Love Atmosphere...
We have a supernatural ability to create;
And one of the most important spheres of influence you have
To create a little bit of heaven on earth is in your Home!
We are called to be homekeeprs.
Your home could be spotless, but if theirs contention,
And unkindness and what I just call ATTITUDE
You now have an atmosphere of strife and unease.
We must always be mindful to work on a sweet presence
About just caring and showing interest in those we have been
given to share our lives with!
I think there is a real power behind a relationship
That sense that they are loved and cared for in ways
They just speak volumes, and it's not always in words.
Being tender with others as we are with a newborn baby!
There is enough harshness in this world;
So by setting your mind to always do what you can do,
To have a HOME, filled with LOVE...
Freshly baked cookies
A little note to say how special they are
Taking a walk together
A clean space to read or study
Get off your phone when they get home
Have a plan for a meal
Don't be rude
Speak in a tone that does not cause anger
Choose words that don't accuse
Choose to release a blessing upon them
Rest in God's timing
Don't be a bulldozer
Share the last piece of cake
Your lips are connected to your heart
Love is the most precious human emotions and is truly
the gem that shines the brightest.
And love is the glue that holds the HOME together!
Blessings, Roxy