Monday, October 10, 2016

Make Time Daily To Refresh Your Heart and Mind...


I was very busy today as it is a Monday!
I try to get a few loads of laundry done and get my kitchen in shape.
 I wanted to take some pictures of my fall mantel and I never had time.
(This was the one from last year I think)

I did get a sewing craft finished and it is a very pretty tea cozy,
But it was one of those days where things did not go really smoothly.
But I have learned that it is in these times I get to practice 

Truly, when things are a bit off and everything seems to be a challenge;
We get to take a breath and just put our hand to the task!

If you have ever sewn then you would know about the little tool
called a seam ripper, and this is the little thing you use to rip out
just what you have just sewn together...

It is much easier to sew a seam than to have to rip it out!
(Trust Me)

These seem like days that feel like they are filled with trying things!
Hurricanes, floods, forest fires, and these political storms.

Why do we need to stop and just focus on our homes?

Well, if you do not do this you would become a neurotic person with a stress problem!

Look you cannot stop the chaos that is happening everywhere!
But you have been given the privilege to create a place of peace.
A refuge of calm and comfort!

And if you have created your home to be pleasant and lovely;
Then now you must take advantage of it!!

Stay at home a bit more often
Do not run to town or to the store daily.

Do not over schedule your days!

Keep yourself well stocked with pantry foods to make a few meals.

Buy supplies for a few crafts to make some gift items;
This will give you great pleasure!

Make yourself some tea in the afternoons!
I have found a nice cup of hot chocolate to be perfect lately.

Keep a few good books readily available to read a chapter while sitting
in your cozy corner or chair!

Keep a bible study on the kitchen counter so you can work on a few
questions each day or so!

I truly think we need to train ourselves to relax and take a breath!

If you have little ones rest while they are quiet or napping.
If you can make it just a few moments of rest of your mind and body.
If your children are grown, then you must still make time to
Refresh yourself and so then you can enjoy your afternoons.

I have found that it is better for me to decide what my evening meal
is going to be in the earlier part of the day.

When you are planning your days do not forget that
to do things that refresh your heart is just as important as all the
chores that must be done in any given day...

I took a picture with my phone!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How To Make Some Marvelous Mini Meatloaves...

How To Make A Mini Meatloaf in A muffin pan! Living from glory to glory blog

I have been making these little mini meatloaves for a few years now!

These little gems of an old time dinner favorite,
or maybe you do not care for meatloaf.
But I am hoping you will try this delicious way to make
a new an improved mini meatloaf.

The advantage to this meatloaf is firstly the size,
Because it is so much smaller than the typical loaf pan size.
It will cook really fast!

You can also make a few different twists of flavors in each batch.
You can please each member of the family.
Italian, Mexican, BBQ

Items Needed

1 pound of your ground beef meat
1 package of Stove Top Stuffing
Any flavor you like, chicken, cornbread ect.
(Or you can use your own flavored bread crumbs)
1 cup of water added to the stuffing mix

Now mix all this together,
Grease a 12 cup muffin pan with your cooking spray

Press the meat mixture into your 12 cup muffin pan.
Make an indentation on top of each mini meatloaf
Now, this is where you add the goodies

You can add
 Tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese

Taco seasoning and salsa and Mexican style cheese

Garlic salt or powder and your favorite BBQ sauce and cheddar cheese.

See the ideas are endless...

I like to add some green chilis, another time some sauted onions.

Bake in a 350 degree oven, (preheat the oven)
They cook between 15- 20 minutes.
Cook until nicely brown and cheese is lightly browned.

These little meatloaves are great for a dinner party,
They freeze really well!
They make a delicious cold meatloaf sandwich
(We like our with some mayonnaise and ketchup on our french bread)

This is a great way to stretch your meat budget also.

These are a very tasty way to get a dinner on the table quickly!

Always cooking and trying new things can be a great way
to keep your menus filled with new and inspiring foods.

Look, even the old meatloaf has gotten a new makeover!

Have A Wonderful Day!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

New Boots...

The Love Of Cowboy Boots

I have always enjoyed having a nice pair of boots;
They are a staple in a ladies wardrobe if you live in the west!

Really a nice pair of boots can be worn anywhere!
"In the country or in the city"
They can be very comfortable and great support for your feet.

They look very classy with a skirt or a dress;
And they of course look perfect with a pair of jeans!

I have had a pair of work boots for the yard and chores,
It is a must to keep the thorns out of one's socks.
A pair of boots can protect your ankle and legs from a snake bite!

Sometimes I feel like kicking up my heels and dancing a jig...

Every Spring and Fall the grandsons need a new pair of boots!
Our Men need a sturdy pair for doing all the chores!
Now, Girls need a pair to look like a country girl!

~A good pair of boots will last a girl for years~

~A good Husband will last a lifetime~

A good set of silverware will last for a very long time~

~A relationship with the Lord will last an eternity~

Blessings, Roxy

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Go Dog Go...

Go Dog Go Book, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~Go Dog Go~

This little book is one of my all time favorites!
Actually, this copy was given to me many years ago from my daughter
On Christmas Day 2004
As my original copy was tattered and falling apart!

There are so many little things I love about this book;
Firstly, there is contrast
Big Dog
Little Dog

Black and White Dogs

There is the question, do you LIKE my _______
(Fill in the blank)

Some are going IN
Some are going OUT

Some go ROUND and ROUND
Some go UP
Some go DOWN

Some are OVER
Some our UNDER

There is DAY
And there is NIGHT


Go Dog Go

Well the idea is this for me;
At different times of the day or my life I have done all of these things!

Where do I go from here we may ask at times;
Well, actually we must hold steady.
And keep going, and going...

This morning I was wondering why it seems some people choose not to like us?
Why do we not fit in with this class or this program or church?
Why do some people shun us and leave us on the sidelines?
Why does are usefulness stop being used?

Do we just have to settle for the (everybody is doing it)
Is your standard looked upon as too high? 

Or maybe as your way of doing things are just old fashion!

I can see that this next generation has learned to ignore most
Of the old traditions. And live their days with "Whatever"

But if you want to believe an Old Dog can't learn new tricks;
Well, I choose to believe I can do whatever the Lord has for me!

Because I know the end of the story!

It is a great BIG DOG PARTY...

And finally the LADY dog ask's The MAN dog
The same question again,


 I DO,
He says, What A Hat!
I like it!
I Like that PARTY HAT

Never give UP...

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Ugly Duckling Or Sparkling Swan...

Swans, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

The feeling of not being pretty enough...
Not being enough in so many areas of our lives can leave us void.

This world is always screaming more and saying you are not enough;
And it will tell us we are not doing enough...

Our plumb-line of where we are positioned has taken on a whole new dimension.

I have found that this ugly duck lie is just that, a big fat lie...
When we are young we always see all the pictures of the beautiful and lovely.
And we start to believe the lie.

And I can tell you this, that after all these many years I have come to see;
That the truth is this; every woman is beautiful in her own way!

We can all have a sparkle in our eye and a sparkle in our hearts!
You can even buy a sparkly shirt (smile)

I do want to add this one thought, being pretty and sparkly;
Truly comes from the heart and we can do what we can look
Clean and neat and kind!

There truly is no reason to feel like an ugly duckling,
Because we are all beautiful in His eyes!

"Be Your Own Kind Of Beautiful

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Making Fabric Pumkins And Adding Some Fall Ambiance In Your Home...

How To Make Your Own Fabric Pumpkins, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Making Your Own Fabric Pumpkins

I really enjoyed making these fun fabric pumpkins,
 so I wanted to share them with you ladies.

You can make them in so many different sizes and different fabrics!
And You do not have to know how to sew   : o)

Choose some fabric that has a fall or an autumn design or just considered fall colors,
Plain or with a pattern even the country style!
(You can even tea stain some material for this craft)

I traced on the back side of the material
3 different sizes of a circle's, small, medium and large.
The larger ones are a bit easier to work with!
I used my largest bowl and then a large plate and a smaller bowl.

You will need to use a needle and thread and go around the top of each pumpkin;
Do this gathering stitch just about 3/4 inch in so it pulls the gathering nicely.
Use a gathering stitch and also make sure you have a big enough knot
at the end of your thread, so it does not slip through the fabric!

Once you have finished this, you will stuff the pumpkin with your
crafters Fiberfill stuffing. You want it to be full just not overly stuffed.
(Closing up the gap in the top can be a little bit harder,
But maybe you can have someone hold your pumpkin and close it up
as tight as you can. Then tie it off and knot it a few times!
You must make sure you do this well, do not be afraid to add as many stitches as
you need to get it closed and stuffing stays inside of it)

Find some wooden stems from your trees or an old sunflower stem
or you can use cinnamon sticks as your pumpkin stems.

You will need to use your glue gun and apply enough glue to the end
Now press it down into the middle of your pumpkin.

Items Needed For This Craft

Fabric of your choice
Choice of a stem for your Pumpkin
Glue Gun and glue sticks
Moss, grass for covering the top of the pumpkins
Needle and thread
A bag of Polyester Fiberfill for crafts

Any other embellishments you like;
Fall leaves (I bought mine from the dollar Store)
Also, we found very tiny chalkboard signs we attached to some
of the pumpkins and we wrote Happy Fall on them!

This really has been a super easy and fun craft!
One of the ladies that I had over to make these told me that
she planned on making some more of the tiny ones and will give
them  away as a gift with a loaf of pumpkin bread!

I did use some burlap material, but I also had to use embroidery thread
And an embroidery needle to sew the gathering stitch for this one.
The burlap was stiff and was harder to work with.
But the burlap I chose had some specks of gold in it and was really pretty!

You can make them as large or as small as you like;

Tip: Always use a popsicle stick to push the ribbons and moss on your
Pumpkins, so you do not burn your fingers!!

~Use Your Imagination and create a lovely fall ambiance in your home~

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