Don't you just love the word serendipity?
It means the gift of finding good
things accidentally!
Now that is where I have a little trouble as I believe there is no accidentally
In a believer's life.
I do expect to find good things in each
and every day.
I pray for God's favor and blessings all
the time!!
This post is on the word I heard the Lord speak to my heart the
other day.
As I was looking out into
our wide and open land, I heard the word (serenity)! I was just filled then and
there with His peace. I realized once again He knows what each of us need. I find that I do require open spaces
around me. I love the peace and quiet of the country.
I have asked myself at times now why did we move way out here? Ohhh ! The serenity and the awesome ability
to hear His still small voice.
Now, I just want to be realistic here: My three grandson's live right next
door, and there are occasions like every day I hear them screaming. But I have learned
the fine art of selective hearing, and locking my screen doors.
I have had the best time this last week
just reading fun, inspirational Christian books, (with the door locked)
so love all that He has given me!
gift of finding good things...