Friday, February 21, 2014


Did You hear?
Did I hear what?
You know...
Know what?
You mean to tell me YOU don't know!
Know what?

 Now this is not verbatim, but...

Getting my facts straight is something I really try to do accurately!
But after many years of being with many people during many situations.
I have come to realize, everyone has their own perception of what was said,
And just how it took place can really differ.

So maybe I understand where someone will just say;
 I am not sure,
But I remember it this way!

Also, after a bit of time that might pass, we can forget certain things!
(Unless your mind of course is like a metal trap)

As we live in this technological world, we now lose a very powerful
Element of remembrance, or impact of conversations.
And it is body language and eye contact.

My husband say's we have less connection than ever, because we can no longer use our
Senses to use as input in what is being discussed.

I do not want to sound like a chicken just clucking to herself.
I still long for truth, and I desire to hear the heart,
 As in most cases now days information is being written such as blogs and emails.
I pray as you take time to read anything I write, that you can hear and read my
Motive and the heart behind it!

I am honored to be allowed to speak into your lives!
May I give myself the liberty to grow and resound the truth as I
Write and encourage each and every one of you Dear Ones...

I am growing in grace;
I desire to impart grace;
I thank you all for extending grace to me!

I desire to help you to grow and impart as we learn to be Godly women in Christ

I do seek the Lord as I write this blog and as I comment on blogs!
May we all realize we are dealing with real women, who all long
For the same things, we all do!
Love and Truth...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Leaving and getting away from our everyday routines are very good for us!
Sometimes you may not be able to go really far and travel to a distant place.
But you can almost always take a day trip somewhere!

Pack up and make a plan...
Arrange something special, put some thought into a little get away!

It is very important to do these little trips as they will keep you,
Happy and interested in living a life filled with sights and people,
With a bit of a change in your daily routine.

If you can splurge; spend a night in a hotel in another city!
Or call some friends or maybe a relative that live out of town,
And go visit them!

Or pack a beautiful picnic lunch, and go visit a free museum in your area.

My Hubby and I enjoy looking at little antique shops or a thrift store,
When we travel anywhere.

Sometimes we must just get inspired and get away, by just reading a good book!
We are told to think of the things, that are lovely...

Look about your heart and HOME and bring the spark of life;
Beauty and music and a lovely dinner, can help us feel
Loved and inspired no matter the seasons.

I believe it is the time to do a new thing;
Spring into thoughts of life and hope!

Make a plan and do something fun;
Go see a play in your city or town!
Go see an Art display!
Spend a day just dreaming and planning for something special for the future.
Sometimes just having something to look forward to can be quite uplifting!

Encourage yourself in the Lord...

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Helpers Needed...

Remember, You are just the Helper!

Okay, now that makes me feel a bit like 2nd in line,
Maybe my job is not as important.
So there you have it...

Well, let me just look at this for a minute...
Now that spatula right in that wicker basket is pretty darn useful and Helpful;
Have you ever tried flipping an egg, or an omelet over with a butter knife?

There are more utensils in that basket that are maybe considered a helper tool,
But I would rather not be without one single one of them.
( The spatula is saying; GIRL, YOU need me)!
I do need it, I do need it!

We are all in need of Helpers,
Why must we make others feel like their job is not as important as mine?

Are only trained professionals important?
I personally want all the HELP I can get!

Just think about this for a minute;
Which one of these special crafted silverware cutlery do you really not need?
Each one is designed for an effortless eating experience.

Did you know that the Holy Spirit is referred to as the HELPER?

When the Woman was designed, for the selected roll of a Helper!

Whatever I set my hand to today; I will do it as on to the Lord!
For I have asked for the HELPER to help me...

So, I may be the Helper I have been designed to be.
And be the Helper that compliments in all that I do!

The Helper, the Holy Spirit ...
Will teach you all things.
John 14: 26

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Real Deal... And Photo Challenge

The Real Deal!

It is a gift to know and to be able to distinguish the real from the fake.

I do not want to spend my time or energy on things of no value.
One day I will have to give an account for my days here; So,
May I be a wise steward and invest my time here wisely.

Even our bodies can tell the difference of what is real, even if you see no difference's
It will say;
This does not compute...

Our spiritual man knows the real from the fake;
The fake leaves it feeling hungry and thirsty.
You may want to eat of the fake, because it looks perfect,
And  it may even be served with a spoon full of sugar.
But this will cause decay!

A real friend is hard to find, but it is worth the prayer,
And the waiting.

May you pursue what is real Dear Ones;
Do not grow lazy and spend your time pining for what is not real!

Give me the true bread, and may it be buttered on both sides,
So if I have ever been turned upside down, I still will be covered.

May my eggs always be nutritious,
 Even if they are served scrambled or fried.

Life may seem like it is filled with parables;
But you, may know the truth;
And it will set you free....

I am using this photo of a natural setting of what appears mute in color;
But I think the nature of the staples of life
Bread and Butter!
This is with my macro lens;
An AV setting.
Needing to trust that I can learn and see with the eye of a camera
Using a Rebel T4

A Personal Photo Challenge

Friday, February 14, 2014

God's Grace Overflows...

Valentines Day, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

You're like a chocolate covered strawberry...

Incredibly sweet ~
Inside and Out!

Today I am featuring my wonderful and sweet Daughter through marriage;
Here name is Amy!
And she is such a blessing to me and to my Hubby!
She is a treasure to be sure of...

She is a Valentines Baby!
That is why she is so sweet...
She loves the Lord very much!
Our son is Blessed to have a wife like her...

Amy has a very well written Blog, and takes pride in the choices of
The recipes she chooses to publish.
As they have all been tested!
 She enjoys cooking and baking and loves being a homemaker!
She has always had the attitude of growing in learning new ways to,
Make her home cozy and happy and healthy!

I would love for you all to stop in and say hello to her!
Go To God's Grace Overflows

Amy, has been a light in our hearts and our lives!

Happy Valentines Day to each and every one of you
Sweet and wonderful ladies!
May we all desire to be a light to others!
We need to encourage each other daily.

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