Sunday, February 1, 2015

How To Serve Meals That Are Lovely, Yet Frugal...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog, Frugal Meals, Inexpensive Meals

A Frugal Idea!

I must admit, one of my most favorite easy peasy meal is this--
A warm bowl of tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich,
Made either on sliced bread or a flour tortilla.

I think sometimes we just need something easy to prepare and to enjoy!
Even if it is just an easy frugal meal does not mean it can't
Be served in something pretty!

Being visual in serving a meal goes a very long way.
Sometimes just serving something light on a pretty platter or plate,
Is a secret key to not feeling cheated in what might be considered a frugal meal!

We all know how often we come across a pretty plate or bowl,
While on our treasure hunts, keep this in mind to find a few items,
To use for appeal and presentation of our frugal meal ideas.

If you could plan at least a few meals a week that were considered
(Very inexpensive to make) and then were able to save a bit of money.
You would learn to be very creative to keep the cost down, 
But the appeal and the presentation of it is desired!

A quiche made of eggs and a bit of veggies can be very satisfying
When served with a bit of bread!

A hearty bowl of soup made from things that were just a bit of this and that.
Served in a pretty mug can fill an empty tummy!

Can you buy a whole chicken and make three meals or more from it?
Well, If not you should learn quickly!

Can you take a few items and make a meal?
You could and should!

Do you eat out often?
May I remind you of the expense of this little convenience;
"Do not even mention the sodium and fat.

Think simple and real food items!
Serve with love and on some pretty dishes,
Say grace and enjoy...

Then serve a little bit of something sweet;
Maybe a small cookie,
 Or a little glass custard bowl filled with some pudding.
Try a  little square of some dark chocolate.

Being frugal is down right fashionable dear ladies;
It shows a great creativity on your part!
And speaks volumes to out Hubbies that we honor them
And their Hard work and the income they bring in!

We really need to ask ourselves a bit more often before a purchase,
Is this;" Is this a need or a want??"

Ask Yourself this question;
How many hours has my Husband had to work for me to purchase this item?

What are some of your frugal meal ideas?

Friday, January 30, 2015

When a Man Loves A Woman...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

When a man loves a woman...

Do you need a little cupid dust to be sprinkled upon your head?
Do you need to be squeezed and pulled into a bear hug?
Do you need someone to fan your flame?

When a man loves a woman, He loves with a deep longing that,
God put into him...
He needs a good woman!

Yes, I can hear from this side of my little screen;
You are just looking for a good man!

We need both;
Lets face it, we are seeing so much divorce and broken homes galore.
But ladies, if you could just be patient;
Wait and see if you can find that heart in your man;
Because I have some real undercover information here!

If you are married to this man called your mate;
You do have the special part that His heart is missing...
He needs a woman with more heart than looks or money!

He has a need that only you can fill!
"Trust, integrity, honor"
Wait, these are qualities that he should have!

A man needs to have a woman that is a bit above the cut!
Because it is just getting darker and harder to keep the light,
In our marriages and homes.

I know we get tired and really worn out;
But men are the targets for so many schemes and assaults out there!

I just know how much energy and time it takes
 To run a business or work a full time job...
Been there, done that!

Did not work very well for us,
But it was a training ground for me to see what it was like,
To be out in the world, and see what my husband dealt with daily!

Coming Home...
This was not just a physical move
But a spiritual one!

When a man loves a woman he wants here heart and soul;
~Even when he has not given all of his~

It's all work my dear sweet ladies;
But, just tell me where exactly you can have, 
A little bit of heaven on this earth,
Without working at it??

Open up your own little bag of cupid dust...
Sprinkle a little love!
Remember, just a spoon full of sugar helps everything!

I have witnessed a love that was grown and blossomed with the strain of
Selfishness and Me syndrome.
God's word and advice for a good marriage is powerful,
Yet, sometimes it just takes time!

There is nothing more glorious that seeing a woman well loved...

What words of encouragement or advice can we give to each other?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How To Become An Active Listener...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog; Artist Carolina Elizabeth
Artist: Carolina Elizabeth

Responding To Our Husbands

I wish I could stress enough how important this is...
Now lets just clarify right up front here ladies,
I am speaking about responding to them with our;
Words, our body language and tone of voice. And our listening to them!
And our loving them in physical ways of contact...

None of us appreciate  or enjoy being ignored when someone is not showing
Appropriate response in listening to us when we are talking.
It can be downright frustrating!

I realize at times we are so busy it is hard to just stop when, He
May be speaking to us!
We as women are always multi tasking;
But sometimes we just stop listening;
Sometimes we stop seeing the needs that are being displayed.

I can get so busy as he can also that we both realize we need some
ALONE time...

It does not matter whether you are a newlywed or have been married
For years. We all want to be heard!
And to not feel like we are talking to ourselves.

I think one of the most important skills we need to learn;
But more importantly is to use it!
Being an ACTIVE listener...

Blah blah blah

Husbands feel very disrespected when we do not listen to them.
When they are talking to us!

We can do so many things just right in so many arenas;
But I can tell you for sure this one thing that we might be doing;
Can and will cause great trouble!

I had an older woman tell me many years ago to STOP
Interrupting my Husband and to look at him when he was speaking to me!
Was my first thought, I was mad and embarrassed over this correction.
But she was right and very wise...
When I started doing as she suggested, the whole relationship blossomed!

We all need to be heard!
We all can learn to be an active listener!
We can respond with our eyes, and our head nodding!
We can respond in a way that he will be validated!

I am sure we have all experienced this;
When we are watching a movie;
And someone starts talking to us, we just space them out!
(Well, if this is the way you act all the time)
You can see that this can become a real source of trouble for a marriage.

Can you hear me?
Are You listening?

Do you think you are a good listener?

Monday, January 26, 2015

Coming Out Of Agreement...


Will you be tossed around as a wave in the sea?

There is a stronghold that can come upon a person's life;
From either opening a door on purpose or something that caught us
Completely off  guard...

I am so thankful that God gives us a way to turn from our wicked ways!
Our eyes are little cameras that take a snapshot of everything we see!
(Good and Evil)

Each and everyone of us has seen a picture that was not good;
We sometimes can see something just once and never be bothered by it!
Other times we can see just a snippet and be harassed by it.
The enemy is always looking for things that will trip us up.

So I think it is a wise thing to learn and exercise is control over our
Thoughts and images that have been imprinted on your minds.

Taking every thought captive is completely biblical!

But as with anything that has an evil intend, must be dealt with.
Firstly, God has called us to repent!
We're to repent of anything that God has not called good!

When we come before God almighty and ask for forgiveness;
Guess what what He forgives us...
Being forgiven allows us to see the freshness and purity of a restored relationship!

How to battle things imprinted is easy if you will not give up!
When that thought or image tries to come back;
You say NO WAY...

I have the mind of Christ;
I will take this thought captive and plead the blood of Jesus over my mind!

It will take practice, but I will tell you this, God has given us a way out!

Here is my post on Taking Every Thought Captive;
Click Here

Friday, January 23, 2015

Taking Every Thought Captive...

Living From Glory to Glory... Change your thinking

The Threshold

We are always able to change the direction of our thinking...
We are not robots that have been programmed.
But sometimes it does appear that some people are on autopilot!

We need to refocus and look into where we can go with our thinking,
That is pleasing to the Lord...

He tells us to enter His gates with Thanksgiving

I have found that when I have an attitude of being thankful;
I am able to be a better wife and mother and friend!

"We can make a choice in our thinking"

Are you aware or realize when the enemy is trying to
re-direct your thinking??

When you begin to disrespect your husband in your thoughts;
When you become jealous over what another might have.
When you start thinking angry thoughts!
When you become suspicious and think everyone is out to get you!

When we are good Christian people;
We are not out sinning and living lives that are terrible;
So the enemy has to use our own thoughts against us!

I have seen this happen over and over...

I am so thankful that I had a teaching given to me about this!
As I can now quickly discern when my thoughts are being bombarded
 with thoughts that come from the enemy.

Women are always thinking...
Some ladies even have trouble turning off their thoughts.

That is why the scripture that tells us to take every thought captive!
2Corinthians 10:5
(Imagination and arguments)

Do a word study on this verse and see the importance of this.

If you think the same negative, destructive thoughts often;
You will have a rut in your brain;
Like a default program
( I was told it looked much like the wagon train ruts on the road)
Hard to get out, once you slipped into it!
But I believe that if we read the word and be aware and take our,
Thoughts captive we can have the mind of Christ!

Keeping our minds fresh and alive and learning new things;
Will bring life...
Being a woman of a healthy mind is very feminine,
As you will not look worried or confused and upset!

We all know when this starts to creep up;

Do you realize everyday you can speak a new word and leave a great impression!
Get out of yourself thinking and its rut;
See what the Lord says about every situation!!

Just a reminder, Dear Ladies;
Being worried is sin
Being fearful breeds more fear

Think thoughts that are lovely;
About Your Husband
And others!
Speak a blessing and don't give the enemy your mind!
Use it as a key to witness and create and inspire for
His Glory...

Do you struggle with controlling your thoughts?
Do you believe we can train our hearts to think differently?

What I am up to...
I have been crocheting little hearts...
I have been trying to walk everyday, not doing really great at it!
I received an eight piece setting of the Desert Rose Franciscan China
From my older Brother today!
What a lovely gift to receive;
As it was my Mothers favorite pattern of China!

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