A Frugal Idea!
I must admit, one of my most favorite easy peasy meal is this--
A warm bowl of tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich,
Made either on sliced bread or a flour tortilla.
I think sometimes we just need something easy to prepare and to enjoy!
Even if it is just an easy frugal meal does not mean it can't
Be served in something pretty!
Being visual in serving a meal goes a very long way.
Sometimes just serving something light on a pretty platter or plate,
Is a secret key to not feeling cheated in what might be considered a frugal meal!
We all know how often we come across a pretty plate or bowl,
While on our treasure hunts, keep this in mind to find a few items,
To use for appeal and presentation of our frugal meal ideas.
If you could plan at least a few meals a week that were considered
(Very inexpensive to make) and then were able to save a bit of money.
You would learn to be very creative to keep the cost down,
But the appeal and the presentation of it is desired!
A quiche made of eggs and a bit of veggies can be very satisfying
When served with a bit of bread!
A hearty bowl of soup made from things that were just a bit of this and that.
Served in a pretty mug can fill an empty tummy!
Can you buy a whole chicken and make three meals or more from it?
Well, If not you should learn quickly!
Can you take a few items and make a meal?
You could and should!
Do you eat out often?
May I remind you of the expense of this little convenience;
"Do not even mention the sodium and fat.
Think simple and real food items!
Serve with love and on some pretty dishes,
Say grace and enjoy...
Then serve a little bit of something sweet;
Maybe a small cookie,
Or a little glass custard bowl filled with some pudding .
Try a little square of some dark chocolate.
Being frugal is down right fashionable dear ladies;
It shows a great creativity on your part!
And speaks volumes to out Hubbies that we honor them
And their Hard work and the income they bring in!
We really need to ask ourselves a bit more often before a purchase,
Is this;" Is this a need or a want??"
Ask Yourself this question;
How many hours has my Husband had to work for me to purchase this item?
What are some of your frugal meal ideas?