Monday, March 19, 2018

Listen For The Bird Song In A Season Of Affiction...

Bird Song

I am so happy to be hearing the first spring songs being sung from
some very happy birds within our yard!

I have been so needing some cheer!

If their is one thing,I am so blessed to have and to be able to give;
Well, it's encouragement!

There are so many different ways we can encourage others.
And as we know we can even encourage ourselves in the Lord!

Have you learned yet to sing when in a trial?
Or when adversity hits right between the eyes?
Have you learned to sing in the fire?

I believe this day that we have a choice;
I have not always made the best choice on some rough days.
But, glory to God, I get a chance to do it right today.

Do you feel that you are a square peg?
Well, I know that I am so different as each of you are!
The enemy always tries to take our peace;
But, we know that if your a round peg, you will fit right in!

Don't give up, plod on and lean in to what is good and holy!
Don't buy the wares of a world that is perishing.

Make time to listen for the birdsong that is singing this fine day...
Have you stopped to be in the moment of praise and a thankful heart?

Are you just going through the motions in this season?
Well, if that is all you can do, hang on!
For remember JOY comes in the morning!

Once you come through the trial or season of affliction;
I can say this one thing;
You will be more humble and filled with a new wonder.

When you go through trials and just live a long life

What will you do with this knowledge?

Choose to be an encourager to others...
Stand For The Truth...
Take pleasure in the simple things...
Read the Psalms...
Be content with WHAT you have;
Trust the Word,
 money will not buy you love, or contentment...

Whatever my lot, the Lord has taught me to say;
~It Is Well With My Soul~

Growing in Grace
Praying For Mercy
Living From Glory To Glory

I appreciate each and everone of you that take the time to read
This blog, that has been a joy to write and share from my heart!

Thank You...

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Keep Your Private Cares To Yourself...

When you feel like giving up, LOOK UP... Living from glory to glory blog...

Everything seems large and unmovable...

But, On the bright side some things are meant to be unmovable!

Have you or a loved one been tried in your body or emotions this last season?

When we are tried from every side;
We can only go up!

We all feel like giving up once in awhile;
But it is a fleeting thought because we are able to change,
Our thoughts go in the direction we tell them to go in a way that lifts us up.
~This is called self-control~

I have learned so much in these last few months!

May I share a few of them with you?

Keep your private cares to yourself and spouse and a very few trusted friends!

Never give in to the lies of the enemy!
~The only way you know if it is a lie is by knowing what the Word says~

Be your own advocate in health matters, social matters
~Remember, you know yourself better than anyone~

Do not allow a problem or issue define who you are!
~Thanks for those wise words, dear friend~

Beware of all the health craze diets;
Trust me it can cause much harm, eat sensibly;
~All things in moderation~

You do not have to be friends with everyone you know!

Be kind to yourself...

When things get stormy make up a Battle plan;
~This will help you so much~

I want to add one more thought here on a completely different subject;
I had a very dear older lady friend that told me that it
Is becoming very apparent that the woman no longer desire or care to learn
How to be a Titus 2 women.
~Now that does grieve my heart~

Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Having A Faithful Friend Is Becoming A Rare Treasure...

Safety First, Friendships, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


Remembering to enjoy the company of others.

I think having good friends is very healthy!
We were created for fellowship...

When I was much younger, I had many so called girlfriends!
But my family was always front and center;
Yet, so many drifted away.

Do you find that maybe you are staying closer to your family unit?
Having a faithful friend is becoming a rare treasure.

What has changed?
Technology tells us we are more connected!
My heart tells me this is not so...

My Husband's place of business stresses this motto
"Safety First"

We must look at this for our homes also;
Opening the door to strangers has proven to be unsafe.

So maybe as I look at with whom I may fellowship with
Is getting smaller...
~The circle of trust~

Have you ever encountered a con man or women?

Well, let's just say that this is what they do.

"A man who cheats or tricks someone by gaining their trust

  Persuading them to believe something that is not true."

 I am not a suspicious person;
But let's just say being alone is better than opening
Your heart and home to something that is not true!

Will you be diligent and watchful?
Just because they seem so nice;
Cover your loved ones with prayer
Asking for discernment in their lives!

Be The Rare Treasure Today...

As Always, Because He Lives;
I can Face Tomorrow...
All Fear Is Gone

Living From Glory To Glory
Together As He Leads 

Thursday, February 22, 2018

When The Battle Is Not Yours...

Give it to the Lord, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

This battle is not yours!

There are times we must fight and stand and persevere;
But, may I add that there just may be a battle line drawn in the sand
You do not have to pull and tug and groan in pain...

Taking my hands off is a very wise thing to do when;
The battle gets fierce and you grow weaker...


He loves it when we say;
I am weak, but He is strong...

The Battle Belongs To The Lord

Sometimes we just have to let the chips fall where they may!
Because He holds not only the keys, but the map!

This is a treasure to stop and lay my burdens down!
We can even look foolish thinking we are in control of
God's creation, and His created beings!

Yup, laying my burdens down!

Resting and trusting in the bigger plan!

Life can become a bit like a domino effect!
One domino starts to fall and then the ripple effect.

But, for now I am just watching the dominos fall where they may!
Instead, I choose to study and read the scriptures...
Every time the fear raises its ugly head, I just look to Him!

It truly can't get any simpler than this dear ones!

I am taking a break of thinking I need to do or say something
To make these dominos stop falling!

I am so thankful for His peace and wisdom;
For every situation and season in my life.

Having a strong foundation allows you to weather out a storm in
His fortress!

Learning and leaning into His everlasting arm

To God be the Gory for the great things He has done!

Just remember this;
He Is Faithful...

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Granny Was A Bit Suspicious...

Granny Was A Wise One, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Don't Mess With Granny...

I think walking around with a double barrel shot gun;
Possibly could deter crime...

Granny was a bit suspicious!
She obviously wanted to protect something!

Now days we have alarms for everything
 Our homes
Alarms on our cars
Alarms on our business

God has even given us an internal alarm!
Warning about impending possible danger...

 Many younger women are out way too late and going
Places where they are putting themselves in danger.
And I think many are oblivious to who may be watching them!

Are you an easy target?
Do you take steps daily to ensure your own safety?
Do you give out pertinent information online?

It truly is lovely to live in La La Land;
But trust me, this is not the same America or town I grew up in!
Were not in Kansas anymore, Toto

Maybe Granny was wiser than she looked!

When you get hacked or mugged or conned,
Don't look back and say this
I wish I had been wiser...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Look under your car after it has been parked for a bit
Lock your door of your home, even if you live in the country
Park, close to the store when possible
Look at your surroundings
Make eye contact, let them know you're watching them!

Teach your child self safety
Stranger Danger...

"Silly Girl can have fun, but to be stupid is unacceptable"

Living From Glory To Glory

Saturday, February 10, 2018

How Taking A Nap Is Pure Wisdom...

The Wisdom In Tking A Nap, Living From glory To Glory Blog

~Taking Naps And Refreshing Ones Self~

I have had this thought in my heart for many weeks;
I truly think we are living in a culture of crash and burn!

No one takes time to rest and refresh their hearts and the mind for;
Even a few minutes in any given day!

Napping is lost in a world of go and do...
It always reminds me of the hamster on that little wheel going
Nowhere really fast.

There seems to be a bit of guilt for needing or wanting to take a little rest
in any part of your day. I am not suggesting hours,
20-30 minutes if possible!
And not everyday, dear ones, but as needed!
Some seasons and days are just more trying than others!

But in times of undo stress or winter days, or blazing heat;
We need to stop and rest in a comfy chair or couch or even your bed.
It use to be very common for a home or a bedroom to have
A lounge chair.
Keeping this in mind, we can have a little pillow and blankets handy,
For such a quick cat nap...

We are so busy are minds can become stressed and cluttered;
Learning to take stock in a few moments of down time can refresh
you so very much, you will feel renewed.
Not grouchy or cranky!
Those character traits are the very reason we put our little ones
down for a nap!
(You remember the attitude of that child that happened to miss nap time)

When I look at how even God allows His creation to rest!
Winter comes and plants rest in a dormant state.
Even some wildlife migrates or hibernates.

Take time and read and put your feet up!

I was deeply troubled to read an article on how many deaths happen
Because drivers fall asleep at the wheel.

Anyone who suffers from insomnia can tell you the disruption
lack of sleep will cause you!
So if we can stop feeling guilty and rest more often'
We will have greater clarity and a kinder disposition.

Are You A Napper...

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

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