Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Being Cherished...


Today is the day the Lord has made...
I am honored to have the blessings that come with being
A woman, a wife and a Mother
But being a Mother-in-law has far exceeded my
wildest hopes or dreams for another daughter through;
Marriage commitment and Love.

Here is the post my dear Amy wrote in honor of my Birthday;

I have received honors today from those I love!
Thank You Amy...

This is what receiving your rewards in this life means to me!

I think investing in those God has given us is the best investment
one could ever hope to accomplish in this life.

I am reaping the benefits of staying the course;
My Children have arisen and called me blessed...

We are called to give honor to those God has put into our lives.
Sometimes we have very hard relationships in this world;
But where we can make a difference, then put forth the effort!

Flowers and chocolates are wonderful,
Cards, and words of love and encouragement!

Make the effort to show honor;
God says to us this powerful word;
Those that refresh others will themselves be refreshed!

I laughed this morning because when I turned on my computer
even Google knew it was my Birthday!

Source; From Google (To Me)

I am counting my Blessings!

Have a wonderful Day!

I appreciate each and every one of you ladies who take the time,
To visit me and to encourage me!
May we count our blessings together!

Learning to cherish someone is what God has called each of us to do!
Cherish someone today...

Monday, November 24, 2014

Politely Asking For Clarification...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

Looking out for all the small infractions;

We are Ladies, And you might hear me roar,
But I would rather not roar as it hurts even my own ears.

I think sometimes it seems like the enemy of our souls,
Works overtime to confuse and distort what we are saying!
If we could just be bold enough at times to maybe ask
for a" clarification" when we hear something contrary to what
We believe may be appropriate spoken in any given situation.

I think the enemy hopes to silence us into not asking for clarification!

You may have heard that game where you tell somebody something,
And they in turn repeat it to the next person.
And by the time it gets full circle is being so far off
 From the original statement.

. So I think it is using wisdom when we are with a 
large or small group of people to watch for being in the
Cross-fire of the enemy using our words against us.

I have observed this from a few different scenarios lately.
This can become very prominent when the holidays are upon us when
All our families and friends get together!

Be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove...

Don't be a victim!
Rather kindly ask for clarification from the one who spoke!
We can very politely say I am sorry can you repeat that again!
Or you can say "I thought I heard you say"

We must not take so many of these things so personally.
Some people just say silly things!
Some people are just rude!
Some are just oblivious to others feelings!
Some are just not very smart!
Some have no manners!
Some really do have impaired hearing and they are just responding
From not knowing themselves what was truly said!
(This needs grace)

Rise above and be kind and direct;
(When you think you are in a crossfire of what is really
being said and what is really being heard)

We are called to know the truth, and sometimes it wants
to evade us. But we all hear things wrong at times.
I think that is why God tells us to first go to someone alone.
Then, if they will not listen, take a brother with you!

I think hearing incorrectly is not something new that the enemy.
just started using!

Does this resonate with any of you ladies!

I want to keep my peace, and that will require me to distinguish
Truth from a lie;
Facts or feelings...

Sunday, November 23, 2014

How to Reduce Bags Under The Eyes...

Tips for Puffy Eyes. Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Helpful Ideas For Puffy Eyes And Bags Under Your Eyes...

Here are a few natural remedies for puffy bags under the eyes;
For men or women

Tea Bags: 
First steep them in hot water and then let chill in the fridge
Lay back and allow them to work their magic.
Allow them to set for 15 to 20 minutes.
The caffeine in the tea bags helps with the blood vessels and swelling

Cucumber slices: 
We have all seen those on the eyes of those getting a facial!
Use a slice on each eye that has been well chilled.
Leave on for 20 minutes
These help soothe and refresh and reduce the puffiness.

Potato Slices:
Use a fresh raw slice that has been chilled,
 just on the under the eye where it is puffy.
Really helps eliminate puffiness!

Use fresh cold milk and dip a cotton ball in it and place them just under your eyes.
Reduces water retention; try this one for a few days in a row.

Chilled Spoons or An Ice Cube:
Placed just under or over the eyes
Helps with swelling.

Egg Whites:

These need to be used as a cream of sorts,
Just massage into skin just under the eyes, allow to
Set till they dry well.
10 to 15 minutes
This one is good to do while getting ready to shower.
Wash off well!
These have properties to reduce inflammation.

I have noticed so many people with bags under their eyes.
Men and women alike,
It is from a lack of sleep and the stress of our days.

I thought a list of natural remedies would be useful to many!

Tips for stopping bags from forming;
Drink plenty of water
Get your rest!
Learn to manage everyday stress.
Use these ideas to help!

Allow God's peace to fill you so you can roll your burdens onto Him...

Healthy eyes are so important;
Eat those carrots and take good care of your eyes!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Saturday In The Country...


Just a few of my favorite things;
Waffles on a Saturday morning with my family!
My Hubby actually enjoys making these up for us.
I love them warm off the griddle and served with real butter an syrup.

I love a well browned fresh sausage patty with my eggs and waffle.
I think breakfast is the best meal of the day!
I also love Bacon...
My friend made me laugh years ago, they did not eat meat;
But I did have bacon all fried up to serve with the breakfast meal.
And she was eating some bacon and I asked all shocked,
I thought you didn't eat meat?
And she smiled and said
"Bacon is not meat!"
I still get a chuckle over that one...

In the evening it is so relaxing to sit with a skein of yarn,
And to work on a project on these cold nights.

Crocheting mostly, but did teach myself the basic knitting skills
last year. One of my Grandsons will be getting that camo one.

I just pulled my Mother in laws, directions for a Granny square,
Really, it is way easier than the one I have in my book.

Do any of you have one that is easy I could get a copy of?

Looking for a few easy craft ideas to make for gifts!

Here is one of my favorite fragrances

I really think 'White Shoulders' is  probably my Hubby's favorite;
And I think all the Grandchildren think it is what I smell like :o)

Well, we have wood to split today and a project to make.
This next week is my Birthday and Thanksgiving.

What are a few of your favorite things?

Friday, November 21, 2014

Cooking Up Memories...

Please enjoy this Thanksgiving Season...

It could be the last one that you get to spend with those you love!

It could be the last one to be able to gather to count your blessings!

We are not promised tomorrow dear ones;
But we have this day...
Make it a good one!

Setting the table this year may be one less for some.
We can become sad when we reflect on those who have passed on.

I miss my Mother during the holidays
So what I am saying today is this;
You have been given another day and maybe a season
~To love and to cherish~

Keep telling yourself it is up to me the Lady of this house,
To try to instill the blessings!

What are the blessings?
Honoring someone...
Serving with grace...
Speaking kind words...
Gentle actions...

The whole world feels the weight;
But really nothing is happening new under the sun.

So pull ourselves together and get the turkey and the stuffing!
Let's Roll (get it roll)
Make some tangy and tart (Cranberry Sauce)
Taters mashed and gravy in the gravy bowl...
Sweet Potato's
Jello in all kinds of colors, with hidden objects inside :o)

Oh my, don't forget the pie!

You're not just cooking dinner for family and guest;
You are giving of yourself to impart memories that stay
For all the days of your life!

Who might not be sitting with you at your next meal?
Holidays or every evening meal,
We sometimes need to think of this thought to teach us
"To Count Our Blessings"

My heart goes out to all those who have lost a loved one his past year.

Is there a special memory you have from a Thanksgiving you
remember that makes you smile?

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