Saturday, March 1, 2014

Come Away My Beloved...


You are invited to a Party!

Please do not be late, for I have made a lovely setting for each of you.
I have polished the silver and place a tea cup for each of you.

You can have the choice of coffee or tea,
Scones or muffins along side the quiche.

As I was sitting there at my desk this morning I was thinking about,
This Blog called Living from Glory to Glory.
And what I believe I was given from the Lord,
  Was how this is a ministry!
We have all been placed in this this time and space together.
He told us to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together.

So I am with many of you today and tomorrow via through this blog!

I prayed for each of you...

When you stop and read my humble writings and when,
You leave me a comment it cheers my heart!
And I think she is my friend!
A fellow Godly woman, living in the place of a woman's desire.
To be heard and loved and to see others to encourage them...
Am I my Brother's keeper?

Yes, my child, you are!

I am not a dictionary or a cookbook!
I am not a psychiatrist!
I am not a Doctor!
I am not a health expert!
I am not many things with a title given to me by the world!

I am a child of God!
I am walking in His love!
I am learning how to be A Godly Woman, wife and a Mother.
Now, also a Grandmother!
I am being given wisdom and insight into many things!
I am becoming for like Him each day!
Living from Glory to Glory...

It is so nice of you to come and stay with me and party together!
What Lady does not enjoy a wonderful outing with those who are like minded?
We love to dress and go visiting!
So many of us in these days do this via Blogs;
So may we all be joyful, truthful and kind as we visit each other!

Help each other grow and show each other what has inspired you!
We are called to be together not apart and alone!
I need each and every one of you lovely ladies!

I really think Blogging has helped me through a very long, cold, and dry winter!
Your comments have warmed my heart!
And I call you FRIEND!

The has said to each and every one of us;
Come Away My Beloved...

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Rose Petals In all its Glory...

How To Dry Rose Petals, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Today I want to share with you lovely ladies a special portion of my heart.
I am a vintage rose lover;
Roses and their amazing scent just make me happy!
I adore a rose scented perfume, and oils.
The fragrance of a rose makes me happy.
I also feel beautiful and uplifted;
Like a summer day.

I have a very old glass jar, with a sterling silver lid that belonged to
My Mother; It was always filled with Rose petals;
My Mother loved Roses also and she had a few colors that she was partial to!

Different colors of Roses had a different meaning,
Or symbolized something special, a secret message.
I will have a part two describing their different meanings.

Rose Petals In A Beautiful Glass Bowl, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Displaying your dried roses can be very pretty and a way to cherish their beauty,
 For a little bit longer!
 A pretty jar or vase filled with rose petals is such a pretty way to
Decorate a tabletop or mantel.
Rose petals just make you think of femininity.

Just think spring is coming very soon, and then we once again will be in,
The Rose flower season, and after reading about how lovely
Even rose petals can make a plain jar or tea cup look fancy.
We can plan ahead and learn how to dry them to have the brightest and
Best rose petals to use in decorating and making up a batch of potpourri!

Lavender And Rose, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Rose Petals

Once you have a stash of rose petals, then you can mix them with so.
Many other wonderful flowers!

There are a few tricks to drying Rose petals to help them,
Keep their color and shape;
Check out this site HERE

Also, if you would like a very good tutorial on making a lovely
Potpourri check out this site Here 

I want to bless each and everyone of you amazing ladies;
Who desire to create a Home filled with Love and Beauty!

Love, Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Trying Not To Act Shocked...


Things seem to be looking a bit odd lately;

Everything changes...
Now, I think that is one liner is from a old country western song!

God help Us!
Try not to act shocked!
Just smile and pray!

I will not be self righteous and critical over every shocking thing!
Okay, I am shocked!

But I will learn to be kind and not Gritchedey.
Gritichedey is my own word; it means grumpy and crabby.
Or maybe it's a real word and I just think I made it up.

I know this world is starting to look like a place I really do not recognize anymore;

Memo to self....
Just because people look really different, they are loved by God.
Many people are wounded and just need to be loved.
Be willing to see with His eyes.
Look with a desire to see good.
People will only rise to the expectation we have of them.

If you see me walking around with the facial expression of this sweet,
Little girl, Just smile and know I am just trying to hang in there.
While the world is changing!

May I not be conformed to the world, but may I be Mrs. Steady
In HIS grace and power...

I had so many of those really shocking people smile at me and
 Open doors for me!
 And they told me to have a nice day!
(I think it was that facial expression I had on my face)
A smiley Shock LOOK...
Another new word for the day :o)

I pray I will never be a grichtedey old woman;
I want to have smile lines,
Not wrinkles!

I will not be shocked!
I will not be shocked!

People's hearts are more important to God than their appearances...

Monday, February 24, 2014

How the Piggies Eat...

I always laugh when I think about how often through the many years as 
Mothers have had to eat our food cold or even standing up!
No sooner when I would finally sit down, someone would need something!

And I think of the times as a child myself or when my children were little;
This one liner as has gone down into the recesses of my mind.
Now, you eat your dinner...
There are starving children in this world that do not have anything to eat.

This famous one liner in the movie...

We can and should laugh because humor is good medicine!

May we enjoy preparing our family meals, and take care in how we,
Present it, and be allowed to sit down and say Grace and bless His provisions;
And enjoy the bounties of our labor!

Using our manners and saying grace will impart a feeling sense of just more,
Then a full stomach!
We are a spirit soul and body!
We need to supply and make available a portion for each of these parts.

Your tummy could be full, but your heart may feel heavy.
God wants us to enjoy and be full in all accounts.
Make time Dear Ones to eat well and spend some quiet time with Him!

The supper table is a sacred place;
Don't answer the phone
Talk and share your day
Encourage each other
Use manners and teach your little ones!

We must protect this time of the family meal!
My children are grown and gone, but when my Hubby is home,
I still try to make dinner special!

Now, I just wanted to add this one last thought is this;

So this is always a reminder on how, we truly are blessed here in this country!
But yet I know there are really many children who do not have enough to eat.
Even in our city and town!
I think we have all seen the cost of our food budgets go up;
And we all feel the influx of this cost,
But, my heart goes out to those who are not as fortunate as we might be!

May we all give and bless where the Lord directs us as we are;
Christ hands and feet!
Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Giving to a program that helps feed the hungry!
Sponsoring a child in need!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

We Need Vibrant Colors and Tea...


Please, just a cup of tea!
A girl can become so tired and weary after a long day of making peach jelly.
Yet, what satisfaction comes from seeing those lovely jars filled with peach jelly.
It feels lovely to see the fruits of our labor.

Sitting here this fine evening thinking I am completely alone;
No one around me for miles!
I have had a lot of practice with living out in the plains;
But I am never really alone as I have a friend!
The lover of my soul!

Giving you a lovely picture of a bowl filled with limes;
Makes me think of the tropics,
And the crisp green lettuce leaves filled with life;
We need color and we need fresh!
Vibrant and alive...
Hold on Dear Ones,
 Spring is a coming soon!

Do not grow weary in doing good...

Thank you all so much being a light to those around you;
This world can be a dark place, but we all know that the darker it gets,
The brighter the light within you will shine!
Jesus is the light of the world...

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