Friday, August 22, 2014

How To Make Mississippi Mud Cake...


Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Mississippi Mud Cake

Preheat oven to 350 degrees, Also Grease a cookie sheet pan

In a saucepan, add these ingredients;

2 sticks butter

1 cup water

4 tablespoons baking cocoa powder

Whisk together and bring to a quick boil

Remove from heat;


Add 2 cups sugar

½ tsp. Salt

2 eggs

½ tsp. Soda

2 cups flour

Mix well and then pour into a greased cookie sheet

Bake 15 minutes at 350 degrees

Take out the cake and wait for 1 minute to frost it!

Frosting; Place these ingredients listed below in another saucepan and bring them to a quick boil

1 stick butter

4 tablespoons of baking cocoa powder

4 tablespoons of milk

Remove from heat and now add;

2 cups powder sugar

2tsp. Vanilla

Stir well and frost your cake quickly

Now who here has not ever tasted the classic Mississippi Mud Cake?
This cake has many alias names;
Texas sheet cake ...
Call it what you want, but please lets just
Eat Cake...

This sheet cake is the best company cake you can make,
 as it feeds a large crowd!
 It is moist yet not too sweet. It always looks very elegant and decadent.
It tastes very buttery and so chocolaty rich.
You can hardly eat just one piece of it.

This cake always brings me very sweet memories;
As my Mother-in-law made this often!
And I made this so many times when the children were younger!

What is a dessert that you make that just floods you,
With sweet memories?

When we bake and prepare something filled with love and history.
We are investing in things that make and bring;
Happy Memories...

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Disrespecting Your Husband...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog
He looks upon his wife as his most trusted confidants!
Or do you repeat every confidence he speaks to you?

I have heard too many things over the years that I believe were meant
To be private, and unreported.

We must make allowances for some of these things that are spoken;
They may be spoken while tired or angry!
We can all attest to saying something we did not mean to say!

So we must remember that when our Husbands speak in confidence to us,
We are not given the liberty to repeat it!

If you are not sure if it is something you should repeat;
Ask Your Husband if you should mention it to anyone?
I would rather ask him if I should repeat something, then to feel
Very bad that I broke confidence!

He needs to know that He can trust you with his sorrow or frustration!
We all need a safe place to speak about such things!

By keeping confidence you are showing respect for your Husbands name!
We do not want to be the ones bringing reproach upon our own Husbands
And families!
A good name is very valuable...

An older woman many years ago told me this very statement!
She said:

Are you guilty?
We have even done this all in the name of fun!
BIG mistake...
A man needs to be shown honor and integrity!
And if you make light or fun of his sharing his heart he will stop!
Then you whine and complain He never tells me anything.

If you are guilty of this type of behavior ask him to forgive you!
Ask the Lord to forgive you!
We need to learn to ZIP it...

Just because they said it; does not give us permission to repeat it!
And if you are in the habit of speaking badly about your Husband to yourself
Or to any of the others listed below
Parents, or children, or girlfriends, you are sinning!

As an older woman I beseech you to stop this disrespecting
Of Your Husband...

Ask the Lord to set a guard over your mouth!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Strawberry Fields...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

This lovely Old Bread bowl is just filled to overflowing!
We picked these lovely sweet and juicy strawberries, while
We were back East visiting family!

Strawberry Shortcake
Strawberry Bread
Strawberry Jam
Strawberry Smoothies

John 15: 1-9 speaks of only three amounts of fruit being produced
More Fruit
Much Fruit
In our lives, these are the only levels we are producing at!

Does your life have Fruit?
How about More Fruit?
We are looking for MUCH FRUIT...

Have you been experiencing pruning in your life?
If we are not being pruned you will not be able to bear more fruit.

Strawberries grow in the fields and they can bring a good harvest,
If many conditions are available.
Sun and rain and mulch!
Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Fruit from the Lord in our lives will be sometimes visible,
And other times it may take a while to see it!
Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Do we always have to have the biggest strawberries?
Actually the smaller ones can be very sweet!
I was wondering if size has any meaning at all when it comes to Biblical fruit,
But rather as to how MUCH...

After a lovely morning of picking fresh sweet strawberries we,
Then we washed them and smashed them and poured them
Over shortcakes and topped it with ice cream and whipped cream!

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

May each and every one of you bear MUCH Fruit!
It does not require labor and work;
But rather abiding in the vine...

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Beware Of The Dog...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Alpha Dog
There is one in every pack!
In the hen house we call it the pecking order!

Aggression in animal or human causes distress!
I have never enjoyed bringing a new dog on the scene
 when they are larger in size!

I find myself feeling like I am not safe or comfortable.
There is an instinct that just reacts!

Just for the record, I am not a Dog Whisper...

I have noticed that even people need to be handled with caution.
So many people in the public arena seem like they are just maxed out!
Life for many of them are feeling more burdens than
 God ever intended
for them to carry!

I am so grateful to have a safe haven where I can lay my burdens down!
I heard my pastor say that these are perilous days...

Yet, we cannot be afraid or allow ourselves to be captives
 in our homes or cities!
We must pray for protection and use wisdom,
And still be about Our Father's business.
We must walk in holiness and His righteousness.
Walk in integrity and sincerity

I have noticed if I just walk in humility and love, I can feel
The atmosphere change so people do not feel challenged!

I have the desire to see the aggression dismantled,
Are we to allow this alpha spirit or attitude to control or ruin,
Our homes and church assemblies?

I do not want to be the Alpha,
To be in control over others with either my words or body language.
For I shall walk in Christ's authority in
Love and meekness...

May we look to Christ and His Word to help us to be humble,
But wise...

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Gathering Rose Petals...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

Gathering Rose Petals...

The Roses are still blooming, so it is a good time to
Gather the Rose Petals...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

This winter you will be so glad to have some rose petals put back
 for making some gifts! Or just for your own pleasure!
They always look so pretty in a bowl or on a pretty plate.

Dear Sweet Ladies, I have a confession to make!
I am a homemaker who loves her home!
I do not desire to travel and see the world?
I can stay home all day with no inner urge to just get out of this place...
I can clean my kitchen and not get irritated that I will be,
messing it up very shortly with the next meal.
I have come to realize there is no such thing as the last load of laundry.
I am not embarrassed that I do not have a degree.
I use a spell checker!
I have gray hair and my hairdresser knows!
The Lord is my stronghold in times of trouble;
and my help for every minor thing also!
I am simple in most things,
Yet I can think up more rabbit trails, then most!
I want an older pastor to teach me...
I do not want to get to Big for my britches...
So in saying all this;
I will stop to smell the Roses, while they are still blooming;
and not wait until. 
 All I have left are the petals!

Thank you all for being my friends via
this blog...

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