Friday, September 16, 2016

Why Do Women Think Being A Stay At Home Wife Or Mother Or Grandmother Is Not A Real Ministry...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

My Living Room...
Where I live and enjoy moments of rest and peace.

I have read many books and articles and blogs on women that have made
The decision and have  chosen to stay home.

But so often it is spoken as a negative place for housewives.
We are not slaves or maids we are keepers of our homes!

This was a comment I have left on a blog this week!

"Why do we run ourselves ragged, when we can do all things in a timely manner and still have a rest throughout a day or even just a few times a week! And being at home to keep the home fires burning is so important to the whole family! Being home was a gift to women to do the job of keeper of the home. It is a place where you can study about many things, you can create and paint and plan! We are allowed to watch our children and keep them safe from predators. You're able to enjoy your marriage and be good friends and be able to do things with them on their days off. We have seen that many ladies have believed the lie that true ministry is only real if done outside the home."

I still enjoy reading blogs, but I do not leave as many comments as I once did!
I have found my days moving along so fast that I am not sure I am always
Spending my time as wisely as I should when it comes to the computer or blogging!
~That was one long sentence~

I have tried to live my life as a loving HOUSEWIFE...

But some think we need to be extraordinary in every aspect of our lives.
I remembered years ago I was once asked;
What do you do for a living?
"I said I am just a HOUSEWIFE"

Now, I look back and I think that was one of the saddest an untrue statement I ever made!

I am a HOUSEWIFE and I am so blessed...

These women nowadays are sick and tired and many are not even wives;
They have been married and have lost so much!
My heart grieves for them!
Marriage is still God's perfect plan for families!
We need these vows to embrace and cover us in these days of No Truth...

Ministry is a word that has been distorted and has an undertone of superiority of worth.

Being able to stay home and be a wife and mother and grandmother;
Is well worth its weight in gold and value...

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Making Caramel Apples...

Carmel Apples, Living from Glory To Glory Blog

Delicious Carmel Apples...

Sometimes in the changing of a season, I have found that I needed
To do something to help with the transitioning!

Maybe all feel a bit sad when you finally start to figure out
How to do something well, and boom its time to change.
( I remember feeling that way when we were learning to square dance
You would finally get into step or rhythm with your dance partner;
And it was time to swing to the next one in line)
Now mind you I was only in elementary school; but I wanted to stick
With the one who didn't step on my feet.

Well any who;
Fall is probably one of the best times of the year cycle
In the natural and in the stage of life.
You have all heard our ages, may correspond with
Spring, summer, fall and winter!

So let's just say my time or age is the fall season.
I just figured out the summer portion and here we have shifted!
Fall is refreshing with the cooler weather yet cozy!

Harvest and putting back and getting ready for early nights!

So I was wondering what I might make or do to help me!

So I decided I had not made caramel apples in years so this is
My choice of a transitional idea.

I made the trek to town and bought some apples
Honeycrisp, not too sweet, but a bit tart.
Two bags of caramels
A small package of popsicle sticks from the craft aisle.

Caramel Apples, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Then I needed my little helper!
Together we were able to unwrap all the little tiny caramels!

Caramels, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Then I washed and dried all the apples;
And we put a stick into the center of each apple.

We placed the caramels in a heavy pan with
 2 tablespoons of water and stirred constantly!
Once melted we put the apples in the oohy gooey caramels!
Our plan was to get some nuts on the sop of them, and sprinkles
 But the camels hardened way too fast.

We placed them on some wax paper that was well buttered!
Then you put them in the refrigerator till you're ready to eat them!

Fall Traditions, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

What is new around the homestead?

I had my grandson pull out my tub
Of all my Fall decorations!
Looking forward to getting my mantel decorated for fall!

The little piggies are getting big!

Some cooler weather is in our area today!

I made some dumplings this morning!
Here is my recipe!

I ordered myself a new tea pot from;
Roses And Tea Cups

I have come to realize that in all these years that I have stayed home it
Has allowed me to be less stressed than many women I have encountered.

Still waiting for our newest grandchild to be born!

I made scones this morning!
Also the other day I made a lemon cream pie!

Blessings to each and every one of you!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

We Must Learn The Fine Art Of Letting Go...

Letting Go, A Red Bench, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

~Mastering The Art Of Letting Go~

Good Day To You All, I want to address a topic that is so prevalent
in our world today. And it has hit the family like a flood.
We as the parent of raising our children were never taught the topic
Of rejection of one's own children or from the mates they have chosen.

I have seen various examples of this devastation!

We never dreamed we would be rejected or not given the place
Of honor or acceptance in their new lives.

Now I am not talking about the parent being contentious or controlling
Or degrading of the children's relationships or choices.
But rather this very odd turn in their voicing or treatment
of their parents. Demands and controlling the parents' actions
towards their grandchildren and what access they are allowed.

And their odd request is ever changing!

Look, I am all for establishing boundaries in families and relationships!
But this is something different!

It is cruel and controlling and seems to be done from anger and fear.

I have seen so much of this from so many older ladies I have known!

It breaks the hearts of these women to have this happening.
But I also have learned the fine art of mastering the exit!

If we are not wanted or being refused, we must learn to let go and let God!

Fighting these kinds of assaults are not easily done in our own fighting.
We must stop the fighting and whining and let go.

We must carry on and learn to live even if we are being ostracized.
When our children were young we never dreamed they would
not always love and care for us!

Sometimes this happens when they marry someone that does not
approve of us or we do not meet their standards.

If you are experiencing this very thing I am so sorry,
It hurts and causes division!
But if you will just let go and no longer respond and continue to
call and write and visit them. They then have to answer their own 
Whys and How Come!

Look, just because we raised our children in church or homeschooled them
does not mean that still outside forces or a mate that will not want us around!

Pray for them to have their hearts come home!
Write the grandchildren
Live for what God has still allowed in your life!

If you will trust God and see how He will work it all out!
It may take years, but I believe that once you let go;
They will come around once it is their decision to allow you to
Be a part of their nucleus!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Vacationing With Friends...

Our Lovely Vacation...

All I can say is vacationing with friends is the way to go!

We went out to the coast and spent a week with our dear friends.
And let me tell you we all had a ball!

We found our accommodations in their lovely home to be quite cozy!
But the laughs and fellowship were the best!
Lydias home is shabby chic in decor and design.
It really is very nice and filled of course in her dining area
of cups and tea pots galore!
And she and I enjoyed using some of her very favorites to sip tea and chat!
She did serve a proper tea!
We drank a tea that was called "Yorkshire Gold"
It was one of the smoothest teas with no bitterness.

We had tea and scones every morning;
And this Lady can make the best scones I have ever had!
Lydia is a great cook!
But we did eat in some very fine restaurants while out and about!

Here she is the Pacific Ocean in all her glory...

The Pacific Ocean is very enchanting and demands respect!

There was a sign that stated this;
"Do not go past this point as even on a calm day a wave could 
wash over you and could be swept into the sea"

I believed it and I find these signs disturbing yet helpful!
Someone asked me do you want another picture of you here;
"No, I am good thanks anyways!"

The busy hub on the wharf was so alive with gulls squawking,
And boats in the Harbour as far as the eye could see!

Lydia and I walked and just took in the lovely fresh air and the smells!
Our husbands walked and chatted about everything that they were seeing!

We found a restaurant right on the port side of the sea;
It was really one of the best meals we had and we had many!!

Fresh Oysters, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Our husbands ordered a plate of fresh Oysters;
They thoroughly enjoyed them;
I did have one myself, but I am pretty sure Lydia declined.
(Quite gracefully, may I add)

Oh, we also shared a cobbler of I think blackberries and Marian Berrys,
Topped with homemade ice cream, it was so good!
We ate it too quick to get a picture--- HA-HA

Simply Tea, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Here was a lovely tea that I had ordered at this very nice Tea Room
This lovely large shop was filled with antiques and teapots!
I will mention this tea was called White Tea,
It was delicious, but it was filled with caffeine.
(Not sure I slept a wink that night)

Lydia and I truly enjoyed this experience;
We talked and sipped our tea and talked about how tea shops
were a delight to our senses!
We were served the best tasting sandwiches I have ever eaten!
She and I ate every last bite (smiles)

While we were out shopping and having lunch our husbands drove
 Around the area seeing some historical sites in the area.

This very cute bag here was a bag made by one of Lydias friends!
It is made from an empty feed bag;
She makes them from every kind of feed bag she has cows and puppies;
Even lambs and they are lined with a pretty fabric to match!
Really a strong and useful thing to have!
She is really quite talented!

I must say that vacationing with friends is the way to go!!
We loved all being together and we had such sweet fellowship;
I do not think we even were bored for one minute on this trip!

Thanks dear friends for your lovely and sweet hospitality!
Love and appreciate you both...

Lydias Blog is  called  "Home Living"

What is new around here?

I just got back again from our archery hunting trip!
It was cold and a bit rainy
Our son saw a mountain Lion!

Hubby and I almost went off a cliff with our camper and truck!
(Thank You God for protecting us with putting a tree right where we
would of gone off!
Our new camper is now in need of some repairs!
But we did not go off, it was a bit scary!
The road was slippery and we lost traction and we were going to fast!

Hank is getting big and he needs work on his dog behavior!

Waiting for our 9th grandchild to be born soon!
Then off again...
Then home again, jiggity jig!

~Happy Fall Season To Ya All~
Blessings From
Living From Glory To Glory
~Roxy xoxo~

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Disciplines Of A Godly Woman...

Author Barbara Hughes

Being disciplined is not something we do naturally!

The scripture says
  Train yourself to be godly
1 Timothy 4:7

I really enjoyed this book, I found it biblically sound and interesting.
We need a book that instructs us from a non-feminist view.

This word Train is derived from the Greek word which in English is
In other words a spiritual workout!

Like the Greek athletes who lay aside every encumbrance,
We Christian women need to get rid of every
(association, habit, and tendency that blocks godliness)

This is not to be confused with legalism;
The legalistic heart does things to gain merit with God;
The disciplined heart says
 "I will do this because I love God and I want to please HIM"

Firstly, you must be saved;
The Gospel is about what God has done!
The Gospel is the amazing news about God's son
Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross.
His death, burial and resurrection!
He was the only sacrifice accepted by God for our sins!
(Romans 10:9-11)

Philippians 2:10-11
We must see that submission applies to every area of our lives;
Choosing God's ways over our ways!
Submitting YOUR will to God's loving rule in daily life.

Ephesians 6:18
Prayer is not pulling God to my will, but aligning of my heart and will
to God's will and perfect plan for myself and others.
"That is why we must pray not my will, but God's will be done"

Word Centered
1Timothy 4:13

God Centered

Christ Centered
Luke 10: 41-42
Do not become so busy you lose sight of daily worship in all you do!
"Martha, Martha...
You are worried and upset about many things.
But only one thing is needed!
Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her"

Our Character
Our Mind
Romans 12:2
(Reading and Studying God's Word)

1Timothy 6:6

A godly woman is something we aspire to be, and it will take time and training!

Nothing worth anything is really going to cost you nothing!

Everything I do requires a part of all these character traits;
Look, we will never stop learning and growing in the things that glorify Christ!

Just because we are women does not mean we will make good wives or mothers!
~We need godly examples and the truth to be read and understood~

Applying truth and biblical principles are an everyday process!

I know each of us could find fault with ourselves or even our own parents;
But we are called to continue...
That means just because we did something wrong does not mean we should stop trying!

When I think about giving up in a certain area, I have an inner compass
That reads due north...
Keep YOUR eyes On the SON
(Jesus Christ)

Remember, it is not what you FEEL
It is what the Scripture's teach us;
Therefore, we THINK...

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Amazing Strength And Beauty Of The Hummingbirds...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

We all just love hummingbirds!
They come in many different colors and yet they are all the same size.

I just realized that you can hear them easier than seeing them!
They zip around like they are on a mission.

When we are up in the mountains, they are so brightly decked out in so many colors.

Yet some are just plain brown and with very little color!

I guess they're one creature that has ADD and we think they're special!

Moving too fast can  make us miss something we are right in the midst of.

Slow and Steady is my action mostly!
But for a little Hummingbird we think it is perfect.

So many of us even really enjoy setting out our Hummingbird feeders,
They eat pure sugar and it must produce the energy and endurance they need!

What is it that we need to fuel our hearts and minds?

We all know pure sugar would do us harm,
Yet, everything we eat does turn into glucose,
We need sustainable energy throughout our days!

We need things with substance!

We all know what cotton candy smells like and looks like;
Spun sugar, delicate and smells sweet!
But if you had a diet of just cotton candy we would plummet and drop!

I was wondering, what is the Hummingbird a bit like each of us?
We are all not going to be arrayed in bright colors;
We all do not move quickly;
We all look for a place to be fed and nourished;
We all want to be heard:

We are not made of spun sugar
But we do want to be loved and appreciated!


Hummingbirds are small, colorful birds with iridescent feathers.
Their name comes from the fact that they flap their wings so fast (about 80 times per second) that they make a humming noise.

Hummingbirds can fly right, left, up, down, backwards, and even upside down. They are also able to hover by flapping their wings in a figure-8 pattern. They have a specialized long and tapered bill that is used to obtain nectar from the center of long, tubular flowers. The hummingbird’s feet are used for perching only, and are not used for hopping or walking.

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