Monday, July 5, 2010

Roses and Faith...

                                                           The sweetness of the Lord

                           A rose is a rose, but yet they have many names and colors and sizes.
               I always love the name The Rose Of Sharon which is not even really a rose at all.

The steps of a good man or a woman are ordered of the Lord!

 Every step we take is really a step of faith. How can anyone walk in faith?
 Because our God is a good God!! He is always going before us.
 We are not blazing the trail of our own lives,
 But rather walking in faith as our steps are ordered by Him.
 I love how the Word cries out, Deep calls to Deep.
 Now don't get me wrong any body can walk off  a cliff, and it would be a long way down.
 But, rather take a sure step on solid ground, even if it's covered by water (FAITH).

"To you it has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God"
 Mark 4:11

Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Looking Up...

So teach us to number our days, so that we might gain a heart of wisdom. Psalms90:12

I believe that there is a spirit of slumber upon us in these days. Yet at the same time the hours and days are just flying by. We must all stop hitting the snooze button!!

This last month has been very productive and sad and glad and funny and did I mention HOT.
Being Productive and Painting all our metal outside furniture, a very bright red color
 I went to a Women on Fire conference, 3 days filled with God's power and Love.
 Taking care of my husband and keeping the home fires burning.
 Loving my family and friends.

So Sad, Our sweet dog Heidi was bitten by a rattlesnake and she died. She was 11 years old
 I can't help but believe that she took the hit instead of one of us here. We cried like babies.
 And our other dog Bella is so lonely and sad without her,
 she just goes over to the grave and just sits down.

God is still on His throne and He speaks to the hearts of His children,
 and He has made a way in the wilderness
 Even through the hardships and sorrows and pain and all the work.

Funny=Seeing the Grand kids playing in the mud walking around with nothing on but cowboy boots and mud, should of gotten a picture of that one.

The moral of this story= God is a good God and our days our fleeting,
 so must learn to live in the now that God has given us so that there will not be regrets, but rather grateful for all the different emotions and seasons we go through.

No Matter;
Things Are Looking Up...


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wyoming Country...

I have been transported to a wild west territory, Wyoming! It is the town of Cody. I am actually here on assignment to check out a college with my best friend and her daughter. I believe I was honored to be able to come. The drive was very long, but when you have someone to talk and laugh with the time goes more quickly (ha-ha). What a privilege to be with a mother and daughter as they see the future home of their newly graduated daughter.
I can just imagine the wonderful and exciting adventures ahead for her, and I also can feel the emotions that must be running through her heart. What!! So far from home, Hello what was I thinking!
But as I walked around the campus all Could see was opportunity calling and knowledge crying out. Dreams just waiting to be dreamed.
So, go my sweet girl your time has come to grow and become all that God has given you to do.
You Go Girl!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Times Of Refreshment...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
This is just a small portion of the most wonderful vacation we have ever had!

God really blessed us with wonderful weather. Precious time with our daughter and her family!
We went with our kids on their sail boat and we were able to sight see all the huge mansions.
 We spent a whole day at Sea World.
 Yet, walking on the beach and looking for seashells by the sea shore was the sweetest with our kids. God's beautiful creation and a sight to bless our tired weary souls
 Even the scent of salt water and the tropical breeze
 Refreshment galore!!

We have been home for almost a week and it seems like the memories are all we have, except the healthy tan and pictures of course. I want to say this about memories that they really are a force so strong at times. I truly believe God provided for this vacation and we made very special memories of our kids and grandchildren. We brought back two very specific seashells, one of them was a pink conk shell which represents our daughter and her family. And a very white and shiny one almost translucent, that represents our son and his family. They are now displayed on the mantel to remind us of our treasures.
Even Jesus went away to be refreshed
 and being with loved ones and a new scenery does a body good.

Blessings, From Glory To Glory

Monday, May 10, 2010

His Love Is Calling Us

I want to share with you a very sweet word and sound I have heard in my prayer time.

Remember the portion of scripture where it happened as Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary,
 that the baby leaped in her womb? 
And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
 There is a calling taking place the turtledove echoing, cooing and wooing to us
 It is the Bridegroom calling His Bride. It is the call of love!

Those that truly love Him will hear! So do not fear you will not miss it...
For your heart shall hear like Elizabeth when she was greeted by Mary and her spirit leaped for joy.

I tell you My nearness is being given in a greater revelation before My second coming.

Those that have ears will respond quickly to My turtle dove cooing. Stop and listen.
I believe this is a word to help us out, as to learn to hear Him even in the midst of the clamor of the world's noise and commotion we live in. 

Can you hear the cooing?

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Friday, April 23, 2010

Dine With Me...

I will come into him and dine with him, and he with Me.
Revelation 3:20

I have heard the voice of the Lord. And Yes, I did open the door. 
  He came into my heart. !
I am so full of joy to be able to sit with Him and eat of His banquet table and eat of His goodness.
  I find myself on some days overflowing with His word and feeling full of satisfaction. 
Then very soon once again, I realize I need to sit with Him and dine with Him once again. 
This word dine is referring to fellowship, taking your time sitting in rest and leisure.
  Not a drive through meal deal.
Dear Saints, let us not hurry in our time of fellowship with Him.
  Take time to really taste and see that the Lord is good.

Blessings, Roxy
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