Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Mother

My Mother was a very strong woman, her life was not easy. She had five children, and she kept a clean home and there was always a wonderful supper prepared. Her name was Mary Ellen.
She did come to know the Lord later in life, but I think even when she was a young women she knew of God. I want to take this moment to say to the world I loved my Mother and I miss her so much. I know I will see her again when the Lord calls me home.

We as women need to encourage and help one another, we are all sisters and Mothers and aunties, and daughters, wives and Grandmothers.

May we as daughters of Zion take care and nourish and encourage one another to keep our homes and lives and families whole and strong and safe. Home is where the heart is.


  1. This is a beautiful tribute!
    I'm sure she is just as proud of you!
    You are absolutely right about us needing other Godly women in our lives. I'm so glad you're back in my life, even from a distance. <3

  2. This is so sweet Roxy, it makes me want you to tell me more. Love your Mom's picture, she was so pretty. It will be so sweet in Heaven to be with each other, and spend the time together in the coziest way; the Lord still has such wonders in store for us. Perhaps your Mom and you and I can have tea together when we are all there? What do you think?


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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