Thursday, December 22, 2011

Comfort and Joy

Comfort and Joy

When the snow is blowing and the wind is whipping, it is a great comfort to sit and warm yourself in front of the wood stove.

Once again we can take this time of year and remember not everyone has the means to stay warm and have shelter.  A good hot meal is still a luxury for many. There are so many in need of assistance, and we all should give a helping of love and substance.

My little children let us not love in word or tongue, but in deed and in truth.
1John 3:18

When you feed the hungry.
Love the orphan.
Or take care of the widow.
You do it unto Me (Jesus)

Merry Christmas

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas Rox. I am enjoying catching up on your blog. Such sweet posts. I love your pictures. The stove is so cozy, and we are certainly enjoying ours through this snowy cold weather. You and Danny be blessed, and I hope to talk to you soon.
    Love Pam


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