place God has called YOU

Do not allow the more to lure you into the clutches of more.

Many will be deceived, but we can avoid much sorrow
If we would only lead a quiet life and work with our hands

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Is It Wise To Be Out After Dark...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Walking After Midnight...

I have been doing a lot of thinking about exactly what being a wise woman might look like;

So I have really been shocked at how many women think nothing,
About being out and about after dark!

In the summer months this is not such a problem as it stays light out 
much later in the evenings.

I do know that I can even start to feel the weirdness in the people
And the business of the stores right after 3:00 pm.

But we have all seen that darkness shrouds much activity that is not proper.
Or necessarily safe!
We as woman do not want to be exposed to these things.

We must use caution and wisdom if we must be out after dark!

Of course, if you are with your husband it is much wiser and safer than being alone.

I would hope if you are not working outside the home;
That you would hardly ever be out after dark.
The later the time the worst, it seems to get...
People drink and drive others do drugs, many are desperate.
Very scary if you ask me...

I think that we must start saying no to certain things that put us out past
either a reasonable time frame or just after dark!

Why risk your personal safety?

Being wise in where you allow yourself to be is just plain wisdom!

A good woman must look to the ways of her home!
And exposing yourself to things that only take place in the dark;
Is just not wise...

Even if you are with a girlfriend, you might think that you are better off;
But why chance it?

Here are some examples that lure us out after dark;
Late Night Grocery Shopping
Walking The Mall
A Woman's Conference
Girls Night Out
Ladies Bible Studies On The Other Side Of Town

Yes, all good things, but is it really worth the possibility of the risks or danger!
But we also cannot live in fear, but using caution is needful!

Peals Of Truth 

This is a series that I will be doing...

Thursday, September 24, 2015

How To Make A Bite Size Lasagna Cupcake...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog



1/3 pound ground beef or you can use ground turkey
Salt and pepper to taste...
24 wonton wrappers
1 1/2 cups Parmesan cheese, grated
2 cups mozzarella cheese, shredded
3/4 cup ricotta cheese
1 cup pasta sauce

Bake at 375
Spray muffin tin pan with cooking spray
Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until nicely browned

Cook your ground beef, add salt and pepper and some garlic salt or fresh garlic
You can use a biscuit cutter to cut wonton wrappers or just leave them more rustic
Now, just layer the wonton wrappers and cheeses and sauce;
(Just like a large pan of lasagna): o)
 (Use about 3 wrappers per cupcake)

Bake until bubbly and browned slightly
Allow to cool and remove with a tiny rubber spatula onto a plate!

Serve with a salad and garlic toast!!
Yummy! Enjoy!

I do hope it is finally a bit cooler so you can enjoy these little tasty lasagna cupcakes!

Have you been making some quick breads to have with your morning coffee?
And it always tastes so good with afternoon tea!

My brother sent me this recipe and it is amazing...
They are great for a leftover snack or a complete meal!

Blessings to you all...

~Happy Fall~

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