Have you ever worked the night shift?
Well, every new mother than has a newborn has worked the night shift!
I am so thankful that God works the night shift...
It brings me great comfort!
How many nights were you all alone?
Or in a hospital room all by yourself?
Have you ever been home alone?
Maybe you have had to drive through your town all alone in your vehicle
Where all the homes are dark, and all the businessare closed .
It is a bit eerie!
But not everyone is sleeping!
Some are driving straight through the night to get to their destination.
There are doctors and nurses working in the corridors of a hospital.
A cop works the night shift!
A baker bakes its bread in huge ovens during the night.
A young soldier has guard duty and must stay alert on his post!
A student must study all night to be able to pass his finals.
God Works The Night Shift...
~All that night the Lord drove the sea back~
Exodus 14:21
"It's much easier to trust God when the sun is shining"
Our God never slumbers or sleeps;
We can take great comfort in knowing that while we sleep
He is always guarding us and watching us!
If you are struggling with anything in your life;
Encourage yourself in knowing this!
Even while it is night, He is working on your behalf!
Give your troubles to him in the dark!
Roll your burdens upon Him...
He sees in the dark, it is as day to Him!
Go one dear ones in boldness and confidence
This is what I have been realizing
For God that holds the universe watches over me!
~Every move YOU make~
He is near...
"God With Us"
Keep your Lantern's trimmed, and filled with oil'
You are never alone,
Living From Glory To Glory
Well, every new mother than has a newborn has worked the night shift!
I am so thankful that God works the night shift...
It brings me great comfort!
How many nights were you all alone?
Or in a hospital room all by yourself?
Have you ever been home alone?
Maybe you have had to drive through your town all alone in your vehicle
Where all the homes are dark, and all the business
It is a bit eerie!
But not everyone is sleeping!
Some are driving straight through the night to get to their destination.
There are doctors and nurses working in the corridors of a hospital.
A cop works the night shift!
A baker bakes its bread in huge ovens during the night.
A young soldier has guard duty and must stay alert on his post!
A student must study all night to be able to pass his finals.
God Works The Night Shift...
~All that night the Lord drove the sea back~
Exodus 14:21
"It's much easier to trust God when the sun is shining"
Our God never slumbers or sleeps;
We can take great comfort in knowing that while we sleep
He is always guarding us and watching us!
If you are struggling with anything in your life;
Encourage yourself in knowing this!
Even while it is night, He is working on your behalf!
Give your troubles to him in the dark!
Roll your burdens upon Him...
He sees in the dark, it is as day to Him!
Go one dear ones in boldness and confidence
This is what I have been realizing
For God that holds the universe watches over me!
~Every move YOU make~
He is near...
"God With Us"
Keep your Lantern's trimmed, and filled with oil'
You are never alone,
Living From Glory To Glory