Saturday, November 17, 2012

Home Sweeet Home

Pretty Fall Material
There is just something about material,
that just fills me with such a longing
to create.
I believe it is what our Creator, had in mind
all along.
There is real power in the way we present,
ourselves and our homes.
We are to be the example to the world,
not to follow after the worlds example.
Our homes should reflect His heart.
When you make the effort to make all things
beautiful, clean and tidy, it will
reflect His peace and order.
She makes coverings for her bed; she is
clothed in fine linen and purple.
She makes garments and sells them, and
supplies the merchants with sashes.
Proverbs 31: 22,24
I am not saying every women should
know how to sew,
but I am saying you can make an effort
to make your home welcoming.
Blessings, Roxy

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Unique and Lovely

Unique Gift Wrapping
Here is a photo of last years birthday gift
from my sister.
I actually feel as excited over the way she wraps her
gifts, and the way she presents them, as
the thoughtful gifts she sends.
Last year each gift was wrapped in a lovely old
doily, tied with jute and a orange ribbon.
These doily's were also
sentimental as they belonged to
our mother.
I was just thinking of this as a great idea
to use, as we are so close to
the gift giving season.
There was also an idea that I used one year.
I bought a bunch of very inexpensive fabric,
and I sewed up bags to put gifts in.
I tied them with ribbon, and added a gift tag.
The tag was made out of brown paper
sacks cut out in a cute design.
I traced out the designs from my cookie cutters.
I know we all want to use our
resources wisely.
I think we can also give gifts of
things that already belong to us. Such
a much loved plate or bowl,
a treasured tea cup.
Think outside the media gift ideas!
Ask God for creative gift ideas!
To the man who please Him,
God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness.
Ecclesiastes 2:26
Blessings, Roxy

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Elegant Tea

Simple Tea
Even the most modest tea pot and cup,
served with a lace table cloth,
makes it fit for a Queen.
The simple but elegant!
Never under estimate a cup of tea.
Take time and be still.
Blessings, Roxy

Monday, November 12, 2012

Recycled Mittens

Mitten Weather

I was just going through some of my favorites,
 and I found some great ideas on recycled mittens.
  We all know very cold days and snow are ahead for some of us.
We really are praying for snow as we have
been in a terrible drought.
We have been so busy doing some home make-overs, that
it has been a challenge to find time to do anything else.
I love to sew and to craft and to make things lovely
for my home and family.

There are so many ideas on the web for making mittens from old sweaters!


Friday, November 9, 2012

Kitchen Blessings

Sanding and priming .
See my new stove?
This is what started the make-over:)

I had my drawer fronts refaced,
what a difference it made.

My sweet grandson!
I painted the island a completely
different color.

See my chicken's?
I love the wains coat we glued in the center
of each cabinet.

The brick board added the cozy
touch it needed.
See the red top rail?

See my antique oatmeal canister?

My long counter top.
Love the brick board.

My chandelier is my most favorite touch!

My heart has been so full of His love and grace!
This the most beautiful kitchen I
have ever had!
I feel blessed beyond
Blessings, Roxy

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