Saturday, October 12, 2013

My Sweet Girl

Happy 30th Birthday

Where does the time go?
Happy Birthday!

We are all having Birthdays every year!

I have learned to love Birthday's!
I know over the years we may have one that make us
Feel like a milestone has come, and gone :)
Smile and rejoice..
Grow in grace and wisdom...
Ask the Lord for clarity and vision.
For He has your day's numbered!

I have loved all the different stages,
Once I realized this is life.

So let's live and take JOY!!

I am having a Birthday next month!
Celebrate with a new song
Sing unto the LORD!

Asking the Lord for greater contentment and peace,
Is true wisdom!

Having the wisdom to be about His work.
Having a heart of obedience.
Being teachable always!

Love to all the Mommas. And Daughter's!
Sister's and Girlfriends!
We are helping and to mentor one another,
Through every Day and Season!


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Days Gone By

Fall In Love!
This is just the most amazing thing!
The changing of the season's...
I always feel a little sad when a season ends!
You finally just get use to something, and BANG...
It changes!
Like, I just got use to having my kids around,
And what do they do?
They grow up and leave home.

May I always remember!

Just what I learned from the last season :)
You all have heard the old saying:
Hind sight is 20/20
But, I believe we can call to remembrance,
All the good things!
Sending you all good and loving memories;
Of the days gone by.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Our Bedroom Makeover

 Here is a picture of my old drapes.
Ten years ago I really liked them!
They were a very pretty pattern and very thick material.
I always have to line my drapes becaus my Hubby works nights.
I already had taken down all the pictures, when I thought,
take some before and after pictures for my blog. 


 This room has very tall ceilings.
Two long walls and of course to short walls.
Which means only two walls to work with for a big bed and dresser.
There is only plan A for moving the furniture around.

 Okay You all can gasp...
I had a pink wall,
HAD a pink wall!
Pepto Bismal anyone?
(Really I liked it!)

 Teal carpet...
It was in style 20 years ago!
(I really liked it too!)
Now the after:

 We painted it a very pretty warm golden color.
It made the room so cozy!
It made it so calming and peaceful for us.

 Notice the lush thick beige carpet!
God is so amazing,
 we found this in the back of a carpet store.
It was on one of those big rolls way in the back.
I was praying Lord, help me find a treasure.
This carpet went for $28.00 a yard!
We got it for $2.78 a yard!!
The man said to me lady you got expensive taste.
He said we quit selling carpet like this because people,
do not buy this expensive stuff anymore.
So, it was just waiting for me. 

 My new bedspread,
 pretty white with lovely flowers on it.

 My new curtains!
We spray painted our old lamps black,and
We  bought new lamp shades for them.
 Cutting out these curtains was very hard!
My dear friend Pam came out and helped me!
I could not of done it by myself, as the pattern in this thick
material had to line up just right.
We had three windows to cover in our room.
Thank You Pam!
I Praise God for you!!

 I was smoking hot on this machine!
I did so much sewing on this project my machine
needed a tune-up afterwards.

All the designs in this print lined up perfect!
I am so blessed!
So, in another 20years will the beige carpet be out of style?
The salesman told me that this carpet was over 20 years old.
And God saved it just for me!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Bringing In The Harvest

 As Far As The Eye Can See!
I would like to share my neck of the woods with you all!

It is always so nice to see a part of other people's homes
And where they live, as we all have been placed within
the borders, God has chosen for us!

As we all have experienced the feelings of
Want or Wow, as we wander through Blogs ville.

Some of the Blogs have such amazing pictures.
Others are filled with DIY information!

So many recipe's that make my mouth water :)
Others with very important facts...

Some, that just make you feel comfy and cozy.
And apart of their family.

You are all so unique!

I am learning to be content!
There can be a peace in the country,
 and peace in the city.
For peace is a relationship!
First with God!
Then peace with all those Christ has surrounded you with!

Sometimes, when I go to town and on the way back home,
It will just hit me on how far out we actually live :)
Where am I going with this you're asking?
(If you're still reading this)
Every person out there in Blogs ville is real,
And they have many different faces and situations.
But we all have this common thread.
We are living our lives!
Will this post encourage you?
Or will this bring dis-satisfaction?
We all have our own lives to live!
Live them well!
This is not a dress rehearsal dear ones!
This is your stage, and your words count!
Your Home speaks!!
Do not want, what others have.
Rather be who He has called YOU to be!
For you dear ones ARE the Harvest!
May we be found bring in the sheaves!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Lavendar Oil

There is nothing like the scent of Lavender!
I truly think this has been my most favorite God given Herb.
I use this as a decoration in my home, because it really
Looks very rich and colorful. I like to cut it off the plant,
And place it in different baskets, and place them in my rooms.
You can use it in your bedroom or even the kitchen!
The fragrance is just so soothing to me.
I love to wear it in the evening as it brings a sweet peace to me.
After a long day, it just helps you to feel calm.
And it gives you a feeling of refreshment!

I have been using Lavender oil for over ten years !
The medicinal uses of this oil are amazing!
I use it on burns or any kinds of scraps,
It is great for skin problems.
I consider this oil as a beauty treatment for myself.
You can even use it on your tongue for canker sores!
My Grandchildren come to me with all their scraps,
As they know this oil helps and will not sting them!
I recommend this oil to everyone!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Good Woman Wanted...

Fishing can be real fun!
When was the last time you really thought about what you're,
Hubby enjoy's doing?
I always enjoy a good laugh when I find some good clean fun!
Life is way to short not to laugh.
Good Woman
Please, send a picture of boat and motor!
But, this is a real problem for most couples.
We all tend to do our own things.
There are so many Good Woman out there,
Yet, sometimes we just get too busy to take an interest,
In what our Hubby's are doing!
I remember this one newly married Lady I knew,
That while her Hubby was even working on his car,
She would sit there and just chat with him,
And even hand him his tools.
When you show a real interest in what they enjoy,
It can really support and
 Help keep your marriage happy.
Your Hubby likes to Fish,
 Go with him once in awhile,
Help him get ready to go.
Pack him his favorite foods.
Maybe your man is a hunter,
Show an interest!
 Help him get ready!
Believe me it is a lot of work.
If they enjoy watching sports,
Pour a big glass of something cold to drink
And a big bowl of his favorite snack!
Ask him, who won the game?
Help him not to only work and support your family,
But help him to be able to relax and enjoy!
Building A Strong Marriage!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Be Very Cautious

 I really wonder how many of the  people
I have seen on all the street corner's,
Would really rather work for their food
And not take Charity?
I have not seen on any signs lately that say,
"I Do Not Want Charity"
I had a very worry some situation this afternoon,
While shopping  today
We encountered a man outside the store
He asked us for any quarters we might have.
Now, I told him maybe on the way out,
But there was a creepy feeling that I was experiencing.
So as were were leaving we tried to be quick about it.
He repeated the same thing he said to us on the
way into the store.
The thing that really bothered me was how highly agitated,
He was with us.
I think we really need to be very cautious in these days!
I do want to help those who are struggling!
We must always remember the poor!
But, I felt a wee bit threatened in this particular situation!
My Hubby, has warned me many times be mindful of your situation!
And your surroundings!
So Ladies let's be cautious and use wisdom!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How To Come Home...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog...

Coming Home

I have been thinking for a while about this thought!

So many families almost all need two incomes,
Because they are now in a place that dictates this is how it must be.

As I was pondering this thought, I believe what I realized,
Is this:

The very first part of this transition has to be prayer!
Because coming home is a matter of the heart.

We have to get positioned!


We must go to the Lord and ask for Him to change
Our Hubby's heart, that his desire is for his wife to be able to stay HOME!
This can take quite a while, because everybody's wife works!
We are conditioned to think this is normal.

And we also need time to re-adjust our way of living style!
Our spending.
How are we now managing our HOMES?
Our we showing our Husbands we desire to be HOME?
Not by whining and complaining;
But rather setting the house in order and loving HIM!!
You may just have to sell your home and downsize.

You may have to double up and maybe work a second job for a while
To get out of some debt!
You discuss this plan together!

And just for the record, I get it!
Some women do not want to come HOME,
So this message is not for all women!!

I have seen God Bring many women HOME!

Because the world wants ALL women to leave their children and let the system
Raise and educate the children.
(Your Children)
Now, I am talking about even the first 5 years of a child's life.

So, step ONE is to PRAY!
Make out a prayer sheet and ASK God, how can this be done?
Because He has a plan that will work.
It may take some time, but well worth the investment!


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Table Talk...

 Table Talk
How does your table get used?
For many, many years we did homeshooling at it!
We have done Bible studies on it!
We have laughed till we cried at it!

This wonderful hutch is filled with my many
Aprons, that I have made for myself.
I consider them my lovely uniform :)
Now, I have saved a many cute shirt or top from permanent damage,
By wearing an apron when I cook
Over the years...

Okay, Now I got your attention!!

 This is an Anaheim Green Chili,

Placed in an omelet mixed with a little bit of
Pancake batter to make it really full and filling.
You use a nice cheddar cheese on both the top and bottom.
Allow it to get fully done and slightly crisp.


 Yummy Yummy
This is for my Hubby!
I think he likes me...
I have many Girlfriends;
But this Girlfriend Rocks!!
Here she is....

This Girl has been known to get jealous over my other girlfriend.
(The Crock-Pot)
Isn't she just darling?
I have had her for almost 30years.
She has aged well, hasn't she?
It is because she is loved!

Buy a cookbook for your crock pot!

So any way you cook it!
It will bless and nourish your loved ones!


Thursday, September 19, 2013

My Mission Field

Loving Through Your Home
I have always considered my home to be a huge part of
My mission field!
Being in the very place God has called me, gives me much
More room to minister and to love others.
While in my home I can pray to prepare my heart,
As I go about my daily chores, and taking pleasure,
While I work or create a meal.
I have always seen the Lord lead me in the everyday moments!
Some of those moments I can speak a timely word to someone.
I always called these the teachable moments!
I can sing a song unto the Lord,
As I wash some dishes or clean and tidy up the kitchen.

 I have felt like my kitchen has been my secret place;
A cozy and familiar place that I have been
Allowed to create a sweet and homey atmosphere.
My mornings in my kitchen are filled with such wonderful memories!
Fresh eggs always on hand, so I always ask?
How do you want your eggs?
Omelet, scrambled or fried?
Maybe Biscuits and gravy will be served!
Almost always a bowl of yogurt with fresh fruit,
Topped with granola!
Always, Always
Give thanks for God's provisions!

Keeping your kitchen the Secret Place;
Is by keeping it welcoming,
Clean and organized.
Always something cooking...
Keep a Bible on the table!
Keep your daily planner on the edge of the counter.
Have your calendar on the kitchen wall.
Order your days!
Keep a CD player there so you can fill the atmosphere
With praise and worship songs.
Or use just Hymns with instruments only.
May His peace fill your Home!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Girl's Best Friend Could Just Be Her Crock-pot...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
 The Crock-Pot
It's a girl's best friend!!

See me smiling??

Here I am at church enjoying the Praise and Worship!
A sweet message from the Lord has lifted my heart!
Now we have the long drive home, (Remember, we live in the country)
I think Sunday's are always the hardest day to prepare a meal.
After the long drive and the Word being preached,
And of course after visiting with everyone,
I am tired and hungry.

So; After many years

I have learned  to use
 My amazing Crock-Pot!
So when the service is over we can come home to a
Wonderful meal!
It is hot and ready to eat!
In The Winter And Summer Months Both...

Look for a site filled with great Crock-Pot meals!

Here are some pretty prairie flowers for all you lovely ladies!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Angels On Assignment

I want to tell you of how the Angels do watch over
The saints of God!
I have found myself this past week-end in a place
of great possible danger.
Everyone has heard about the rains that have hit Colorado.
Well dear friends; I was out and about on the
Highway that was affected from these rains.
I have never seen this kind of rain!
The heavens opened and it poured...
There was no exiting,
The exit's were flooded.
I can only tell you this;
While in this storm, driving for four hours at 20 miles per hour.
I felt a sweet presence and a great peace.
My God sent His Angels to watch over me!
Myself and my dear sweet friend were on our way to
A conference;
I have never experienced such a great opposition,
or an assignment
to try to stop me from going to hear a Man of God teach!
I felt a holy determination to get there.
Like a force helping me to go on!
Angels are real and I believe God had an Angel
Protecting me and my sweet friend Pam.
Many people have lost their lives in this flooding.
God protected us and I want to tell the
God has His Angels on assignment!
Thank-You Jesus
 For protecting us!

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