Monday, December 20, 2010

All Wrapped Up...

Christmas Spirit
Jesus came to us wrapped in a swaddling cloth.
  He was laid in a manger which is a food trough.
He came to be our bread, our living substance.
  He was born in a town called Bethlehem, which means bread.
He was wrapped and presented to the world as a gift to us from God!
Now what is all this reference to wrapping mean?
I believe He was wrapped up for us so we could be free from
 all this stuff that keeps us all tied up inside and out.

He was wrapped in burial cloths after He died for our sins.
Yet even the grave clothes or tomb could not keep Him wrapped up.
We can either allow this world to tie us up or we can say no.
He came wrapped in our behalf.
We also have a gift we can give out wherever we go it is His light that is within us, as we live and have our being in Him we can be a light wherever we go...

Blessings Always, Roxy
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