Love Matters
We have used this word Love so often we can forget the meaning!
We know the word love is a verb which makes it an action.
We need to ask ourselves how we can make this word
Alive and practical in our lives
I just wanted to share a simple prayer I pray often:
Father God, I choose this day to be helpful and kind,
Tenderhearted and compassionate.
And to be filled with divine love.
Understanding, loving hearted and forgiving.
And grateful of Gods Blessings and favor.
We can grow in love toward others!
We can speak the truth in love!
You can share the love in a gesture of kindness!
Love is always moving if your heart is tender!
The love of God will compel you to do something!
Love Matters...
Love is a divine seed and it will grow,
But you must tend to the heart of it!
Love, Living From Glory To Glory