Friday, February 15, 2019

Do You Hold Grudges...

Do You Hold Grudges? Living from glory to glory blog...

You better learn to be a bit like Mary Poppins;
~ Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down ~

Holding a Grudge or Choosing to Forgive...

Do You Hold Grudges?

What happens when you hold a grudge against someone?

When you hold a grudge bad things happen to you mentally and physically.
Holding a grudge is really un-forgiveness.

Here are a couple of examples of how holding a grudge really works;

Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to get sick.
Holding a grudge is a bit like lighting ourselves on fire and expecting the other
Person to die from smoke inhalations.

When you read this it all sounds pretty stupid!

Why do people hold grudges?
Self preservation!
Wanting to be right!
To prove a point!
To retaliate from a hurt they were subject to!

Holding a grudge will only hurt yourself you mught think
But actually it hurts the whole dynamics in a family
Also in the church, and in the work place.

A grudge turns into anger, then bitterness!
Hate, then death of life and joy and kindness.

So many turn into vindictive people once they are hurt
And then decide not to forgive and to hold a grudge.
It's a form of control!

"I'll get you my pretty"
The witch told this to Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz

I get it...
We have all been hurt somewhere by someone.
It happens in families in marriages
But, holding a grudge is toxic!
Forgiving someone does not mean you now have to hang out with them!
And it does not mean you have to allow them in your life.
But you need to forgive and to be civil and respectful.
To be at peace as much as is possible.

Holding a grudge will make life unbearable for yourself and everyone
Around you, as you will be a form of an angry person.
Like in the movie, Toy Story
 Mrs Potato Head said to Mr Potato Head
I packed your angry eyes for you...

We have all seen the effect of knowing when someone is holding a grudge.
After all it truly is a heart condition!
You can either have a healthy heart or one heavy laden.

Sending a big hello to you all!

Life is either like a bowl full of cherries
A chair filled with bowls.

You do have a choice!

Always, Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, February 11, 2019

Sunday Dinners...

Sunday Dinner, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

There was a time when Sunday Dinner was considered a pleasure.

The aroma of a pot roast cooking or burgers on the grill;
It was family time...

Grandmas and Mothers took the preparing of this meal as a joy.

We always expected company,
So we always added a bit extra to the pot.

Dinner is served on Sunday at 5:00

It can be done in such a fashion that makes all feel welcome.
It can be done as easy as you need it to be!
It can be done because God gives you the strength!
It is to bring life to another, the substance of sharing a meal together!

Pudding Cake Mix, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The reason for this Blog post is to help turn your heart to fellowship!
Not social media hour!

You want some Face Time?

Well, here is a nice safe place to do it!
Around your own table...

We live in a culture that thinks they need to share every moment of
Their private lives with you!
Using Emoji's

I want to connect with an Old Fashion Tradition...


Make it simple
Make it elaborate
Make it from the heart
Make it and they will come...

One day a week to reach out and yet stay HOME
Stretch your imagination,
Cook most of it a day before,
A Casserole
A pot of soup
A sandwich
A pot of simmering spaghetti sauce!

Feed our souls...
Feed yourself...
"Because those that refresh others will be refreshed themselves"

Be refreshed Dear Ones
Be Cheerful
Become not just a house
But be a HOME
That says
~ Welcome ~

As Always, I share what I am learning...
Living From Glory To Glory

Plan a Sunday meal...
Because its worth your time and energy...
You have a whole week to plan!

Friday, February 8, 2019

God Can And Will Use Cracked Pots...

God Uses Cracked Tea Pots, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~ God Can And Will Use Cracked Tea Pots~

As I write this post this morning my heart is full!

I have had to go over in my own life and the life of this Blog;
I know many at one time followed me or stopped in for a visit or,
Left a comment that encouraged or inspired me to continue.

Do you ever wonder why some people come into your life and yet?
Will leave without a proper Good-bye.

I think we as women need to have a safe place to grow;
And to be encouraged and to be reminded of what is right and wrong.

We wonder sometimes why so many have gone astray;
Well, I lean toward our rebellious hearts.

We like to believe we can do it our way!

My desire is to be cheerful in the midst of a busy world!
I find great solace to be quiet at times,
Times to laugh until it hurts.
To allow others to not involve me into their lives.

O often like to think I blogged for me;
But, I now know it is to speak and to share words from my heart!
I may ask often is anybody out there?

We must be wise with where we spend our time!

I do pray as long as I feel led to write on this Blog
Living From Glory To Glory
I will do it for YOU
For God's Glory...

I have said so many times this little phrase
"No one ever told me these things"
Well, what things?

Those little reminders of what you say and do for others
Husband and Children and Family and Friends,
And even the strangers, can make a profound difference!

Just when I was weary and tired and cold;
Up pops one of those comments that make me cry!

Dear Roxy, yourself and Lydia (of Home Living) have lifted me out of many a bleak day over the past few years. You point out the important things in life and have reminded me to be appreciative of the small (and important) things in life. God bless you abundantly for the time you spend on your blog posts. As you press the 'send' button you have no idea how it might be helping a stranger many thousands of miles away. Love from the U.K

Thank you for your word of LOVE and Encouragement...

Yes, some days are just bleak Dear Ones,

Notice how just one encouraging word or smile can change everything!

I love the scripture that says
~ He makes all things new ~

Love yourself with His LOVE
Love others with His LOVE
Love because He compels us to LOVE 

Love, Roxy

Monday, January 28, 2019

Introducing A Dusting Magic Wand... My Own Review Of The Swiffer Duster...

Dusting Wand, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Introducing A Dusting Magic Wand...

"Finding easy and affordable tricks for keeping your home clean"

I think this little home cleaning tool is the next best thing since,
Sliced Cheese, Now who said that?

These little dusting cloths are amazing!
They allow you to dust a whole room in a matter of minutes..

I place one of these little wipes on my magic wand;
You purchase the first box of dusting cloths that contain the handle!
But after that you just buy the refill box of cloths.

1. Just fluff out the cloth
2. Now attach it to the little handle
(Magic Wand)

These little cloths grab the dust and doesn't let go!
The fibers are coated and they magically attract the dust!

I first wipe over all my picture frames on the wall.
Then I wipe over all my lamps and the shades.

You use it on the screens of your electronics.

I use it over and around all my knick knack decors;
I run it over all the tops of my books in my bookcases.

Use it between all tight spots!
It does a great job on the in-between spindles of the kitchen or dining room chairs.
You can dust a desk off in a flash!

It works great on your mini blinds!

You can even buy the extender to do the tops of your fan blades.
Also to reach those pesky spider webs that appear in the corners.

You can purchase the Swiffer brand.
But I bought my first  box of their brand at the Dollar Tree
And another box at the Dollar General Store!

I believe these dusting cloths are the best find ever!
For being a Homemaker that enjoys a clean house,
But can find moving everything to dust exhausting.

I would recommend this to every one of you ladies;
Even the kids would get a kick out of cleaning with it!

Put this little home cleaning tool down on your shopping list!
It will be well worth your time and money ladies!

There is no longer any reason to have dust covering everything in your home!

You may say, well I can't afford it,
I would say this, What is your time worth?
What is the minimum wage now days!

Look these little dusting magic cloths are cheaper than a maid.

And a dusty house is so ugly...

You can now dust a whole room and the house in minutes!

Trust me...
They are amazing

This is my own review and I just wanted to share this product
With like minded home keepers...

~ Beware Dust Bunnies ~

Hugs, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Use Your One Talent...

Use Your Talent Well, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

If Only...

Do you use what is in your hand?
If you will only use today the one talent God has given you today!
We do not save up our God given little gifts;
They must be used daily...

Use this one gift for God's glory today;
And he will give you more!

Sometimes we do not realize what talent we are holding in our hands.
If we will just do our little duties faithfully!
By doing this with a bit of love our skill and awareness and ability will grow.

~ I have a saying, life is too short for a bad cup of coffee ~

Even been known for making a great cup of coffee or tea is special!

We are to never stop learning and growing in using our talents for
Homemaking and keeping the home fires burning.
Things are truly getting becoming out of proportion to what is considered
A talent that is either great or useful.

I think we have so many books written on how to do everything,
We have access to so much information!

But if we will but take one thing daily and use this for our home and loved ones!

We all have something in our hands daily!
Use it to bring peace and calming, to our homes!

We all need a place to feel safe and warm and loved;
And to be able to expand our ability to give and learn!

Two examples asked in the Bible;

What do you have in your house? 
2Kings 4:1-7
(She had a little oil)

What do you have in your hand?
Exodus 4:20
(He held a staff)

There are so many that grow discouraged by doing only little tasks!
But, it is the little daily tasks that keep  our lives running smoothly.

Truly, faithfulness shall never regard what is done in faith as small or unimportant!

Dear Ones; Use Your One Talent Today...

Much Love and Appreciation for all your reading and comments on this blog!
Encourage someone today...
One kind Word can keep a person going for another day...

Hugs, Roxy

Sunday, January 20, 2019

How The Full Moon Affects Me...

The Affects Of The Full Moon, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The Full Moon

I have always been effected from a full moon,
Even as a child it caused me to not be able to sleep.

Sometimes I am not even aware that it is close to the phase of a full moon.

But I believe it affects my sleep and causes me to feel a bit unsettled.

I was listening to a sermon that talked about when the sun and the moon
Will grow dark and the stars will not be visible. 
And he said that the oceans would just go crazy, because it comes
In and out with the pull of the sun and moon cycle.

The moon is responsible for the ebb and flows of the tides

Look, I am not talking about howling at the moon;
But rather the lack of sleep I get from about a couple of days,
Prior to each months full moon.

Here are just a few scriptures that speak about this.
Luke 21:25
Acts 2:20
Joel 2:31
Matthew 24:29

I think the full moon is so very pretty!
I love taking pictures of it!

When the full moon comes every month, I just try to rest in my bed,
And meditate on God's Word!
To lift others up in prayer!
To just listen to scriptures on my Bible radio!
This little radio is the coolest thing ever!
I bought mine on Amazon in NKJV

A Bible Radio, Living From Glory To Glory Blog..

Or to just read in bed using my handy book light!
That little book light is the best idea ever.

I think we always need to be aware of how different seasons and situations
Affect our body chemistry.

Taking all things in stride...
Ebb and Flow

Nature does affect us and we should always consider how,
 Rainy days and windy days make us feel.
Sunshine and blue skies and all is right!
But snow storms, thunderstorms
And Full Moons
But just rest on this;
This too shall pass...

Tonight The Moon Is Full
Sweet Dreams
Always, Roxy

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