Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Keeping Homemade Cookies Fresh In Your Freezer...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Yummy homemade cookies!!
I remember years ago when I made cookies for my family,
We would eat them up so fast. I never worried about them
getting hard or old.
Because our kids are grown and gone.
We do not eat them up as fast as we did years ago.
These cookies here are made with organic butter,
 (It was on sale!)
used this wonderful flour you can see in the picture above.

Here they are, all baked golden brown.
Fresh from the oven!
Here is how I keep them fresh for a long time.

I first put a layer of wax paper on the bottom of these round tins.
Then I place the cooled off cookies in each one.
Cover them again on top with wax paper.
Place these tins in the freezer.
They will stay fresh for weeks!

I just take a few out and put them on a plate 
and in just a few minutes we have a very soft
and fresh tasting cookie.

I have used this secret with every kind of cookie,
and I have had great results.

Sometimes when I am in a baking mood,
I will bake up an extra tin or two, of cookies.
So I always have a fresh cookie to serve! 
It is nice to be able to serve a homemade cookie
with  pot of tea or coffee.

So come on over and let's eat cookies!

Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, April 8, 2013

Riding The Fence...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

Riding the fence can be a very dangerous and uncomfortable place to be!

We are called to walk circumspectly.
What does that mean?
It means  with caution and discreetly

There are so many different agendas being implemented in
every arena in our lives.
I read a statement lately that said should not get our
Theology from blogs. Or in my opinion from television
Or all the many different books that have a false belief system.
A wise statement!
We must go deeper and seek out the truth, of these different agendas
 Ask yourself what are the,
  foundational core beliefs that are promoting so
many of these new and old agendas?
The word tells us to be convinced in your own mind!
But truth must line up with the scriptures.
Being diligent in our studies and inquiring about
programs and movements.
I believe riding the fence for a long time will leave you
Vulnerable to many lies and deceptions.
We are called to live in open spaces!
We must be discreet , but we are not ashamed of
Living, whole and set apart from these agendas.
Do not do it just because everyone else is!
Remember your Mother always saying;
If your friends would jump off a cliff,
would you follow?)
We do not want to walk in the wilderness.
Aim for the promise land.


Living From Glory To Glory

Friday, April 5, 2013

Beauty Treatments

Beauty Secret, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Each of us will look at ourselves in a mirror today!
Even if it's just a reflection of yourself in your computer screen.
I know the saying goes beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
But I can say I have asked the Lord for a good hair day, or please let this zit disappear!
Lord, show me what to wear!
One or two or three places in the Bible talks about beauty,
(Hey its big business).
But is it really all just vanity and beauty is fleeting?
I want to say a word to all those beautiful women out there,
God has made everything beautiful in His time.
My number one beauty trick,
Smile More!!

The Lord loves a kind hearted women, and when your words sound sweet and gentle you become more beautiful.

Now about wrinkles!! They really our just proof that we are alive and have lived and laughed!
So Smile Jesus loves You!


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Our Living Room

Here are a few photos of our living room.

We have had this burgundy leather couch for years.
I never really enjoyed sitting on it,
as it feels kinda stiff to me.
So we have bought a new one,
 which will be covered in a fabric material this time.
We also purchased two new recliners, from La-Z-Boy.
Of course mine will be a Lazy Girl!
I am waiting for the delivery of our new furniture.
Then I will get busy with Spring cleaning in this room.


Monday, April 1, 2013

The Days End

 Colorado Sunset
I  am always so amazed at our sunsets here!

In my profile I mentioned on how I live in the prairie.
It is a landscape and a place not easy to make your peace with.
The land is free and can be brutal at times.
The weather and wind can change in minutes.
I have seen almost hurricane winds beat our land and home unmercifully.
We know first hand what wind and dirt can produce.
My heart has always been touched for those who endured
 And lived during the dust bowl.
As this all happened at the same time as the
Great Depression.
It must have seemed to those who were in the center of these two forces,
As if the world was coming to an end.
I believe that we are put in the exact place where the Father
wants us to live and overcome.
It does not matter where you live!
Of all places have their unique and challenging situations.
But also each carries a treasure of God's creation and

profound peak of splendor.
And it is the sunsets here in my prairie that keeps me

Centered in His hand.

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