Monday, June 13, 2016

How To Be A Good Cook...

Home Cooking

How to be a good cook...
Enjoy preparing your meals,
Enjoy eating them,
Enjoy the company...

I am not obsessed with purity and strictness in my cooking or eating.

I enjoy flavor and texture and simple!
I enjoy the spices and fragrance!

Everything is not organic!
Everything is not sugar free!

I love my kitchen!
I love feeding my Husband and family!

I did learn to cook from my Mother as a young girl;
She was a good cook and took joy in preparing food for us.

So many times we can get stuck in the same foods and dinners,
But for myself that is where I find the comfort for me.

I will try a new dish every once in a while!
I will watch a cooking show and get inspired.
Or a may get a cookbook from the library.

Usually when I am shopping I will see what just looks appetizing,
or what might be on sale!

Preparing meals with food that are in season is always the best!

We eat a lot of asparagus in the spring months when it is fresh and cheap.
And sweet corn in the few weeks it is at its peak.
When you find that when fruits or vegetables are in season they are the best!

Enjoy what you prepare and experiment when the mood hits you!

I just cleaned out my cookbook shelf and I did get rid of many of them.
I always keep a few out and when I am sitting in the kitchen I can look at one
and get inspired, and see the notes I have written next to some of the recipes.

Summer we tend to eat lighter and simpler!
In the fall and winter we need more to feel full.

I try to bake something special once a week.
We try to eat some fish weekly.
I do try to watch the intake of carbohydrates!

Hummus is a good snack food!
Eating crackers and cheese is better than a cookie!
A homemade cookie is healthier than store bought ones!

Everything in moderation...

Friday, June 10, 2016

Mountains Demand Respect...

These mountains demand respect...

Yes, they are majestic!

But they rule and they do not consider your needs.
They can be brutal and yet have a way to bring you to your knees!

The weather and climate can change in just a few short minutes.
Sunshine to snow in 30 seconds.

Dressing in layers and having survival backpacks is a must!
No hiking away from camp without all possible necessary gear!

A camera is a luxury.
Good hiking boots are a must!

High Altitude can make you really sick,
You have to drink plenty of water and often.

You can get lost very easily,
And walking in a dense forest can be a challenge.
Trees down and underbrush that is super thick.
Roots that live on top of the terrain.
Wild animals live in the forest...
You're in their territory!

I always like to camp in an open meadow and just close to the trees!

We do enjoy getting away from the prairie lands,
Which are very flat and wide.

But God has given us all kinds of beautiful places to enjoy!

Get out there and enjoy some nature!

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Do Whatever It Takes To Protect Your Children...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~What Would You Do If Someone Grabbed Your Child~

Would you react any different if it was a newborn to your teenager?

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Look, we have a built in system to love and protect;
Well, at least those women do that are not in the category
That have lost the natural maternal instinct God gave them.
Where they love drugs and alcohol or men more than their own offspring.

When I heard about that man that tries to drag away a 13 year old girl away
 while the mother and daughter were standing right next to each other.

Now, that is just brazen and unreal in my mind!
She was grabbed and was being pulled out of the store;
But with her Mother right there she was able to throw herself
over her daughter and hold on to her with all her strength!

This happened in Florida at a Dollar General Store.

Yes, that Mother put up a fight and the man ran out of the store!
Yes the perpetrator was caught in the store's parking lot.

But really, is that what we can now encounter when out and about??

Parenting has reached a whole new dimension, when our children
can be grabbed right out from right next to us!

We had all better be a bit more cautious when out an about with
our children or grandchildren!

Remember when it was safe to allow your children to play outside
or to walk the mall while you were close by?
Well, not anymore dear ones...

I am so thankful that news story had a good ending!
But, once again when a news story gets attention, I think
others try to copycat it and to be noticed.

Be vigilant Ladies
Keep the eyes in the back of your head watching!
Keep your children educated to this danger in the day we live in!

That Mother kicked into the FIGHT mode to save her child!

Beware of public places
Shopping Centers
Walking and Riding Bikes

Seriously, this is what we are hearing and seeing way too often!

Protect what God has entrusted you with!
Keep your kids pictures off the internet
Keep your children close

The weirdos are following you they are looking to whom they may harm!

Always, Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, June 6, 2016

How Can We Have A Strong Emotional Constitution...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

You All Should Be Busy Enjoying The Days We Are In...

May I take this moment and enjoy the lovely green fields and all the warmth upon my head.

We have been given the chance to be outdoors and enjoy God's creation.

I have had the thoughts of how fleeting our days truly are!
So in that mode it is so very important to take each day and enjoy it!

Many of us could all say life has not gone according to our plan,
But God is sovereign and He alone knows what is best for us!

I remembered years ago watching a movie about this woman
 that was about to give birth
And mind you this was a very difficult situation, and she said these words;
I am but surely a woman of a strong constitution!

I found that one line very comforting...

Look, we ladies have endured childbirth and times of difficulty;
It may have been hardships of health or of our finances!

But we must not allow ourselves a continual pity part of crying over our struggles.

Life carries on...

I for one refuse to be the dud, I will be like that woman that said she was of a strong

There really is no silver bullet, but there is a silver lining!

I will look to the hills which my help comes from!

I do not want to be like those women who would swoon over a bit of distressing news,
Or a bit of trouble that comes in a difficult season!

Ask the Lord for courage!
Learn to be an overcomer!

Take time to enjoy the simple pleasures!

Do something today to bring you joy and strength!

 Refuse to be a victim of circumstance!

Being emotionally strong means refusing to make excuses.
 Leave the past behind you and focus on getting a little better every day.

Happiness is a choice...

We must make choices that include simplicity, productivity, and passion.

These are not always easy, but we are called to gird up our minds!

Having yourself a good cry can be good for us, but we must not get stuck there!

Blessings, Living For His Glory

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Iris Flowers Strong And Hardy And Some History And A Bit Of Wisdom...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The Iris's are flowering in so many yards and gardens this time of year!

I love that they are so strong and sturdy!
There flowers has such a unique pattern and shape.

I think we sometimes are so drawn to certain flowers, and the Iris is
Probably not in the top ten picks.

But I love that they are very strong and thrive in even very bad soil,
And can take a beating of high winds.
Also, they seem to double in size every year, so you can dig up a clump
and replant them in another area or give some away.

We need more good things that will repopulate these dry and empty places.
Instead, we are seeing the doubling of the ugly and weird.
We are told to overcome evil with good...

I have been doing a lot of thinking about how involved I am to be
In things outside my home life!

When I stay focused on the main thing God gave me;
I seem to thrive and feel a deep peace.
When I run to and fro, I become scattered!

I do not want to be tossed by the wind that is blowing!

May my roots go deep and to be sturdy and dependable,
To be at home, keeping the home fires burning!

Do you try to impress others?
Do you do things outside the home that make you feel important?

I have found that as I have lived longer is this one thing,
 Is that minding my own business of my
Home And Life And Marriage Is Wise...

Allowing the gate to be opened by busybodies,
Or becoming a busybody in another life is not wise!

I heard a homeless person speaking;
And this is what they said, I love being homeless!
I have no responsibility and not accountable to no one!

The point of this post is this;
Keep busy doing what God has called YOU to do,
Not meddling in another life!

It is not your job to save the world!!
Christ came to accomplish this very thing!
We now have a social Gospel being taught, that tries
to make us feel responsible for others that do not want to work!
Or to be responsible for their own marriage and family and home!

And I am not talking about being kind or sharing your bounty;
I am saying we need to be wise and use the resources and strength,
For our God given tasks!

Yet, I am so ever grateful for those in my life that helped me!
How did I pay them back?
By doing right and obeying God and receiving what they taught me!
A hand up is different then being an enabler...

If you think this is an unkind post;
Think back over what was profitable and what was meddling!

Here is a bit of History...

The iris’s history is rich, dating back to Greece, 
Ancient Egyptian kings marveled in the iris’s exotic nature,
 And drawings have been found on the flower in a number of Egyptian palaces. 
During the Middle Ages, the meaning of irises became linked to the French monarchy, 
and the Fleur-de-lis eventually became the recognized national symbol of France.
 From their earliest years, irises were used to make perfume and as a medicinal remedy.
 Today, they are primarily seen in gardens, in bouquets, and in the wild all over the world.

The English translation of "fleur-de-lis" (sometimes spelled "fleur-de-lys") is "flower of the lily." 
This symbol, depicting a stylized lily or lotus flower, has many meanings. 
Traditionally, it has been used to represent French royalty,
 and in that sense it is said to signify perfection, light, and life. 

The Fleur-de-lis

I have a set of these on my living room wall
They are a black metal that looks lovely on my wall.

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Friday, May 27, 2016

No Worries Even In Turbulence Skies...

Flying, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

A comfortable plane ride was about to get bumpy. 
The voice of the captain interrupted in-flight beverage service and asked passengers
 to make sure their seatbelts were fastened. 
Soon the plane began to roll and pitch like a ship on a wind-whipped ocean. 
While the rest of the passengers were doing their best to deal with the turbulence,
 a little girl sat through it all reading her book. 
After the plane landed, she was asked why she had been able to be so calm.
 She responded, 
“My daddy is the pilot and he’s taking me home.”

Whether the storm we encounter today is the result of  or some trial or sorrow
 or just a rough and bumpy ride,
we can be confident that all is not lost. 
Our Pilot can handle the storm. He will get us home.

This is a partial portion of a devotional from 

Sometimes life can be so uncomfortable;
But yet others around us are just smooth sailing.
We are all in different places and in different time zones!
But may we all put our trust in the only hope that will allow us a smooth landing!

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